HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 1989-01-12^ ReceiPt # l;c6 Job Locaticn: Assessors Map # Subdiuision: 2tmer Address City Tc.r Lot: ll Phone (rl'5K lttt €^ a Z t-l L/r/7 t/'f/>V/74 L l- ls-tr cc Date: propet' tLmc, that each addtesc is readab-'e ' nw;;bet', job arlc:'ess, type of itispec=iot ntmbct'. Pequests recei"'ed befcre 7:00 a:' 8/trba3 Descri-be h'orl<: Val,ue ldditicn RenoCeL /5 ,A E=; Date of App Lieatian /-lz^a2 GeneraL C o n s ! mt c,!! e y_Lg rr!9r SITE INSPEC?ION: To be nade after escilaion, Tut prior tc set up of forne. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECH\\IICAL: To be made before ang ifrE-i-i-i6oeted. FCOTING & FOUNDATICN: To be rmCe ifter'tt incdes TFJircauated attd forns are erected, but prior to pouring ccncrete. i-'1 u tt >tncRou u D pLUMpf lt!)_Ehryi,_ wU t 3',J- Ltng trenches. UNDERFLOOR 'CAL: of floor insu tion or decking, Iout, City Desigtuzted Job Nwnbar fs: DRY\\ALL .TNSPECTI)N: Tc be made after aLL dryaall is in Place, but; pr.ior to GnA taPing. MASONRI: Steel loeation, bond iiffii]groutirt3 or uerticals in accondance uv|th U.B,C. Section 241 5. INSI}LATION/VATOR F!RRIER TIISPEC'TIOI] : f" tn ,"an aftei.r aLL insulaticn anrl required oapor barrie"s a?a in place bui be|ore ang Lat:h, gAPsun board or tnLL cooering is appLied, aru7 before ay insulation is concealed. It ie the responsibility of the pemdt holder to see that aLL tns1ec_tions are nade at i;he fnon the stre'et, and that the permtt catd is Located a!; .t-h-e_ ftolt of the _ptopet'l:y.ie"i.tii."g ilriito" approu*ed plan sfu:Ll yemain on the Build'i.n,j Si.i;; at. aLL tirnes. pt?ocspupE lo? INO?E7!!9!__8!9!ES!;CALL 726-3769(recorder) state 11oun City Cesi.grnte,l ,iob eadyfot,inspection,Cot,ttr,actarsorasnersncne,;ndp1lone'siil be nade the e&e day, r,equests-made afier, 7:00 6Tt uiLL be nade the narl;'sorking day. POST AND BEAM: To be made Prior to ii&iTTfil6{of floot' insulation or decking. ROIlGH PT,UTIBTI1G. ET,ECTN!CAL & I|ECII- alltur: niaoik is to be cotet'ed GiiT-these inspecl;ions haue been made awl approted.. FfPEPLACE: Pt'lor to plceitq facittg materials and before frarning inspec- tion. FRAIIII\G: lutust be requested aftet' approual of rough plwnbing' electni- cal & mec?nnical. All t'oofing braeing & chinmeya, ete. tntst be eompleted. Ilo ucrk is to be con- eecled unttl this inspection has been made anC appro,-ed. [9928!OJ/E: After installation is atnpleted. CURB & APPRCACH APP,9N: After fonns are ere"t;I'6ut Wm to pouring concrete. SIDEWALK & DRII.E\|,|I: For all ccn- ;;"t;n"1,6;Eil" s treet right- of-txA, to be maCe aftet' aLL eeca- oating complete & fotn wrk & sub' base matet'i.al in Pl,ace- IENCE: h4ten conPlete '- ProuiCejfrei or mooable sections through P. U.E. ALL ptojecb eontlitions, suc!.:. cts the .i.nstaLlaticn of sLreeL tree::, -'onpleLion-of Lhe nnqi.r.ria- tond."."pr:rg, cte., mtst be saLisfi-cd before t)he BUTLDTI'I7 [I!]AL can be requested' ilNAL BUI1'DINC: The I'inal Building fnspeatiott rntst be requeste.C after tltc Pinal Plumbing El";.iri;;i;'anC Mechanical rnspectlons ltaoa been nade and approucc' FIIIAL PLUI4BIIIG FINAI, MECHAIIICAT, FINAL ELECTRICAL APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North ith Street SprLngfield, Oregon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 .. RESIDE-TIAL..SPFIINGFIELD 14echariccL DEtioLl',lrcll 0R ; :0v! -. B'l rLDi;ics Sanitg.ses* :apped cL pt'opet'ty Line /b Sepil1 tattk p'"t::ped and filled uith gra:tel linal - I{hen abctte itens ate ccrnpleted an;d uhen Cencl:ltion is conplete or st"uJ- ture moued attT prenises cleaned up. bU Ir'lob 1-Le ftcmes Blocking and Set-uP Plwnbing connections -- saier ard uater Electrical Ccnnection' Bloeking' set-uo and plwnbing eannections rc;st be apprct;eC befoi c requb sting eL eclr'ieal insp ec !io:': Accessory BuiLC:-ng Pirnl - After pct'ckes, skirting, decks, etc. a?e conpleled. Pege 1 of 2*AI,L I4ANI1CLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSTNLN, AD,IUSTIIE\II TO BE I''!ADE IT IIO C:ST TO CI?Y n \\a SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-cJOB NO. L-CO BeCrooms LCT TYPE _ Intez'icr Conner Lot taces 'Lot Sq. Ftg.lleat % cf Lct Ccoerage_ I of Stories Total Height TopographY Df House Aecesa pi Panhandle CuL-de-sac -- Fees -- I?E!4 X Value Building Vcllue & Permit Thts permit is gnanted. on the erp"ess condition tLn-t the- s'zidtconsttaction stnll, in aLL ,especti'-.oit1or-lbo th-e 0rd'inance adopteC !;lJ the city 2f snnt',nofielrl. includinq'the 2onlng Crdinance, regulctirzg the ccnstrusticn ;1:;';i'"";FL";;;;;;;: ";,a- ^,v a"" '"opendec ot' r-euokec at cnv time upon uic- Lation of any prcoisions of said ordinances' TATAL VALUE s.D.c. 1.5 x Building Pertnit PLan Date Paid: State #: Total Clwrges Signed: ITEM NO,FEE CHARCE Plumbing Permit No Dct,son sl,nll eonstvuct, instalL, alter ot' ehange an| neu)-cr' ecisting ';i,^trbr;" ";;r"t;",iZ "i"ien in ahoi.e or in pa*t, inless such pe*son is the 'Legal possessot' of ";L1;e fi*,Lret'ts Licens'e, except that a !?'u2 ma'1 do plmbing aork to poopnnty-,ilrL-ih is otned, Leased ot' operated by the appli- cant. Firtt*es Residential (1 bath) Scni Seuer Pl'atnbing Pernit State Swckarge ]TE!4 Electricql Permit Weye State t,a,s t,equiz,es that the electr,ical uor,k be done by an Electt,ical Cont,actor,, the electti.,-c"t'pootto" .of this _pe*nit shall not be ualiC until the Label has been signed iy the Elecbt'ical Contractor"Nas/Estend Circuits Set uice State Total * ]T!M NC f LL CIIARCE Mechq nicol Permit STUIS Esharct HooC Vent Fcn Wcodstote Pentrit Issuance Mecltanicel PeY'nrit -. ENCROACIIMENT -. Serv,u,itu Deposit Storage Maintenance Permit Cvrbcut Sida,talk !ence Electrical Label Mobtle Hcne /B^* 7ev,--"c>',f-*'> -/P /zz-E>T;aaTV- I I,AVE CAREFULLy EXAMINED the eompleted application fo1 penntt' and do ini"ty c,e.ytifa that aLL infotnation he,eo'n' is true and co,rect, anl r furthLr certiiy that ana ar.d aLL uork perfor'aed stnl-L be done in accot'- 'dan.e vith th'e" orCiiti,c"n" o7 ihn City of bpningfieLd, _and. th-e Las of thc * State of Onegcn pertaining to the uoltk Cescribed herein, cnd tlnt N0 )CCU- pANcy uitl be nw,7e o| or4" ut u",ture uithout pennissi-on of the Building Di.- uision. r funther in"i;iii that only contt'actot's and enplcyees uho are in conpltance Atn cns 701.055 uiLL be used on this proiect IotaL l- t)- TOTAL AMAUNT DUE:*7/.65 * t{ Date k1