HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-08-07La/v Job Loeation: Ic,z Iot ilAeaeeaors MaP fr SubdiDision: A-mer: - Phone: City: Deocrtbe Nonk: Date of t--l Ned $ Va lue L ldditicn t rac Gener Plurnb ect r Su ll.. RESIDFNTIAL.. t/PERMrr !o 2415, 54'! APPLICAT 225 North |th Street SprLngfield, Oregon 97477 Bui,Ldi.ng Diuisi,o.n 7 26-37 53 cEr:clan SITE INSPECTION: eccauation, but ' ?o be trude afterprior to eet up of fotme. ' Iour City Deoigr.ated Job Nwnber fa:8qo 100 SP'IINGFIET-D a Laticn Date: ll I^t ie .the reepoaaibility of -tlc penrit lzo-td* to aee that atl inopectiow are nade at the proper tine , that ecch 6ilrees is reaCabiefrol the Btreet, and ttat tha penrlt oatd ie Located at the front of the orooettu.tBuiaing biuicion appro"*ed plan elull renain on tle Buntding site Zt alt' tihes.- PR11EDUPE Pon INswcaIgN,lg;gtllsrlCalU726-3769 (tecord.en) state your city Ceeignated, job ntmber, job addrees, type - ::.f"",'-"1_yd.17hen you.viLL be ready fo1 inepection, cotrtracton" oi olmers ,1ctne Znd pttoine nwibcr.' rtq"irit rcLeiiiedI"LLL be nade the eane dcy, tequeata nade aftet, ?:00 on utLL be nad,e the nert wtkittg iay. of inspeclicn befcre 7:00 s:r x wrk ie copered. ycquired oqon bartie?a clre in placebut before ory Lath, gypaun boaz,C or tnLL .couering ie applied, old. befoneoty inaul,ation is concealed. N-OTING & FOUNDATI1N: To be tmdeafter trenchea are eseauated and forme. ate erected, but priot to Wuring ccncrete. tLirq trenchee. wp?RFLOo! ?LU!.B rvc e- ilEcHAlrcAL:robenad.e@of floor ineulation or decking. P_OST A-ryD BEAM: To be nade prLor toi.natallation of floor inaulation ordecklr1g. DRYHALL IIISPEIION: ?c be rmdeafter aLL dtywll ia in place, but pnion to ang taping. Final - t{hen abcoe itens ore eanpleted and uhen d.enalition ie corplete bn s*ac-twe noued ard prettrteee cleaneC up. MASONRY: Steel location, bond beana, grouting or uez,ticale in accondance Dith U.B.C. Section blt Sanitary aeuet capped at property Line Septic totk puryed atd filled vith gra;tel Hcmee Blocking otd Sat-up Plunbin4 connectiono -- acoer and aaler Electrical Cottnection - Bloeking, eet-up and- plwnbtng connectiona rruat bL- approu'edbefore reque eting elec tytcal inspeZ':ion Aceeasory Bui.lding!until theae inspeetiorts haue beennnde atd approued.. FIPEPLACE: prtor to pkcira facinannterialo atd before i"r"i"g ir"p"Z_tL0n. FRA||ING:, ttuet be requeated aftenapprooal of r.ough plitrbing, eiectri_@,1 & neclanical. ILL robfittgbraeing A- chinmcya, etc, ntuet'be : coilPLetcd. llo utork ie to be con_ '-cecled unti,L thia inepectton ii.e'bee.n nnd,e anC approoe1 CURB 8 APPRpACil ApruN: After formsare erecbed but prtor to pouring cotTcpete. SIDEI,IALX E DRfVil'lAI: For all, con_cr.eten@ uITifi etreet nigttl-of-txA, to be nwde after all Zcca-oating canplete I forn usork & sub_fuse nnterial in plnce. I,IOODS?OVE:e@a.Aftet inatallation ia IENCE: hhen complete -- ptouiCe gate6 op nooable aectione thnougl", P.U.E. Firal - Aftet _pcrc,hee, eki,rting, d.ecks,etc. are eanpleted. FTilAL PLIJMBII,IC FTNAL MECIIANICAL FIIIAL ET,CCTRICAL -.:eLL projebt conditione, such aa the i.nstallation of street treee, conpzat,ion of therequined Landsccpirq, ate., mtet be satisfied. b"f;;"-li;-;un6ltuc FrNAL can be requested. @ ;Xi,!r!:i:ffi ,#:**::i,,x:;*i1r,:l"li?,1*oz#",,i"d2.#.y;i:jqrtep the Finat ptunbins *ALL MAI'IIICT,ES AND CLEANOUTS NUST BE ACCESSIBLE, AI),IUSTIIETII TO BE I,L4DE AT NO COST TO CI?Y Pege 1 of 2 r T J)rrp JOB NO Total soLAR ACCEs s REQ.-L-CO G+ Bedroona:Zone: Iot Sq. Ftg.LOT TYPE Interion [.at Facee - SeI of Lot Cooerage_P.L Ilouse Access. ll of Stories Corner Panlnndle Cul-de-eac Total Height Topographg -- Fees -- TTEM FTG Va Building Volu'e & Permit Thid pemrit ia gtanted on the eaPtess cord,i.Lion that the said'consttacLion shall, in atl neapecti,"'.o"iii'i- th-e ordinance adopted I1'y the city of springfielil, inctuding'tiZ-zo'1""g Ctdinanc.e' negulaiittg .thb c111t7:l:t:.,^ -oira u"o'n of-Luildings," and nay be- euapended or reuokec at cf'y t'-me uPon oLc- Uiii" o7 ony pncuZsiona of eaid ordinances' nbin TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 r Building Permit I)ate Paid: State 7=ReceiPt il: NO.FEE Fi,rtwee Reeilenti,aL (1 bath) Seaer cant Plunbi.ng Pernit State a I P tNO,E I e c t r I c o e r m I Lectrical uork be done of this Permit slall ''to.ecttical Contractor' by an ELectrica L tfiere Str;te knt tequirea that th'e e T":"rr*ir, \ie elictri.al aortion i;- Lrb;1 iras been aisned b' the EL be oa LLd utl ti L Neu/Extend Circuits Seruice t To Mecho nicol PermitrEECIIARCE , Erhant ltooC. Venb For ttcodstooe Permi.t Iseucnce Mechanical Penmt * Pennit Capban! Sida'talk Mobile ltone LL \OTAL AMOIJNT IIIJE: ^ 79.2s t A Dabe R t.R\t'(0 4\n0lataaa -, Acceasoru Total Clnrgea E--*&: Date lt 225 North ,"n i"o."Or"t"O' spttngfield, 0negon 97477 Ayt Lding Diuisio.n 7-7 26-37 53];, Ceneral Plurnb l.lec n].Ca S 1n E ec l-,:lan It ie the ..RESIDENTIAL..SPIIINGFTEI-D- t/PEnMrr raeponaibi-lity of tle permitreet, and, that the pci.ttD)uicion appro-u-ed phn atat that all inopectiona at e nade fiir'1,:"{*rii""L'Xif i:f^Z:?' Date: at the p"oper tine, that aceh :drtneas is neaCabie job a,l.ireas, type of inspecltcn Requeete receit:ed befcre ?:00 cn L/7'>7 ?10 !.towD Sanilary setter capped et propeftg- Line Septic totk pmped and fitted with gral;el Final - l{hen abcue itens are eonpletedand uhen /awtition ie canplete Zn- "lh"-ture noued and. prenrteee ctZaneC up.- '-- frotn the e t Building escaua fotma. FITIAL PLUMBINC PTilAL NECIIANICAL PIIIAL ELECIRICAL t hoden to aeecatd ie Located L renain on the Pnols?yqq FoR, rysp sr,CaU zrequested and ahen uor viTTEneady fonuill be nade the "dr" a"y, nequeete ncde 26-3769 (tecorden) state yout City deeigrated job nw;bet,,inapection, contractora oi armere- nane Lnd pnone n,nber.after ?:00 on viLL be nade i;-;;r;;;niiirg d"y. rour City Deoigr.ated. Job Nunber ro: 3 4C ?o be tnade aftez. PrLot to eet up of tm.de Fq)TINc ,t FOUilDATION: ?o be nad.ealtet trenchea are ezcauated attd forme. are erected, but prior i Wur-Lng ccncrete, DLIffALL=I_-NSiETION: ?c be nndedlter aLL dnywll ie in pla,ce,but ptior to any taping. Lir4 trenehee. to, floor inaul,ation or d".Xiiil---" -' P_OS? 4ty.D B!!M: ?o be nnde prior toinetallation of ftoor ineulLtion orcleckLtlg. AASailRY: Steel location, bondbeane, grouting or uertiZate inaccordantee Lrtth U,B.C. Section 24 1,5, IIOODSTOVE: anpleted. until theoe inspectians have beennwae arrd. approuei. PfPEPLACE: prior to tnnteriaG and, before'r#;A {::;:Z-tL0n. FRA|IINC: l,tust be tequeated afterapprooal of rough pt;rrbing, Jiitrt_&,1 &- mechanical. nLL ro-ofingbracing 6- chinmeye, etc. nuet" be) cornp-Le-tcd.. llo utork ie to be con_ .cecled until thio tnepecaan iiDee.n ,tad,e anC apptoued. Aftet, inatallation ie ?ENCE: A1ten conplete -- ptouiCe CURB E APPRTC4Cil ApplgN: After formsate erected but ptior to pouniiqcottcrete. SIDEI,IALX E DRfWI,tAy: Fot, all eon_cr-ete pauitq uithin etreet right_of-yy, to be nade after atl Zxca_oatLng canplete E for:a uork g sub_base nate?ial in plaee. ilcmea Blocking od Sat-up Plunbi.ng connectione -- aaier otd, 6a2sy Electrical Connection - Blocking, eet_upand- plunbing connectione ,*et t"n'opiro"*Labeibre requeeting eleclrtcal inspec'lion Acceesory* Buildi,ng Final - Afteretc. are conp pcrchee, leted. ekirting, decl<s, gates or nouable aectione throujh,P.A.E, -.--ALL projeit eondittone, such aa the i.nstallation of Btreet treee, conpletion of therequired landsccpins, cte. ' nuat t" iiliiiia uir":""" tnZ'iri:iFr1"r, prNAL can be requested. FrttAL BUrLDrtlc:- The Finat Building. rnapection nuat be tequeated after the piral ptunbingL-/ Etectricat, a,,a ueornxii"i ffi2"';ri;h;;;-L;;;;",iaz" r,a dppnored,. /JOD Locaoion; a,a Aeaeaoots Map ll Tc,t Lot il Subdilision: A^mer 3?(+14-Address:Phone: Ci Deacribe llotk: ValueDate of npplieatian B-b # Additicn nEra S ec E rica *AI,L I4ANIICT,ES AND CLEANOUTS NUS? BE A CCESSIBLE, AT),II]STIIETII TO BE TL4DE AT NO COST TO CI?Y Pege 1 of 2 tr n L-CO GZ. Bedroone: SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- Zone: JOB NO. lot Facee - Aecesa.P. L. Lace t I-ot Sq. Ftg. 7 of Lot Coterage ! of Stories tnr ?vPE _ Inteniot Corner - Porhrndln - Cul-de-aac Total lleight TopogtaPhY ValueAFTGrTEM TOTA T, VALUE s.D,C. 1.5 c Da te Pai,rl Sigtedt Buildingl Permit Total Clntgea SLdte A'O. Fbtwes Residenti'al (1 bath) Seuen * No Person plunbing Legal Pos pLmbing ilnll cottsttwct' inetall' ,i"*i";iion aYeLat in ulto Znrl. oi " 't-oLid PL.u^bn' aork to ProPertY dhich L8 Gnu nel cr ezisting LeeZ such Person is t.he t that a Peison 'my 10. opetated bY the aPPLL- tmerPnbmUgIP changeolteraLunLNolpartLeercepLicense o?edLeasoumed, PLunbi.ng Penr,it canl; State Neo/Eatetd Circuits Serotce P .:t Total ilnt the electtical aork be done 1?,2;r:;';17"r*z;,'",xi:,"z\i:*llhere Slnte Lao require,a Contractor, Lhe electflca ;;"'L"b;l' \a" b n n' aisned tmrePoIcrItce LEELeatricaallby LLunuaLiCbet CIIARGENC. Fshant HooC Vent Far Hcods tooe PermitMecho nicol Mechanict L Pertt Perqrlt Isauancz Partnit Atbant Sida,ta LK €z> % llobi.Le ltone il ner TotaL r 'ror|r, AMO:\NT r)LtE: a //1: . Signed Da \o 6 , ?_='to*EQ t