HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1986-09-29" RESIDEf'-'lAL.. APPLICATIOfi/PERIIIT 226 llottit ith Street Springiield" )regon 97477 Builtiitlg Diuision t'40-O/bJ ob Loccticn lesessots l'!dp f 'ilbdioision: .iJf7C?: ldriress.. SPFIINGFTTT N q4,qqqq u t T \ Descytbe L'orl<: Siared: l-+- -a ,- I 11} Iaz. Iat ll .fu\ul {7 1L1 N,i 6 Phote: 4t11 t1 --..v'-r: * t ^-;^- 'lLl:.-"i aa." --','s_r:3:-I0.': :ftt3sI; c ALL 7',-r3s;ea c:ia --.":eti uou ;;.i. b,e reaci.t )ay -vt D2 riAAe Xne A@ne Ca!, ?eOUeSXS nCCe 26-3769 trccorder) saete uou? Czxy iesiar=teC job n,.o-ber, icb ccitess, tV=e cj *c=ec--icnc\, Conxr'dcxc?s c? G,;ne"s r,ale cta: =rore n-";tnbct, ieques=s tecei;a: ca--c:c Z:a, = lcut, City Desig-ra.yed iob liwtbet Is -r.'nai Traa t^ ;- -^;^ --'-^-T rcou;-red uaoor berie?s dre in piace but beicre ory l^a,xiz, gy?sun bcari aruaii couerino is ctpliea, arti beyore ang irtsuLation is concealed. .t DR:',;';LL r,'I-cP9a?rrI.. ?c be natie esca,;aticn, cuc pr.icr *.c se! up of ,|.:iacer aa a-tt,Efn^ ?--^-Df ^," o ---. .,-...:. o ...:-..-..,,-^-: '!O De nAAe Deiaye Cn:l uork is eaucred. l:.'.'-'ir-I--i.'. :? ;:3',=: E-:'r-., -: Sani:ar1 seuer :aptei =t o:occt;1 Lite Septie tank p:rpea aa filled u..th grz;e-- linci - hhen cbcoe itezs are c::clexei arc u'ncn ietcTition is cc-:=Le=e or s;--i- xuye novei arc prerLses c|eanei u=. l.^^a7t,^ i :at!1r^.4f^"To be np.Ceajie:. yrercnes a?e esccitate<i ad. fcrm.i are ereexei, cut priar tc POU?tr.g ccncreze, u!:::RC?a,-'::: PLu:2i:::. S:;.a:. r,1'lTi.c. D?AIliLC3: -o De iiaie prtcr xo ;iL-Lir4 yrenchec. clxcn aLL atyuai.L is in pi^ace, bux ptiot, to cny tapirq. t!,i50!!:?Y: Steel iocation, bonC D.ais, o?ouling or l)erticcls ;n aecor<i.orce DLth IJ.B.C. Section WCjDST)I,E: After installatioa is ccnpLexed. l l l l l I) Ij I) l Io be floon LnsuLcxlan ot decklno FTilAL PLU!.!BIIlG FIIiAL I{E'HA:]ICAL FINAL ELIigICAL C!.I,qF, E IIPPFCACI] A.PPON Electriccl Ccnnection - Blockir4, aet-u= ani plunbina ccnnect,tons r=:st ie e7=rc:e: beforc vequest.ng ei,ec:t ical inspec--io- Aeeessorv- Builting an'c erectei but prior to cone?ete. SIDEWALX f, DRflElJ,^.!: For all con-crete pauirq uithtn street right- of-My, to be maCe after aLL e.r,c.a- uating cornplete & for,z uork A sib- base rru.tertal in place. ?Ei!CE: I{hen eonolete -- bouiCe oaLea or mouable eections th"ough P. U.E. Bloeking @1d. Set-up Plunbing connecticns -- acileu a-d ucier Pinal - After pcrehes, skirting, decl<.s, etc. a?e cornple--cd. q PCS: AH, erA!.t: Io be naic priot, to i.nsxallc;,tcn of floor insulation or o2cKL4E. Pnttlil D"tD.2ftt^ ?fu^6afa,- o t4^t_ ;:;iCS-: ;,o ro"i: is xo oc eoe*e?eJ, uraiL tncsP- tl3Deetior.s izaue beer natie arri apcrouei. FIFTPLACE: Prtor to p\ccir4 fccingmccerials arul before fronina insoee-tion. !!.4!!!X: l4ust be reouesteC after approval af rough plunbing, eleetri-cal 8 meci,anical. ALI. roolia braeitw C chinncus, ete. tntst beconolctca. ilo wcrk is to be con-cecled until this inspcction hr,s been maric ani apptwoed. Aftet fonnspau?ilq Pe*a^,"f l:rcp AlL pro.ieet conditions, suc!. as the ;.nstdllaxion of street trees, co-olc"acn oi tie rcquircd Lanisccping, ctc., nast be aatisfieC bciore the BufLDIi;C PI1IAL can be reqaestcd- FIi:AL BUILDINC: The Final Building Insocction nust be requestei cfte? the Fintl Plunbir-3 Electrical, od Neciurical Tnspecx:,ons have been nade anri aoprouei. P:ie I of 2.ALL I,IA!:ECLES AI|D CIEANCWS IILIS? BE ACCTSSIBL|, ADJA*:!=:I! TO 3E I."4DE I.I I:O '!ST TO CI?Y / WD\u --l | ^weuret._l r.,,r;.: ',r^^r* O.- : is the resconsibtll1ty cf tize Derna! hciie: xo see thcx ail insoectio1s ate natie at the ?rope? tina, thet eaeh ,:iiress is ?e.:-'-'--:'on che ac?eei, ad titct xhe oev+ix ectc -Js Lccetei at thc ircn= of xi.e orooert,,t:'.t!l,:t.+ liu;.:io- cp=roxed, plcn si-,:Li re=z-!r o- tiit Lutlc--n: Jtz:'c= cli'xikas.' $ l I ) I .i l r.,lo.SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-CO G+ Oecttcancu Croal: LCT TWE dear.ocEs ct C,ue"aga tories tteight Inte?ior Cor'?ter Panhandle CUL-de-sac :lea a t trcD LACa ahv lat Faces - Set bae v s P. L.llouse Laraoc /,ceess llo?tn F.os t Soutil h I He:tt I -- Fees -- Building Vqlue & permit ?his--penrtt is gtanted on the erypess condition ttlat the said. eonsttuctionslta.Ll' in all "esDects, eonfcrm'to the ordinance adoptec t'y inl- c;t, o7springfiel.d, inelidtng the 2oning cvcninie, r,equlating thz ccnsttwcticn ?!.1"" of building.s,. otd n-ay b.e_ suspend.ed or reuokcC at c-ny t--ne upon uic-tatlon of dny prcuisions of aaid Orciitzances. fnnrf tr.?tt^.IJHD YHLUL .1.5 ; Euiliula PermLt S'tychooe lotc! Changes Cheek Fee Date Paid Reccipt # al'a ^:' 1;-1 r- ;--'-, a Se-*er Staxe S--l:.ci:eyae Plumbing Pernrit I'lo ceyson slnll constntct, instaZ!, alxez, or eitanoeolu-birp or cirainage sltsten in uircLc or in pat;, un Le_?aL .?ossessor of a ualici olwnbet,ts License, eccecoLu=bing uork to p"oDerty u-hiciz is ouzei, Zeaseci ir cnu neD cr c:istitcg Less sueh ie?son is thet tl^a.t a De:scn na7 ic operayei by t'ne c=>ii- Eiectricol permit i{ne?e stete Las reouines xiu.; the elecxrieal uork be <ior:e by cn i-tectyicc!coniracror' tne elee=riecl ;orxiar o; =n':.s pern--t si,ell nox be xati ur.:i--thc Z-abel itas been cicnec sy xhc iicc=r:.eai a.on--r.eaa!. ,-; .; -^,"'-- Stcte ?otal > x VaLuc A- /JL,N-Vx,DU [i[ot6w I It I ft/iechonicql Permit,c Pertlt t Issuance Mecilanictl Pertit -- attv^JALfrl.:L:;l -- ?ctal Cnators HooC )e f HAW CAREFULLy Dxl^tlyEq the conoleted acplicaticn for petnit, cnd dchereby eentif.y that aLL irfo:t.ation hereor'is true "i .Z"ii.=i "rre tfitther.ccrtifs- that any ari- aLL uo.tk perlorneC si:rJl be d,ote in n"ron_tianee vtth the ordinence.s of xitc city'of sptingfieii, aruc tne Ldrs of thcState of 9peacn pcrtaininc to the uork ieJeribiri f,"rLrn, ",a-:;J, ::J CCC,j_ l_4yqy "tt1 b: nydc of anu st?uctu"e uithout permissiot of the iitd,iru D"-ulslon. f further certif..; that o:tly eontrae'tors a-.d c"ptcyie"-;;;';; ;;conpliance Dith cRS ?l|.b-ss uiLL be useci ci this projee't 60o bo5.bc ZD65 I