HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1985-11-13.. RESID JilAt.. 22s North sth streeaPPLrcArr,N/PERM* Spt"ingfield, 1regon TZ4ZZ Building Dits.tsion a6A --F-/ 40-o / 0a SPFTTNGFIELD Date: I el-o< GeneraL C o asJmt c -t L on-L etdg!- It is the from the *9ui7-divtg respottsibility of the permit ho,llet striet. anC that the -penrLt card La't;;1;:r;- "pprot:ed Pl-an svcll Yemain that aL?, insPectiotts ate nade at the frcnt of the -ProPertY ' Building SLte at aLL xLmes' ppocspu:pElF:?\!!_s-t:?\7ctJ;lgi0ff f,'".?a,l:"neqttested aid ahen aox iit t" made the sane day' requests made at the p?oper tine' t'hat ecch cd'dress is reaiabie to see Located on the 26-376 9 (veeordet') state Yout CitY Cesigrated i ob nmbet, iob aii.tess ' t'gPe of itspec--i-cn 'i,nspactiott,Conttactars cr h'mei's nane cntl. P-t"ane nmbet, Reques;s ?eceLDeu be7'cre 7:cA c:' after ?:00 an viLL be tade the nest wtkirq daY You? CitA Desigr,ated rob Nunbey r", 06 l0'/5 3 A/, /0Job Loeaticn: 03Ia Iot #Aesessors Map #L Subdittision: Anter Pl,one:7t6.470+Add.vess:q ll)ootuJnt'runL FR1ltrtrc- Descz'Lbe I'loYk: /l-[5-F{Date of Val.ue L 65lo!- Addi,tion L Pqelof2 .re-d fn 0P ).:cw) To be made aftet'ISIT! INSPSCIION: - e$ca'atlon' DUD fotns. UNDERSLAB PLUI,EIIIG. IrEcul-nuf:-o be macie before anY 6fr-t{iooered. FCOTING 4 FQUITDATICN: To be rmCe aftet tt'encnes ure eccaated attd' 1or*" *n eneeted, but Ptior to pourLng ccncreta. prLar tc set uP of ?o nade required -oaPot' but before ary Sani.:at11 seuer captped et ptopert'g Lire taLL cooet'i.ng ay iraulation npvriAT.T. TNSP1CTI1N: TC be made ;iffiq;aris.in place, but Pri-ot' to cnY taPlng' I4ASONRY: Steel Locati'on' bond tffiilgnouti-ng or oertieals in Loii"lari.n LlLth u,B'c' Secti'on 2415. Septic tutk pt,'2e.d and fi'Lled trith gta:;al Finc\, - l{hea cbctte i,tens ate ecttoleted oriitn" Cq.tolitiort is eomplete-o? stno- ;;;;;;""4 od' Pw'tlses cleanei ue' To be nade PrLot to11 posr AND BEAII:'J a;atat;"f floor i-nsulati'oti ot dzcki,ng. UNDIRGPo UlI D P LW I N q S,II.EP,., -h]4TE3' DRAIilACE: To be naCe PrLor Po iLL- 7fi-6'enenee. "fTo be nat'e Prlor to 1'1 floor insutation or decking' lY/1 wooosro'le: Aftet installation is l ) *,,,pT;iA' 1URB & MPRg4cIt APP,ON: . Aft:.'*' .IoYs ffi-irerectei but Prior to Poilmng conc?ete. CTDPIJAT,K R, DRII,EWAY: FOT ALL CON- ;ffi;ffi "ltffi stteet ni'sht--ir-ir" tu be maCe aften all' exca- ,Liil conPlete & forn wtk & sub' base naterLaL in Place' Blocking ord Set-uP Plunbi.ng connecti'ons '- sa)e? otd oatet Electnical Connection - Bloeki'ng' set-u.9 . Z"a i1*rtl"g conneetions m;st be dp??ciec ;: ; ;";- ;;;;" s ttns eL e e trl c aL i'n s P e c 2 i o t: Accessory BuilCittg Pi.nal - After pcrch-es, ski'rtingl decl<s' etc. are eomPleled' I I I l e Hcmes to be'these inspecti.ons haoe beer' ma.de and aPProoed. :No FIPEPLACE: matez'iaLs PrLot' to Placirq and before franing faeing inspec- tbe con- has FRA]IING: ttust be ffiioo"t of roughiil & neclwnieal- btaeing E chinmeYs, ete' mts-cbnrpleied. !1o ubrk i's to be Lniua until this insPeetton been nade anC aPPt'o.*ed' tion. FITIAL PLUI4BIIIG FINAL MECHAIIICAL reouested aften plttrbing, electrL-' ALl, t'oofing Dnil^1. gates Itthen conp Late -- ProoiCe or notsable secti,ons through DIIF ALL proi eet conditions'such as the i'nstallation of street t?ees'cotole-ui-on of the reqtired LandsccPing' c tc., rmtst be satisfied before thE BUILDINC EIiiAL ean be tequest -) II I i_: FINAL BUILDINC: The Fi,nal Building lnspection rrust be reouested cfter the Pinal Plunbirtg O'i'rZ2'r,1uZ21i''ilfi ii-,tiilr,"p""iio;';';-;;";ilin-o"d'opproo'c' FINAL ELECTPICAL ,ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS UUST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUS-MEI:I TO 3E \'IADE !'T l:o cgST T0 crly I JOB NO.0(SO LAR A/^ CE S S R EQ.- Building pe ntt State ?otal, Clungea Plunbing pemit State t: h\zete State Lan requires t|?c.t theConttaetor, the eleetrical Building Vqlue & permir L-co * bedroons ?his pentn't is a"anted. on th-e e*p?ess eon.ition tlut the said.-consttaetionsltall, tn all z.Zspects., ,?o"tory to tin--frir*nce adopted 6;y the City ofspringfierd' ineludinq the 20ning c"inn;;;, neguzctirg the ccnstzacticnand.use of buildinqsi"a,rL"i i.;7"";;;;:#;;""t, reuokec at cny time upon vic_Latlon of ana prcuisions of Laid o"ilr*li". * Date Paid: Receipt #: Signed Electrico I pe rm it Set uiee Stcte ?otal Pentn t fssucttce Mechanical Pernit the Label tns been signed bg the ele-ctyic<zl uork be done by an Electricalportionof this permit shatl rat be ualiC untilELectzicaL Contractot,. lVlechonicot Permit * {^yY CAREFULLy EXAilTNED the eornpletedh:"i?a eeniri-ivit ,"tt-i,iJ,nZ;:;Z;" ;Z;"2!:,0,:i*2 "#" .i:"#i: # i., H::";;;;? rr*1, "y oia oiz-;."i-oZ"pryed _stull un i,"" in aeso?_.'a"ylrt:f*irr*iJ#i,;#:,i;k!"ry;Wi;*,:"'#,fi* eonpliance -"tu, ons zot.bii"rit"';;'";";;':x"i:ri: r;:Jyrlcsees who atL in - CUzbcut t Mobile Hane I LCT TWE _ Intetict _ Corqler _ Panhand.Le _ CUl-de-sac lleat -- Fees -- VaLue Aceess Lace x Df House Lot Faces -Iot Sq. Ptg. X of Lct Caserage # of Stozles ?otal lleight ?opography lLlain ?OTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 c CHARGENOFEE Pi.cttiFes Residential (1 bath) Seuet, Nett/Ectend Ciz.cuits CIIARCENC, kha.tst Hoo,i. Vent Fan Ilcods tote CO 0 70 Pentit Sec,u.t Sideualk TOTAL AMOIIII? DLIE: *lg,t o Signed Date