HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1985-11-08?f0il/9ERAUd, APPLT1A oDz,eetngfie ER s I t aNTIAtIZ(llo'r,tlt thSprt7)LUs ot,egon 7o 4u4Ln.',lJLZdt ng UL sion Z7 o 7 7 Ea)2.) Job Locaticn rfl/a Zao Lot # .)o.Aosessoto6 Map # subdi 0LSLO1: A,ner,: Ph,one: Addtess 7H Descz4be WrtW ,rh&4Nets Additian RemoC.eL Date of App GenetaL o/c 0c Value L L Const?uction Lenden - fton the responsibilitg oi the permit holdet, to see tt ia the *Euilding st"eet,, and that theNuicio- approt:ed p -permit caz.d ie Zoeated.Lan slnlT remain on tVp '!""nLL be nade the ,drn ""y, r,equests mad.e that aL! inspections ate nade 1!,!4e frc_1t of the property.Butld.ing Sit; at aLL'ttmes. 26-376 9 (record.et, inspection,Contyactors ci Oumers nctne cnd phone nunberafter7:00 @n uiLL be nade the nert aorkini day. at lhe p?ope" tine, that each .-d,jress is readavie ) state youz, Ci ty desigrnted job rumber , iob aifuess,type of insoee=icn P.equests receixed befcre- Z:C0 c: rour cits Desisnated rob Nunber rs: (;/e6 6lSIIE INSPICIION: areaoation, but forms, ' To be made aftet,prtor tc set ip of OF, require4 oapor bmriets a"e in plaee bat,_befone or.y Zath, ggps?n baoiC ortnLL -couering is applied, and. beforeoty ineulation is conceaLed. DRYIIALL INSPEC?I)N: ?c be madeaftez, aLL dtyuall is in pl,ace, but prior to any tapirq. ) tc=ortuc t r?uunerrcy ?o be nlace J alxe! t?enches are ercansated and. forns are erected, but ptior topouzrlng ecncret€, 1 u=y!=!G,Wlp =pLyuerNc" sltqp ER,.J qllAlilAcE: To be maCe pr"Loz, lo fil-lirg trenchee. 'l u-noypvroo=n prutnrnc a rutcgnwrcu,: ffi wooosrovg: Aften installation isJ l'.o be naae pniot to installation of l/\lccrnpleted. floor insulation or decking. made aLL insu MAS2NRY: Steel Location, bond beons, gtouting oroerticals in accotdorce Dith U.B.C, Sectiono, 1< CURB & APPR1ACMPPON: After fornsme erected but prior to pouring concrete. STDZWALK & DR|iTW|I: For aLL con- crete pantittg uithin street right- of-wcy, to be maCe after aLL ecca- oating conplete & forrn uork & eub- base nateriaL in place. Sani:an1 seser capped ct propertg Lite Septic totk pu:ped and filled urith gz,a;sei Final - h4zen cbcue itens are cqpleted. and uhen Cernclttion is eompLete bt s*ac-ture moued anC przrrtees cLZaneC up. l lpfL AND BEAta: To be nade prior to insulation or llobile Hcnes Bloeking ord Set-up PLunbing eonnectians -- saie! atd oatet Electrieal Ccnnection - Bloeking, set-u= and plwnbing eonnections mtst be appz.c"^ed befoz,e requesting electrtcal inspee--iol Accessory BuilCing Final - After pctehes, skirting, decks, etc. ate compleled. ffiiaTTdi-dTof floordecking. .I ROUGH PLA|BT|E, ELEC?PICAL & IfECfl- I'- until these inspectiors haue- been naie and. azDz.oued..-1 rrpwrncti wion to olacirs facino) ^at;nals and before'franini in"pnl- tion. 1 P?1yllc, ltust be requested aften ) dpp"olral of rough plwr;bing, eiectni- cdl & neehanical. AL! r,oofing braci.ng I ehinmegs, ete. rntst be eornpleted. lto ucrk is to be eon-' - cealed until this inspection las'been made anC appro"*ed. 1ENCE: hthen eomplete -- Prou'LCe qates o? mouable seetians thnougl^, P.a.E. ALL project conditions, such as the i.nstallation of street ttees, conoletion_of tae ""q;i;;e-L""}""ipL"g, Ltu., mtst be satisfied befoye the BUILDINC FflAL can be requested' IINAL BUILDING: The ti,naL BuLld;-W fnspeetr)on rmrst be teqtested clter the FLnaL P1"unbins 'i;:;;;;;,'r,I; un"t'oi*"it1""p"tt1""" \tnte beea nade and aoproozc' t 1 rrnar, pLLuBrrc UllAL I'IECHA]IICAT Pege 1 of 2iCIIJAT Ij- \ ELECTPICAL {ALL I,IANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS I'UST BE ACCESSTBLE'ADJUSTI:E}II 10 BE I.IADE AT ITO CCST TO ETTY L.. r bb SOLAR AC -ss REQ.- L-co c BeiroonsJOB NO Zone Date Paid: Reeeipt # 5lgnea Plumbing Permit No De?son sLwLL eonstt'uet' install, aLtet or elwnge -GnA neu-cr e*isti-ng ;i,,i;bi;;"";';;";ZaL- "i,"Ln in ir'oin or in patt, unless such person is the Legal possessor of " i:it'ti pt,,in''i L':"nntZ, ercept that a pelsonnay do pknbing uork to propnliy-,iA;-ii i" o*n"d, Leased or operated by the dppli- cant. Plunbing Pevnit ltlobiZe Horne uate f HAW CARE?ULLy EILAIT]ED. t-le eompleted application for pernit, and. dohereby eertifl'1 that aLZ infonnation niieon is ttue anc c-orreet, anr rf-uz.thet, cez,tifu that any ar:d alt ,ont, nrr?rryri_rlrtfU iii,i, Orr,r-r#;;,f#j;i:!"ftr,,yr._;r'u,*u\i":t^:r,,:iLJ,eTilaso*he *iiii:;'{,#:;,,'";f ,,i4;;:;Agir;x.;*;1#*f ,;:t DT -- Fees -- VaLue TOTAL VALUE s. D. C. AccessHouse th xITEI'! CHARGEFEE Lot Faces - z,espeets ;"ncLudlng .Ldirqs, cnd neY be prcolstons of said trmePeu&V IodnIIUBg LOntrueteonssai.dthetiontlnteondi,on the erpresstThi.s grantedpennL oIthetedtybytheadopCrdi,rwncetoeonfonnLalLNLslnL ticnccnstrucLctittgCvdinanceregutheZoningfi.eLd,Spring o1,c-time uponatcnyreuokeCol1buiouseand'f suspend.ed ' 0rdirancesti,on7.a aflaof % cf Lct Ccoerage- # of StorLes Lace tot;e ?otal Clntges 1.5 s Building Pet'nrtt State Interi,cr Cofle? _ Pantandle - Cul-de-sae Iat Sq. Ftg. Fictqres Residenti-al (1 bath) Seutet' CiIARGEiiA.DN; Nan/Ertend Ciraits Sensice Electricq I Permit whet,e state Latt req.ui?es th,at the electrical, uork be done by an Electrieal Conttactor, the eliet|icaL porti,on of thi6 permi.t shall rot be vali.C until the labeL has been sigted by the Electtical Conttactor. State Iotal /5.oo CO NC D?F rIIA DTF I'lcodstote * Mechonicql Permrt -- ENCROACHI,IEI]? EaTwlst Hood. Yent E@l PermLt fssuqnce Mecltanicel Pernrit Pezmit I cta?bcut 707AL Atft1ail?DUE: a (eao ( - r-rs P Lalx LEAtnLne?