HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-08-15.. RESIDL ITIAL.. APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 Noxth |th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Dtuision ? 26-37 53 3 SPRINGFIET..D lotrt City Desigruzted Job Nutnber fs TilSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER IilSPECIION : To be nade after aLL insulaticn a:d tequired oapor baw,iers a.?e in placa but before any Lath, ggpsun boayC or tnLL coueting is applied, and befone oty insulation is concealed. DRYWALL fNSP1CAI)N: ?c be nla.de Zfiet in@tntTLs in place, but pz,ior to cny taryng. MASONRL Steel Location, bond beans, gtouting or oerticals in accotdotce tith U,B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTO'IE: ccnpT;tA. After installation is CURB & APPRCACH APPON: ue ereeted but ption concrete. I chF/* fnon the atreet, anC, that the perrrit catd is L*ated at the ftont of the propertu.tAuildi.V D.iuicior apptou^ed plin slcll yemain on the Building Sitc-at aLL'tihes.- P?OEDUPE FoR INSPECTIOTT RgQUES?rCaUf-726-3769 (t,ecotd.et) state !ou? City itesign.ated. Job nunber, job aCdtess, type of inspecliat re-quested and ahen you uiLL be ready for inspection, Conttactots o? Oumers ncne and pltone numbct. P.equestl receixed befcre 7:00 st*^itl be rmde the sone dcy, "equests nade after ?:00 on rtill be nnde the nect tnrking day. Qoogs Date: 1 es General It ia the respoasibility of tle permtt ho to aee that aLL inepeetions are nade at the proper tine, that ecch address is readabie SNE INSPEC?ION: escauation, but ?o be nade after pr.iot, tc set up of N R7 ut orac Po u r mf,WTfrffiim fitil i. )IA ' LLfg ttenches.x fortne. UNDERSLAB PLUTEINC. ELECARICAL & MECHIIIICAL: To be nade before any ttot,k is coUeted. POOTINC & FOUNDA?ICN: To be naCe AFer tt enct;s are eccaoated attd forns at,e etected, but prior to Wu?'ing ecncrete. be X of fl post lno aeau: To be nad.e pr.ion to N7I \l installaticn of lloor insulation ot, A| - ae.X;rrs K floor ineu or decking. No uotk inspecttons haoe been mad.e ard.approued.. r<-a stowatK & DRrL'EllAy: For aLL eon- l/l cz.ete patsing Dithin stneet night-Flof-uuv, b be nace after aLL Lxca- oating canplete & forn wrk & sub- base nptertal in Place- After fonnsto potning X FfPEPLACE: Prtor to plccir4 facingmcterials ard. before froning inspec- tion. FRAtlIllC: ltust be nequeated aften approual of rough plunbing, electni-cal E neclanieal. ALL roofing bracing E chitmegs, ete. mtst be conpleted. llo ucrk is to be con- cecled until this inspection las'been nade anC appnoxed. ?ENCE: When conPlete -- Pt'ottiCe gates on notsable sections through P, U.E. Vltn fullhtL"Zp ALL W,oject conditions, such as the i.nstallation of atreet treea, conoletion of the required landsecping, ctc., mtst be satisficd before the BUILDINC PINAL can be nequested ,X.Building Inapection mtat be requested aftet' the Final PlumbinS Inspections hqrta been made ard appnotseC.x, x. il FIIIAL PLUIIBIIIG FII'IAL MECIIANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL FINAL BUILDINC: ThE FiNAI Electrical, anC Mecharical ",ob Iocaticn' aas2' t)W Sl . rssessors r^p ] )loaaL*h ?c,, Lat il O SfOO - (oo*lAdJifiorulSttbdiuision: Lot \q O .C . Orortl're u ^Asner: \qos N, ?tur Phane:1LtU-bt-+-)Addtess: <'ro,z.rrsA e-l cl OQ. zip: q1Lll-)City: Descr"tbe h'ot l<: fV,\^, Stre- VaLuel{.Qtt t--l Neu -l IDate of App Licaticn Add,iticn RenoCeL P lumb ing cc E.rt] Supe Elec E r clan t }wt^-tJt Sanilary seaet capped at property' Line ,,rr*ir.r,ril(i|i!Y/yd1t,,,hl i,,'lli,l.,,i Septic totk p:nped and filLed uith gra;tel Final - i*ten abcoe itens ave conpleted and ahen Cernli,tion is complete o? str.Lil- tut,e noued and. ptenrises cleaneC up. llcnes Bloeking otd, Set-up Plunbing eonnectione -- aa;,e? otd. uaten Electrical Connection - Bloeking, set-up and pltnbing eonnections rrust be apprc,*ed before requesting eleclrtcal tnspeelion Accessory- BuilClng Final - Aften pcrehes, skirting, deeks, ete. a"e conpleted. Page 1 of 2tAf,L I.IANIICLES AND CLEANOUTS ttUST Rti ACCESSIBLI|, AD,tUSTltEtl? T0 BE tt!1DE /.f ilO CCST f0 CPy I I Zonc: Access.P,L House [pt Faces -Lot 5q. Ftg. I of Lot Coverage I of Stories Total lteight Topogrcphg LOT TYPE VaLuexITEMFTG Intericr Corner Panlnndle CuL-de-sac I Lt'4 I alll,latn 31,,Ll ,1\mHqGc.taqe CaPDort Accessor,ll (u, Do,lTOTAL VALUE IS.D.C. 1.5 x PLan Signed: CHARCENO.ITEM Fictures L 52.5oResi.dentia.L (1 bath) ?-6t aoScnitarg Sa,ter /500lletet' AIA€a brAtt zooo /oq,50 5,?g CHARGE llz 8s NOITEM 37 5.Res. So. fta Nau/Erterd Circuits /5 00lattporary Seroice 37 doSa,su 200 A Total o oo FEE llcodstoite o ,l Mechonicql PermitCAARCE oo oo €e Vent Pot bhanst HooC Permtt fssuanee llechanice.L Pendt P?tt's /90 Secartty Daposit Storaae l4aintenance Pcnnit /3,?eCurbcu!2G, 'q,60Sida,taLk I Electrical ta.bel Mobile tlotne JoB No.qMSb soLAR / Ess REQ.-L-co c Bedrootns: -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit Ihis permLt is granted on the eipress cond_ition tlut the sai.d constntction slnll', tn atl rZspecti,- eonlorn'to the lrdinance adop.ted by the Ctty 2f spil."gyi..ti, inclluding- the 2oning Cr.dinanc-e, regulati_tzg the ccnstmtcttcn i"a ""oZ of 'build.ittgs, and mey be suspended or reuokeC at ct'ry tine upon uic- lation of any prcuisiona of said otdinances. !!eat Date Paid:7 Receipt ll: Duilding Permit State Total Clnrges Plunbing Pernit State Total * Plumbing Permit No person slwll consttact, instal!-, alter ot ctange -an\ neD -cr ecisting pt;tlng or drainage systan in uhole o.r. in part, unless such person is the iegal p"osees"on o7"o uLlid pl*rbnr's Lic-ens-e, eccept that a pe"son ^aa 40 ptinting aork to property ihi"h is otmed, Leased or operated by the appli.- eant. Electricol Permit l{hete state tan requires tt^at the electrLcal uot'k be done bg _an Electrical Contractot,, the elietrical portion of this permit stnll rot be oaliC until the Label has been signed by the Electrical Contractot'. I HAW CAREFULLy |XANINED tle completed appli.cation for permit, and dc hereby certifg that aLL information het'eon is true and correct, an'C I furtier eertily that any ard aLL uork penfotmed alnl-L be dote in aecon- dance rtth the- ordinaneba of the City of Spz'ingfield' and the La;e of the* State of Oregon pertaining to the wrk Cescribed herein, cnd tlat N0 )CCU' pANCy witl bZ ru1e of any structune uithout permisaion of the Buildi,ng D.i.- oision. I further "-""t;?ii thet only contDactoPs and .enplcyees uho ote in eonpliance iith oas ?01.055 wiLL be used on thie project 7- /5-7O TqTAL A|'|OUNT DUE:./561 y/D,zte €L.Q n.- 329-oo / ln,4o Electrical Permit State TT9M Z Fence