HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1984-07-24SPRINGFIELED CIIY OF SPRINGFMLD Department of Public Works JuLy 24, 1984 CERTIFIED LETTER Resident 2242 Notth 11th Street Springfield, 0regon 97477 Dear Resident: Your property at the address referenced on the attached notice is in violation of the Springfield City Code and/or Ordinance. Rather than issuing a citation or im- mediately instituting Ivlunicipal Court proceedings, it is the Cityrs standard prac- tice to inform citizens of the violation and request that it be corrected rvithin a reasonable time. The attached form specifies the violation, the required corrections necessary in order to comply with the applicable Springfield Code and/or City 0rdinances and the date by which your corrcective action should be conpleted. The City very much appreciates your anticipated courtesy and cooperation. If you have any questions regarding this letter, the violation or the required correction, please feel free to contact the Springfield Building Safety Division (726-3753). In the event that your corectiye action is not conpleted rvithin the time specified this matter wilt be referred to the City Attorney's Office for further appropriate action consistent with the Springfield Code and/or City 0rdinances. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, a CI Building Safety Division attachments th 225 North 5th Street a Springfield, Oregon 97477 . 503/726-3753 Springfield Building Safety Division Departnent of Public Works 225 North 5th Street JuLy 24, 1984 L0CATIONz 2242 North 11th Street, Springfield, Oregon SPECIFIC VIOLATION: Article 3, Section 3.05 B. of the Spring- field Zoning Code (copy attached). An accessory building and a childs "play house'f are located within the required sideyard setback area. REQUIRED CORRECTION: The accessory building and the I'play houserf must either be relocated on the property so that they do not encroach into the required sideyard setback area, or you may apply for a variance relative to the required side- yard setback for structures with the Board of Appea1s. If you choose to request a variance, I have enclosed the appli- cation and pertinent information with this notice. DEADLINE FOR COMPLIANCE: Thirty (30) days from the date of this notice (August 24, 1984). INSPECTOR: Denny Bordeaux th ,-t Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Nowak 2242 North llth Street Springfield, OR 97417 J (d"*&r, 275 fr Sfi".f CR- 3t+1 7 - fr' o Plvl 3 EO AUC /984 \-':r- ,\r-:.+ri T ilill l SE||DER N$IRUCTIOI{9 l ?rlil your 0r[., .drtro!, rd aP Codr lilt rp.ct brhr.. Gomghlr ltlm t, 2, I, md a m D ltuoat. Albch b troil d rrtlol. I rprcr prffi, o0rilb. tlh b btcl ol lruoL.. Endor. triloa "R.tm nlodB nqnlul"..dF0.dh tur!.r. UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE oFFtcLAL 8u8tt{El38 RETUR]tI TO PENALTY FOR PRIVATE osE 3m0 ? r*I'TY clF SPRINGFIELD * r,r.s,lvtAtL^ -@ ;; ;; ii ;; $ta'upf Ffirgrfi a wo n xs SPR:NGF I 97477 (Clty, Stete, snd ZIP Code) I I 1'gt t cg (C,6N o EENDER: Complele llems '1, 2, 3, and 4. Add your addrsss ln tho "REIURN T0" s9itco 0n r6v8rs0. (C0I|SULT P0SilIIASIER FOn FEES) t. Ihc hflowlng ssNhs ls rquestal (chock orE). 0 Sn*to rtorailrdato&thorq, a O Sm"r*tom, dato, andaddrossol&fi\sry.. 3 z. E ResrncreoDElrvEny........... i(llptr6tb,,dfif/f,,yfr lschary,d h MMt bttot?tunr![[f,/[,'.t IOTAI L- t/:st.ATB(r ; -oE um c,2,mC} E! 3. ARTICTE ADDRESSEO IO: Res i dent 2242 llorth lIth Street (nr^'i nnf i a'l / Onannn Oi L77 l. itpE or sdRvrcs-: Dneersrenro 0crnnnro Dupngss ulrr- Dnsuneo Ecoo ARTICLE NUIIEER 32996396t {Alueyi obteln dguturo ot rddressas or tgont) hayo r6colv6d the arllcle doscribed abo/e. nAddressee EAuthortzed agent OF DELIVERY / 6. AOORESSEE'S ADDRESS 7. UNABLE TO OELIVER EECAUSE;ETPTOYEE'SnlTntsla. t r&lrt7$593 .J 4, t98'l Si' tt 4ZZ+ -1t+17 _ ha _lj& -urr+ f l&*, _------ LbUr, t4je4-) +h"S- La!*-**=n___ R&L,:UJz4Au. t^J..I Aa4l\l Y\r+!4-de_ L\>au, ,\- r, \;n Ccde-_s0f ' , _4_ 1", f ,I4,- Springfield Building Safety Division Department of Public Works 225 North Sth Street Jl.Ly 24, 1984 LOCATION: 2242 North lLth Street, Springfield, 0regon SPECIFIC VIOLATION: Article 3, Section 3.05 B. of the Spring- field Zoning Code (copy attached). An accessory building and a childs "play house" are located within the required sideyard setback area. REQUIRED CORRECTION: The accessory building and the 'rp1ay housert nust either be relocated on the property so that they do not encroach into the required sideyard setback area, or you may apply for a variance relative to the required side- yard setback for structures with the Board of Appeals. If you choose to request a variance, I have enclosed the appli- cation and pertinent information with this notice. DEADLINE FOR COMPLIANCE: Thirty (30) days fron the date of this notice (August 24, 1984). INSPECT0R: Denny Bordeaux th \-(SPRINGFIELD CIIY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works JuLy 24, 1.984 CERTIFIED LETTER Resident 2242 North 1lth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Dear Resident: Your property at the address referenced on the attached notice is in violation of the Springfield City Code and/or 0rdinance. Rather than issuing a citation or im- mediately instituting lvlunicipal Court proceedings, it is the Cityrs standard prac- tice to inform citizens of the violation and request that it be corrected within a reasonable tirne. The attached forrn specifies the violation, the required corrections necessary in order to comply with the applicable Springfield Code and/or City 0rdinances and the date by which your corrective action should be completed. The City very much appreciates your anticipated courtesy and cooperation. If you have any questions regarding this letter, the violation or the required correction, please feel free to contact the Springfield Building Safety Division (726-3753). In the event that your correctiye action is not cornpleted ruithin the time specifiedthis matter will be referred to the City Attorneyrs 0ffice for further appropriate action consistent with the Springfield Code and/or City Ordinances. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, SA Building Safety Division attachments th 225 North 5th Street a Springfield, Oregon 97477 a 503/726-3753