HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1990-08-27Pqe 1 ol :l Job [.oeaticn: , Ica lot #Aaceasone Map il Anter: PhoneAddtess: City: DescPi.be h'ork: ValueDate of Applica rt Neu \edditian RenoCel res ..RESIDFNTIAL..ll APP L I C AT I -,'I / PE RfuI TT 225 North |th Street Sprtngfield, Onegon 97477 Butlding Diuision ? 26-3? 53 SP'TINGFIELD h Mte: General Plurnbin l.lechanica ec f.l: lilectriciitSrrpe DEttoLrrrcll oR !.!ovED Sani:ary aeuen capped et property Line Septio tank pnped and filled u'i,th gra:tel Final - l{hen abcue itens are ccnpleted and uhen denolition is conplete or atrus- ture noued and pterr[aes cleaneC up. Ilcmee Blocking and Set-up Plwnbtng connections -- lalter and oatet' Electnical Ccqnection - Blocking, eet-up and plwnbing connectione m;st be apptc"*ed before requeeting eleclrical inspeclion Accessory Building pcrchea, akirting, decks, Leted. Final - Aften etc. ate canp, It ie the reaponaibility of tla holder to aee that aLL inapectiona are nade at the ptopep tine, ihat ecch cddress is neadabie fron the atreet, anC that the pernrit oatd, ie Looated at the ft,ont of the property,*Building D,luiciot appro"'ecl plan slall remain on the Building Sitc at aLL tines. PnoCgDUPE Fon INSPEeX!!9tt-EgPE!:rCalU726-3769 (tecor.d.er) state youn City Ceaignated iob eady for inepecti,.on, Cont"acto?s oi Asners- nane and phone '*^iLL be nade the aane dcy, ?equests ncde aftet ?:00 on viLL be nade the nect tnrking day. ntui;ber, iob aCdreso, type of inspecliat nwibcr. Requeste receited befcte 7:00 ct Iout: Ctby Decigr.ated Job Nwnber fo: UND\RGROUIID PLUM?ING. SSWER. W.4TER. Tfi-Gdnches. UIIDENPLOOR PLUI,IBING 8 MECIIANICAL:of DnY$lN,L INSPECII1N: Tc be nnde n$*7Vi*ruaTTia in ptace, but prior to cny tapittg. MASONRY: Steel location, bond tddCg?outing or perticals in accordance v|th U,B.C. Section 2415. wooDsrovg: e,,tpf;TA. After inatallatton ie SITE INSPEC?ION: To be nade aftet, Acat all;;;6, prior to set up of forms. UNDERSLAB PLUMBINC. ELECTNICAL & ny ur:i[7i-i6rered. F)OTINC & FOUNDATICN: ?o be naCe7fiii-fifriGZitircauated and forms are erected, but prior to pouring ecncrete. floor inaulation or deeki.ng, WST AND BEAM: lo be made to oliisiaTlWof fl.oor decking. these harte been nade arut appnooel.. I II.S ULATTON / V APO R D A NR I EN I ilSPECTIO N.: io bie tmde alter aLL inaulcticn and rcquir.ed uapor barrie?s are in plaoe but before any lath, Wpsutn boarC or tnll couering ts applied, and before ay inaulation is concealed. No cUR? q4?fr949! AP39N: After formsarc e;"cTA-frt p;6 to pouning concfete. SIDENALK & DRII|EWAI: For aLL eon- c"ete pat fr-;ltiln street right- of-rnA, to be made after all exca- oating conplete & forn ronk & sub- base naterial in Place.FT!?EPLACE:,r*t"tiZJ FIIIAL PLUMBING FINAL MECIIANICAL Prior to plccir,g and befot'e fratning faaing inepec- tion. FflA|IINC: t"lust be requeated after approoat of rough plwr,bing, electri- cal E neclanical. ALL rooftryj bracing 6 ehinmeys, etc. mtat be . conpletcd. No tscrk ie to be con- : eeelad until ihis i;tsppt)tion ftfr6 'bead rliile aird ifliibieil, IENCE: hthen complete -- Pt'ortiCejai6i or nouable eections thtough P,U,E. ;.-- AIL projecb conditiono, sueh aa bhe i.netaLlation of street tree_e, canplabion-of bhe n"qui.r"ld Landsccping" 2tu., mtst be aatisfi.ed befone the BUILDIN? FINAL can be requested' |INAL BUILDIN|: The Final Buitding Inepection mtst be requeated alter the Final Plwnbing \J Electri.cal, anC yeelunical Inspectiono haoa been nade atd approrted. FINAL ELECTRICAL IAT,T. ilANIICT,ES AND CLEANOU'|'S IIII::T NI; ACCTSSIBLI|, ADJI)SNTilTI TO BIi I.I,4DI': /1.T NO CCST TO ET'IY Subdioision: tr dJOB NO L-CO Bedt ooma: lteat Aecess th P. L.House Lot ?aees -Lat Sq. Ftg. Z of Lot Cotterage ! of Stories Iotal Height Iopography fnterior Corner Panlwndle CuL-de-sac IOT TYPE Building Volue & Permit This per.mit is granted on the erpreas eond.-ition tln-t the- saidrcon-sttaction shall', in atl ieepects, eonform -to the Ordinance adop-ted by the c:ty 2fipit"g1tn6, inclitd;-ng' the Zoning Crd.tnanc-e, negulati-,g the ccnsttacticn ira "22 of -build1.ngs, and may \e-.suspended or neookeC dt, cny ti.ne upon ui.c- Lation of any prcuisions of aaid Ot'dtnances. -- Fees -- Value ?OTAL VALUE s. D. c. FTG vITEM 7.5 t Total Charges Duilding Permit Sfate Date Paid: Signed: Reeeipt ll Plumbing Permit No peraon slall construet, instal!" alter or clange any nev cr existing pttirrtl.ng or drainage 8y8te1 in uhole ot in patt, unlees euch peraon ia the iegol {o""n""on o1"o rtZlid plrnbnt's lic-ens-b, etcept that a pe"son na'g 1o ptimtlhg uork to property ihich ia otmed, Leased ov operated by the appli- cant. N0.FEE CHARGE * ITEM Ftlxtures Residential (1 bath) Ser'ler Plunbing Pernit State Electricol Permit Whete State Laa requires that the electrical uork be done by _an Electrical contraetor, the electtical portion of this permi.t slwll not be oalic until the Label lna been signed by the Electtical Conttactor, 1'I'EM -t *To Na,t/Exterd Cincuits Set tsice ITEM NC.FSE * Mechonicol Permit Esltanet Hood llcodetooe Vent Fgt Permit fssuance l4echanical Pemdt .. ENCROACHMENT .- Secaritll Deposit Storaqe Maintenance, Permit Curbcu! Sidaialk lence Electrical Iabel Mowle llorne Vlhrlnictdnet,Dafe I ttAVE CAREFULLy EXAULINED the conpleted application for petmit' and do hereby certify that aLL information hereon is true and correet, and r furth-en certify that any ard aLL wtk perfotned alnll be done in aceor- dance vrith th'e- ordinances of the city of Sptingfield, and, the Ic';s of thc State of Oregcn pertaining to the utot'k Cescribcd herein, and tlut NO oCCU- pANCy ttitl bb naVe of any sttucture ui-thout permission of the Butlding Di- uiaion. f further c-erti!'s' that only contracto"s and enplcyees uho are in canpliance uith 1RS 701.055 uiLL be uaed on thia pnoiect Total t,PltryA r ALhI tnry nilF, *3{"3 Signed Date SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- llatar hrnaae YIUIS Aotal- Chanocs State Swcharqe rob tncaticn' A81 /V t tl-' 5f Aasessore Map il l7 $'\LG)L Ic,s lot tl b (aZA A, Subdioision: \cr{(,t rt Phone: , 17,ci Address: ) b,d tn"ol>*-,, b4d ?'z)>vn, Qour,,tX t'od>t^ ' Describe llork: a3,ot\^\\ rl Neu eddition L ValueDate of Applicati cn ..RESIDT\TIAL..ll APP LI CAT 1,,,,1 / PE R M T T 225 North |th Street Springfield, 2negon 97477 Building Dtuision 7 26-37 53 SPRINGFIEI.D ( Date: resf rit Eors Ceneral rrs l] b Plumbi IilecLricianSrlre A-o; l.[echauica r r i-r:a DEI,DLTTIOII OR Sanilary seuen capped et property Line Septic tank pttnped and fi.Lled ui,th gra;tel Fi.nal, - l{hen abcue itans are ccnpleted ard ulrcn demolition te cotnplete o? sttus- ture noued ard pretrtaes cleaneC up, Hcmee Blocking attd Set-up Ptumbing connections -- aaie? and ualer Electrical Ccqnection - Blocking' eet-u, and plunbing connecttone naet .be apprct;ed beforc requeating eleclrtcal inspec)iott Acceasot'g BuilCing Ptnal - Aft,cr. pcnchea, okirting, decks, etc. ate aanpleted. It ia the reaponaibility of the perntt holley to aee that all inapectione are nade at the ptoper time, that ecch address is readab:-e lnon the atpeet, anC that the permtt oatd. ia Located at the front of the,property.tsuildinT D.luicior. approt:ed plan,sltt:ll remain on the Ou"JL<|i.ng Site at aLL tines. PlacEDUpE Fon IN1nEC\IO!_IESESyjCALL726-3769(necorder) atate your City deaigttated iob nunber', iob aCi*ess, typyof inspe^elicn eadyfolinapection'Contractoreo7a,:ners-ncnecndplonenunber.Reque9t8receixedbefcre7:00c:t oiLL be nmde the sone dcy, requests nade aften 7:00 on utLL be nnde the ncat :,nrking day. lour City Deatgr.ated Job l,lwnbet' fa:q DDzzq INSULATTON/VAPOR BARRIER ITISPECTION : rcquired oapor barriera ore in place but before any Lath' gyPsurn boatd ot tnLL coueri.ng te appli,ed, and befone ory inaulation is concealed. x prior to aet up of forms. UNDERSLAB PLUM?TNC. ELECIiTCAL & ny ffi[:l{76uered, F)1TINC ,! FOUNDATICN: ?o be rmCe afber forns trenches ane esca0a ted and are erected, but prior to pow,ing ccncrete. haoe been made x F'Z DqYWAL,L INSPECAI)N: Tc be made.6 ;naatwtn s .in pta,ee, but Prlot to cny cawng. MAS1NRI: Steel location, bond dffilgrouti.ng or uerti.cala in aceordance utth U.B.C. Section 2475. UNqERGROUIID PLUM?INq, SSWER. H.ITER. onttntect: ribe maCe prior to ftl-E{66nches.v '",' floot' ineu\ation or decking. POSLAIP BEAM: To be made Priot toiiidTGilaTol floor insulation on decking. SITE INSPEC?ION:Aat att;;E;To be after h.iot, to plccirg aruL before fruntng l,lOODSI'OVE: ccmpTfrA. After installation ia CURB E APPRCACH AP!?ON: "r,;;;AtAEiVii',conc?ete. After forrnsto pounittg .. SIDEIIA\X & DRII'EI,IAY: For all con- "ret" p"o6;lili; atpeet right- of-teA, to be made after aLL exca- vating conplete & forn wrk E sub' base naterial in Place.FII?EPLACE: mdt;fiAG FIIIAL PLUMBIIIC FINAL MECIIANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL facing inapec- tion. W, btust be requeated aften apptoual of tough plwrbing, electri- eal t neclanical. Atl roofiryj btacing 6 chinneys, etc. mtat be . eompletcd. llo r,tct'k ie to be con- ,.?ec!e! yntll thtil inapea?ian'nas 'beo.n riii<lc and. approi6€1. ?ENCE: hhen conPlate " ProttiCe ja-l6i or nouable eections through P.U.E. ;.-- ALL projebt eondib.tone" $uch as the installation of atteet, tree1, conPlation-of the'rnquTrLTiira"'oipr."g,-Lti., ,tuat be aatisfied befoie the BUTLDING FINAL can be requested' /fX FrNAL BUILDIN7: The Final Building Inepection mtet be requected alter the Pinal Plwnbing !Y Electrical, and Mechaxical Inspectiono heua been nade ard approued. ./II,I, I,IANII1|,E!; AND CLEANOU,I,S NII::T RIi ACL.TSSIBLE, ADJUSTII{:II! TO BIi II.4DII IT NO CCST TO EI?Y T f1 ,oouru oo,, Pelte 1 ol il l I f-mJoB "o.Cr Bedroons: L-co #soLAR AcCEss REQ.- toteth Lot Faces - P. L. Iot Sq. Ftg. % of Lot Couerage I of Stot'ies Total Height Topography T LOT TYPE fntet ior Co?ner Panlnndle Cul-de-sac -- Fees -- ITEM FTG A Value Building Volue & Permit condition tltat the U 125,25 85 This permi slnll, in t is granted on the erpl'ess said construction aLL reipects, including confonn to the Ordinance adopted.by the Ci.ty of tntcticnSpningfield,the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the ccns and use of buildings, and mey \e 'f any prcoisione of said euspended '2rdinances or reuokeC at cny time upon oic- Lation o HAltcMffi TOTAL YALUE 230//,//l*tt Dae 7Ots.D.c, 7.5 r ,( Building Pet'mtt 73 Date Paid:oState ,76 ll: ?otal Clnrges Signed: ITEM NO.FEE CHARGE Plumbing Perrnit No person shall consttuct, instal!,, altet or clange -cny neD -cr eaisting pttinbing or drainage sy|tefl in uhole or in part, unless sueh person is the iegal pbsees"on of o o,-olid plrrnbet'e License, es-cept that a P?!s9n nau 4o ptuntl.:ng uotk to property ihich is outned, Leaaed or operated by the appli- cant. Fi.sttt es oo Residential (1 bath) Sani Sa,ler Plunbing Pernit oo State Sut'ch,arge ? 25 * Electricol Permit Wet,e State Lau requi?es tlat the electrieal uot'k be done by,an Elect't'ical Contractot,, the electrical pot'tion of this permit shall not be ualiC until the label has been aigned by the Electrical Contracto?.by rv/a 4,tun {o rX= I,l a,t / Ert e nd C i r cui t s Setice a ,13 b3 State ?otal Tb BF dbTklDa @ttfr<t+ofo< FEE CIIARCE oo oo 75 ^ Mechonicol Permit Hcodstotle Vent Fan Pentrtt fssudnce Meclnnicel Permit -- ENCROACHMENT .- Securitu Deposit 7,t Storage Maintertance Permit C'uvbcu! Sidenalk Fenee Electrical Label Mobile Horne /1,70 7 * f HAVE CAREFULLy EXAI4INED the conpleted application for permit, and do hereby certify that aLL infornation het'eon is tnue and correct, cnd I furthet, eertify that any ard. aLL uork perfor:ned alnll be done in accot'- danee tLth the 1rdinances of the Ci.ty of Springfield' and. the Lat;s of thc State of oregon pertaining to the rtork Cescribcd herein, end tlat No occu- PI.NCY t'vitl bb nnde of any sttucture uithout permiesion of the Buildtng D't- oision. I further certifs- that otly contractot's and enplcyeee uho are in eanpliance uith )RS 701.055 ui,LL be used on thia p'oiect 7-l:-: o Da te ttrtryA r AilnItitry nurl. I fr17..{<-Si.ttncJa'brt Nof Wo/.u 4+L /o&/2?rr Ezhanst HooC tu qn5 Permit Not Address: lssued Date: STATEMENT: INFORMATION NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS ABOUT CONSTRUCTION RESPONSIBILITIES Note: Oregon Law, ORS 701.055(4), requires residential building permit applicants who are not registered with the Construction Contractors Board to sign the following statement before the building permit can be issued. Licensed Architect and Engineer applicants, exempt from registration under ORS 701.010(7), need not submit this statement. This statement will be filed with the permit. Fill in the applicable blanks, and initial box 1 and either box 2A or 28: 1. HT,E, ! own, reside in, or will reside in the completed structure. 2. A.My general contractor is Contractor registration nu I will instruct my general contractor that all subcontractors who work on the structure must be registered with the Construction Contractors Board. OR wq0 -\T mber B I will be my own general contractor. lf I hire subcontractors. I will hire only subcontractors reoistered with the Construction Contractors Board. lf I chanoe mv mind and Eo hire a oeneral contractor, I will contract with a contrattor'who is reqistered with the Constructibn Contractors Board and I will immediatelv-notifv the officeissuing this building permit of the name of the contraitor. ' I hereby certify that the above information is correct and that I have read and understand the lnformation Notice to Property Owners about Construction Responsibilities on the reverse side of this form. <TI <,* s }\=,r.S CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS BOARD o24J 10t24t8p Signature of Permit Applloant,--}->-- -Date COPY TO ISSUING AGENCY PERMIT FILE N COPY TO APPLICANT @sI