HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1983-02-162175 North 11th,iob Eoeatictt: Aeaessore !,!o il Tabt# csne*r G. Fred Fort Adtiress: 21 75 North 1 1th plone: 147-5816 rtn field 914CL 1 rnstalline domes:;:#'Z::#, hot water systen 5 Collectors Drain Down System x Date of XX Drain Back Sys /2a-o Addition tem valus $4 ,000 " RESID-..lTlAL" EPLTCATION/PER}LIT 225 North 1th Street Sprinqfi,eld, 2regon 97477 Building Ditision 7 26-37 53 i SPFTINGFIEl.E .q Data: GetwtL 020 llIltItlil 1e tric 85197 ot L Sori:cg sasa eqpd, at VrcA@1 L*:e Septic tatk g,qed atd, fiLLeC wth gvla'!. Pinal - i{hei dhcre .)tans ee conoleteit"ri uisn Tateliciort ia caralaea o:r s;:z;- fipe noud, oti ptatiees eleaui tp. / lt is t'n reslosbility of tlr petnit ,@Ua. to s.. '.hat aLf, insoecttatu oe nade at Jhe ?fr?e, t1/1c, thd aech .z.bees is psa;a^i3 1'run chz 3vr3ez, otti due che pattt ca<i ia |-xa<i ;z =hc :':,oltt of cira ppoqw.lsuiidr:t4 b|uiipt: aVr*a:ed Tibt siult ranain o, ti auiAi:rrg- :i;e 'a all'-ehis.' PROC9DW\F1R. ISSPggfCN,1|AAES:X:CALL726-3769 (recorts) state gous C'i,.tV decigT,atel. job raor,be?, iob aCircss, tyga cf ins.oce;i.ctt reqteeted cd a!.aa gou nLLL be taly ;'or" inspectio , Corladctars or OLme.s- naaa atd, pitone atnba, P.eqrca+-a receited. befctc 7:0C ,=rttZL bc iads th6, wae Cq, fiqusats nadt cfta ?:00 6nvilt ba io&e the neat:.n*ktng dag. Yout Ciq Deeigrated Job ttunb* Ia:83D\toD Conaauctictt LaruiEt aftd IISWATICN /VAPOR SARRIIR TIS?IC?IOil : lo be nod.e after al,L *lsuktiai cd, rqttited. uqor bezters oe in place brt befoze ag la,th, ggpsLot boal, or tnl?, ouerin4 is ap-olied., ad, befote o'ty in-*uktbn is eoncealed- pnar tc set 14 of forna. Ir u il T il U?IDERSUB PLUI4BING. ZLZERTCAL ,! i,ECELllICAL: ?o be wde before oryr*rk is caeted. PCO?i:lC 1 ?OUODATICN: lo be daafter t snches a?e aeqtated otd, J'otne ate erectei, but priot topt*ing ec.rctete. UPDr,q,C?OUID ?!N'ETNC. SITEP., I,qIgR. DRA||IACE: lo ce na,ze Vrtor to fil-ffiq -terlctEe. UNDEP,PLOOE ?LNBflC 2, Y:ECqAilTCAL : o1 floor ituukdlant or decking. .WS? AilD Bwtut: To be nad,e criot to -^- '.r,sac,Llar-an cf floor iuula*[on or deckiry. .2.0ucq ?ilt?Bnc. llEeRrcAt t :4gcg- A"I'Wffiihese insoeccotts itroe been t@d.e @d, qtcvei. ?!?EPf,ACX: n-bt io plccir4 iact"gncterials od, before i'ranttq ineoec- tiotr. ?Rillf$G: i4ust be rea,eaced aft* approoal ci rot4h zlutr,bitq, electri- a,L il dechanical. ALL zooyArg btwcittg 1 ehi.ttttego, etc. tust be . qleted. ]lo ttork .Js to be con- - cu.Led, until :his lnsoectictt has "oeen twie zttc apopleti. DRYIALL i]l9?1d!Clt: To be nod,a @sincla,ce,but pd,or ;o aq tq*q. IIASCNPI: Staal 'tocation, bor?d. beaw, grcttlitq ot uerti*,Ls in accotdotce vtth U.E,C. Section 2415. 'JOODSTOM:dLeA.Afta irctalTation ia 'tltat qlete -- fuuiCe or notsable eectiote tlasl.gh Slocki.tq od. Szc-:tg Plunbtttg coavctio+tE -- 6ate? sd, uaiet Electzical Conzectiott - ELocHnq, aet-uD od, plwbitq cottcctione nast be qprweC bcfore requcetittg eleeli-cal inspee2ion Aceeasorg Bui?ting CURE 4 .E?RCACI A?99N: Aftet foneoe areetcd but pda b pouaing ,gn,aaet3. SmmlAlX, 4 DR!,EIAI: Pov aLL cott- @ Et?eet right- oJ'-txg' to be nade aftet aLL *ea- oattng carplcte '1 fot'a uork & eub- fu,_se rc,ter;-al in pl,aee.?ital - After etc. @e coflto ,c?cneg,skirtinE, decks, llycg: gaxes PIIIAL ?LAMBTIIG FIflAL ,W'EAilTCAL ?IIIAL ZLE:ZPTC;L P.U.E _.: AtL ptoject coullciotls, sl/c:'i d,a ;he i-nstallai:ioa of st?eet aees, 2c:reletioa of the reauired 'l.odscqir4, etc., tiltst be satisfied before tl,.e 9AILDII|G ?ilAL cot be teqtesteC. ffilAL AAfLDIttO: The Eittzl Buildiltg lnsoection ntst be *equested zi--et lhe ?itul ??,unbinX \-/ iT.ectrical, oti :,techu,icc.L Insoecx'.caa hate been naae and. agprouei. *ALi.I|AI|ECEqS AND CLEANOUT1 ]II]S? 3E ACCZ$iALE, ADJL',|:Ei]I:O 3g -'!N.DI .1.?.']O::S!:C CTY ?zie 1 of 2 w r T Z fM ofi? Intertct CoflE" Panhodle CvZ-de-sao JOB N soLAR'acEss REQ.-L-CO G* Bedtoons Lot Faces - flouse roporyfu ht Sq. FQ. Z of /-ot Coverog"_ # of Storiee Totat Eetght -- Saes -- Building Volue & Permit Tkis peorJt ,)s gw*ed on the 2frt€sl ccndition tl@t tl@ sail,-anetntctionelall, in aLL rbsoeets, :onfcrtn to the Srditwee adooted b'y the Ci;y cf Sgrtng;'ieU, incfuriing the icnittg Crdinance, re.ulcting ;he ccnst?.tcticn otd, tse of buil<iings, oti neg be susoeruied or rq,;okei .t aA tine tcoz ltic-ktion of z1V preuisicns cf said. CtCirances. !0!.71 ,IALUS SuiTding Pdntit, State ?otal Chages ?izi,tes Plumbing Permit No peraon slall cooLllet, inelal!, alt* ot chrya dd! r.ed cr e:istiqplmbittg ot dtainage syetsn in ulole ot in pet, unless *rch person ia ila legal poeeesaor of a ualid plunbe's Licenae, e.*ept tiat a ?e?sott ilag da plunbttrg wrk to pro?e*y ulrich is ouned, ta,eed, or operated bg the qpli-qmt. Recid,attial (1 bath) Sa'len P|utbttq Partt () A ,:!o...=ig C;UI,GE ?ee. Sa, f'",r. N a,t /Ect ead, C irctti ts TaiDowV Samtice lo.oo/o,c +c -a.t Da, htttzce Z?IJ'S bhagt lood, Vsnt ?.fi vqdsto-ae P*.ntl,t fsato@e Neehottcal .oe?iit Staaoe Id':v-ieTDce -Da.rnit Sid.analk ?edse EZeetr)cal LabeL ?OTAL ,\M1ailt Da|: t 6() 4. Electricol Permit 'ilure State Ea,t reqtinea tttat th. electri,cal uork be doae bg ot Electn)cal Contru,cto?, tiu elecsrical potti,ort af thia perwit siull rac be talil unt;-Lthe 7.abel ha.e been aigrcd W tlta ET.ectrical Contvactot. Mechq nicol Permit , PL@t ! AW CARE?ULLI ZA-t|.IilgD !]e con?Leted aplicaxian ,aor perwit, a1d. dchzteby cettifg tiut aLL tn;'ctnation hqeott- ia itu€ ard, ecnect, atd. i fu*-her certiig llat oty ard, aLL ',nrk perfo*,red aitall be cioae ir. accor- d@lre tith the 1z.dinances of the Cdfu o1' Spittgfietd., *td, ;he Lane of theState of Cregan pertaining io the wrk d.es*)bcd he,rdn, ald. :iat nO OCCI- PAIC! ,,tL'l,L be tnd.e of dtA sf.ntcttt?a ',tLthatt penriseion of :he 3uiiri.!,ng ti-,ision. ! i"ether :ett 1a1 zhzt c,-.Ly ccntraetots cd, arc-lcgees .,t'no .sZ :n canpl'r.ance aith CRS 701.065 uiLL be used on ;ir-a projec! 2-/Lc/53 llobile Eotne Signed irr,^-A Date Zorze:)eanoatcu Cdo: {Le*rieal Pa-nit State Sutehooa lotat (nacee ?otal Ota.aes