HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1976-11-23CITTTT OF SPF,I}TGFI]TT'D SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97 477 November 23, 1976 346 MAIN STREET 7 47 -4221DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Wayne & Judy Zintmerman 643 Main Street Springfield,0R 97477 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Zimmerman: At your request the Build"ing Department of the City of_Springfjeld made a housing inslect'ion at .I946 & l94B North lQth Street, Springfield,0regon' The following jtems were found to be jn need of repair or rep'lacement: l. The bathroom door jn .I946 must have the passage 'lock repail"d' Z. Striker plates should be jnstalled on all door janrbs jn .l946' 3. The exhaust fans in the range hoods need repair in both unt'ts' 4. The steps leading into ttre itility room must be of equal height; such height cannot exceed 8 inches. 5. Covers must be installed on attic access holes' 6. passage door from utility room to garage must be a solid core door with an autornatic closer. l. l5 and 20 amp electrical breakers must have a tnain breaker ahead of them. B. The electrjcal wjres to the hot,water heater must be in a ntetal raceway. All necessary perm'its must be obtained before work begins and all rvork must be corripleted acloiAing to appf icable codes and inspected before a Certificate of Compliance is issued. For further jnformation, please feel free to contact the Springfie'ld Building Department at 747 -4??1 . Sinc el y, Dan Smith Buildr'ng InsPector DS: sm CITY OF SPRINGi;IJJLD A1'I'I,ICATION AND ACIUi},I.fliN'I ITOR SEI.JT;R ]]OOKUP Application is hcrcby rnadc by tl.rc trr-rC.ersigned proPcrty or.rncr for-pcrrrission to copncct thc fo11or..ling clcscribcd propcr-ty to a city sani,tary scwcr'1ine, or;rtcd and mailtaipr:d by tfic City of Spr:',rrgficld, and I ;rgrce to pay such a hool<up chargc of $4.50 pcr front foct, of the propcrty for tl:c first 150 fcct in dcpth to be served by such ciLy seircr line in licu of an assessment againsE the described property. An additional $0.03 per square foot will be chargcd for any additional propcrEy beyond the first 150 feet. Property Descripti.on:Address z 1946 & I 948 North I Oth Street The rrorth 40 feet of Lot B, Block 2, Fuchsia Gardens as platted and recorded in Book.?9, Page 14, Lane County Plat Records in Lan'e County, Oregon. Scr,rer hookup char:ge:front feet G $4.50 per front lloot = 3200 square feet G $0.03 per sq. ft.$ go. oo Ihis agrec:;rent has been ccmputed. as being onc-half (\) of the e,luivalcnt cost of an eight (8) inch lateral sanitary seuer at tlte rate of 9z*.50 p,-'r abut,ting frc,nt foot and does lrot include the cost of a house conuection to said city sc\r'€r1 se\rer trser charges, plunrbing perrrits or othcr:;uch costs to be assumcd by the pr:opcrty o!.rncr CIr'Y Ol- SPRT ):Gl- I rrLD OR]]GON l']ROi'l;IITY Oitriiil RS : By: D;r te:b STA'1'5 OF OR]:GON SS CounLy of Lane BE I't llEiilli'!lli:RilD , th at on th i s dav of -, 19 bcfore ine, tltc tn-rdcrsigncd, a Notary Public in ar.rd for tlre seid Cotrnty antl State, persoually appcared the r..'itlri-rr naincd ) ) ) linorrtr to i:tc to bt: the idcnt ica 1 i rrrl ividtra I and acknor.rl.c<lgcd to rr.clt,it <l cscribcd irr and ulro csecrrtcd Lltc rviLltin irrsl-r\ii:trllll- cxcclrtcd tltc s-lliitl frccly arlcl volr.rrrtarily' lli'lNliSS r:i;, !ranC and scal this daY ar-rd ycar last .el-'ovc. wriLtcn ,-lry I'rrb I ic ( l'ly Coriirrt:ls J.orr llxP irt':; / r7 LAIERAL _JL-_L_l cIlY 0r SPRINCFTELD, OREGC Bulldlng DepartmenE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLT ANCE fhlr cerglflor BhaE Ehe bulldtng end properBy,locatod aE 1946 & 1948 North l0th Street aa een tnopecEe and ou co comply w of Sprlngflsld, Oregon. fin tne ordlnancea o e Clty 0wnere Narne & Judy Zimrerman 643 thin StreetAddreea City Spri freld, 0R 97477 Itema of speclal conslderatlon are: December I0" 1976 ilarlon Johnson O, @ Date 'Building Inspector - t