HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1999-03-05RESIDENTI.AL PERMIT APPLICATION lnspections: 726.3769 Oftice:726.3759 SPFIINGFTELD JOB NLJMi]E[I 0 225 Fittlr Srrcct Springilclcl, Orcgon 97477 LOCATION OF PROPOSED WOFII(:t1t + ^) i rth ASSESSOBS MAP:lt bZ Rt^+L TAX LOl:o 6€0z LOT:- BLoCI(; uest an lnspcctlon, you tnust cerll 726'3769. Tllls ls a 24 lrour rccor<Jlng. nll lnspcctions rc(l.estcd bcl.rc 7:00 a.rn. wlll bclhc sanle worl<lng day, lr1:ipcctions rcqucstcd a[tcr 7:00 a.rn. will bc madc thc lollowlr-rg wort( cJay. REQUIRED INSPECI'IONS f fcmnorary Etccrric Finll [)lunrbirrg - When allplunrl:ing worl< is contplct,c. To rcq mac,e Sita lnspcction - To bc maclca(ter cxcavation, bul ltrior tosettirl0 (orrrrs. Undcrslab Pluntbing / Elcc trical /Mcclranlcal - Prior to covcr, Footlng - A(tcr trenches arc cxcavatcd. Fourrdatlon - A(tcr lorms arc crccted bu t prlor to concretc placcrncn t, Undcrgrourtd Pluntbing - prior to flllln$ trench. Undcriloor Plurnbing/ Mcchanical - Prior to lnsulallon or cJecking. Post flnd Bcam - Prior to fioor lnsulation or dccl<lng. Floor lnsulation - Prior to dccl<ing. Sanitary Scyrcr - Prior to filling trcnc lr. Storrrr Scwcr - l)r'ior to lilling trcnch, Water Linc - Prlor ro tilling trcnch, Rough Plurrrbing - Prior to cover. Rouglt lvlcclrarrical - prlor to cover, Rouglr Elcctrical - prior to covct. Elcctrical Scrvlcc - Musl bcal)provc(l to obtait.l l)cilnancnIclectrlcol l)owcr. Franrlng - Prlor to covcr. Wall/Ccllin0 lrrsulation - prlor to c ove r. f:irrll ulcctr(icnl - Vr'hcn allclcctrical worl( is corrrplctc. [-l fvtasonry - Stccl locatlon, boncl - beams, groullng. Firral Mcclr;rrrical - Whcn allrrrcclranical worl< ls cornplctc. Final Ll uilclirrg - Whcn allrcquircd inspcctlons have bccn;rpprovcd and builcling is corn plc tcd. MOBILE I.IOME INSPECTIONS T-l Cryvrall - Prior to ratrirl0 Wood Stovo - nftcr lnstalla:ion. lrlscrt - Altcr flrcl:lacc approval ancl installatlon ol unlt. Crrrbcut ti Attl.rroirclr - nrtcrlorrns arc croctcd but prior lo I)lacctncl)l o( cottcr(.]lc, Siclcwalk & Drivcw;ry - nltcr cxcav;rtiorr is cornplctc. Ionns an(l sul).base lnalcriill in pl;rcc. {itroot Trccs - Wlrcn all rcqulrccJ trecs arc plantcd. [-l Blocf ing arrcl Scr.Up - Wtlcn ail.J blocl(in,.l is cornplctc. Pltrrrrbirrg Connccliorrs - WhcrlItotnrj lr;rs bccn conrtccted to w;ltcr .'.ln(l scvJ(:r. Elcctric:rl Colrncctiorr - Wlrcn L>lockinl;, sot.up, ancJ plunrbing inr;pcc liclns ltilvc bcotl approvcclilnd tltc lrornc is connccted to tlrr: scrvico;tancl. PI.IONE: STN]'E:1+1-7ztP 1 CIR OWNER .fuut K., A,T4 SLo-l+ ADDRESS: CITY: x N DDITION DEMOLISI1 OTI.IEI] DESCBIBE WORI(: NEW - FIEMODEL CONTRACTOR'S NAME N DDRESS GENEBAL: EXPII:]ES PI-IONE ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL: PLUMBING: CONST. CONTI]ACTOR , irtrtrtnWNTER I.IENTEN QUAD AFIEA: , OF BLOGS OCCY GROUP: A OF STORIES: t_l f-l Fircplacc - prtor ro faclng - matcrlals ancj lrarning lnsp. tl D flo,,n", h= *r^w.e-.- E E E tr t_t Fcncc - Wtlcn colnplctcd. [-l Final - Atrcr ail rcclulred.J lltrpcctions arc approvcd ancl porchcs, skirting, cJcclrs, and vcntln0 havc bccn lnstallect. i.ALfi SOUNNE FOOTNCE:RN NGE: tl P.L,GAR ACC N J Lot faccs Lot sq. (tg. Lol covcragc Topography Total lrclgltt BUILDING PERMIT ITEM SO. FT. Main Lot 'lyl)r - lnrt=roi --- Cornor - Panharrcllc - Cul-dc'sac x $/so. t:T. Sc t l)acl(:; HSE VALUE IS TIIE, PI]OPOSE,O WORK iN -I'Iif . I.IISTORICAL OISTRICT, OR ON TI{E I{ISTORICAL REGISTER? - It yes, tlris application must be slgncd arrd approvcd by thc Hlstorlcal Coordinator prior to pcrrnit issuance. BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT 1'lris pcrrlitis granted orr llrc cxprcss condition llrat tlre said construction shall, in all respects, conform to tlrc Ordinance atioptcd by thc City of Springticld, including thc Dcvclopnrcnt Coclc, rcgulating thc construction and usc of buildings;, and may bc suspcndcd or rcvokcc.l at any tltne upon violation of any provisions ol said ordinanccs. Plan Chcck Fec Datc l)aicJ: Garage Car;:or t Total Valuc Building Pcrnrit Fcc Statc Surclrargc Tolal Fcc TOT L AMOUNT OUE (cxcluding clcclric:.rl) (4, B, C, D, and E Corrtt>irrcd) Rcceipt Ntrntbcr:--.. (^) Rcccivccl By: Plans flcvicwcd [Jy Datc ADDITIONAL COMMENTS By slgnaturc, I statc an<.1 agree, that I hav5 carcf ully examlnecl tlrc complclcd appllcation and do hereby certlfy lhat all ltl formatlorl hcrcorr is truc anrl corrcct, and I turthcr ccrtity that any and all worl< pcrlormcd shall be done in accorcJance witlr tlrc Ordinarrccs oI tlrr: Cily of Springflclcl, arrcJ tl.rc Laws oI tlrc St;rtc oI Orcgorr perlaitring to ilrc worl< rJescrlbccl hcrcin, arrd tlrat NO OCCUPT\IIJCY will bc rrracic o( any struclurc willrout ltcrrnissiorr ol tlrc Buildlrrg Salcty Division. I furthcr certify tl'rat only contractors ancJ enrployees who aro in cornpliancc.wilh OHS 701.055 will bc used on thls proicc l. lfurtlrcr agrec to cn:iuic that:rll rcquirccl inspcctions arc rcqucstcd at thc prol)cr titnc, tlrat cacl'r acldrcss ls rcadablc Irorn tlrc strcct, t c pcnlli card ls locatcd at thc front of ilrc propert aJrl>rovcd sct oI plans vrill remaln on thc sitc J dur'in ol't s t tl Slgnature Date ( VALIDATION: RECEIT'T NUM8Et.l DATE PAID 5-6-51 frAIvIOUNT RECEIVED 4 eo5{ SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) (o) Rcsldcntial Bath(s) Sanltary Scv.rer Watcr Storrn Scwcr Mobllc Homc PERMIT FEE NO t--1: l:l" FT. (c) Plumblng Pcrmit State Surclrar0c Total Cltargc PLUMBING ITEM Fix tu res Wood Stovc/ lnscrt / [:lrcplacr: Urri I Drycr Vcnt MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Mobilc Honrc Statc lssuancc Statc Surclrargc Sidcwall< - lt Curbcut -.- ft Ocmolltlon Stalc Surchargc tts, L* to. ?5. +,+( Total Mlsccllancous Pcrrnits (E) 4:u,4 Vcnt [:arr (D) MECHANICAL PERMIT Fu rnacc Exhaust lJood No Mcclranical Pcrrrril ls suancc Slatc Surclrarl.;c Total Pcnrllt rrd t ll ri nECETVED av --#A-/- E APPROVED: Systcms Dcvelopmcnt Chargc is duc on all undevelopcd propcrtics v;itlrin tlrc City lirnits rvhiclt are bcing lmproved. ATTENI-ION:Oregon law requires you to follow rules adopted-- -'he Oregon Utility SPI ,iFIELE, zoning, and does approval. Date calling the center. (Note: the teleph onci Zoning Uti lity Notif ication, -- '2344) SPRINGFIELD, oREGON 97477 INSPECTfON REQUEST: 726-3769OFFICE: 726-3759 ].. LOCATION OF LEGAL DESCRTPTION 11 _q2 a +Io €soz JOB DE . A-e- Address ?" Ciry X.^e, ,, __Phone 6IP- l6r r-{ umber 7.491 < Expiration Date Constr Contr. Number Expiration Date i I-3r-- oO Signature of Supervising Electrician Ovners Name AdCress l') t ,t nI rrsG city g?k4yfi4n phone Vl L - 6a Vz_ OVNER INSTALLATION The installation is being made onproperty I ovn vhich is not intendedfor sale, lease or rent. 0vners Signature: E DATE: 3. COHPIJTE FBE SCEEDTILE BELOS A qL, ll, ILL =:'Tl:ff,lcBK ELECIREd{OIPERHIT-;"iti_v,;lqp i()eCity Job Nunber APPLICATION 1,PEB,OD q q 6 36\- Nev Residential-Single orMulti-Family per dvelling unit.Service fncluded: I tems 1000 sq.ft. or less Each additional 500sq. ft or portion thereof Each Manuf,d Home. or - Modular Dvelling SerVice or Feeder 200 amps or less 20L amps to 400 amps - 401,amps to 600 amps - 601 amps to 1000 amps- Over 1000 amps/volts - Reconnect 0n1y Cos t $ 8s.00 $ 1s.00 $ 40.00 s s0.00 s 60.00 s100. 00 s130.00 s300.00s 40.00 Sum Permits are non-transferable and expireif vork is not started vithin 180 daysof issuance or if vork is suspended for 1B0 days. 2- CONTRACTOR rNSTALL.arroN ONLY B. services or Feeders i^.LIns tallation, AlterationsElectrical Con tractor L.SLI *liitr.tC A*torc.*[ffi, Relocation: t- Supervisor License N C. Temporary Services or FeedersInstallation, Alteration or Re Pump or irrigation Sign/Outline Lighting- Limited Energy/Res - Limited Energy/Comm loca t ion 200 amps"or less $ 4O.OO201 amps to 400 amps - $ 55.000ver 401 to 600 amps - $ 80.00 Over 600 amps or 1000-vofTs see rrgrr u[ffi- D. Branch Circuits Nev, Alteration or Extension per panel OneCircuit I $35.00Each Additional Circuit or vith Serviceor Feeder permi, _J_ S 2.00 Miscellaneous (Service/feeder not included) -Each installation 00 00 00 00 $ao $+o $zo $36 RECETYED B SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 5Z State Surcharge 3Z Admini.s trative Fee TOTAL fi3'1.- t. g{ / ./ I.r 4.n, 5 1tV n., / L (L<P^t )+ rr{ }-YQrr ln-, - r\l