HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1987-10-07" RESID-NTlAL"SPFTINGFIEI.D 22 s North stlt s;treeaPPLrcA,r,N /PERt'Irr SprLngfield, 2regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 Plwtbi.ng ELectrical Mecltan:icaL Constmrct'ion Lendet PROCEDUPE FOR INSPEC?I9I!_IE1WSTTCALL 726-3769 (z,ecorder) state Aou? City designated job eadyforinspection,Contlactarsoian","",*oeLndp?ane t>iLL be trude the eane dag, ?eqosts ncde after 7:00 @n urill be nnde the nest rnz,king day. Reouirerl Tnsoeeticns Iout, City Desig:nated Job Nwnber Is: d-,1 uo tC Irt I4>2 d f .2/d ,l*"a, L oate: 1 O'? *& / It io the reeponeibility of tte petmit hold* to aee that aLL inspections ate nade at the pro?e? tine, th,at each,zddrees is real'ahie fran tle Et?eet, @d, tllat the pa nrit eati ie l.ocated at the front of the p"opdty.*Buildi.H Nuiciot appto"*ed plan shc.Ll remain on the Building Site at aLL- times. I nlrnbein, job aCdrees, tgpe of inspee)icn rwtiber. Eequests receixed befcte 7:00 on 3ro ?so ,.u ,.""rr",, //QZ /J ga-t/) jC ,, lqo320 y'sAesessors Map #Tcs Ipt #00 Subdittision: /')f/r"a.td /LptAntet Ttl Phone: 1L6'tZ7/4q City Address: 14.14L /l*rValueDate of App Liati-on Additian RenoCel l.lobile Hane Genenal Pege 1 of 2 Qfad fnleDaafiTnit. qcilaion, but To be nade aftet, prior tc set up of forns. ANDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELFCTRIC4L & WCHAIIICAL: ?o be nade before any uork is cotset,ed, P?0TING & FOUNDATICN: To be nwde A$erZAencf;s are ezcaoated and fortns are erected, but prior to pout-iztg ecnereta. IN SULATION /VAPOR BABBIEB JILS?EIILOU : To be nnde after aLL insulaticn ctd. required oqot buvie?s @e in plaee but before ory Lath, Wpewn bcarC or tnLT- eoztering is applied, and. before oty ircuT,ation ie concealed. DRWALL TNSPEC?ION: To be nade aftet, aLL dtyuall is in place" but ptior to arry ta?irS. MASQIIRY: Steel Location, bond d)ffi]grouting or tetticals in aecordance Lttth U.B.C. Section 2415. VO2DST)r,/E: After installation is arnpLeted. OR Sanitoty ser.,ter capped at g,ope.rfi1 Litce Septic totk p;t,ped and fi.Lled rrith gz,a:sel Pinal - h1ten obcue i,tene are cctnpleted and uhen Canclition is conrplete ot' sttae- ture mooeC ad. ptenrLses eleaneC up. Hcmes Blocking ord. Set-up Plunbing connections -- aate? d uatet Electrical Ccqnection - Bloeking, set-up and plunbing eonneetione mist be apprc"^ed before requesting electrical inspectiort Aecessory Bui.LCing Pinal - After pcrckes,. skirting, decks, etc. a"e cotnpleted. UNDSRGROU!]D PLUMBING, SE'IER. WATER, pFL4UgE: To be made priot, to fil-I@-lGnches. T ATIDEPFLOOR PLUT,EING & ]IECI]ANICAL : @onoffloor insuktion ot decking. POST AND BEAM: To be nade prLot, to fiiiilTffiVo| floor insulation ot deeking. ROUGH PLlll,lBIIlC. ELEC?RTCAL & \IECH: ANfCAL: No uork is to be co,^ered --- wtti.L these inspeetions ltaue been made and appz,oued.. PfPEPLACE: Pr.Lot, to plaeirq facingmaterials atd before froning inspee- tion. P84!'!Ill8: Ltust be requested after app"ooaL of tough pltrnbing, eiecty"i-cal & neelnnical. Al.L toofing bracirq E chhmeys, etc. rmtst be , eompleted. Ilo uork is to be con- . cealed unttl this inspeetton las'been made anC appro.-ed. FTUAL PLUAAING PINAL MECHANICAL FTTAL ELECTRICAL CURB & APPRCACH APPON: ee erecteC but ptiot' to eoncz,ete. SfDETIALK & DR['|EWAI: For aLL eon- crei; paofrAffi stteet right- of-teA, to be made after aLL e*ea- oating canplete & forn uotk & sttb- base materLal in place. After forns ' pouring YENCE: hhen conplete -- tuouiCe gates or mooable seetions through P, U.E. trP/L!-'();,.^-; \vI Trn" - --- ALL project condi.tions, such as the i.nstallation of street trees, eonpletion of the required Landscaping, etc., tmtst be satisfied before the BUILDfN? EfNAL ean be requested. FINAL BUILDIN1: Ihe Einal Buitd,ing fnspection mrct be requested aftet the Final Pltnbiry \J Electrieal, and Meelunieal fnspections h$)e been nade atd approtteC. *ALL I|ANHCLES AND CLEAN1U?S MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST\\Eil! T0 BE t44DE /;7 NO CCST T0 CI?y l tr DeecrLbe tlovk: 4ruat t'oo ol;aLdood4vw) 0r, -L;'* I,-,, JOB ,lNO l,ot Sq. Ftg.LCT ?WE _ Interior _ Co?ne! _ Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac Lot Faees - % of Lot Couetage_ # of Stortes Df House Aceess. Total Height Topogrqhy to"^e ITEM FTG X Value Building Vqlue & Permit This pertnit is granted on the erp?ess condition tlnt the said eonstractionslnll, in all respeets, eonform to the Otdinance adopted Liy the City ofSpringfield, includi.ng the Zoning Crditance, r,egulcting the ccnstrubticn urd. use of buildtngs, cnd mag be suspend.ed or reuokeC at cny time upon oic- Lation of dttJ prctsisions of said 1rdir,anees. TO?AL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 o Building Permtt Cheek Fee: State Date Patd ?otal Clanges Signed: I?EM NO.FEE CHARGE Fi^rhtres Plumbing Perrnit N9 pet,son shall consttaet, instal'!-, altet oy elange anA neu cr etisting pltnfuing or drainage systan in utale on in pott, unlees euch person is- tle Legal possessor of a oalid plutnbet's License, e*cept tlut a pbtson na! do plwnbing uork to p"operbJ uhich is outned, Leased or operated by the appli.- @nt. Resid.ential (1 bath) Sanet, Phtnbing Pemit Neu/Ectend. Citcuits Electricol Permit Where State Lan reqtiyes tlwt the electtical uoz,k be done by qn Eleetrical Contractor,, the electr.tcal portion of this permit sllall not be talil, untilthe Label has been eigned by the Electrical Contractor.Iaryuey Setoice State lotal NC FEE CIIARGE Mechqnicol Permit E hanst Hood Yent P@. o<) Permtt fssucnee Meelnnical Permit rY) S oo -- ENCROACIIMEN? -. Sectrttg Deposit 9!9oog" Maintenance Permit Cvrbcu* Sida,saLk Penee Eleetrieal la.bel Mobile Horne SoLARA ESS REQ.-L-co c Bedroons lleat Ei Laee Reeeipt #: PLcn Esaniner Date Total I HAW CAREFULLY EXAI,,IINED t?e cornpleted applieation for permit, and do het,eby cettify that aLL infonnation hereon is t?ue artd ebz,rect, and f futther certify that any ard aLL wtk penforned slnll be done in aceot- dance ttth the 1ydinances of the City of Springfield, atd the La,;s of the State of 2regon pertaining to the wrk Cescribed herein, &d tlnt N0 )CCA- PI.NCY ?,/LlL be rmCe of arly st"uctu?e uytthout pernission of the Building N-uision. I further eertif'g that only cont"acto"s ad. anplcyeel uho axe in eonpliance aith ORS 707.055 ui.LL be used on this pnojeet lo:V-*,7 TOIAL AI0OUN? DUE: *t5 oo Date I