HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1995-08-22OTT OF SPilNGFIEIT', SPRINGF!ELD a RESIDEMTIAIJ PERIIIT APPI,ICATION CITY OF SPRINGFIEI,D COUMT'NITY SERVICES DIVISION BUII.DING SAFETY Page 1 ilob Number: 951141 225 North Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Location of Proposed Work: 1148 N 12TH ST Assessors ttap #: L7032644 Lot: Block: Office: Inspection Line: 726 -37 59 726 -37 69 Tax Lot #: 14801 Subdivision: Owner: GEORGE HARLOW Address: 2433 MARCOLA ROAD Describe Work: FND FOR MOVED HOUSE phone #: city/state/zrp: SPRTNGFIELD, OREGON 97477 ADDITION General- ConEractor MARQUARDT 0067550 PO Box LL754 Eugene OR 974400000 Const. Cont,ractor #Expiree 07/02/es Phone 341-65s9 QUAD AREA: 2RNW # OF UNITS: 1 CONSTR. TYPE: VN OFFICE USE -- LAND USE: 1111 ZONING CODE: LDR # OF BDRMS: 2 # OF BLDGS: 2 OCCY GROUP: R3 To request an inspection, calf the 24 hour recording aL 726-3759. A11 inspections requested before inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made Lhe same working day, will be made the following work day. 7:00 a.m. --- REQUIRED INSPECTIONS --- FOOTING - Aftser trenches are excavated. FOtIIDATION - AfE,er forms are erected but prior to concrete placement. POST AI.ID BEAII - Prior to floor insulation or decking. INSULATION - Floor; prior to decking waII/ceiling; Prior to cover WATER LINE - Prior to filling trench. SATiIITARY SEWER LINE - Prior to filling trench. STORM SEWER LINE - Prior to fil-l-ing Erench. ELECTRICAL SERVICE - Must be approved to obtain permanent power. INSULATION - Floor; prior to decking Wa1l/Ceiling; Prior to cover FINAL BUILDING - When all required inspections have been approved and the building is complete. Lot Faces: E Sofar Approved: Y House Garage LoE Sq. Ft Lot Type: SetbacksswE 20 16 15 : 6510 INTERIOR Total Height: 14 N 5 IUem Main Garage FOUNDATION Total Value Building Permit Fee Surcharge/aamin TOTAL FEE BUILDING PERMIT Square Feet x $/Square Feet Value 0.00 0.00 3, o00. oo 3, 000.00 38.50 3.09 41.59(A) IEem Sanitary Sewer Fee 25.00 --- PLI'MBING PERMIT --- SPRINGFIELD Job Number: 951141 CITY a Page 2 Water Storm Sewer Plumbing Permit Surcharge/admin TOTAL CHARGE 25 )q 00 (c) 75.00 6.00 81. 00 --- UISCELLA.I.IEOUS PERIIITS --- Surcharge/admin PLAN CHECK FEE TOTAL MISCEI.LA}IEOUS PER}IITS (E) 0.00 25.03 25.03 (Excluding Electrical ) unlees otherwiee noted --- TOTAL AMOI'NT DUE --- (A, B, C, D, and E combined)L47.52 --- BUILDING VALUE, PI.A}I CHECK A}ID BUILDING PERMIT This permit is granted on the express condition that Ehe said construction shall-, in aII respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Development Code, regulating Ehe construction and use of buildings, and may be suspended or revoked at any time upon violaEion of any provisions of said ordinances. --- ADDITIONAL COMMENTS -.- RESIDENCE TO BE LOCATED FROM 1620 H STREET, SPFLD 2 STREET TREES REQUIRED By eignature, I atate and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shalt be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the CiEy of Springfield, and the Laws of Ehe State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY wifl be made of any strucEure without permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on Ehis project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are reguested at the proper time, that each address is readable from the street, EhaE Ehe permit card is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans wiII remain on the site at all times during construction. E--// ignature Date --- v \t1 ALIDATION "uReceipt Number: Date Paid: Amount Received: Received BY: w OFEGO'VCITY OF 225 FIFTE STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97 477 INSPECf,I0N REOIEST: 726-3769 OFFICE: 726-3759 1 FlELO ELECTRICAL PERHIT APPLICATION City Job Number 3. COHPTTFTE PEE SCEEDIILE BELOI{ A. Nev Residential-Single or . Multi-Family per dvelling unit. service rncluded' ,a"*" cost 5Pr ilTEI\ 3I#l'*LArroN I.EGAL DESCRIPTION JOB DESCRIPTION Permits are non-transferable and expire if vork is not started vithin 180 days of issuance or if vork is suspended for 180 days. 2. CONTRACTOR INST Electrical Contractor Address 3 l-000 sq.ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion thereof Each Manuf'd Home or Modular Dvelling Sertice or Feeder Services or Feeders Installation, Alterations or Relocation: Sum s 8s.00 s 1s.00 $ 40.00 B s s0.00 s 60.00 $100.00 s130.00 s300.00s 40.00 fD Ci ty Phone Supervisor License Number A1X-S 6wffi 200 amps or 1 201 amps to 4 40L amps to 6 601 amps to 1 Over 1000 amp Reconnect OnI ess 00 amps 00 amps 000 amps_ ,s /voI t s v Expiration Date Constr Contr. Number S -/ - c.Temporary Services or Feeders InstalIation, Alteration or Relocation Expiratio"o^r. @/zZ/e 200 amps''or less $ 201 amps to 400 a,nps - $ over 401 to 600 amps - $ 0ver 600 amps or 1000-ilofTs s trician 40. 00 s5.00 80.00'ffi' u!,,,r^ n ure of Ovners Name /Act-t-t lxrttEqtMANTS 666tu"" tSbE toltcANtETTE >7 Ci ty ANe Phone 34, ^73 6,Ecs OVNER INSTALLATION The installation is being made on property I ovn vhich is not intended for sale, lease or rent. Ovners Signature: DATE: D. Branch Circuits Nev, Alteration or Extension Per Panel One Circuit $ 35.00 Each Additional Circui t or vi th Servic € 't or Feeder permi t 3 $ 2.oo b, - E. Miscellaneous (Service/feeder not included) -Each installation Pump or irrigation Sign/0utline Lighting_ Limited Energy/Res Limi ted Energy/Comm SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 5Z State Surcharge 32 Administrative Fee TOTAL ee trBrt. a6ove 40.00 40.00 20.00 36.00 5 a RBCEIVED €t $ s $ $ + 7s,tt// fto A/, tzfu-c'\; r,rlrrr 2 0'1 4 4'+/c i-tr6097Tax Acct .lt|L294279 I 1, /j...,.,.;.,; i _g I(NOW N LI, MEN BY call.ed gral)t.ors, described proPe rtY DECLARATION OF PRIVA'TE EASEMENT s532960 THDSE PRESENTS, that are hereby clecl aring is a permanent Ut,ilitY l-he uncle rs igned , he re):Y thal: t lre fo 1. Iowing Easement:totgt The East West 5 46 feet feet of 1:he East, 10 feet ancl 1:he sc.rttth S feet of t-.he of the following described tractr nt5 Begipning at a poinL on tfie Nort[ line of nJ'|r Street' which is 855.O@ feet East ancl 76i.'13 feeL North @o to'oo" west from the Northwest corner of t.he Partl- Brattain Donal.,i.on Land claim No' 63, ,fownship l7 south, Range 3 West of the V^Illlamette Meridian' running thence North oo @B' 2:1" west 9@.6@ feet to the True point of Beginntng; thence continuing North ou 08' 25" west 62..4A f eet:; thence NorLh 89" 59' 1.7" East LOs.O@ f eet to a Polnt on the west margin of L2th Street; thence along said margin south o" oa' 25" East 62.4@ f eeL; t:hence leaving sai.d margin and running North 89" 59' L7" West l@5.@O feet to the True Point of Begiuning, all in Springfie)'cl, Lane County' Oregon' The easement shatt be usecl for tlte maintenance or replacement of ut-.:-Iity facrljf ies serving Lhe fol1owin9 described properl-'y: Beginning at a polnt on Lhe North tine of "J" street whlch is -g55 f eet .East ancl 't63.73 f eet North oo la' oo" l^lest f rom the Northwest corner of tl're Paul Brattain Donation Land claim No ' 6:t, Townshil: 1-'t Sout:h, Range 3 West' WillameLte Mer:idian' running thence North (0o oa' 25" West 17.6@ feet; thence North Bg. 59, 1.7" East- tos.a@ feeL to a point-. on the west margi'u of 12th sLreeti thence along setirl margln south ao o8'25" !':ast j7 .6,0 f eet: to a po j trt whi.clt j.s tlte inl:ersecl:1on of sald West margin 12th Street witlr Lhe North rnargln of "J" Street; tlrence aJ.ong saicl North margin of "J" street souLh B9' 59', lJ" west L@s.@@ feet to Lhe point of Beginning, aII in springfleld, LdttP Couttt'.v Oregoll . !iJillJUN,, 15', ?5il08nEC lnaiJuN " 1 5', 95il08r'[:UNt) Dated this /t/day of- JLlne, 1995 George R. Har ow Artie Mae Harlow STATE OE OREGON 5rllJuii" 15'95ll0BA&T FUND i0"00ec County of Latle 5.00 10. u0 ) ) ) BE IT REMEI'IBERED, that oll tlris day of June, 1995, bef ore lll€, Lhe unclersignecl, a NotarY Ptrblic in and for saicl Coutrl'y and State' personatJ.yappearerft,trewiLhinnameclGeorgett.tlarlowandArt.Lel.lae,ar:ro,: l:::y"-:: ::-::^t:^:'l:.,1,:':i"1::,,,:l:l;i::l:.r"il";:':il"l".i:i i t ) 5 t)t)]:.J EuJ Ltl Ot-- G: t;& I aYr-l +? -7 \/ It 4 3B .t ,ttt,tr,',,,r,,r,,,N 8r's7-z--lltiltl/l tttlr,t..t,t""/419 < a^ ( I o l6 JJJJ.JtttJlJJ,ttt,'rt'r'tr,ttt.., lJJJJlllUUrL J.Lll/l&lUllU JLLU-LJJL "tt"*t h ltlJ.u-t- o Y .\ 9 a- lt9ct 61.5 ' I 4900 ;6 t ^?oo 6 oo35ls edo 8600 l ,h t3 r€ 960 I I I I 0600 I I I I ro500 I I I t, ) I - = 60 J )o NNIAL 1390I 14000 r4 roo t42AO ; Y h N N N N N N F x N. N. N .\,o a o o "i lo t{ s 3 .Uo co ,l Io's a L r,t.5' r 3900 -77 o'5o tc-ca 6a.a r4300 t4400 14500 14600 2" PAoj ] ? G; lils l,{A LOCAIII', !ST GPR ASS ST 14 ID F F RT o PER a , , Ii-l ( 50') a<".c.' ? oo879000 I I t_ Bl 7 8 900 6 5 e 200 t?]. 9 roo I I I I el0l oo93 2 ZT I OOO -l I oBOO I q rc r 070 o 7 I lBI5vl6r-l 2 400I L ro sbc 22?t I o4 A-l I oo sa'.1.til I 2OOOI l-1 ..1 al. t t So t2roo ,oo toO t 220C^ I 5o I 2300| 2500 t2400I 2600t2 800 5-O .90 t27 00 rs' t2900 75 t3000 15' /5 E/ttf ' t ot J r4Bt i'g'c trJlo. QlFir ^.ii'tr-L o.l rr o t47OOl 60 o 7m CO},{PA Y.A Irild S Jtir-l 6s.C6 o t 0 ort 63 oo x 4 I4.n -z I 2t 09 00 ///8 i/. / z&. fri,-T-2-:-':r= i,11ji'.j istgA ] IP TEI hln. qr,A?r' -=- I LL I ILr. JUJJ- ?-t 1-t1orf- lO Fteglnnlng aE a poinE on feet East and 763-73 feccrner of the Paul BraEseurh, Ranga 3no 0E' 25" llesE c,.-;nE lnulng NorE cn Ehe We6t margln of 10B' 25" Eaet, 11 .60 f eet Weet margln 12Eh Street 95.59?10i{t'3SH aLL },!EN gY THtrSE PRESENTS, that the l-.1r-r=GEsr Ef€ hereby declarS.ng that their: a permenent Utlllty EaoeBCnE: DECLARATION OF PRIVATE EASEMENT 0g' regon My eomm TJ t' underelgned, hereb Y r-a 1^,1 #.*'! r^.,.1 ** r***"-r-u -1.L!rJ, IvFrrr:, uEFUl. lLrStl,iri:i}pt: i: i r E.he North line of rrJlr Street *hich ie 0SE,uCet NofEh 0s 10' 00" Irleet from t,he Northwest_taLn Donatlon Land Claim No. 63, Townehlp ,?the wlLIametE,e I'lerldlan, runnlng Ehence Eir;rtlreetr t,o the True polnt, of Beginning,. thence25" West 62.40 feet,. thence NorEh Bgo 59' 1-,,. .'r.a t^."]re The North 5 f eet of Ehe Eaet 46 feet of E,he followlng deecribed tract- , t: \ 1.l rlLiJ i) = JI I<:.Jt3 ,+-.-::/[\. ]w- o saar 1,-15.00 feet to a polnE, on t,he West, margin of i2th Streecl theiiei:aLong saLd margln souEh oo 08' 25" East 62.+0 feet; Ehence leavirrfeaid, margln and running North 896 59r 1?tr WeBt 105.00 feet to the'i'i:i,. Pol nU of- Begtnnlng, al,1 in Springf ield, Lrane County, Oregon. The easement shalI be ueed for the mainEenance or replacemenE, ofuLiliry tacilities eervlng the followlng deserlbed property: B+-qlnning at a point on Ehe North llne of rrJfl gtreet which is sS5 feretragt and 763 -73 feet North 0o 10 t 00" Weet from the NorEhweer corner<tt the FauI Brattaln DonatJon Land Clalm No. 63, Townahip t7 South,ri"-r'---' ? !:!-=sts Hlllarirette l4erldiarr. ru'rinirrg thence Noreh Otr B0, Z$".\q.ralU J .lUeL I I-ie€F- 71 .60 feet,- Ehence Norch 89o 59' L7" EaBt. 105.00 feec to a2ch Screet; thence along sald margin Sout po LII int t. - Eo a polnt which le the intereectlon of Baiilwich the NorEh margln of rrJr,l SEreec,; thencealong eaid North margin of rrJ'rr StreeE South g9o 59r 17ri West, 1,05.00ieet r-+ :--he PolnE, of Eeginning, all ln Springfield, Lane couniy, Cr'e,3on *sts-acr he ,g day of 04*1995.d GAIL o HE IT REI'{EMBERED, that on thle d.ay of 0c*6Ue4 26 , 11gg1, hr-:i..,rf me the underaigned, a Notary Publlc ln and for Baid County and SraLi:.p-*reonalLy appeared the wlEhLn named Rex E. Purkereon and Gali C"Furkerson, known Eo me to be t,he indential individual described ln ari,j vsho execuced the slthin inet,rument and acknot+ledged to me Lh&t Ltiey6x6cut,€d the aame freely and volunEarlly. ii'i TESTIMONY wliEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and aff ix.-imy eff Lcl-al- eeal the day and year l-aet above written. *S?ATE OF OREGOH) ) 4-..,vt! rr ^E t --- Ir-.JuilLj, UL UalllCl I State of Oregon Countlr nf lsne - oa. [, rhc County Clrrlr, in and lor thc rcid Counlg, do hereby certily thet the wi&ln iilrtrulr,er,t wei recelved for rccord at 20mTfi Lt2e Z1S1BCI.36'FSi*S/*EC : *^i., ZlltCICT.30'g5ilc7PfufiD :.r-,E zril0cT.20'95fl074&T Fuiii: Hi.ilij f exp reg i-f,tary Aftar recording return Eo: Reer 2106R il*,p,,fj"(J /aoor<e f7f6 dsQry /d< 0w razrX.S. /D/zsy'r ,fZ--- Lane County Oi:FlClAL Reconds [-anc County Clerk Ey' County Clerk 2l oo94 41 3 I 500 I o sb c z ?z o4 oo r+l rJ oo93 tzl u e200 2t 09 00oBOO _l B tJLL.rJLu)-,tttttttt N, 8i .l'5, ^l , rt;rtt, 6 ts sdo609 el s 8900 Bl A BBOO I "l8700 l4 B60roo I I 90oo9 o600l I lr r€ 2" .r;o a) 'l*r 60 l6?8 5o ., A. h o d 1.5 t4900 \.16 t ^?oo v. ,41A < NN IAL )o v R h N N N N N L h. h' N D h. E R Ir .a,o a o o "i tf 0 a 0 o Yi (, oaYr? +r? lo ,o Lr 5()' t390I cr.5'7o'9' r39 oo t4000 r4roo t4200 So:LL.Ca 6a.34 t4300 t44.o0 14600 v o:PAo + i'3 I7 ASS ST LO CAII GPR PERI ., Ii"f a (.F') .-an.aL ' lr9ct .\t (, o 3 so "^l .lil I 20001 l-1 t i So' t2too toO ,oo t 2200 90 So I 2500 t?400 I 2300t2 800 SO 5b 27 oo 12600 ,5' t2900 75 ',5' t3000 t5 ot J E4 +414Btl n.t{'1i'lr'L. o J ?,-ffio I sb.Jo.oriF j I t47ool @ 7AO CO$*PA Y.A I ilVl s$n 6a.La -r 14 t6300 5I I I at ! I I I I l -F t4500 IS RJA IS ..2q .Vt *e I I I ooo 4 l4 I l-l .a ? I K r oJoo illrllltt - l5l -16l e.t..17t INSPECTIONS 726-3769 OLD ADDRESS ega scr pt - CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 225 North Sth Street BUSINESS 726-3753 BUILDING MOVING PERMIT/BUILDING DIVISION S (Furnished by Building Div.) *n Legal Desc r1 pt on It-l Building 0wner Address Phone ng dress Exp eCS D e scription tende Use D escr].ono Route CITY DESIGNATED JOB Ntn{BER *rr ng .Square Footag " \}Cf) Moving Leng th BD Moving width 3+Hei gh t On Do11y Number 0f Sections Being l"loved Ad.Of Construction V/U VALUATION c pt ono \ NOTIFICATION OF I'{OVE: The Bu 1 ing Division PLANS, FEES, AND CHARGES:or to receiv- will route copies of this application to all appropriate divisions, departments and Agen- cies. HO}JEVER, the applicant must contact property owners if trees are involved in the proposed move. IN ADDITION, the applicant must secure the approval of all appropriate municipal, county and state authorities should the move originate or terminate out- side the City of Springfield. ldings within the City limits shall have the sewer capped at the property line and inspected one working day prior to the move. If the inspection indicates that the sewer has not been prop- erly capped, the moving permit will be ing a permit to move a building to property within the City, the applicant or his/her authorized representative must : 1. Subnit 2 copies of site or plot plan for new site. 2. Subnit 2 copies of foundation plan for the relocated building. 3. Obtain a permit covering the new founda- tion, as well as all plumbing/mechanical and electrical work relating to the re- located building. 4. Pay Systens Development Charge if appli- cab1e. C TANK REQUI Pri or to moving, owner sha1l have all sludge from the septic tanh, seepage pit or cesspool removed by a person holding a sewage dispoal service li- cense, and sha1l fill same with clean bar- run gravel or other material approved by the revoked.Director or his authorized resentative. I CERTIFY TFIAT the above information is true and correct, that all uired contacts have b made and authorizations obtained,that the move will be gin at orclock and will be completed bY a !1QLorclock @p,on no Ln the route will be made without contacting the Buil V1S I also certify that I hAVE bEEN iNfOrMCd thAt NO PERI.4IT WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE I{ORKING DAYS HAVE ELASPED. I further certify that my regis tration with the Builder's Board is in fu11 force and effect as required by ORS 701.055 and 701 noted hereon. Basis for Builderrs Board Exemption: O7O, and that if exemPt the basis is NAME SI OFFICE USE ONLY a"rr.*..t", V Ni occupancy w5ZoneFlood Plai n__-IyPe of Stories \Living Units I sqr"re Footage. F OR VALUE Application fee $18.00 -- Date Permit fee $60. Number of Block 00 -. Date Paid Sewer Cap lice DePartment L-lFire Department t<--Northwest Gas Receipt Number Receipt Number Amount q 5AC\ e Paid an Recreation inbow lVater SUB 1\):\DeAb istrict OTHER -- sp ecify .60 + amal -t-t*+upttt-€6,tite-\Q-5-.4aneCountyA&T DATE I BUILDING MOVIN -:RMIT Applicant to furn'ish (except as indicated)A. 0ld address for bui'ldingB. Legal DescriptionC. New address for bu'i1di ng (Building Div. wjll furnish)D. Legal DescriptionE. Name, etc. of building ownerF. Name, etc. of moving firmG. A description of intended useH. A description of proposed route I . A descri pti on of the bui'ldi ng Applicant to contact property owners if trees 'involved, and secure authorizations from other jurisdictjons as necessary. A site or plot p1an, and foundation p'lan must be submitted for the new site (2 sets) Plans must also be subrn'itted for any other work rel ati ng to the rel ocated bu'i 1di ng. Fees & Charges:A. Application fee due and payable at t'ime of appf icationB. Moving permit fees due and payable upon permit issuanceC. FEES & CHARGES TO BE CALCULATED BY BUILDING DIVISION STAFF FOR OFFICE USE ONLYA. Plan check data collectedB. Copies of appiication to appropriate divisions, departments and agencies PERMIT VALIDATION PERMIT CLERK III. IV. V. II. VI. D NG DIVI ON RE TRAFFIC DIVISION REPORT: - h4r g,e 4 Sie n Bg bu Date 8 5 ENGINEERING DIVISION REPORT: OtDllEitz CorlfRALToR 1/F-3fcil ro ?u64c o(L tRtlAfe ?RpPeefg By tnfl1/,:rP- Ou,;- a/,rfer ADDITIONAL PROJECT INFORMATION : By Date