HomeMy WebLinkAboutAddressing Correspondence 2004-08-25DEV ELOPMENT SER\qEES DEFA RTfl]I ENT August 25,2004 Springfield School District Springfi eld Health Center Attention Mary Beedle 875 7tr Street Springfreld, Orcgor 97 47 7 RE: Additioual Street Address Assignment Dear Ms. Beedle: I am writing in response to your request for an additional address to be assigned to the Springfreld Health Center locaied o" in Spri"gfield High School property commonly known as 875 7e Street, Springfield, Oregon. The building you occupy takes access from lOu Steet and is located just to the south of the north boundary line ofthe school properfy on the east side. In order to provide for quicker emergency response, the City appreciates your request for a separate sheet address for this building. Therefore, the Springfield High School Based Health Center will have a street address commonly known as 1050 l0- Street, Springnetd, Oregon. This address will share Lane County Reference Number 17033512, Tax Lot Number 02600 with the other existing school buildings and existing assigned steet addresses on the property. I will notify the following companies and/or agencies of this new address assignment by sending them a -copy ofthis letter: SPIIING _tD Springfi eld Utility Board Lane Council of Governments 911 Dispatch, Public Safety Lane County Elections Deparffnent Sanipac Rainbow Water Diskict Springfreld News/Re gister Guard 225 FIFTH STBEET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753- FAX (541) 726-3689 wvvw. ci. sp r i n gf i e I d. o r. u s Springfreld Police Deparfrnent Springfi eld Fire Departrrent U.S. Post Office U.S. West Communications Northwest Natural Gas TCI Cable United Parcel Service This additional address is effective immediately. Please place the address numbers on the structure and mailbox as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please feel free to phone me at726-3790. Sincerely, Lisa Hopper Building Safety Supervisor $ 8N. 1 b1n'7ffhk F o- O @ z d <) - J lJ :E -Jr LU) < \i(W I a t ,\U'€!i \uu \nd5*\@ @) o/ I (sq I \ ( I I I , I I I I t ].,/) h) - \-, l0^ (*s*o bLs6 ( 90, LOt tl wl I I vr' Jl l\ll!va luL,r+l vua zzs 8ItrTII STREDI . SPRINGFIELD' OR.97477 t PH:(s41)7!5s753 ADDITIONAL ADDRESS REQU EST . EAX: (341)72G3689 Datq g/an Amount Paid: \,A@ 5PEII{6FIELD I Propeny Owner: , Malllng AddresJ: State: O2 zip:City; Person or cy tf than owner: Phone number where you cE be 0cohtacted between 1:00Pm and 5:00Pm: Address of property you are requet?tng to have an 04e Assessor Map #:l1 - 03 - 3s-- la #t aubn i Joo Please exp assigned: laln specifi<alty why you feet the locatlon needs an additional address Proposed Address: Propeny Owners Signature: Date Received: Fee $\.oo Receipt #: Reference Number: Plannlng Approval: \-1 fiT-tz Tax Lot #: Denial: lf denled, please explaln: Planning Review By: Approved: li approved, new address is: Date: Denied: Date: Shurrd Ddr,e(T)r/Euilding Fonns/Addiliontl Addrcss Rsquut I I{2.tloc Reviewed By: (n td 0B | '0N ulr HllvlH fllds triv8E:8 ("(0('9[ '0rlv ) \..$ ,Np' \s>s '15 1+tn 3fled 2 ffihL k @ - N a- =<@ 1_C\ s o)) olNs/ O5 *;l N s l.-, e - J< l! - J lI la 6 8N.\$#\-&{ +./7 h)=l< l0^ {* d { t t I I \ ( I I I I I I I I Springfield School Bqsed Heolth Center Springfield Public Schools IFAX A@VER 5HEET $sd&u€t. spninefD?pD7477 Phoner (541) 744-4130 Foxr (541) 744-4355 TO: Namel FROM: Compony: PAX#ts\tt -7tu -7GVq FAX#t Phone:nel Coltrments, This is 1 of -?qges Sent by: Dote: Time: e Heolth Ce,nter )7 355 r541)-4130 6o,nf idenriality Noticer The, docurnent(s) occomponying this focsilile 1p615v1tission confoin(s) confidentiol inforrnqtion belonging to the senden which is legolly privileged, Jh. informotion is intended only for the use of tiein dividuol or entity statedon this fonm. rf you ore not the intended recipienl,you ore hereby nof if ied that ony disclosure, copying, distribution or the toking of ony oction in retionce on the contents of this infornqtion is strictly prohibited' If you hovereceived this tronsmission in ettot,pleose imtnediotely notify us by telephone, collect if n"."*o.y, (541) 744-4130 to orronge for disposition of the original documents' tf L ',d 0B l, '0N U13 HllVlH 0lldS' tr'lvlE:8 l"(0['9f 'Ol.lV