HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Sidewalk 1993-04-08ll/ao I=EgIDENTIAL -COHI-I-R,CIAL gIDEI.UAK / c;UF]ffiJI AFFLICATIOT.I / PERI-IIT SPFIIa.GF'ELI' 225 NORTH FIFTH S?REETgPRlt &3FIELD, ORE60hl 9'14'I'] EN6INEERII'13 D lvlglohl oFFrcE No-126-31b3 INgPECTION LINE:'126-3169 JoB ADDRE9OT StC M AeeEeeoRe rlAP No.* (f 04 7{ t%TAX LOT NO.'15757i 9tlBDlVl9lOtl' ou.h.lER,e L/- ADDRE99:CITY: RECEIPT NO:e.os1 CAgH CHECK 2( */ C+{ECKED FOR DEL INOTJENCIEg 9l6hlED: DATE'-s 5TATE,ZI?, IUOFK TO EE FEFFOFI.IED BY: cor.,lrRAcroR* Pl{Ol.lE NO.f OUNER,,v COhITRACTOR REGI9TRATION NO.*EXPIRE9' CURB-CLT, RESIDENTIAL - coriMERlcAL - 9ECOhID DRI\EII'AY ( gEE TRAFFIC ) REaUIRE9 APFLICATIOI.I FoR A SECoND DRI\G[UAY(T-4.1a) oR, A COUNTY APPLICATIOI.I FOR FACtLtTy pERHtT (C AA-2oZ) lF tN Tt-.tE U6.ts. DATE oF APPLlcATlof.l 9IDEIIALK:CURts SIPE - gETBACK - ADDRESS PI-{ONE: PFOCEDUFE FOR INSFECTION REGTIEOTI CALL 12b.3'169 (RECORDER ) gTATE YOIJR CITY DE9IGNATED JOB NU.ItsER, JOB ADDRE99,TYPE OF INgFECTIOT.I REAUEgTED AID TIHEN YOU IUILL EE READY FOR INgPEcTIohI, cianTRAcToRg on orrxres NAI.,IE AID PHot'lE N[^F1EER REaUEgTg RECEI\€D tsEFoRE 1,@@ kl tUlLL BE I'1ADE Tt{E SA}1E DAy, REaUEOT9 /sTEp-lro@ AI-l UJILL BE I'1ADE TI{E NEXT UJOFKIT.IC DAY ExtsT[.lG ButLDt].{6 FERt-fl T NO. ( ]F ICAELE ) *YOtIR CITY DEglcrhlATED JoB No. l9f 14C41CgEE BOOK / REAUIRED INSFECTICI.I9 SIDEI,UALK / DRI\EIUAY FOR ALL CONCRETE PAVING I,UITIIIN THE STREET RICHT OF II'AY, TO BE F,IADE AFTER ALL EXCAVATIT.{C 15 COI,IPLETE AID FOffl UJOFK AND AE-tsASE MATERIAL 15 IN PLACE CUrs5- / APPROACI.{ ATROI{: AFTER rcRH9 ARE ERECTED BUT FRIOR TO POI]RI}.IG co|.lcRETE. FEE9, gIDEtUALKg cuRts-cuT IUALK X,tlo.oo + 10.1>/LF.( x ) OF I.UALK + rule- jlo.Oo+ro.l>/LF.(X) COI.IHERICAL DRI\EIUAYg gHALL HAVE 5'TO A'FLAIRS3'. AO gTA{DARD /\ TOTAL PEfflIT FEE:1 .Z2y x' I I..IA\E CAREFULLY EXAHINED TI{E COF1PLETED APPLICATIO?.I FOR PERI,IIT, AJ.ID DO I-{EREtsY CERTIFY TI{AT ALLNrcRfATlct'l HEREoN l9 TR.IE AND coRREcT, AID I RIRTI]ER CERTIFY THAT Al.lY AlD ALL llJoRK PEFFOFHEDSHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE IIJITI{ THE ORDINACES 6 THE CITY OF 9PRINGFIELD, AID TI]E LAIIIS OF TI]ESTATE OF OREGON PERTAINING TO TI..IE u,pRK DErcRIBED HEREIN, A{D TI]AT NO OCCUPA}.ICY TUILL BE I'1ADE OF ANY gTFTICTURE UJITI..IOtJT PER|IISgION OF TI..IE BUILDI}.IG DIVISION. I FURTI.{ER CERTIFY TI-1AT ONLY CONTRACTORS A}..{D EMPLOYEEg UJHO ARE IN COI,IPLIANCE IUIT+.I ORS 1@1O>> TUILL BE U9ED ON TI-.II9 PROJEC'T, 5IGNED DATE (ena^ ,Gfnf.,ff OBEtrON' T \rGFTELI, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 4il/',1ir\ri-.;air/41\/ -q{^/SPa;-1,:r'-ri'r/,'!ij)rq ifvGt\'!!i'\/j r,t.itr!-Et\,i\aiJ)'ir-q,-r,, Joe Leahy Craig GibonsBrian Conlon Building Safety ,z' Ron Sather Greg Ferschweiler con 5-3 tli At t,lT E N AN C E (5 0 3) 726- 3761 FAX (5og 726-3621 ,fr CERTIFIED LETTER March 19, 1993 Darwin W. & Ruth E. McCarroll 510 LOth StreetSpringfield oR 97477 Subject: Hazardous Sidewalk Dear Mr. and Mrs. McCarroll, I am writing to you in response to a reguest for assistance from a Springfield resident regarding a hazardous sidewalk adjoining your property at 510 LOth Street. City staff investigated the complaint and found that the sidewalk has been broken to the extent that it could cause a pedestrian to trip or stumble. I am sure you are as concerned as r^re are that this situation be corrected. You may not be aware that the Springfield City Code (copies attached) rnakes it the property ownerts responsibility to rnaintain sidewalks abutting theirproperty. Chapter II, Article 7, Section 2-7-4 applies to the situation at your property. To correct this dangerous situation, I propose that you remove and replace the damaged sections of sidewalk. A sidewalk pernit, which can be obtained at the Development Services Department at City Ha1I, is reguired. Greg Ferschweiier, the City Landscaper will determine how much of the damage has been caused by a street tree and what should be done with the tree. If the situation is not corrected in a timely manner, w€ will have to send you a formal enforcement notice, as required by the city Code. If you have any questions, please contact Ron Sather, Construction Inspector at 726- 2240. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Sincerely, fr-* A1 PeroutkaCity Engineer Enclosure: As stated C ADM\IIISTRAT Dtn,/ E N Gt l\l EER t N G i TAANSPOFIAI/ON ( 503) 726' 3753 FAX (503) 726 3689 510 10th Street