HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1987-04-10SPRINGFIELD CIIY OF SPRINGFIELD Offi ce rfolp+tits litu frrd Economic Develop ment ryt*- Mr. Bernard Bagley 715 N. "C" Stneet Springfield,0R 97477 RE: Electnical repai ns at 309 N. 10th Street, Springfie'ld, 0R Dear Mr. Bagley: 0n January 7th of th'is year, Jou contacted this office aledging that an i nd'ivrdual , Mr. Geonge Fni edt, had done el ectri cal w'ini ng and misce'llaneous repairs on the subject property. At that time, I informed you that such e'lectrical work must be done by a licensed electrical contnactor because the property is being used as a nental. You wene requested to cont,act a licensed contractor to obtain the requi red permits and inspections or revise the v',ork as necessary. As of this date, we have no record of such permits having been obtained. Please contact this office within the next 10 days regarding this matter. Failure to do so may result in a Notice 'in Qrder to vacate the premises unt'i I the nequi red permitS and i nspect'ions can be obta'ined. Si nce 1y, Don Moore, But lding InsPector #1217 225 North Sth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 503/726-3753 SPRINGFIELD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Offrce of Community and Economic Development 2 January 1987 Builders Board Department of Commerce, State of Oregon 403 Labor and Industries Building Salem, Oregon 97310 Re: Unlicensed builder - iYork at 309 N. 10th St., Springfield, Or. The enclosed information on alledged activity by a non-registered builder/con- tractor is being forewarded for your consideration for possible prosecution. Sincerely, .r# d ".n?ri'$+,rY./da1a. Don Moor", grrilairrg InsPector lrrr', 225 North Sth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 503/726'3753 ! BUILDERS BOARDDI ITMENT OF COMMERCE, STATE OF O ,03 LABOR AND INDUSTRIES BUILDI SALEM, OREGON 97310 COMPLAINT FORM NONREGISTERED BUILDER ,ON NT AGAIN u "aeHE BD Bus NESSompa ress1ngdresn, pty Ie P hone sty 6 Zip P ne S ress of Job Site Where Bujlder is Present'ly or has Recently Been Working: f Appropri ate Pl ease Compl ete the FoI'lowi ng: ype of l,lork Builder Performed: ype of Vehicle, Co'lor and License No. Builder Drives: te the Work was Performed: I Because wri tten evi dence i s of more val ue i n 1 ega'l proceedi ngs than oral 'informat'ion, we would appreciate your reviewing the fo1'lowing lists of items. If you can provide us with any of these items, p'lease copy them and mail them to the Builders Board as soon as possi bl e. ,,/' Bills and Invoices Contracts or Purchase Orders Any Addi ti onal I nformati on You Bel i eve May be Hel pful to the Boa rd : FW be)rc. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS CONCERNING COMPLIANCE, PLEASE CONTACT THE COMPLIANCE OFFICER AT 378-5569. BRC2 1 /t I Bids or Proposals Advertisements (of any type) Busi ness Cards Photogra phs ANY PERSON CONTRACTING TO, ADVERTISING TO DO, BIDDING OR DOING RESIDENTiAL CONSTRUCTION llloRK IN OREGON lllITHOUT BEING REGISTERED hIITH THE BUILDERS BOARD IS SUBJECT TO A CIVIL PENALTY OF UP TO $1,OOO. SIAITMTNI/'-C,:<s ,< e E trKt f- D T- t/ /.2 J Sly ..?-tz,otcl t/ 6gt' cel / D^IE IIO'/>\D E4 /L44K D ? AODItSS ,r/ crrY STATT zrP o cJ6o '! .T t.\. Ih oO t, x'- e,7J Ea_F-onl7to ES 882 POLY PAK (s0 sETs) sPss2 {t-....-'i.l-.-i,-:r i. :\ ?i I Ja ta I 3 ("o / /--r ^ < -,'r-,(. J-6 rf ')sL 11 u 6t ?e r LZ ?f'"1)q ? / 4''L' -4..41 - . tf ' qft-<,+qc ,{*r*a-POrY PAK (50 SETS) 8P882 'Aaa,c;a ,a1 ru;:ii:,i'i+ririi,!tnr/t _. ^ ,2 / TSIATEM'NI-.' 6*o/-1OE FRtLDt-- --' 1/ /.2 /o- ,$/fr4-<2.<zA,<,t btY- oaz-/ DATE 9 TO ADORESS -7 7fr *aD crw STAIE 1 llP z, !/ @jFEFMto 8S 882 ''t - kL-, ,l .!lr I :I !i ,t, aFl t:. . 2,il)ir.. 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" Lraw- - '/ ir 5o2o 3r ts^{.0" c,},*J"e uo,-^^'t j oA L"t i "r&r4^rr.; OP'r hu^ ae,r5,-J5-Sh-l 'L*21 : mo,tr:r, cle"ro ) I D hl* r.l ,ru<-, L,, U: a) e t,+>: e)(d,*rW t) R.p.^/-d* opL d.,5< L_ n Jrn,J - t^L,w oPu s.'ca%\ -Lty ,^o["*..-l uJq s) oe'14; 'v.^o, * o) t**t. ,,"tq ih[d o*. R^f l,rn a,Itrua-{ D"L,rrr- r^J*J Lotoef;-s\,Lli^, t N A : : I i, I I I z) Bopt" -t j 21.)o l3l'oo I 55 "oo I 2-1 ir"f iJrJ,Q.;[ o,o. dr* {.+o^,-^l '"no-'r,L e u*'h' U FtoO .^'k,"$ *Ui $- ]r-9tr U tugcl* A*{ ,A6ftu.[ q t o,) ,,. ( I q-D -€ f,3, t'i aO.cci *[. ,s.\\o t 3 )t 2-5o Q ?. 50v4 13,1? $o . ao 3l . 6 o loo- do 6 6. t"{ As.o-o *t,.+ s ulo:'f o^tl"l,i" a. b I tn\q" r^Lpu, 6s.