HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1984-01-09"b g{a;26 SP]lINGFIELD CIIY OF SPRINGFIELD 1 2 3 Department of Public Works January 9, 1984 Mr. Buck Jones c/o Red Carpet Real Estate 740 }{ain Street Springfield, Oreogn 97477 RE: Housing Inspection at 1,23 North 1Oth Street, Springfield, Oregon Dear Mr. Jones: The follorving items were found to be in need of repair or replacement to conform to the minimum safety standards of the Springfield Housing Code: A11 sleeping roons shall have at least one operable window or exterior exit door approved for emergency egress or rescue. The window unit shal1 have a ninimum net clear height dimension of 24 inches and a nininun clear opening width of 20 inches, with a net clear opening of not less than 5.7 square feet. Operable smoke detectors sha11 be provided in areas giving access to rooms used for sleeping purposes. An additional smoke detector shal1 be installed on the ceiling directly above the stairway where sleeping areas are on a upper level. To reduce the possibility of injury resulting from falls in stairway accidents, ninimum and rnaiimum measurements have been established for stairway steps and handrails. The mininum stairway tread length (run) must not be less than 9 inches nor the riser (step) height be greater than 8 inches. The greatest riser height within the ftight of stairs shal1 not exceed the smallest by more than 3/8 inch. A handrail shal1 be provided running the ful1 length of the stairs and installed not less than 3-0 inches nor more than 34 inches above the nosing of the stair treads. A11 glazed panels that have been danaged or broken, creating a potential safety hazatd, sha1I be repaired or replaced. A11 dwelling units are required to trave\.hgating facilities capable of maintaining a room temperature of 70 degrees F. at a point 5 feet above the floor in all habi- table rooms. The existing wood burning stove has not been installed nor naintained in a safe manner. Items such as srffi"i"rrt clearances from combustibles, adequate main- tenance of a wood stove firebcrx and the necessity for chimneys to be lined (i.e., fire clay. flue tile, or fire brick), are all nandatory to help provide safety in the daily use of solid fuel burning appliances. 225 North 5th Street o Springfield, Oregot 97477 . 503/726'3753 4 5 6 At the request of the Springfield Police and Fire Departments, and with your consent, the Springfield Building Safety Division conducted a Housing Inspection at the above referenced address. i Mr. Buck Jones Housing Inspection 125 North 10th Street January 9, 1984 Page 2. ELECTRICAL SAFETY The inspection of the electrical wiring installation revealed potentially hazardousitems that could cause a fire or personal injury due to electrical shock. The fol-lowing items are existing electrical defects that are to be corrected to complywith minimum electrical safety standards. A11 electrical work on properties-flrrent, sale or lease sha1l be performed and labeled by an Oregon licensed electricalcontractor. The existing service equipment is not of sufficient size or capacity to accomo-date the increased electrical demand. A service of not less than 1i0 anperecapacity shall be installed to supply the additional load of contemporary elec-trical aDpliances and the demand of the anticipated electric heat. To prevent the possibility of an electrical fire in the bedrooms and living roomarea, the use of the electrical extension cords shall be discontinued. fhe in-stallation of additional duplex receptacle outlets located not rnore than 12 feetapart will remove the existing need for the extension cords. Standard appliances(i.e., lamps, radio's and televisions), are provided r^rith 6 foot service-Lords. Install a number 10-2 non-netal1ic cable with ground to the water heater. Theexisting number 72 sized cable is not of proper amperage capacity to supply thereplacement water heater. The exposed polftion of the cable- shali be proiettedfrom physical damage with flexible steel conduit. New lighting fixtures sha11 be installed to replace those that have been damagedor rernoved. Remove or properly ground all grounding type duplex receptacle outlets that areinstalled on non-grounded circuits. Grounding iype outlets that are not groundedgive a false impression of electrical safety. Remove the wiring connecting the rental storage building to the residence. Thestorage building is rented by people, separate from the residence, without accessto the electrical service equipment An electrical contractor shal1 check all outlet boxes (lights, switches and re-ceptacles) and the device at each outlet for proper securing. Loose outlet boxesor devices can cause terminals and splices of conductors to become defective andcreate enough heat to start a fire within the framing. PLI.IMBING SAFETY 1 2 3 6 7 4 5 To_prevent the possibility of injury or interior water danage resulting from therelease of scalding water from the pressure relief valve neihanisn, th; valvedischarge opening shal1 be piped to the exterior of the building and turned down-ward. 1 2 I*lr. Buck Jones Housing Inspection 123 North l0th Street January 9, 1984 Page 3. The drain lines for'the bathroom lavatory and bathtub sha1l be repaired to re- store fixtures to a sanitary condition The above items all constitute a potentialLy hazardous situation for occupants of the structure in its present condition. At the time of our inspection the dwelling was not occupied. Subsequently, we re- quest that the above safety hazards be eliminated before the building is again al- lowed to be occupied. A11 necessary permits shal1 be obtained and required inspections conducted before a Certificate of Occupancy will be issued. Your anticipated cooperation in this natter is appreciated. Please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building Safety Division at 726-3753. e1r, c\ \David J. Puen Building Inspector/P1ans Examiner cc:I'like Hudman, Acting Fire Marshal DJP/1h '\ -J- - ELECTRICAL INSPECTION REPORT JOB ADDRESS OIVNER ADDRESS DATE , PH0NE 71? -4243,/ )v TE}'iANT OR OCCUPANT TYPE OF INSPECTION HOUSING OCCUPANCY CONIPLAINT 'FIRE 1'.'rtl-fsi f e '-7 e Lii t-r ,' i ua //1i f,DtoLct[1u',7----7------7 I}ISPECTOR L/ a g JOB ADDRESS OIVNER ADDRESS ELECTRICAL INSPECTION REPORT -8 DATE 7 L/ 7-a243 #-04oa re TENANT OR OCCUPANT TYPE OF INSPECTION HOUSING OCCUPANCY CONIPLAINT tVn D rD a re-e S /, ,/"zb Cwne, ?r)nc/'./et'/no /erz - o /i.t ,//no,I / ITISPECTOR 6*rt.*f"""t,ntf PLUMBING INSPECTION REPORT JOB ADDRESS /23 ,il. /D 7L OI^INER DATE PHONE ADDRESS TENANT OR OCCUPANT ,J TYPE OF INSPECTION:HOUS I NG OCCUPANCY COMPLAI NT FIRE DAMAGE irn,4)o >ttu)* z-7ttD:<)DrU >/,708 .t S lJ INSPECTOR /e) Cc*? - Zed- ^e-rrtorc f - ataZ:z /*t*Ztr s'14*c t?a ,,1, -r^ -4* MECHANICAL INSPECTION REPORT JoB ADDREss /23 Ze-'--& -d sn -DATE Ol,lNER PHONE ADDRESS TENANT OR OCCUPANT TYPE OF iNSPECTION:HOUSI NG OCCUPANCY COMPLAI NT FIRE DAMAGE L ,Ez-as). L INSPECTOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTiON REPORT JOB ADDRESS /23 / a ll <tt OI.INER ,/ DATE PHONE 2 3 e ADDRESS TENANT OR OCCUPANT TYPE OF INSPECTION HOUSING // coMPLATNT fIP, ReTurt/)OCCUPANCY o 3 $t,a J ,De, r (Znrc r' : .a ELECTRICAL INSPECTiON REPORT JOB ADDRESS Ol^lNER /23 /./o /,4 ,f /DATE PHONE ADDRESS TENANT OR OCCUPANT TYPE OF INSPECTION HOUSING OCCUPANCY COMPLAINT t?.ot) C ) , olr,c k A 3.Zc? s",n/, c 4 /OL C-o '// ) J, ELECTRICAL INSPECTiON REPORT JoBADDRESs /23 /y',/ otl OHNER - DATE PHONE ADDRESS TENANT OR OCCUPANT TYPE OF INSPECTION HOUSING OCCUPANCY COMPLAINT c Ad e ^0-4 it, -/ i/ hp e /e r /t'r ra / n",r, /,-u. f,,' ,n/, // r /o , /r a//n, t/. * e '/ce ,-re C 'ye ,y, G X,h I JOB ADDRESS A* ELECTRICAL INSPECTION REPORT /23 /, /o// ,?t.DA'TE Oh,NER PI]ONE ADDRESS TE},IANT OR OCCUPANT Gq,TYPE OF INSPECTION HOUSTNG OCCUPANCY CONIPLAINT FIRE @ r (J I}JSPECl'OR g"j,(.At w T0: Electrical Inspector Plumbing inspector Bu'il di ng inspector Mechanical Inspector Envi ronmental inspector SPRINGFiELD FIRE DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REFERRAL FORM Date of Referral Inspect'ion llumber 0ccupan Address t* e*;#,L Lxx EXPLANATIoN 0F REFERRAL L/4tA*sk, Lirr+* C*'^*ttLb4-, .- S<-ssao ACTI0N TAKEN (Attach copy of orders) Date B occuPANCY ror. Krnfr,-l He*)_aJ CLASS FIRE DEPARTMENT INSPECTION SPRINGFIELE,/>3 ^i. lo 4- s/,ADDRESS ADDRESS BUS. PHONE HOME PH,OCCUP. NAME BUILDING OWNEB CODE SECTION VIOLATIONS { t .l \ a a i I t YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED TO CORRECT THE ABOVE VIOLATIONS TV]THIN fAA) VIOLATIONS: Noted DAYS. DATE NUMBER ABATEDINSPECTOR SIGNED: t I d a SPRINGFIELD CITT OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Fublic Works July 28, 1983 I'lr. Bronell Jones P0 Box 95 Springfield, Oregon 97477 RE: Obstruction of Public Right-of-Way Dear ltlr. Jones: A recent observation of your property located at 125 North 10th Street Springfie1d,oregonfoundittobeinvio1ationo City Code. (Please refer to the attached copy.) The alley abutting your property is public right-of-way and is obstructed by the following iten(s): The tree adjacent to the alley needs to be trirnmed By 15 days fron the date of this letter (August 13, 1983), the above referenced item(s) must be triruned or removed to al1ow for the safe and unobstructed passage of pedestrians and/or vehicles. In the event you do not comply with this request, the City will take further action in order to ensure compliance. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation. Please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building Division at 726-3753 or the Springfield Maintenance Division at 726-3767. Sincerely,g^Drre" George Dicks lulaint enance Supervisor CC:Joseph J. Leahy, Assistant City Attorney sJ/1h 225 North 5th Street a Springfield, Oregon 97477 . 503/726'3753