HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1990-10-08tl" RESIDEI*HIAL" - aPPL'tcarruh, - tnltrr 225 North |th Street Sytringfield, Onegon 97477 Buildtng Diuision oo? 2ar2/ 1,Lt'J I dO .rob Locaticn Assessora ltlaP il r^) Svb<Liu")sion: Otmet' Address City: 't SPFtTNGFIELI) t,,r' tdditicn RcmoleL Datc of Appli orrfrilc .-) t,oooro ,,r,"Date: Value fe o( Tc..x tat ll -)enera I 3 Lurnb i ng 'lechirrr i-ca I c(: [. l:il l l -J :l !'crms. Utr)ERSL,1rJ PLU\EINC, ELECTRICLL & ,iit-'t;tt,t:tlc'aL: 'ro be made before any'i6nk-ii'.oucred. l!,!l!!N__!-_t9!.Y!l!f9!t: ro be rmce :ittrr h'e"aire$ "";ircauated and forns at e erected, but Pt'ior to lt)Ltt, i. rlg acnctete. -* I ttJ,tr:!tg!)U:rp P[,uwrNc? I l':tl!!Ll,_;l: 'l'o be nale prLor to ILL- !it:U tr''4cles. I ;,:tt,,:,,:;'19r,3 pt.trt:nrltc a, ttec : ^" I ,. !,. tnula [,riot' to itt:itdlLatLon ot .i !,,., t' iltsulction ot' decking' I j\';'.! .tNlt tttAltl: To be nade prion to I , ,,,; r,: i t.ii-t -n ol f loor insulation on ,1 . ,(t r-ri.,'. , ',, , ,,!l!:l!:Jc. rt.EcynlcAL ,Q tlEclt- ,., r ',.' ,' ';i,,-',.;i:-i;'t01; ao"'et'ed tt,.t i I t,;ktstt il$pections ltape been ,, r.1,, .rrr1,ttptoued. , ' / ' I 'l 'i ..ir '1.': I't,i.or to plcctr4 facing ,,i.r. i i I t:t .iltl bc!'ot'e fratning inspec- r i,,,: l i'jlil l r' : : |.lrts t be requested af tet' ,,,t,,; ,, ,! "'1' |ctugh plwnbing, electt'i- .:ir/ :; ",, ,.:Jttrti;:al. AL! t:oofing Itya.:tt:.1 .l i,himncqs, ete. mast be a1111,1t 1 , 1, ,1. !!o uork is to be con- rrdr;1,,.1 r,rtt i I tlds inspection Lns ltt.,,t r;.:', t,,t,! q>ftt'OUed. I NSULATION / VATO!] I]A R R TER I ILSPILZIPN : To be nade aj'ter aLL insulaticn avg required oapon bawiets d7'e in pLace bui be|ore any Lath, gYPsurn baatC ot' uLL cooering is aPPLied, and before ay insulation is concealed. lour Ctty peaigruzted Job Nwnbet' Is:, DRYHA|,L INSPECIION: Tc be made ;F"r' "V-/t'ruatt'is in plaee, but prior bo cnY taPing. MAS1NRI: Steel location, bond TJfri]grouttng ot: terticals in aceondance with U,B.C. Section 2415. TIOODSTO'/E: ccnpT;TA. After instalLation ie IENCE: hlten conPlate '- ProoiCe fiGi or nouable sections thtougli To bepriar tc set after uP of CURB & APPRCACIT A?P1!: Aftet forns A; e"".be[but pt'ittr to Pottring concrete. SIDEUALI( ,q DRII:E\!/:Y: For all con- ""ete pavirg itttrin street night- of-rx:ti- to be maCe after aLL erca- ,tLti"-,t- eonplete & fom utork & sub' base nntertal in Pktce' Ltl tt. F/.rill1 i I;,'."' 1,'li P. U. E. ALL projeat contltlions, suck as tl.te i.nstallation of street tl'e_es.' conpletion of the reqttiretl landsccpir.g, Lto., ,nst be satisliid-A,rfo'"n-tnn B\IILDINC FINAL can be tequested' FTNAL DUILDINC: The final Brdlding Inapection mtat be requeeted altet the Final Plwnbing '81 ;; ;;";;;1::" olc un " hnri "aL r ns p e c t"ions'hqu e b e en nade arul appr ot e c' P:1!e 1 af 2 BUI, Sanilary sase* capped tt pt'operty Lir-e .,r jr1'i r.r,,illi1 Wri/$,lr,f,,,itl i,.l; l[,r, ,,, Septic tank p';mped and ftlled vtth gratel Finat - l{hen abcoe itens are ccnpleted and uhen Cenalition is canplete o? stv'ul- ture noued and premises oleaneC up. Ilcmes Blocking and set-uP Ptwnbing connections -- acl,)er and, ualer Electrical Ccnnection - Bloeking, set-up and plwnbing eonnections rrust be apprcvzd before requbating el, eclr'ical inspec lion Aceessor"; BuilCing Pinat - Aften pcrch.es' skinting, deeks, etc. aPe conPleted. ,1;t. !!,1i,t!!(11t..: r1t//) Ct.t.:,1NOlt't'!: lltt!'l fi!': tlCt'li:;9IBt,ll , .4D,llt:iT!1fiff T0 3E ll.4t\t /'T l:0 CCST fO efTY w -t \-q@D Lr,.q""-:'? 5 *WU0J\01,0)I lrrDC tilec E r cliln It ia tlre responsibility of tle perwtt ho-ld.er J'ron the atre'et, artC that the -pe?mit -c-atd is't\uildtng t)iuisio:: approted plan slu:Ll remain that all inspections are nade at the pto?e? tine, that acch ad.dress is teadable at the front of the PtoPet'tY-Building Siti at all tines. job aCdneas' tYPe P,equeste recei"-ed of inspeclicn befcre 7:00 ct to aee Located on the you be nade the same dcY, requests !JJ:!-JNU9:JON:etrca,aticn, but n trnb :ll --'t L-CCr c' JOB NO. Building Permit Stabe Total Clnrgea Plwnbing Pefiiit State Stdte Total Penit fssuance l'lechanictL Pemit SOLAR A(:CESS REQ'' BeCroons Iat Facee ' -- Fees -- !tea Datc Paid Receipt ll: Signed: L,tcc tote Buildiing Volue & Permit This permit io gno,'fted-on the erp.resl t!d,!!io" btwt the s'ri i ' ''' 'i "r sh/rll, in all resp,ects,- ionforn to the ordinance edopte'l h1 t'h'' r "' ''l' Springfield., inc!-u,ling'ttZ'\lo"i"g Crdina.nc,e' regulcLitt'1 Llt'' '' ''. and use of buildLm1s, o"a-^'y be"susp.ende'l or reuokcC dL ct:tt t:" 'r " iii.o" of ony prcrsisions of said ordirutrces' Plumbing Permit No oercon shall cc'nsttuct, i-nstaL!.,- alter or changc.GnlJ nel,-1', ";7 rf r'rr" ;i#:b:i;".;'Z;ziTziz- "iztL"-'i)-"n"i. or in patt, "u*Lesi such pc,';:tut ,i.:: t.). lri)"t-io""-n""oi ot!" ull;a pu^anr's License' eicept that a pc::;tttt t1 1t .t'' plunbins uork to r'r.p.iii*"ini;;";'";;;e:lno"nd o'r operaLed bv r'h" ni1't cant. -t I lElectricol Permit WhereStateLatttequirestlut'theelectt'i:aluorkbedonebyanElecLt'i':a1' Contractor, the electtllot po'tio" of this pniit shall not be ualitl wttll ;;-1;L;1 ins bee,t signed Ay tne Electrical contractor' Nlechqnicol Permit -Pf,an Esant'ner , IHAVECARilFULL|EXAMINEDtheconpLetedapplicationforpermit'anddo'h"i:";; ,)tt7i-in"i'-i-tt-lr,ior "tilon he,eoi ie tnue and eortcet, dn'C I fut,ther certify tnat aiy- aii aLL uonk pe-nfotmed ahall be do:te in aceo?- ';;;:;;1i'li'u'o,rain,no"ed-of the citv of--sprinsfield'3ru7 Lh.e t'c';e of t'trc Trii""-o?"'irZil"-'t:r;;;;;;iq-'to'the uoir<ZedcribLd here1n' cnd ltnt No cccu' pANCr uitl be nr.,le of";;;",;;";;;;;-;it1;;1- piii,ueio, of the sui,tciins D.i.' oision. I furth,er "nnii"]',i that oily cantras'toPs arul 'enplcyees a!:o are i'tt Z*ilil""'"Ll'ti-ons zot'bss uiLL be-used on thie proiect 7 n llouseP. t,. th Iot Sq. Ptg. Z of lot Cooerage- ! of Stories Total Height TopogruPhY TNT TYPE _ Interior Corner PantundLe - Cul-de-sae X VaLue. FTCITEM TOTAT' VALUE s.D.c. 1.5 x CHARGENO.FEE Fittwee Residential (1 bath) Seuer Wc FEE Neu/Ertend Circui.ts Serttice CIIARCEFgE khanet Hood, Vent Fot -- ENCROACHMENT -- Secartt it Permit Sidasalk L Mobile llane TOTAL A\IOUT,IT DUE: I ,{b 35 A Cvrbcu! { * , Tate- Permit No: Address: lssued Date STATEMENT: INFORMATION NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS ABOUT CONSTRUCTION RESPONSIBILITIES Note: Oregon Law, ORS 701.055(4), requires residential building perrmit applicants who are not registered with the Construction Contractors Board to sign the following statement before the building permit can be issued. Licensed ArChitect and Engineer applicants, exempt from registration under ORS 701.010(7), need not submit this statement. This statement will be filed with the permit. Fill in the applicable blanks, and initial box 1 and either box 2A or 2E.l. w 1 I own, reside in, or will reside in the completed structure. 2. A. I-----l My general contractor is Contractor registration number I will instruct my general contractor that all subcontractors who work on the structure must be registered with the Construction Contractors Board. OR B I will be my own general contractor. lf I hire subcontractors, I will hire only subcontractors reoistered with theConstruction Contractors Board. lf I chanoe my mind and Eo hire a oeneralcontractor, lwill contract with a contrattor-who is reoistered with theConstruction Contractors Board and I will immediatelv-notifv the officeissuing this building permit of the name of the contraitor. ' I hereby certify that the above information is correct and that I have read and understand the lnformation Notice to Property Owners about Construction Responsibilities on the reverse side ol this form. u CONSTRUCTION CONTRAGTORS BOARD 02M) 1U24lW r ptfrFr;opy ro rssurNc AGENcy pERMrr F'LE \): ry( coPY ro APPLIGANT L tJ lffrl- @s 4 tu