HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1988-07-22" Rt5llJEN llAL.. 2zs North sttt streeaPPLrcATroN/PERMrr Springfield, }regon g?4ZZ Butlding Diuision ann qB--/ 40-d / D,t SPFIINGFIELD L t(qc1 cG d,!Job loeaticn: Aosessors Map #40 35 13 Subdiutsion: Astter: Address i),Tr/ ci Tct Lat # Phone: zip: I,lork: -)-L Value q6-,3 4tq tLl/ l--t Additicn RetnoCeL Date of Applica Genet aL ELeetr.tcaL 4t?) CL Date: Constntetiott Letdet '"!-_! -!h. responaibilily of tle petmit holler to aee that aLL inspectiotts ee nade at theJ?ot, the street, and titat the-per,,nit eatl. ie Located at the froai of the property. -*Euiair4 Dtuicion apprw^eci ptcn s?wLL na;n"-;;-tr; a"L\iZ"b'"slit" ot aLL ti.mes. W;CALL726-3769(lecot,del)stategout,Citydesignated.job "equeaxed ana uhen uou .uiLL be ready foz' inspeetion, cont?acto?s o? a^mers rzane c:nd phone'.iLZ be nade the 'd,. d."y, ";A;;;;^i;L iit* ?:00 @n*LLL be,*;;;h;;';;:;;;"i.;r,L". Iottr City Desigr,a.ted Job Nunber Is WoPe? tin€, that ecch a,l4rees f,e vsasnhia i ' nrmber, jab aCitess, tyce of irspee=i,cntwnbu. Requests teceixed befcre- Z:00 ol {r0bllReati.fnsn---l 9IIE INSPECTTOY ' I esccuatton, but - forms. Io be made aftez,priot tc set up of To made - ylD!ryylB PLUMBIN1, ELECTRT:AL e ) I'ECy:trCAL: ?o_ be iaa@ng tiol,K L3 cooe?ed. -) pc_ornc I r?uno,trrcu: ro be tmCet alter tl,enches ate ez.caoated and. required oapor boriets @e in placebut before anA Zath, g?lpsun boarC ortnLL cooering is applied, otd beforeoly insulation is eoncealed. DRY'IALL TNSPItrTON: ?caftet, aLL dtyuall is inbut prior to any taping. DEMOLITIO]] OR Scnitotg seuet capped ct WopetLr- Li/:e -l Septic totk p,,r,ped and. filted trtth g,a;sel i Einal - Ilhen abcue i,tens aye eanoleted and uhen Cqtclition is eompletet'oy s.ttuc-ture moued and. p,enrises cleanei up. {-/ Laticn be made place,fotms ate ereeted, but pourLng trenchee A?IllAL PLUU;BII\} PIIJAL MECHAIIICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL ption to "otor LIAS)NRI: Steel Location, bond beans, grouting or uet,ticals in accord.otce Lrith U.B.C. Section 2475. WOODSTOTIE: enpTeteA. -l UltoFprrcoa pm.nrnc a rnc:tawcnr.,t rSbenori@of floor insuT,a.tion or decking. I PgT 4t? BEAM: ?o be made prlor toI insta.Llacicn of floor insuT.atior, oy d,ecklng. -1 ROilCit pLUBIitG, ELECT?IIAL & \1ECH- I - .urttl these inspectiors inue beennaie and dpproueC.-l rr?pt.tc=ti e*bn to plccirg fceingI materials and befone -froninlg ;.n"pnl_tiot. 1 fAulilC: I"lust be t,equested afterI approual of rough plt*,rbing, eiectti_eal & neciunieal. ALL "o:ofing. btaetng E chinmeys, ete. rrust beiampleted. llo uptk is to be con_....-4ecled un*"il this inspeetion ls6 .rbeen ma<ie anC apptoued. After instalZation is q Il l CURB & r'PPRCACH AppON: Aftet formsee eyecteC but prior to pow,ing eoncrete. SIDEWALK & DRI\EWAY: Fot, a|.L eon- a,-ete paoing uithin stteet z,ight-gf-txA, to be made after aLL erca-uating conplete & fota uoyk & sub- base materLal in ptaee. IACL: hlten conplete -- PtotsiCe gatee or mooable sections thnough P.A.E. ALL 4'oject conditions' such as the installation of st"eet trees, conoletion of tierequired T.andsccping, etc. ' rmtst be eatisfied. befote the BUfLDING FINAL can be tequested., a\ PINAL BUILDING:- fh1 Final Build.ing Inspection mrI't be requested after the Final plunbiry \J Eleetrieal, and Neclnnieal Inspections lque been nad.e atd'approued. I'lobile licnes Blocking otd, Set-up Pltnbing conneetions -- saie! otd. uater I ElectricaL Ccmnection - Bloeking, set-uo and plwbing conneetions rrust be qprcied before requesting eleclrical inspectiol Accessory BuilCirtg Final - Aftct, pcz,ekes, sk1rting, dect<s,etc. a"e ccnpleled. Page 1 of 2'ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST\ENI TO BE !L4DS A? NO CCST TO Cr?y i I j I I I i I i .l I ; r lieat Can aaeP. L.House Aceess No"th East ll FinepLace South ll lloodstoxe llI,lest Lot Sq. Ft4. Z of Lct Caterage ll of Stories Total Eeight IopogaPhY Interior Cormer Panhand.Le Cul-de-sac Bedroons:Zorc: Lot Faees -wr ?wE-- Gtou' -- Fees -- Building Vcrlue & Permit This perwit is granted on the etpress condition tlnt the sciid_consttwetiott shall', in aLL r"espects, conformio the Ordinance adoptedby the City 2fSpringfield, inc|uding the 2oning CYdinance' regulating the ccnstructicn od use of buildin4s, otd may be suspended ot reuokeC dt ctA time upon oic- Lati.on of dtA prooisione of aaid 1tdinances. .TJU ?OTAL VALUE vI?EN' *S.D.C. I.5 c Building Pqtlrit ?otal Clnrges State PLan Cheek Fee: Date Paid: Receipt #: Sigtred: Plumbing Perrnit No person slwll consttaet, instal!, alter or ehange anA nel) cr eeisting plwttbitq or drainage syatan in rtlole or in part, nnless sueh pez'son is the Legal pbsaesson of a uali,d plunber's L'Lcense, escept tlnt a Pelson nay do plutnbing uork to propetty uhich is otmed, Leased or operated by the dPPLi.- cant. FEE CHARGE aoPer'ntt r Stdte 7; * Fiatures Resil.ential (1 bath) Setler Electric<ll Permit Whete State La teqtires th,zt the electrLcal oork be don by'dn Electrical Contraetor, the electrical portion of this permit slnll rot be ualil wttil the Label Las been signed by the Electrical Contracto". CHARGE * Il a,t / Est end. C ir cui t s Semtice Stcte ?otal klunat HooC NC.I At; , * Mecho nicol Permit Vent Eat tJcodstote Permit fssuqrce Meelanical Pemrit zlntetu JOB N Panrtt Ctpbctt! Si.dq,talk Mobile Hone 5(JLAX A(-L;E.s5 KEV.-q(L-CO G- PLan E&arlne?Date f HAW CAREFALLY SXilLfilED the eotnpleted application for perwLt, and do heteby certify tlut aLL information het'eon is true and. eonect, anC f further eertify that any ard aLL aork perforned slnll be done in aecor- ilance tith the 1rdinances of the City of Sprtngfield, anl. the Las of the State of 2regon pertaining to the tprk Cescribcd herein, cnd tlat N0 0CCU- PANCY LrLIL be nnd.e of cttA st"ucture uithout permission of the Building Di- vision. I f'utther certifg that otly contractors ad, mployees uho ce in canpliance uith 2RS 70L.055 uiLL be used on this projeet -- ENCROACHMENT -- IabeL TdTAL A},IOI]MI DIIE: I /S-75 {fute