HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 2007-12-24 (2)City of Springfield tPiiflffi5to Upon review and approval by your local jurisdiction, your permit will be e-mailed or faxed within one business day, with instructions on how to schedule your inspection. NOTE: This Authorization To Begin Work expires within 180 days if a permit is not obtained. The local building department may determine that an Authorization To Begin Work is null and void if it does not meet applicable land use laws and local ordinances. Mechanical Authorization To Begin Work E-mailed To: cevin@marshallsinc,com Check on status of permit By Phone ; (541)7 26-37 53 or Em ail : permitcenter@ci.sprin gfi eld.or.us Receipt # 8C522932 1212412007 7:02:58 AM * City OfSpringfield l0o/o Local Admin Fee; 5% Local Technology Fee; $l 0 Issuance Fee l-l New constn-rction f, eddition/alteratior/replacement ]ONSTRUCTION I or 2 family dwelling E uutti-famity Accessory Building Job no.:Jobaddress: 381 9THST City/State/ZlP: SPRINGFIELD, OR 91 477 -41 52 Suite/bldg./apt.no.: PToJect name: CHANDLER Cross street/directions to job site: Lot no.:Subdivision: Tax map/parcel no.: 1703351310800 DIN TALL GAS FIREPLACE (NG Name: CHRIS CHANDLER Fax:Phone: (541) 7264082 Email CCB lic. no,i 25790 Business Name: MARSHALLS INC Conlact: Cevin White Address: 4ll0 OLYMPIC ST City/State/ZIP: SPRINGFIELD, OR 974785620 Phorct (541)7477445 Fax: (541)7410821 Email: cevin@marshallsinc.com Metro lic. no,City lic, no.: CCB 25790 Description Ea.Total Fumace- up to 100,000 BTU Furnace - above I 00,000 BTU Electric Fumace Duct alterations and additions Gas heater units/ in-wall, in- duct. susDended. etc/ Vent, flue, lrner for above Air Conditioner Heat Pump Air Handler Water heater s15.00Gas fi replace/insert/stove I sls 00 Gas log/ log lighter Gas clothes dryer Gas stove/range Pool or spa heater, kiln Wood/pellet stove/insert Wood fireplace Chimney/liner/fl ue/vent ilo applrance Range hood Clothes dryer exhaust Single-duct exhaust (bathrooms, toilet compartments, utility rooms) upto first 4 outlets(enter Qty=l) Attic/crawlspace fans $s.00 $5 00 each additional outlet S ubtotal $20.00 $s0 00Minimum fee used instead of Subtotal $4.00State Surcharge (8% ofpermit fee) City Of Springfield fees *$27 s0 TOTAL PERMIT FEE $81.50 This Authorization To Begin Work must be posted at the job site until replaced by a Permit. TYPE OF WORK JOB SITE INFORMATION AND LOCATION DESCRIPTION OF WORK SITE CONTACT CONTRACTOR FEE SCHEDULE Qty. Heating/cooling appliances Other fuel burning appliances Environmental exhaust AND ventilation t'ucl piping I MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97 477 541-726-3759 Phone Cit'' -t Springfield Official Receipt De, .opment Services Department Public Works Department RECEIPT#: 2200700000000001899 Date: 1212412007 t2zt4:26PM Job/Journal Number coM2007-0 r 919 coM2007-01919 coM2007-01919 coM2007-01919 coM2007-01919 coM2007-01919 coM2007-01919 Description Gas Outlets l-4 Fireplace (Listed) -Mechanical Issuance Fee- M in imum/Adj ustment Mechanical + 5%o Technology Fee + 8% State Surcharge + l0%o Administrative Fee Amount Due 5.00 17.00 20.00 28.00 2.s0 4.00 5.00 Item Total:$81.50 Payments: Type of Payment Paid By Check Number Received By Batch Number Authorization Number How Received Amount Paid ONLINE CHGS ONLINE PERMIT CHGS ddk ONLINE marshall's inc Online Payment Total: $81.s0 $81.s0 cReoeint I Page I of I 1212412007