HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Curb Cut 1990-07-05.. RESIDF^ ITIAL.. APPLICATIuT/eqnttru 225 North 1th Street Springfteld, lregon 97477 Building Diuision ? 26-3? 53 1 tl SI?E INSPECIION: e.xcavation, but forrns. FIIIAL PLUMDTNC IINAL ITECIIANICAL FIIIAL ELEffNrcAL To be nade after prior to ee+. uP of SPFII\lGFIELD After inatallati.on is Date: It io ,he reoponaibility of tla permit ho.ldar fnon the atriet. an4 that the pornrit aard ie "siitii"!- Nvi"1o" appror;et! plan slu:Ll' remain to aee Looated on the thataLLinopectioneal,enadeatthePro?e|tine,thatocchcddreaciereadabieat the frcnt of the PtoPertY. Building gitc at aLL tines. nrtnben,befone 7:00 e:rntmbcn. Iour. City Deaigr,ated Job Mtnber Ia: TROCSDUIE Fon INSPECTION ?SQIEST:CALL726-3769 (recondet) atate youn City Ceoign'e-ted iob av-io-r inapootion, contraotona oi or'nets none and plone r..iLL be nnde the "*,"-i"ii'ia;;;rkd" a,|ien z:oo'on titl be tmde the nett t,rki4' dav' Job aCd,reao, tYPe, Requeato fecelteo of inspec)icn T UNDERSLAB PLUTIBINC, ELECTNICAL & l"tECHtllICAL: To be nnde betore dny6FE6v*ed. FOOTINC ,3 FOUNDAIICN: To be tmCe7ffifr66iarcaoabed and 7or-, or" erected, but Priot to pouring ccncrete. LNDSRCROUI| PLUMDTNT, SSU,ER, .tt.tLE=l' inltarct: To be rmde PrLoP co ILL- ffi-Ginchee. tf floor inaulction or ilecking' POSI AND BEAN: To be nade Pniot to mTffiof floot insulation on decking. noucil Pr,ulrlltt?. =Erl.Egnl?AL e ilECI? nfiUt: no r;rtk is to bc aovered u Tthc"e insPeclions love been made aru| aPProvel.. FTZEPLACE:fr;aar;Prion to Plccirg arul before frming DnYllAl,L INSPECafiN: To be nada ;fr;;AT'A.y,r"l-ra .in Ptace, bub Pnior to anY tawttg. MASONRI: Steel location, bond tffiilgrcuting or terticala in ,o.orldino" ttth u.B.c. Section 241 5. wooDsTove:@etA. ale ?E!9E: gatea P.A.E. Afber fornsto poutingt conctete. ';i#;##;#W;",12i,"',1nTl-)t-r*u'. tu 7sc nade after all exca- iLtl."Z'o*pteta & forn r;rnk & sub' fuse -nnterial i,n Plaoe'facing inapec- tion. FRA\IIN?: l,lust be tequeated afien ffit of rottgh plwr'bing' electri- iai a neclanical. - ALI toofi4i bracing E chirlme7s, etc' nruat be . conolelod. No lugnk ie to be con- 'o"i1.ea .ntil thiil inaprcSian mstbeen iiiiclc and, appfiildd, (hen con|lete '- WooiCe or trauable' aectiono tlrough ;.: AtLprojebteonditione,ouchaethei.natallationofatfeabt'|aes,cGvlattonofbir requi.ned Landsccpins)'Lrf,-,"i-"r-;;;:;h;;rz;';;f7";;;'iuiiinic irinr' "on be teqtested' FINAL BUILDINC: The Final Building fnspection nwet ba reaeoted altet thc Final Plunbi4? (J 'ii2ir!oZii",'Ta uliir-rt.ol rnapect'iolo iriuo been rmde at.,'approved Job [ocation:-l Ta Iot flAoceacors I'lap tl Sttbd.ivision: Anter: ",-O\,LZPhane:Address: ci .Addrtlclo.Q- te' Ortlb Descr.Lbe L'ork: Aildition 0,.d, ValueDate of sr General P Iurnbing t'lecha t a lilee. I r cinnStrtr OR Sanitaty eaten caPPed et' ptoperty Line Septic tank g.npei! atd filled vith gra:tel Final, - l{hen abcoe itens are ccnPletcd antl ulrcn danotition ie canplete ot otru3' iirr, ,,,oved atd Pnemi.see cleaneC uP' Hcnee Blooking and set-uP Plunbing connections -- aan,er and uaten Electrical Cqrneotion' Blooking, oet-u' . and plwnbinq conneetiona tast be apProted ; ; f ;;- ;; q;" o tins eL ec lrt c al' in sP e c liott AcceasorY BuitCing Pinal - tlftar pcncheo, skirting' decks' eto. are canPleted' AAt,t, tlA\ilct,E!; ANt) ct,riANOU'tS Ntt:,t nt: ACCISSIA;,E, ADJui:nft:ilt ro Bti l$rD ir NO r|sr r0 cl'lv Ptlte ! ttf :l ,t tr D n I JOB NO tot Sq. Ftg. 7 of lot Coverage ! of Storiee Iotal Height ?opogmphy TotaL soLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-COG+ Bedt'oona:Crt v T,OT NPE Intenior CoPner Panhandl.e Cul-d.e-sac PLan Exctniner uate r ltAvE OAREFULLY ExAMllEq the conpleted apptication for permit, and do Yr1?y eertify- that aLL infonati'on hereoi ie true "7i oZnn"iii o*n ifunther .eentlfa th-at any ard aLL wnk penfon'ned atall bi- i1i- i, oo"on-dance tl-th the Ondinancea of the City of Spningfield, and, the Ia;e of thcr \t?.t^? of -oregon pertaining to the ,nit< 1eeLri.oih iLiLii,, "ii- tt-t to occu-PANcy ttill be nace of any_- structure uithout permteaion'of ti, Buitd,ing N-rsisio-n. f funthen ce_ytiiy that o:tly contraciore *;d *,plcyena uho are incanpliance dith oRs zol.o-ss ui.ll be-ueed on thie iniinit ---- Enerqy Sources li!!9[ot Faces - !leat Water lloaterHoueeCat aqe Aecess.P.L North East South Heat ITEM sQ. rTc X Value , t'bin C,eraae Cat pot,t Acceasoru TOTAL VALUE Is.D,c. 1,5 a Plan Date Pairl: Receipt ll: Building Volue & Permit Thie pertrlt ia gtanted on the erpress oondition tlut the said-constntction elrall', in all n"eapecta, conforn'to the Ordinance adopted liy the Ct-ty of Spning fie ld, inc luding the'bni,ng CYdinanc e, r eg ulating the ccns t rue ticn and uae of buildinga, and nay \e auapended ot reuokeC at cny time upon uic' lation of any prooieione of aaid Ordinances, * { DuiWing Permtt ?otal Clnryea Stdte Signed: Plumbing Permit Ng pereon altall conatruct, inatall, alter or change cny nel cr ettsting ylwnbing or dtainage eyaten in uhole on in patt, unleas suoh person ia the l1gal _poaeessor of a oalid plwtbet,s Licenee, escept that a pbreon may dopltnbing uork to property uhieh ia oaned, Leased o7 operated by the appli.- cflnt. Pltnbing Pemit NO.FEE CHARCE Stdte , Fi:ctures Resi.dential (1 bath) Seuer Electricol Permit Ilher.e Etate La't requines tlat the electrical uork be done by an glectrical co,ntrlactor, the electrical pontion of *his permit elntl not- be oalic untilthe label lua been aigned bV ttte Electrical- Contractor. ?otal -- ENCnoAcililENT -- , NC. a Mechonicql Permit tlau/Ertetd Cincuits Sentice F-rlunet lloo,L l,lcodetove Vent Fot Permit fseuance Iteclanical Permit Seeuritu Demait Stordge l,bintenanee Permit clCurbcu! Sidetnlk Fenee Electrical Label tbbile llme ,wtqA r AtkltrNO httD. a to q .t FSE CIIARCE htnace YIU'S CAL,|- t+,\ l. lPOt**r ao57- 2. t-ic? t€ti \ APPL I DATE:/-,/2o APPLICANT (PRoPERTY ot,tNER) : AD)RESS 0F AppLICANT: :", CA TION FOR A SEC OND DR IVE!{AY 5 L a 30 llrd FG ADDRESS OF PROPERTY FOR ZND DRIVEWAY: APPLICANT'S TELEPHONE NO. : 74' ?T2,3- The fo]lowing conditions must be answered affirmatively in order for thisappl ication to be considereO for approva) : 'l)' Property is either a single famiry r9lj.g_ercg-or dupiex. yESr'-- No_. 2)' The proposed drivervay will take direct access from a minor street( not a co'l I ector or irteri at sireeti] - iEiT' ' il;"*." 3). The drivevray will have a minimum setback of 30 feet from thecurb return of an intersection (for corner :ois).- -viir: ='"tio_. 4). The proposed driveway (parking area) rnust have a minimum depth of20 feet between the front pro[erty iine and the garige, carport,fence or..wa|r, if any (identiclr t6 setback roi-9;;;9Ei. YES /, NO 5). The second drivevray must have direct access to a garage,rear yard or the side yard where the vehicle, trai'ler-oi wi I 'l be stored . YES / N0 carport, boat 6). If the vehic'le, trailer or boat is to be parked/stored in the sideyard, there must be a minimum setback of 5 feet between the storedvehicle and the side property 1ine. This setback is for firefighting access and to conrpiy with the intent of the zoning code. Setback satisfied YES,' - N0_. 7). The proposed parking/storage area must not create a vision obstructjon to adjacent property driveways or. to any vehicular movemen t on a publ i c street. Sati sf i ed YES /- N0_. Applicant hereby agrees to install the requested drivelay to City of Springfield standards. The applicant further agrees to have 6" of concrete in the sidervalk area adjacent to the proposed driveway and further agrees to pave the area behind the back edge of the sidewa'lk adjacent to the driveway with a minimum depth of 3" of asphaltjc concrete or with a minimum depth of 6" of port'land cement concrete. The area behind the sidervalk shall be paved to the propertyline or for a distance of 4 feet rvhich ever is gieater. The applicant agrees that if helshe does not pave the area beh'ind the sidewirlkwithin 30 days of cutting the curb opening, the City of Springfield has the'authority to close the driveway access by the removal of the iurb cut. All incurred costs shall be assumed by the app.licant and if unpaid, said costshall become a lien of the property. -?- S.0.P.P. #T-4'1a llhen this appf ication is lg?lol:d by the C]Iy'"the applicant-(property or^'ner) must obtain a driveway perm.it til*"'tn."Fu[r it'uoirr-blpartment Building Div'ision. PER}1IT FEE TRA 9.I ATTACHMENT: a 0n an improved street (exist'ing curb): Sizlijo';i;; tzc per Iineal foot of curb cut' 0n an unimproved street (not curbed): $12'00' 0n currently unimproved streets that are under- construction: $12.00. PR0PERTY OltlNER'S SIGNATURE: DATE: APPROVED BY: D DATE:z BUILDING PERMIT NO.: DATE: b c 'lH r< City of Springfield Standard Drawing No. 3-l'l PgsuEO 4s Fo4-ds Da ed 10/8/82 1, E;wPft@ cwPS cvr ope),,J C 3o' fo r&Z- [re "ACIrr ro To( uo c"ao) z- ge Grffia)sft t^tnal kzas aS ?A,1 C,r\ S Paz.-s. ?.Dfuver**l t<>d.-l-'76 !r'tclt'(E n Oun*r,ttC StOO,^rdJ.L T> 644qlo5te..l S,"l1- t-6t+fi'- P(ofr-*r) Ltv€ (v tk--39/lor\L c;Ut<,b C'rT Yb? 1D ?4 +- CvL 0t 'ac' g*\ affir 207o O+1" 1?. E.$ttrrPc tg' f.gau,\d,. A-rfq^JiXuJ g>tr>r.JT' SrDru\t*- q I I I E Ea_3 o /y 0 f 8 r1 ) / a b/ L /4 I ry.I Y e b Ie 7rt L o I al b A/r1 ,R \ )/ I \tfv.($ \(\ h.N 7 \I A ,/,4. ,?- +F?a 7 (V(c 'le t/(\ I)/0 j I 44 I I i\JIl1'-/,fe l,r IteAr.e, ,ao.B tEE oa nnNt u 5l'il,(