HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-06-26-!.-..:-.._ _' .... r'r -:.-.., : ..RESIDhNTIAL.. z.s No,th sth s;treeaPPLrcATr,N /PERIITT Springfield, 0tegon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 .3,u r'cv'r SPFIINGFTEI.D t a Signed: & \\\l 1 Date a-G -k-l Geneta L 7 /= /+/ e- TT<. 7--7 24'-/7/3 2zo -/z-Y-7 '33Gq/2- 8333 88 - ?7Zo 65 Fo- L Cont!rugt'ion_Iedg" c-.t- 3^s r o* Pa)-a 4""-J-Z,<.41.r77-4-lp It is the respoaoibility of tle pennit ho'ller to see tltat all inapections ee nade at the p?ope? tine, that ecch cddress is ren4ahi,eflt _tlu at?eet, anC tlat the pettrit eazd, ia l,ocated at the frcnt of the property.tsui4ing Diuisiot appro"*ed plbt s?tcll remain ott t?e Bunlding Site'at aLL' tiines." PROC9DUP4Eo4 INSPEC?f1I'\ 1I?WST:CALL726-3769(recorder) state gour City designated job ntm,ber, job aCitess, type of inspec:icn requested a-nd uhen gou uiLL be ready for inspection, Contracto?s o? anne"s nane ind prone nunber. Pequests teceixed befcte- ?:00 c:itzll be made the sane day, ?equests nade aft* ?:00 an vtLL be nwde the nest aorking day.y7e/37 FgJob Ipeaticn: Aesessore Mao #9rrr ?as lot # N.fu/,'Ttc)->-Svbditsision: SttqeaOumer:E Phone: 3C//errEe/z4Address 2 ci 9, ;., /. FZm i4 2--, ;.L;n -*- Describe ltox,k: 45ow? t-t 6Date of ?7 vatue Additian RemoCeL SITE INSPEC?I)N: ?o be nade after eceauation, but prLar tc set up of forne. Iour City.ted Job aLL required oapor bavie?s @e in p'la,ce but before ang Lath, Wpsuln baayC ot, tnLL couering i.s appli,ed, and. befote oty ir*ulation is concealed. DEMOLNIOII OR :.!OW) BUiLDi:|CS Sanilary eeoet eapped et ptoperfil Litce Septic totk y,tped add fi.lled rtith gna;;el Final - Llten abclse itens ate ccmpleted and uhen Cenclttion 'is eonplete ot, straJ- ture notted otd. prenrLaes cleaneC up. I'lobile Hcnes Blocking ord Set-up Plttnbing connections -- aaier otd ua*et Electrical Connection - Blocking, aet-uD and plwnbing connecti.ons mtst be apprcxed before requesting eleclrtcal inspectiotz Aeeessory* BuilCing & To ana ?o be maCe are e.tcauated and forns are erected, but ptior to pout Lr,g ccncreta )q trenches. to of flooz, aftet Ic be made in plaee, but prior to ang taping. MASONRU Steel Location, bond beans, grouting or terticals in accordatee ttLth U,B.C. Section 241 5. WOODSTOVE: ccmpTAA. Aftet, installatton is 4o '& APPROACH AP N:After formsee erecteC but prior to pourtng coTlcrete. For aLL con- st?eet right- ', or decking. ?o be made prLor to floor insulation or l1 be A of ff riit pLurBrttc ffrriit ^MECHANTIAL'.t; , /rrum ELEc?RrcAL _l nade and. approoeC. FfPEPLACE: PrLor to placir4 facingma.terials and before franing inepee-tion. ! \ No to L these irapections haue been requested aftet plwrbing, elecb.i- AL! roofitq pf-rny, to nale after aLL esca- oati,ng eanplete & forn wk & sttb- base rm.terial in place. IENCE: Nhen conplete -- fuottiCe gates or motsable sections thtough P.A.E. v? erete Pital - After etc. @e comp pct cl:es, skirting, decks, leted. bracing & chinmeys, etc, rrust be ; cotrpleted. Uo ucrk is to be con-. cealed until this inspeetton l.ne'been mad.e anC approtted. ALL projeet conditions, such as the i.nstallation of street trees, co:wletion of the required Landsccpir.g, etc., mtst be satisfied befot'e the BUTLDING FINAL canbe requested, FINAL BUILDIN?: The Final Building Inspeetion muat be tequested after the Pinal Plunbing Electrical, otd Meclunical Inspections luve been nade atd approveC. .ALL I|AIIHCLES AND CLEANOUTS T,IUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTITSII! TO BE I,T4DE /1.? IlO C1S? ?O CNY Paqe 1 of 2 lol l /) /* Zove: Iat Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Caterage # of Stories Total Height lopography LCT ?WE Interict, Cornet Panhandle -./cul-d"-"o" Jo B ""870 ? soLAR A.^Ess REe.-L-CO * Beitoons Signed: Plumbing Permit No person slnll constmtct, instal'!., alter or ehange anA neu cn ecisting plutnbin4 or dtainage systalt in uhole oz, in pott, unless sueh person is the Legal possesson of a ualid plunbet,'s License, ercept that a pelson natl do plw,bi.ng uork to prope"ty uhich is or,sned, Leased or operated by the qppli- cant.Wct (Plunbing Penrtt 9tate Sutcl"anae Na,t/Ectend. Circuits i larpcrey Setoice ?otal Electricol Permit Were State Lan requires tlnt the electrical uoz,k be done by an Eleetrical Contractor,, the electrical portion of thb permit shall not be oalil until the Lahel lns been signed by the Electrical Contractol,. Lot Faces - P.L House Caz,aae Access. llorth Ranqe East Fineplace \\l N South l.laodctore \\t\ West ,O f^q,-- Fees -- ITE14 lei-,Lcirn -x VaLue Main ffi C'Oace f^RL\ Carport Accessoru TOTAL VALUE \\s. mA \(DcLue)S.D.C. 1.5 t 2("b.60 ,3-2Date Pald:\o. r-\z Reeeipt #:?\o qz CHAP.GE This perwit is granted on the erp?ess condition that the said-consttactionslrall, in aLL respects, eonform to the Ordinarce adopted fuiy the Ci.ty of Springfield, ineluding the Zoning Cvdinanee, regulating the ecnstructicn cnd. use of buildings, otd mty be suopended or reookeC at cny time upon oic- l.a.tion of anA prcuisions of said 1ydir,anees, lt { 2l, Building Vqlue & Permit J Building PemrLt ?otal Ctnraes State NO FEE tr..Ii.{*les:fpv\tD -',2o-?o9b Resilential (1 bath)\3cl.s ?1\ eo Sanitazg Seuez,;\i.'t ?o 20P \..r \5:-\5. co U.V\\\-\\\\5-\5,oo \o\, s L\.ao\\\ ro al 1Da=':io FEE \1\.p J\O \\t.cD \n.eo 5?s z.\o F4D ClIARCE \lD.G.CD \L\.to q .5c 3 5.qeo $t\ \q.50,\B iT9t4 bhanst HooC Vent F@t 'tlcodstoise Secart Permtt Ctrbcut AD + Sida,talk !o- tabeL Mobile Hone PermLt Issuetee Mechanical Pey,mtt -- ENCRCACHI'{ENT -- t IotaL Mechonicql Permit I HAW CAREFULLy EXAALNED the ecrnpleted application fon permit, ard. dc hereby cet,tifg that aLL information hereon is true and correct, attC f furthet, certify that any ard aLL uork perforned shall be dote .in acoot- dance tith the 1rdinances of the City of Springfield, and the Las of the* State of )regcn pertaining to the uork Cescribcd herein, cnd tlat NO OCCI- Pr'.NCy uill be nad.e of any st?ueture uithout permiseion of the Building DL-';\uision. f further eertify thet otly eontractot,s and etrplcyees uho arb in eonplianee uith oRS 701.0ss ui.LL be used on this project l1 b (, \j. Go \3,\5 lls?.?rr' ,L \_De ,r-V-?3 ..t'1'L:t.1 Res. So. frr\90$ I :OTAL N,!OU]!T DUE:'