HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 2002-07-25SPNINGFIELD Job# 02-0017',-02 RESIDENTIAL PERMIT City Of Springfield Gommunity Services Division Building Safety Page 1 of2 225Fifth Street Springfield, OR97477 Location Of Proposed Site: 2077 00008th St Spr Assessors Map#: 26032613 Lot: Block: Addition: Job Numbe r: 02-0017 1 -02 Office: 726-3759 lnspection Line: 726-3769 Tax Lot#: 07700 Subdivision: crTY oF SPRTNGFIELD, OREGON Owner:Twin Butte Builders Address:143 Madison Street Scope Of Work: Backflow Device Contractor Type GeneralContr Backflow prevention device for Contractor Twin Butte Builders 143 Madison Street, Eugene, OR 97402 ris .t Phone 541-484-2326501 Quad Area: # Of Units: Constr. Type: Water Heater: Office Use - Land Use: Zoning Gode: Bedrooms: Range: # Of Buildings: Occupancy Group: Heat Source: Sq. Footage: To request an inspection call the 24 hour recording a1726-3769. All inspections requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following working day. Requi Backflow Device -After device is installed E IF THE WO RKDUER TH'S PERMIT IS NOICOMMENCED OR ABAND ONED FORIS Gonstruction Types: Occupancy Groups: # Of Buildings: # Of Bedrooms: Handicap Access? Main:Accessory ANY 180 OAY PER r0D. # Of Stories: Height (feet): Current Units: Proposed Units: Census Gode: Does not apply Total: Fee Paid On Receipt# Value/Quantity Fee Amount Plum Minimum Plumbing Permit Fee 07t25t2002 10040 $31.00 541484-2326 you Iu Utitiry set fortr through OAR 952-001obtaincopiesof the ru (sq. Job# 02-00171-02 Page 2 of 2 Fee Paid On Receipt# Value/Quantity Fee Amount Plumbing State Surcharge - Plumbing Backflow Prevention Device 8% Administrative Fee - Plumbing Total Plumbing 07t25t2002 07t25t2002 07t25t2002 10040 1 0040 1 0040 1 $3.1 5 $14.00 $3.60 $51.75 Grand Total By signing this permiVapplication, I agree to call for an inspection once the backflow prevention device has been installed and is visible for inspection (726-3769). I also state that all information on this permit is true and correct. Date $s1.7s ,-'-2_ f* o 2 JUL-17-298? t3,?@ T4RRSHRLLS 1541?416821 P. A?."'8" CONNING Owervs Ihis home has been professionally insulated wtt Owens Gorning 0 7- oo t 'l I o I Na:ru G Add,res 3olr E \3 S-rrueer Ctta eS.p.z-,rvr. r-,f)stua O kL z@ 9 tvtt Offi Gomlng ffiPNK Unbondcd LoocGftn hrtthion lncd 8.9 bbd nN UIzl orcru Con&r6 vitt accepr no nspons&lty dur rhe prodrct is not irutaled in actmdance rith tre Elerct bbcl Stst€d R{lre i5 !,!o{d€d byin*rl4r the - ,*sfi.i;;&ofbq6otarhiche$roiteutrmricuDemorlilrft" rhichrs.hsudbtior o(rhe1gryed*l$-"{!tt,".vvddrnoe_thmthcspeciSed ;,ih,,,!.d[cEB6. ftlrr*Uytt.-ir.r.l"rtoprirh bofithc rcqrdndbqgs cd atbaat &a rninimm tiietsrcce wil ieodt inlo@rinsr&tiar R{,&l2. Spcciicatirn Fo Opert SoE AlEcs Nonind net reight ol ktsttbdon is 28 bs. Tna tti{ier rh! B{du., thp gnrter dE irEublin, Dor,.'. &t yorr oller tor th. hd 6lt Gt dl n-irhres, Canirtctidr in ,l.* foo.fn i.B,rl4di IlOtI€d in oprn rti6! c.tr 13dl6 iff tlff1gt perfouurcc in crlrelli rint t taltD€trarcr dui$ Iltc hadry !Esm- Bhnkst |tEuldioo Blentclard bett wheninxalled 0o &e the *rred R.value. Coautaor 7- lt-rlz BuCder hte s.gM Compny CoaWanV Address {rlo Ou.r L -( r S-erra Mres fn \-rr fnona S'lt-1\1-14\S ptrotu {8 q -Z 32-b lfEl'a(trEDE -r.rnf Fri. rL l3t,t22frll ,il-alr lr.G^,li iI Gt hxctDo-r.cra! TOTq- P.Bz (tif Mf,(Cffigx ffi (Job Sitc AddrBss) usrrl,l rruruvEl; IIIJ D ly)q conrractor Name: DANE sEC ^ry sysrEvrs/ANA HEwfl-T Phone: 54t-684-0757 Fax: 541485-0202 Adtlress: 2325 zuvERVIEW STREET EUGENE, OR 97403 JobAddress:207? STHSI SPRINGFIELD 9'1477 Installed By.. ANA HEWITT . Installer License: 2845 JLE l?ork Descriplrbn.. WIRELESS ALARM SYSTEM Property Owner: BRUCE WEBBER Phone Number: (541) 746440s Address: SAI{E Comment: WRISDICTION: SPRINGFIEIN , CITY OF License: 2845JLE CCB: la658a Supv Lic: 2E45JLE Supv Reg: ANA I{EWITT Metro #: Jurisdiction; SPRINGFIELD, CITY OF TRI COUNTY SERVICE CENTER Phonc: 503-872-6?Jt Fax: 503-g72-6735 MINOR LABEL TR{CKING TORM AND INSPECTION REPORT Install T)pe: Issued Dole: 7l3ll02 Install Dote: 8/26/02 Insp Rpt Sent: Lllll}2 Insp Rpt Rcvd: Ist/2nd/3rdDDtr I & 2 Family PasdFail ttlii!))t TCSC minor label # EL S 1954 DD Contect Iog Three contacrs musr be atrempted within five (5) working days of reccipt- Time Initiols Resulls o No contact contrct rnd rnspection Log If no contact is madc. TCSC must be notifred within ten (10) working days if inspection cannor be performed 'fl Inspeuion Approvcd Duk Approved:If the inspcction is performed and approvcd the form shall be sen/faxed to TCSC rvirhin five isi*"*irg aays. ' lJ Inspection Faited DoG Conuactor NoriJ,ietl of Foilure:If the irupection fails, rhc jurisdiction shsll notiS conrrcctor. The conhactor has tcn (10) days ro notify iri" iCsc orairpuie. trnor' disputed. the cqntractor shall call the jurisdiction of authority for re-inspection. F t f lr,rfi -nnlA o Dale b HP OfficeJet Personal Printer/Fax/Copier r.ax Log Report Nov-12-02 03:28 PM fdentifrcatioq 915038726735 Result OK Pages Type OZ Sent Date Time Nov-l2 A3:2TP Duration Diagnostic ff):00:46 W258ffi3W22 l-3-o 2.A &o7'l f+*r }JOIJ-81_2662 15:48 BCD TRI COUI{TY Label Number: EL S 1954 Contrcctor Name.' DANE SECURITY SYSTEMS/AIIA HEWITT Phone: 541-684-0757 Far 541485-0207 Atulress: 2325 RIVERVIEW STREET EUGENE, OR 97403 lob Address: 2077 8TH ST SPRINGTIELD 97417 Installed By; ANA HEWITT htstotler Licanse: 2845 ILE |lork Description' WIRELESS ALARM SYSTEM Property Owner: BRUCE WEBBER Phone Namber: (541) 7464405 Address: SAI\4E Comment: WRISDICTIOI.{: SPRINGHELD,CITYOF 583 8?2 6?35 P.8.2,'A3 License: 2E45ILE CCB: 1a6584 Supv Lic: 2E45ILE Supv R.eg: ANA I{EWITT Metro #: JUTKdiCtiON; SPRINGFIELD, CITY OF 1 & 2 FamilyInstall Tlpe: Issuei Date: 7l3l/02 Install Date: 8/26/A2 Insp Rpt.lenr; II/1/02 Insp Rpt Rcvd; lst/2nd/3rd t]TD Pass/Fail DD TRI COUNTY SERVICE CENTER Phoner 503-872-6731 Far: 503-872-6735 MINORLABEL TR{CKING I.ORM AND INSPECTION REPORT TCSC minor label # EL S 1954 Contact log Three contacts must bc ahurpted within five (5) workiqg days of receipr Dale Time P Initiats Resulls ate- r No contort contlct and Inspection Log If no contact is made. TCSC must be notifred wititin ten (10) working days if inspection caanot be performed 'fl nsp*tton Approvcd Dute Approved,: If the inspectron is performed and approvtd the form sball be senTlfaxed to TCSC wirhin five (5) working days C1 Inspection Failed Date Conuactor Nori/ied of Failure: If the inspection fails, rhe jurisdiction shall notiS contrsctor. The conhactor tras ten ( l0) days ro notify the TCSC of dispute. If not disputed, the cqntractor shall call the jurisdiction ofouthority for re-inspection I t{or,J-81-2692 15:.1?BCD TRI COUI.{TY State of Oregon Dcpartment of Consurner and Business Services BUILDING CODES DIVISION TRI-COUNTY SERYICE CENTER 123 NE 3rd Ave-, Suite 440 / Portland, OR 9723?-2901 Phone: 503-S72-673 I Fax: 503-872'6735 Website: www.oreoonbcd.org 563 8?2 6?35 P.61.'83 FAX DATE; November l,?0Az No. of pages including cover: 3 FAX NLTIBERS: TO: ATTN: Phone: FAX Phone: Ciryof Springfield David Gadomski 541-726-3',7s3 541-726-3676 Salem; Main Office: Statewide Services Field Offices: Coquille: Pendleton: The Dalles; 503-378-2322 s03-378-4101 54t-396-3974 541-276-9244 503-298-2667 FROI{: Poppy A. Preston Email: Egopy.a.preston@&tate.or us Phone: 503-E72-6731 FAX Phone: 5A3-872-6735 COMMENTS: REQUESTII\TG INSPECTIONS FOR THE FOLLOWING MINOR LABELS: ELECTRICAI,.I EL 1954 r-.lou-a1-2882 15:48*. va *-- --.rb BCD TRI COUI'{TY 583 8?2 6?35 P.83."63 ToTn- P.A3 TOTTiL P.03 Thc requogt lnctudes tre name and Eddr$s of hsneovrner. ptgporty ailnsr ard contractof. Jurisdio{lons muei nirfo ii good ta6r effort (at least 3 cdb) lo ccntact the homooimor. When the InsPecillon is ;fiiilt";pt-d;; rai us ua"* tire requesl sir#f*n )our inspecrlon tBsulle recorded' Tha program will rUmLursi lrurlurlsdidion S75 per inspeCtlon, These reimburscrnanta Arc made quafterly. Frcm: PoPPYAPRESTONTo: counipL Jdson: Meador, Todd; R,elsing. Chtls; Rlan, Jutly Syfaasen, Wsyn6 Date: rc/€nl f 2:g4PM Subject State Mhor Labal lrisPections - Heada ' uPll Herlo Shte Wido Jurhdic{ions. This isiusi a short note b tet you knorr thEt lalsrtodayour offlce nillfax pu tre ffrtt inopectroo rEqussts for he statelvide minor labe{ prograrn. For more infqraatj,m aborrt the program. includng a ltor chat and FAQs, check Op rveb ellc d trInj/Atwrr.oreggnlcrl om/ororamsrtrl coUOMS minor hbels'hUnl' I hare abo hchJded fof your referrnce ft€ mott racont BCD ,nerno on wstBr heaEr repirard replacemsnt provlsloffi . Best, Poppy Preolon ) Parmit Gpecblhf Menagc/c Assistant so3+72.4731 Poppy.aprcstron@sata.or.us Tri{qnty Servlce Center . Bulding Codes Divlsion Departnant of Consumer and Bugness Senrk-s L 45, o/7-r/ 22SIIFIHSTREET . SPRINGFIELD,OR97477 r PH:(541)726-3753 oFAX: (541)726-3689 Cify Job N a)-Nlll -oa- c f+L rJob Assessors "-e Tax Lot Owner Address /Phone A1 Ehl lUr{:Ureg0ri iaw requtres yOU tr} City a?foll d b,vthe ru set ort l("1 Ft 952-001 -001 O thrnr rnh OAFI qq2-nni BAC KFL o w rERM rr r s $ s 1. 75 (in c I u d e sdg fif;11ilffi #frff#qiffiUffi4 $jdffi bHs tr ative Fee) number for the Oregon Utility Notification Contractor e a'2..o City Construction Contractors Registration # State-Zip Expires 2-0 5 By signing this permit/application, I agree devise has been installed and is visible for this permit/application is correct. l,{B ftn Bot//"2 I rS PERMIT SHALL EXPIRE lF THE W0RK ANY 1 80 DAY D. Da.r- 7 -a r-o 7 to call for on For Office Use Date of Aoolication CheckedforDe1inquencieS-CheckedforHistorica1Status Shared Drive (T:)/Building Fomx/Backfl ow Preventioni-02.doc CIW. F,.S?.BI]\IGFIELD, ORE-G-ON II ^^^+:^- : Cointractor Infornmtion a i: 'Ji3;$ i.iiu-.lr.ii',. - l Ufl i! tL ' .f -tliti T,--1 " +liaitul_t l F'L?'tLillL'ijj SPRIiIGFIELD Job# 02-00171-01 RESIDENTIAL PERMIT City Of Springfield Gommunity Services Division Building Safety Page 1 of 5 Job Number: 02-0017 1 -01 Office:726-3759 lnspection Line: 726-3769 Tax Lot#: 07300 Subdivision: Mimosa 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR97477 Location Of Proposed Site: 2077 00008th St Spr AssessorsMap#: 17032613 Lot:12 Block: Addition: 1st crTY oF SPRiNGFiELD, OREGON Owner: Twin Butte Builders Address: 143 Madison Street Scope Of Work: Single Family Residence SFR SFR Phone Number: City/State/Zip: New 541-484-2326 Eugene, OR 97402 Value: $132,460 Contractor Type GeneralContr Electrical Contr Mechanical Contr Plumbing Contr Deans Electric P.O. Box 2585, Eugene, OR Marshalls lnc 4'110 Olympic St, Springfield, 97478-5620 Daniels R Linch Contractor Registration # Expiration Date Twin Butte Builders 50374 412112003 143 Madison Street, Eugene, OR 97402 NOTICE: THISPERM 6t20t2002 EXPTRE [zI,HUpIK Phone 541-484-2326 541 -935-s303 541-747-7445 541-344-8606 99579 DER THIS PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED OH IS ABANDONED FOR ANY 180DAUfififilOD. 4t13tzoo2 29159 Ham Road, Eugene, OR 97405 - office Use - Quad Area: 2RNW Land Use: Single Family Dwelling # Of Buildings: I # Of Units: I Zoning Code: LDR Occupancy Group: Dwelling Constr. Type: (VN) Wood Frame Bedrooms: 3 Heat Source: Forced Air Gas Water Heater: Gas Range: Gas Sq. Footage: 1660 throu ,{ To request an inspection call the 24 hour reco a.m. will be made the same working day, ins working day. Verify Ground Rod Footing Foundation Post and Beam Floor lnsulation Ceiling lnsulation Shear Wall Nailing Framing 7:00 the following rr umber for tiie Or+gon Uii i ity iriolitication Required lnspections Buildi nq -lnstallground rod atfooting, and callfor inspection in conjuction with footing and/orfoundation i -After trenches are excavated. -After forms are erected but prior to concrete placement. -Prior to floor insulation or decking. -Prior to decking. -Prior to cover. -Before covering sheathing with finish materials. - Prior to cover. Job# 02-00171-01 Page 2 of 5 Required Inspections -Prior to cover Euiloing I - Prior to taping. -When all required inspections have been approved and the building is complete Walllnsulation Drywall FinalBuilding Temporary Power Rough Electrical Electrical Service Final Electrical Underfloor Plumbing Underfloor Drain Rough Plumbing Water Line Sanitary Sewer Line Storm Sewer Line FinalPlumbing Underfloor Mechanical Rough Gas Rough Mechanical Gas Service FinalGas FinalMechanical SW-Curbside CC-Standard Street lmprovement: Curb Cut?f San Sewer Depth (Ft): Storm Sewer Available? SpecialReq.: Security Required: Bond Begin DateTime: Special lnstructions: Other Utilities: Project Supervisor: Fully lmproved Improvement Agr.? 6-4 00/00/0000 00:00 AM Sidewalk Type: AdditionalROW? Size Of Line (in): Downspouts/Drains: Enchroachment Permit: San Sewer Tee (in): Bond End DateTime: Curbside - 5' B To Curb and Gutter 6 00/00/0000 00:00 AM Electrical -Approval required prior to SUB energizing pole - Prior to cover. -Must be approved to obtain permanent power. -When all electrical work is complete. Plumbi - Prior to insulation or decking. - Prior to cover or placement of concrete - Prior to cover. -Prior to filling trench. -Prior to filling trench. -Prior to filling trench. -When all plumbing work is complete. Mechanical -Prior to insulation or decking - Prior to cover. -After line is installed and line has been connected to a minimum of one appliance. Pressure ter -When all gas work is complete. -When all mechanicalwork is complete. Public Works -After forms are erected but prior to placement of concrete -After forms are erected but prior to placement of concrete Types Of Warning Devices Reqd. Zoning: LDR FloodPlain? [ Wettands? [ Overlay District: # of Street Trees: Job# 02-00171-01 Page 3 of 5 Land Use: Single Family Dwelling Journal numbers ,l: Comments: 2: Planner: Urban Growth Boundary?[ Glenwood Area? Quantity Of Fill: Supplier: Drainage: Floodway FEMA: zone X Lt. Gray 2 Pave Driveway? Additional Requirements: Required Attachments: Source Locn: Material: Flood Plain FEMA:Panel 1 134 of 2975 Construction Types(VN) Wood Frame Occupancy Groups: Dwelling # Of Buildings: 1 # Of Bedrooms: 3 Handicap Access? f] Area (Sq Main: 1660 Accessory440 Private Garage/Carp/Stor # Of Stories: 1 Height (feet): 1B Current Units: Proposed Units:1 Census Code: New SF - detached Total2100 Fee Paid On Receipt# Value/Quantity Fee Amount Plan Gheck Residential Plan Check Total Plan Check 0211312002 8039 132,460 $437.39 $437.39 Building Building Permit State Surcharge For Building Permit 8% Building Administrative Fee Total Building 03t05t2002 03t05t2002 0310512002 8214 8214 8214 132,460 $672.90 $47.10 $53.83 $773.83 Electrical Minimum Electrical Permit Fee Wiring Footage 1,000 Sq Ft or Less Wiring Footage Each Add'l 500 Sq Ft Temporary: 200 Amps or Less State Surcharge - Electrical B% Admin Fee - Electrical Total Electrical 03t05t2002 0310512002 0310512002 03t05t2002 03t05t2002 03t05t2002 8214 8214 8214 8214 8214 8214 1 3 1 $.00 $106.00 $57.00 $50.00 $14.91 $17.04 $244.95 Plumbing Minimum Plumbing Permit Fee Two Bathrooms State Surcharge - Plumbing B% Administrative Fee - Plumbing Total Plumbing 0310512002 03t05t2002 0310512002 03t05t2002 8214 8214 8214 8214 1 $.00 $254.00 $17.78 $20.32 $292.10 Mechanical Hood and Exhaust One to Four Outlets Minimum Mechanical Permit B% Administrative Fee - Mechanical Less than 100,000 BTU Vent Fan to One Duct 03t0512002 0310512002 0310512002 0310512002 03t05t2002 03t0512002 8214 8214 8214 8214 8214 8214 1 1 1 3 $e.00 $4.00 $.00 $4.64 $12.00 $18.00 3: Job# 02-00171-01 Page 4 of 5 Fee Paid On Receipt# Value/Quantity Fee Amount Mechanical Gas Fireplace Dryer Vent Mechanical lssuance State Surcharge - Mechanical Total Mechanical 0310512002 03t05t2002 0310512002 0310512002 8214 8214 8214 8214 1 1 $9.00 $6.00 $10.00 $4.06 $76.70 Public Works New Sidewalk New Curbcut Tota! Public Works 0310512002 0310512002 8214 8214 65 1 $75.00 $75.00 $1s0.00 System Development Residential- Single Family - Storm Residential lmprovement MWMC MWMC Administrative Fee SDC Administrative Fee Property Annexed 1979 or Before Residential Sanitary MWMC Residential - lmprovement Residential - Reimbursement Sanitary Sewer SDC Reimbursement Sanitary Sewer SDC lmprovement Total System Development 03t05t2002 03t05t2002 03105t2002 0310512002 0310512002 0310512002 03t05t2002 0310512002 03105t2002 03t05t2002 8214 8214 8214 8214 8214 8214 8214 8214 8214 8214 2 932 1 1 $800.44 $34.83 $10.00 $128.98 $-127.96 $332.86 $659.76 $155.13 $406.03 $308.56 $2,708.63 26 1 1 1 19 19 S.F. Residence - Willamalane TotalWillamalane SDG Willamalane SDC 0310512002 8214 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Planning 0310512002 8214 1Planning Plan Review Total Planning $50.00 $50.00 Address Assignment Total Permits w/o Srchg Permits w/o Srchg 0310512002 8214 $8.00 $8.00 Photocopy Fees Total DeposiUCopies/Mis DeposiUCopies/Mis 0310512002 8214 3 $1.25 $1.25 Grand Total Plan Check Type lnitial Review-Res Engineering-Res Planning-Res Structural-Res $5,742.85 Checked By Lisa Hopper Bob Kettwig Liz Miller Don Moore Date Gompleted 02t14t2002 02127t20a2 0212612002 02t25t2002 Comment 1 1 Job# 02-00171-01 Page 5 of 5 By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable from the street, that the permit card is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of pla ns will remain on the site at alltimes du ring construction. Signature Date j :c-^rZ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE WORKSHEET NAME OR COMPANY: LOCATION: TAX LOT NUMBER: DEVELOPMENT TYPE: NEW DWELLING UNITS 1 BUILDING SIZE: 2152 SF LOT SIZ: 5952 SF TWIN BUTTE BUILDERS 2077 gTH STREET 17-03-26-13 TL: 7300 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE JOURNAL OR JOB NUMBER: 02-00171-01 IMPERVIOUS S.F COST PER S.F DISCOUNT RATE $0.005j%o0.00 IMPERVIOUS S.F 2932.00 COST PER S.F. $0.273 $800.44 RLINOFF ROUTED TO DRYWELL DESIGNED AND CONSTRUCTED x x x TO CITY STANDARDS I. STORM DRAINAGE DIRECT RUNOFF TO CITY STORM SYSTEM ITEM l TOTAL - STORM DRAINAGE SDC DFUNUMBER 616.24t9 NUMBER OF DFU's 19 COST PER DFU $21.37 $406.03 B.IMPROVEMENT COST: x x 2. SANITARY SEWER. CITY A. REIMBURSEMENT COST: 14.59ITEM 2 TOTAL. CITY SANITARY SEWER SDC NEW TRIP FACTORCOST PER TRIPADT TRIP RATE NUMBER OF UNITS $6s9.76941.00I9.57 ADT TRIP RATE 9.5'l NIIMBER OF UNITS I COST PER TRIP $ 16.21 $155. l3 NEW TRIP FACTOR 1.00 B. IMPROVEMENT COST: xxx xxx 3. TRANSPORTATION A. REIMBURSEMENT COST: $814.89ITEM 3 TOTAL. TRANSPORTATION SDC 73 10.00 NUMBER OFFEU's 1 COST PER FEU $332.86 $332.86 NUMBER OFFEU's I COST PER FEU $34.83 $34.83 ($127.96) SUBTOTAL OF MWMC REIMBURSEMENT, IMPROVEMENT & CREDIT MWMC ADMINISTRATTVE FEE B.IMPROVEMENT COST: x x MWMC CREDIT IFAPPLICABLE (SEE REVERSE) 4. SANITARY SEWER. MWMC A. REIMBURSEMENT COST: ,73ITEM 4 TOTAL. MWMC SANITARY SEWER SDC .65SUBTOTAL (ADD ITEMS 1,2,3, &4) ADM. FEE RATESUBTOTAL $ 128.985Vo.65 x $2,708.63 U)HooUilr!Fa o rI]il 1070 l09l lo92 1093 1056 to73 TOTAL SDC CHARGES2t27t2002 DATE 51r,w SDC COORDINATOR DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNIT CALCULATION TABLE MWMC CREDIT CALCULATION TABLE: BASED ON COUNTY ASSESSED VALTJE I",,I'U NUMBER OF NEW FXTURES X UNIT EQUTVALENT = DRAINACE FIXTURE UNITS (NOTE: FOR REMODEIS, CATULATE ONLY THE NET ADDITIONAL FIXTURES) NO. OF FIXTURES DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNITSFIXTURE TYPE (#NEW - #OLD )^ UNIT EQUIVALENT BATHTUB ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( I 0 )x )x )x )x )x )x )x )x )x )x )x )x )x )x )x )x )x )x )x )x )x 3 J DRINKING FOUNTAIN 0 0 I 0 FLOOR DRAIN 0 0 J 0 INTERCEPTORS FOR GREASE I OIL ISOLIDS IETC.0 0 3 0 INTERCEPTORS FOR SAND / AUTO WASH IETC.0 0 6 0 LAUNDRYTUB 0 0 2 0 CLOTI{ESWASI{ER / MOP SINK I 0 3 3 CLoTHESWASHER - 3 OR MORE (EA)0 0 6 0 MOBILE HOME PARK TRAP (I PER TRAILER)0 0 t2 0 RECEPTOR FOR REFRIG / WATER STATION / ETC. RECEPTOR FOR COM. SINK / DISHWASHER / ETC. 0 0 I 0 0 0 3 0 SHOWER, SINGLE STALL I 0 2 2 sHowER, GANG (NUMBER OF HEADS)0 0 2 0 SINK: COMMERCIAURESIDENTIAL KITCHEN I 0 3 3 SINK: COMMERCIAL BAR 0 0 2 0 SINK: DOMESTIC BAR 0 0 I 0 WASH BASIN 0 0 2 0 LAVATORY 2 0 I 2 URINAL, STALL/WALL 0 0 5 0 TOILET, PUBLIC INSTALLATION 0 0 6 0 TOILET, PRIVATE INSTALLATION 2 0 3 6 MISCELLANEOUS DFU TYPE NUMBER OF EDU'sX ( 0 - 0 )x 20 0 TOTAL DRAINAGE FD(TURE UNITS =*EDU (Equivalent Dwelling Unit) is a discharge equivalent to a single family dwelling unit (20 DFU's) set at 167 gallons per day 19 .96 AFTER ANNEXATION DATE, CALCULATE CREDIT SEPARATELY CREDIT FOR LAND (IF APPLICABLE) CREDIT FOR IMPROVEMENT (IF AFTER ANNEXATION) $t27.96 $0.00 YEAR ANNEXED CREDIT RATE PER $I,OOO ASSESSED VALUE YEAR ANNEXED CREDIT RATE PER $I,OOO ASSESSED VALUE 1979 OR BEFORE $4.92 1990 $2.06 I 980 M.83 r99l $ r.64 l98l $4.77 1992 $ 1.45 1982 $4.64 1993 $ l.3l 1983 $4.47 1994 $1.13 1984 $4.30 1995 $0.97 1 985 $4.09 1996 $0.82 1986 $3.78 1997 $0.63 1987 $3.41 l 998 $0.41 I 988 $2.98 1999 $0.22 1989 $2.52 2000 $0.04 TOTAL MWMC CREDIT = 0.000 x $4.92 IF IMPROVEMENTS OCCURRED VALUE / IOOO CREDIT RATE 26.008 x $4.92 D E V E L O P M E: N T S E I] V I C E S I.) L," PA I I I IVI I : 1,,1 I eiAll,225 t:tF'rH STBEE / SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX 641) 726-3689 www. ci. spri n gl ie ld. o r. u s March 6,2002 Twin Butte Builders 143 Madison Eugene, Oregon 97402 Enclosed is a copy of the electrical permits for your temporary power and single family residence to be located at2077 8th Street, Springfield, Oregon. When you obtained your permits, we neglected to properly validate them. I am enclosing a copy of the permit for you to keep for your records. Thank you, and if you have any questions, please feel free to phone me at 726-3790. Sincerely, Lisa Hopper Building Safety Supervisor cc David Bowlsby Encl per drvelling unit. DESCRIPTION rble and within 180 days if work is suspended for Service Included Items Cost _L $B DES Permits are no if work is of issuance 180 days. Supervising Electrician B: I Sefyicts 6,P;['e'4o5s rnq}$drr( Itrhiattq; 3Ehffis 40i amps 1 amps D. Branch 1000 sq.ft. or less Each additional500 sq. ft or portion thereof ;Each Manufd Home or HHffiHffi' or Extenifon or with not in 06.00 2 Electrical' Address illinimum Electric Permit In $2s.00 $+5,00. '':..:: .: Fee is 5{5.00 + Surcharges 4. spection .4s lt t80 ta $ le.oo $ s0.00 TOTAL "-.t""':" LEG DES Permits are rion-transferable and expire if work is notlstarted r,vithin 180 days of issuance or if work is suspended for ALLATION Expiration Superv'ising 100 Multi-Family per drvelling unit. Service Included: Items Cost 1000 sq.ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion thereof Each Manufd Home or Modular Dwelling tvo $ 106.00 $ 50.00 Branch E.M on Per not in s-l5.00 'rr - i't ction Fee is 545.00 + Surcharges s0 1. 180 days. or' or Feeder $ 19.00 2.