HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1999-03-24CITY OF SPilNGFIELT', SPFTNGFIELE, Owner: Addres Al l-EF'i I ION:Ore g''rn i;:'w requtres yoli io toiio* ,utes adopt6o by the Orego-n-Utiiity Notification Cenr"''Jnose rules are set forth r rr o AR I 52-00 i - co1 b' ilil;r'@'$Fsoa-1il - pePalrr AP P IJr cAr roN o0eo. You mav "b1;i;;il;t "ltylysE! sPRrNGFrEr'.D calling tn* ""ni"?' (N;';ith@trs is*t'-ces DrvrsroN n umber to r'h" dil;;'Jiiiitv rtr otiiictlEsDrNc SAFETY Center is 1 -800-332 -2344)' 225 North Fifth streets springfiefa' OR 97477 a a Office: InsPection Line Page 1 Job Nurnber: 990287 '725-3'759 726'3'1 69 Location of ProPo Assessors MaP #: Lot: 9 sed Work: L'70326!3 1910 8TH sr Block: 3 Tax Lot #: Subdivision: #: 5L4-3535 00705 MIMOSA PARK 97 402Phone AI,I,EN s: 1178 "::;:.X""Low RoAD citv/statelziP: EUGENE' S.F. RESIDENCE ConsE ' Contractor * Contsractor CO],BURN HOMES OOO8783 ;;;;-;;*" Hor'Low RD E,GENE ::r?:i:' ::I?:T"LEY LN EUGENE * 'l::;?3:' H:TrH,Prc sr sPRrNcFrE-.::-iii' ROSE CORP 899.76 DAY LANE EUGENE OR 97402OOOO OFFICE USE LAND USE: 1111 OREGON NEW Expiree osl2a/ee L2/L4l9e t2ln lee oe/03/ee Phone 689-53'7 0 '7 45'9433 7 47 '7 445 585-0905 Describe Work: General: Plumbing: Mectranical: Electrical: QUAD AREA: 2RMI ZONING CODE: LDR # OF UNITS: 1 # OF BDRMS: 3 CONSTR.TYPE: VN RANGE: E WATER HEATER: G stani ,nsPectsion , call the To reque AI1 insP ections reque sted before 7:0 insPections requested after 7:00 a'm 24 hour reco rding at 't 25 -37 69 - the same working daY' 0 a.m. will be made following work daY will be made ttre # OF BLDGS: 1 OCCY GROUP: R3 HEAT SOURCE: FG SQ FOOTAGE:]_986 --- REQUIRED INSPECTIONS --' l3l,l;Ii, ;*":' il.::,?:::i . 1l: .fi i:#:"" :1" ;.:;,:;:"' : -e p 1 a c emen'! ffi*""::l io*ff*-Inn; r"":':: ::r1;- ;; placement or concrete uNDERFr,ooR MEcIIA!'Irc;;--'ii':-t?':li:ii:1":'":":;::;:t- - t^ . POST AIID BEA!{ - Prior to ffoor : rNsur,ArroN - Floor, -!",:i,::.":::i:il"'"'-iilteilins; Prior to cover :H:I"1il',";,1' l ?i,": ;;;;; -ro, r i 1 I ins t rench sroRM sEwER LrN'e'^l"ptiot-t" filling Lrench' ROUGH PLUUBING - Prior to cover' if noL attached to an RoUGH GAs - after il"" i" installed and capped aPPliance noucrl iirclr^NrcAr' - Prior to cover ' ;;;;; ,i,"t*'"ol - Prior to cover' SIIEAR WALIJ NAIIJING - Bef ore "ot'uii"n sheauhing with f inish materials ' t*on{r*n - Prior to cover' rNsur,ATroo' - "oll'-itiot to decking wall/ceiling; Prior to cover ;;;"" - Prior to taPins ' ELEcrRrcAr, sERvr;; - -t'lrr"t be . approved to obEain' permanent power ' GAs sERvr"" - oii-"t ri'" i" i'";;;it; ;;" line 'rr'as been connected to a minimumofoneappliance'-;;t;;";"-t"=tdoneatthispoint' NOTICE: TITIS PERMITSHALL EXPIRE IFTHE WORK AI]THOHIZED UNDER THIS PERMIT IS NOT, iENCFn OH j:q TBANDONED FCH l. - t lj,J irtr , *i ., * SPBINGFIELD Job Number: 990287 OF o Page 2 CURBCUT - After forms are erected but prior to placement of concrete. SIDEWAI,K - After excavation is complete, forms and sub-base material in p1ace. FINAL PLTIMBING - When all plumbing work is complete. FINAL MECHAIiIICAL - When all mechanical work is complete. FINAL ELECTRICAL - When al-l- electrical work is complete. FINAL BUILDING - When all required inspections have been approved and the building is complet.e. Lot Faces: E Topography: 2 Solar Approved: Y House Garage Lot Sq. Ft.: 9500 Total Height: 17 Lot Type: INTERTOR Setbacks swE 8 s9 20 Lot Coverage: 20 Z Setbk From NPL: 16 N 15 IEem Main Garage Tota1 Value Bui-1ding Permit Fee Surcharge/admin TOTAL FEE --- BUILDING PERMTT --- Square Feet x 1458 528 $,/Sguare Feet 69 .54 18.34 (A) Val-ue 101,535.00 9 ,684 . OO 1,tt ,2L9 . OO 450.00 36. B0 495.80 -.- PLI'MBING PERMIT --- Item Resi-dential Bath (s) Plumbing Permit Surcharge /admj-n TOTAL CHARGE 2 Fee 150.00 160.00 12.80 L7 2 .80(c) --- MECHANICAL PERMIT --- Furnace Exhaust Hood Vent Fan Wood SEove / tnsert /Fireplace Unit Dryer Vent GAS PrpE/ w/H Mechanicaf Permit Issuance surcharge/aamin TOTAL PERMIT 6 4 5 4 3 5 00 2 50 00 50 00 00 ,o 10 a 00 00 32 (D)4L.32 --- MISCELLAI.IEOUS PERMITS --- Surcharge/admin Sidewalk Curb Cut CITY SDC WILLAMALANE ELECT. PERMIT 0.00 10.75 14. B0 2 ,48O .98 1, 000 . 00 L24.20 TOTAL MISCELLAI:IEOUS PERMITS (E)3,530.73 a SPH!NGFIELD ilob Nurnber: 990287 SPruNGFIELT',3 a Page 3 (Excluding Electrical) unless otsherwise noted TOTAL AMOT'NT DUE - - - (A, B, C, D, and E combined)4 ,34L.65 BUTLDING VALUE, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMTT This permit is granted on the express condj-tion that the said construction shall-, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Development Code, regulating the construction and use of buildlngs, and may be suspended or revoked at any time upon vi-olation of any provi-sions of said ordinances. Plans Reviewed By: AL WARD Building Site Reviewed By: Pl-an Check Fee Receiwed By 299 . OO L]SA HOPPER Date Paldt 03/03/99 Date: 03/24/99 Receipt Number: 33028 DRIVEWAY REQUIRED TO BE 2 STREET TREES REQU]RED --- ADDITIONAL COMMENTS PAVED By signature, I sEate and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed applj-cation and do hereby certify that al-l- information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the ordinances of the Clty of Springfi-e1d, and the Laws of Lhe State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permi-ssion of the Community Services Divisj-on, Building Safety. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that a1I required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readabfe from the street, that the permit. card is focated at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans wilf remain on the site at al-l times during construction. 3-zq-47 Signature Date - - - VAI,IDATION Receipt Number: Date Paid: Amount Received: Received By: 33 LC L Zi V2 3 /c OF SPF ONEGON 3r - nl(SFIELl, 14r,r,:(;'l'R I cAl, PElluI'r APPI,tCA'l' t0N ?.?-5 lt 1l:'l'll s't'Rlili'l' eo SPIt I NGIt I I:il,D, Olll'l(;oN I NSPIIUI'I0N IIIiOtIIiS'I' : 0f PI Cl] : I ).(t '.] 159 9 I oN r)I Acltlress 8c/ I ci ty 5u pbone (ato -og 05 Supervisor Licellse Number B5 o-q1o q qDCi ty Job Nunrber COHPI,E Ii tIIiIi SCIINDUT,B I}IiI,OTI Resitletr tial-singfe or Multi-FanrilY per dwelling utt Service lrrcluded: I tems Sum ONo A C 1000 sq.ft. or less [aclr additional 500 s(l . f t or Portiotr t lre reo f Iiaclr Marrtt ['tl Ilotrle <-rr I'lodular Dwelling Service or Feeder Services or Feeders Ins tallation, Af terations or Relocatiolr: 200 arnps or less 201 anrps to 1100 amPs l-- 401- anrps to 600 alrrPs - 60L amps to 1000 amps- Over 1000 atnPs/vol ts - Recotutec t 0n1Y _l_ A. b5 s0 ir. Cos t $ 8s.00 $ 15.00 $ 40.00 $ so.oo $ 60.00 $ 100. 00 $130.00 $300.00 $ 40.00 $ 2.00 B Iixpiratiotr L)a Ie o CorrsLr CottLr. t'turnber 5tl Ex1>iratiotr [Jate cto Signa ture o,[rvising Electrician Uvtrers I'la Add ress 'Ienrporary Serv i ces or Feeders lnsiallaiion, Alteratiott or Relocation t') The installation is beirrg made on property I owtr wlrich is tlot intended [or sale , lease or rell t ' Owrters SigIra ture: 200 amps or less 201 arnps to 400 amPs -0ver 401 to 600 atnPs 0ver 600 anps or fOOO vffis Braneh Circuits Nev, Alteration or Extension Per Panel One Ci rcui t Each Addi tional Circuit or vith Service or Feeder Permi t s 3s.00 B. Miscel-laneous (Service/feeder not included) -Each installation Pump or irrigation Sign/0utline Lightirg-- Lirni ted Energy/Res --Lirni ted EnergY/Comm SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 5Z State Surcharge 32 Administrative Fee TOTAL D a66vE- 00 00 00 Bil 40 55. 80. ee fl $ $ $ s $ $ $ $ Ci ty Phone 5t1 3be5 OVNER ALLATION 40 00 00 00 00 40. 20. 36. 5 DA'IE: RBCEI NECIIVED I} z f Qo l'ertrri ts ate lt()tl-l.ralr.sferab.l-e arltl exlrire iI vor.'k is ttot stitrtetl r'ritllilr 180 days of issuance or if vork is suspended for 1tJ0 days. 2. CONTITACTOI( INSTALT.ATION ONLY Elec t r i cal corr t rac, ".Qfnf C"-fflgfgliq-\ I -31 vvv rtv.AITACHMENTA qq ae87 CITY OF SP'- )IGFIELD SYSTEMS DEVELC_',IENT CHARGE WORKSHEET NAME OR COI4PANY LOCATION olbwtnt 14 to DEVELOPI,1EIIT IYPE 3FO BUILDiNG SiZE 1. STORM DRAiNAGE IMPERVIOUS SQ b p/r?)+ FT. ?T4g OI SIZ I L. zG s) r- z t+s ) r ,i#l * =r'fi) t rr er) r *0r,;) X 50.227 PER SQ. FT. S 5q2, 02 2. SANITAR'/ SEHER-CITY NO. OF PFU'S 2t (See Rever"se Si de) 3. TRANSPORT,{TION 4 . SAN iTA.RY SEI,^JER.-MI'MC A. REIMBURSEMENT COSI 5. ADMINiSTRATiVE FEES: BASE CHARGE (SUBTOTAL ABOVE) X .05 N0 0F UNITS X TRIP Rrri X COST PER IRiP X t,cr X$475.32 x $475.32 s tpn.c? S z1'] ++ $ 25."r) < $ /1,93 $ 10.00 rOTAL-MWI',lC SDC $ 3oO,( I $23C7,w $ t/f,, r* S NO, OF FTU'S X 11'7,4+PER FEU B. I|',1PROVE|'1ENT COST N0. 0F F[U'S t X 25,20 PER FEU |',l[^JMC CRIDIT IF APPLICABLE (SEE REVERSE) M[^/MC ADMINISTRATiVE FEE SUBTOTAL (ADD ITEMS 1,2,3 & 4) /n9 c- SDC Coorcii nator ATTACH'A. I^JPD TOIAL SDC s 219 0,q? x s47.14 PER PFU s 09.# t oate: Zr?hE (NorE:;";;;;"i', "11"""-,f ;;;.';;'"ifi;;;Hll"'or Ne'^/ Fixtures X Unit Equivarent = Fixture Units FIXTUBE TYPE Bathtub..... Drinking Fountain. lnterceptors For Sand/Auto Wash/Etc.................. Laundry Tub/Clotheswasher.... Clotheswasher - 3 Or More... Mobiie Home park Trap (1 per Trailer.)...... Receptor For Refrige ratorlWater Starion/Erc........ Receptor For Commercial Sink/Dishvrasner/Erc.. Shower, Single Stall.....:.... Shower, Gang........ Sink: Bar, Commercial, Residential Kiicren Urinal, Stall/Wall.. Wash Basin /Lavatory , Single....... Toilet, Public lnstallation. Toilet, Private........ Miscellaneous: NUMBEH OF NEW FIXTURES -/l TOTAL FIXTURE UNITS Ui!IT EOUIVALENT FIXTURE UNITS d 2 1 2 6 2 o 6 I 2 1lH,ea 2 2 1 o A I 2t CREDIT CALCULATION TABLE:Basec cn assessed 'ralue. lf rmprovernents occurred after annexation date in :able,calcuiate credits se oarates 1 981 'l oaa 1 983 1 984 '1985 1 986 1 987 1 988 $4.27 4.18 4.12 100 3.83 3.68 3.48 3.1 I 2.82 2.42 r before o Year Annexed Year Annexed Rate per $1,00C Assessed Value Rare per 91,OOO Assessed Value 1 0ao 1 990 1 991 1 00,) 100,) 1 00,., 1 00tr 1 996 1 S97 $1.98 1.15 o.96 0.83 4.67 o.52 0.38 o.21 Credit for Parcel or Land Only If Appticabte lmprovement (if after annexation date) x s zrlo (Rate X Assessed Value)X$ 4,2 l (Rate X Assessed Value) . CREDIT TOTAL $ RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS FOR STORM DR.AIN.AGE (For Estimating purposes Only) Residential.0.4 0.9 o5 0.5 Commerical.... lndustrial.... Governmental............ FIXUNIT.WPO lMPERVlous AREA = TorAL Lor stzE x RUNOFF coEFFtctENT FIoor Drain. /,-T 1 - ,/- L r- lnterceptors For Grease/Oil/Solids/Etc. I _-T- I -TIT- --i-r- //,?3 Willamalane Park & Recreation District Job. No. SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE WORKSHEET NAME:P H.NE: stq 3535 -Q[=o't 2- Plat Nam Tax 1. DEVELOPMENT TYPE (Check appropriate dwelling(s). SDC calculations and dwelling t ype definitions 1e on the back.) A. Single-Family Detaehed -l- Single Family homd Manufactured home not in a park ADDRESS:STATE: LOCATION OF PROPOSED BUILDING SITE: Street Address: Lot Number: l NO. OF UNTTS X $1,000 Per unit = $ B. Single-Family Attached NO. OF UNITS X $924 per unit C. Multi-Family Apartment NO. OF UNITS X $692 Per unit D. Manufactured Home Park NO. OF UNITS X $699 Per unit WILLAMALANE SDC 2. SDC CREDIT (if applicable) SDCaayermust fumlsh proof of Willamalane Credit approval. See SDC Credit Workshaet- 3. TOTAL WILLAMALANE NET SDC ASSESSED (lf SDC reduced (or Credit)IDOD pb t O () $ $ $ @$ $ $ d L,'4,-L S City of Springfield Date