HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2001-01-19SPBINGFTELD Job# 00-01808-01 RESIDENTIAL PERMIT City Of Springfield Community Services Division Building Safety Page 1 of 2 Job Number: 00-01 B0B-01 Office:726-3759 lnspection Line: 726-3 225 North Fifth Street Springfield, OR97477 Location Of Proposed Site: 1555 00008th St AssessorsMap#: 17032642 Lot: Block: spr 12 Aa{* 'rnb* crTY oF SPRINGFiELD, OREGOTV Tax Lot#: 04400 Subdivision:{Ybol"- Owner: Gary Lapping Address: 1555 Bth Street Scope Of Work: Fire Damage Addition: Phone Number: City/State/Zip: Remodel Springfield,, OR97477 Value: $20,000 Contractor Type GeneralContr ElectricalContr Contractor A K Stickler Construction Co 36579 Alderbranch, Springfield, OR 97478 Antone Electric 27514 Snyder Road, Junction City, OR 97448 Phone 541-741-0132 541-6884444 NoTtn Quad Area: # Of Units: Constr. Type: Water Heater: Office Use - Land Use: Zoning Code: Bedrooms: Range: # Of Buildings: Occupancy Group: Heat Source: Sq. Footage: To request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at726-3769. All inspections requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following working day. Required Inspections Buitding i Ceiling lnsulation Framing Walllnsulation Drywall Fire Damage FinalBuilding Rough Electrical Electrical Service Final Electrical -Prior to cover. -Prior to cover. -Prior to Cover - Prior to taping -When all required inspections have been approved and the building is complete. Electrical -Prior to cover. -Must be approved to obtain permanent power -When all electrical work is complete. Registration # Expiration Date 99489 61112000 Job# 00-01808-01 Required lnspections Plumbing I -Prior to cover. -When all plumbing work is complete. Mechanical - Prior to cover. -When all mechanicalwork is complete Accessory: Page2 of 2 Rough Plumbing FinalPlumbing Rough Mechanical Fina! Mechanica! Construction Types: Occupancy Groups: # Of Buildings: # Of Bedrooms: Handicap Access? Area (Sq Main: # Of Stories: Height (feet): Current Units: Proposed Units: Census Code:Does not apply Total Fee Paid On Receipt# Value/Quantity Fee Amount Building Building Permit State Surcharge For Building Permit Building Administrative Fee Total Building 0111712001 01t17t2001 01t17t2001 4259 4259 4259 20,000 $140.50 $9.84 $4.22 $154.s6 Electrical Wiring Footage 1,000 Sq Ft or Less State Surcharge - Electrical Administrative Fee - Electrical Total Electrical 01t04t2001 0110412001 0110412001 4167 4167 4167 1 $85.00 $5.95 $2.s5 $93.50 Plumbing Minimum Plumbing Permit Fee Number of Fixtures State Surcharge - Plumbing Administrative Fee - Plumbing Total Ptumbing 01t19t2001 0111912001 0111912001 01t19t2001 4273 4273 4273 4273 3 $.00 $30.00 $2.10 $.e0 $33.00 Mechanical Minimum Mechanical Permit Administrative Fee - Mechanical Vent Fan to One Duct Mechanical lssuance State Surcharge - Mechanical Total Mechanical 01t19t2001 0111912001 01t19t2001 0111912001 0111912001 4273 4273 4273 4273 4273 1 $12.00 $.45 $3.00 $10.00 $1.05 $26.50 during construction $307.56Grand Tota! By signature, I state and agree that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information herein is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon. I further state that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that the project address is readable from the street, that the permit card is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times SPR!NGFIELD Job# 00-01808-01 RESIDENTIAL PERMIT City Of Springfield Community Services Division Building Safety Page 1 of 2 €n, 225 North Fifth Street Springfield, OR97477 Location Of Proposed Site: 1555 00008th St Spr AssessorsMap#: 17032642 Lot: Block: Addition: Job Number: 00-01 808-01 Office: 726-3759 lnspection Line: 726-3769 Tax Lot#: 04400 Subdivision: crTY oF SPRTNGFIELD, OREGOTV Owner: Gary Lapping Address: 1555 8th Street Scope Of Work: Fire Damage Phone Number: City/State/Zip: Remodel Springfield,, OR97477 Value: $20,000 Contractor Type GeneralContr Electrical Contr Contractor A K Stickler Construction Co 36579 Alderbranch, Springfield, OR 97478 Antone Electric 27514 Snyder Road, Junction City, OR 97448 Registration # 99489 Expiration Date 611t2000 Phone 541-741-0132 541-6884444 Quad Area: # Of Units: Constr. Type: Water Heater: Office Use - Land Use: Zoning Code: Bedrooms: Range: # Of Buildings: Occupancy Group: Heat Source: Sq. Footage: To request an inspection call the 24 hour recording a1726-3769. All inspections requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following working day. Required lnspections Building Ceiling lnsulation Framing Walllnsulation Drywal! Fire Damage FinalBuilding Rough Electrical Electrica! Service Final Electrical - Prior to cover. - Prior to cover. -Prior to Cover -Prior to taping. -*n"n all required inspections have been approved and the building is comptete. Electrical - Prior to cover. -Must be approved to obtain permanent power -When all electrical work is complete. 0n Utiiitv Job# 00-01808-01 # Of Stories: Height (feet): Current Units: Proposed Units: Census Code: Does not apply Total: Page 2 of 2 Construction Types: Occupancy Groups: # Of Buildings: # Of Bedrooms: Handicap Access? (Sq. Feet) Main:Accessory: Fee Paid On Receipt# Value/Quantity Fee Amount Buildi Building Permit State Surcharge For Building Permit Building Administrative Fee Total Building 0111712001 0111712001 0111712001 4259 4259 4259 20,000 $140.50 $9.84 $4.22 $1s4.s6 Electrical Wiring Footage 1,000 Sq Ft or Less State Surcharge - Electrical Administrative Fee - Electrical Total Electrical 0110412001 0110412001 0110412001 4167 4167 4167 1 $85.00 $s.95 $2.55 $e3.50 Grand Total By signature, I state and agree that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information herein is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon. I further state that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that the project address is readable from the street, that the permit card is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during construction. nature Date $248.06 , C'TY OF SPR OREGON SPR :IELO The zon approval Zoning specilic land use 225 FIFTE STREET Date SPRINGrIELD' OREGON gT4Thuthorized INSPECTION REQUESTz 726-3769 OFFICE: 726-3759 1. LOCATION OF ALLATION PERUIT APPLICATION City Job Number oo Ol BO8 'O I 3. COUPI,ETE FEE SCMDTILE BELOTI A Nev Residential-Single or Multi-Family per dvelling unit. Service Included:Items Cost -0 -0 Signature I^EGALIao=DESCRTPTION26lf-- o??o-Sum .,4 e1/\<_-o Address Ci ty Te-Phone / ,8s q.l'/ 4 Supervisor License Number Expiration Date Exp iration Date Signa of Supervi Electrician Ovne rs Name Address /St g./t =f Ci ty Phone OIINER INSTALLATION The installation is being made on property I ovn vhich is not intended for sale, lease or rent. Ovners Signature: DATE: i-000 sq.ft. or less / Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion thereof Each Manuf'd Home or -Modular Dvelling Service or Feeder $ 1s.00 $ 40.00 Services or Feeders Installation, Alterations or Relocation: 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 amps -401 amps to 600 amps _ 601- amps to 1000 amps_ Over L000 amps/volts Reconnect 0n1y Temporary Services or Feeders Installation, Alteration or Relocation 200 amps"or less S 40.00 201 amps to 400 amps - $ 55-00 over 4b1 to 6oo amps - $ Bo.oo Over 600 amps or 1bO0 voTts see uBu a66iE- Nev, Alteration or Extension Per Panel d$ 8s.00,'r JOB Ne.,-r.) B s s0.00 $ 60.00 $100.00 s130. 00 $300.00s 40.00S D c One Circuit $ 35.00 Each Additional Circuit or vith Service or Feeder Permit $ 2-00 E. Miscellaneous (Service/feeder not included) -Each installation Pump or irrigation Sign/Out1ine Lighting- Limited Energy/Res SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 7% State Surcharge 3Z Administrative Fee TOTAL G s $ $ $ 40 40 20 36 0 0 OL ort I::J *{rJ.El-:r} f) n-1 L,f.L^*i- a s, (3 Fr ICfC}(:)+*HEa*.1 C--.t :t>x.5 r.-l BRECEIVED DI o({r+ not require Permits are non-transferable and expire if vork is not started vithin 180 days of issuance or if vork is suspended for 180 days. 2. CONTRACTOR INSTATLATION ONLY Electrical contrac ,o, flrh,rn Cinrl? j =PF Constr Contr. Nu b"rW ry- 0t8og-ol rD-l6 &flbb ^u 4> DATE: lL. 16 -o0 0L(L{n FIRE DAIVIAGE REPORT OR ELECTRICAL HAZARD TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Bujlding Department Springfield Fire Department Structural Damage to Building Address or location of building ri5f 8* Name of or./ner Type of building Date of fire r -l-- t6- OI (Dwe1 i i ng,tore, l^lareho sb, etc. ) Es t'imated va I ue of bui 1 di ng $ (DK Estimated loss to building $ ( K Location of damage in building t frl (Roof, Inlal I , Exterior, Interior, etc. ) Structural weakness as a resu'lt of the fire (Burned raf ters , Beams, .loists, etc. ) Add'i tr'onal perti nent 'i nforma ti on cc r--^L s .- if'crt-ulr Siqned (tJirinq, 0utlets, etc. ) "[ S.; s\e- fi..-.\-, D,-eA-:1 El eCtri cal Hazard D.a-.i e- io .*,r.r>"t- 6y f.^:, :,r.-L"['5 , srATE OF OREGON OFTICE fiAfiE F RE UARSTAL 2OM OREGON ALL INCTDEX{r NPNONTNC SYSTEM INcDEr.rr{o.FhEDEPT. AL E)eoSrrRE roReonr FORALL DEpr. REspoNDtNc-Splilglie_Ld_Ei_fe__LaneCOI'NTY ARRIVALDATE LTIME\tl DATEIAIJTRM DATE\L -tc, <})DAY L WEEK A zr PRIMARY TYPE OF SITUATION FOtiND: Clf r fin b &rwlvcd, 6t6 rtE tyF of fir}7gg.r^tc-r'o$f,rc<,lrt^,r< 28 OTHERTYPEOF ZC OTHERTYPEOF Iicld 5:ridd 6:Fi<{d 2:: :Frcld3:FEld4:SPECIALSTT'DIES O-oi:li U*l 'Frld 1:. CENSUSTRACTj3 tuDISTRJCT/ ZONE1+qT? AP t<si g'lL3 INCIDENTADDRESS DOB TELEPEONE () 4 OCCUPANTNAME (l-rst Erit WcCOMPANY/BUSINESSNAME DOB TELEPHOIIE ()5 BITSINESS OWNER NAME Grtt E$( MD ZI?6 BUSINESS OWNER ADDRESS DOB TEI,.EPHONE ()7 BUILDING,MOBILE PROPERTY OWNER NAME(I.8I' Fi4MD T?E BI,'II-DINGA{OBIIJ PROPERTY OWNER ADDRESS TELEPUONE () DOB9 INCIDENT REPORTED BY (tr(Frrt, MI) Z'P10 INCIDENT REFORID BY ADDRESS ffi6NEMUTI'ALAID IO GIVEN 20 RECEII'ED { OFOTIIERFIRESERYICE VEIIICITS RESPOI{DINGaL 'OFAE*IALAPPANATI.ISNESFOI{DTNG It IOFNREPERS'ONML RESP'ONDING Crrccr t?- lvaurcr ,OFENGINES RESPONDING3 ljZ IYPE OF ACTION TAKEN ( CHECK ALL TTIAT APFI.Y ) 3TpForciblcEntry ?LtJnvcsigatc 36OTransport 15 Sdniognish 3l trRcscue 42trHaznatlD l6Eld/cotilate 320Extricatc 4ltrRcnroveHazard J+.6Sarrase -= t33tr'EMS '. + 44OEstablish SafeArca 4TODccon Arca 46 tr Decon PcoplctEquip 45 BMonitorHazmat 35 B Search 53 tr Standby 52OMovc Up 34 OProvidcPersonnd 74tr Carcclcd atsceoc 72 O CaocclcdEaroutc Other43l-'l Evacuate FOR 7 tr Watcr FromTaokcr/Tcodcr Shurlc 8 tr Ground C-rcws W/ Equip AodfOr Air Support 13 PRIMARYMETEODOF 90 Abovc 4 B Autoroatic Extiaguishing S]6tcm Oo Initial Apparaors WaterFrom3 trPortablc 5 6 f trSdf-E)ctinsuistrcd 2trMakcsbiftAids 9 tr Cooprcsscd Air Foam I I O Class B Foam/AFFF 13 tr Nonc l4 4 Class B/C 12 W/Watcr 5 tr CXass AIBlCExtio& 7 O @2 60 8 lprWarrODly 3 trQassAExting. lbcM)MOBILEPROPERTYCENERALPROTERIYI'ISE t<r ,tc,-tc.\ 15 SPECIFICPROPERTY USE g.i1\e- fa^r, J",{L-) LICENSEI STATESERIALT/AIRCRAFTTAILTMITJI'MAKE MODEL rKp16 ROOM/AREA OF FIRE ORIGIN f-.r-t It.r,;.5 rorA IgED@POWERSOURCESERIAL*MAKE MOOELEYTAR Mrlttblc Fcrsoos Imhr€d B ftrialy PUavrongca tr EHaly (Aec6tr) tr Uaenadcd Ptrso B Nldcrof .lmiks: ,u€ib O PutAgc ald Gcldai! REMARXS Ash.p tr lEMak 2 tr Fdetc Umlscious o It ET'MANFACTORS INYOLVEDIN IGMTION FIRSTIGNTTEDMATERIAL FTRST IGMTED WAS MAI'E OF19 FORMOFEEATOFIGNMON Floo(4 E I! Fligh.3 EeborcGurdlprubdt El20 LEVELOFFIRE ORIGIN f EBclosG@!d (rcto ooTOTAL .@ Ods .@ Mobib Propaty:ad Coucs .@d0, ooo Crdots .@ 2I ESTTMATED VALUE BuildilE fo. o.d.* G,d .*.oo .@iooa.oo .@( | d"I)22 ESTIMATED LOSS DrsrRrcroFtNqDffi& AI LSTRUCTURE AULDIIVGSTZE rYo-seesarr 2O tooo- 30ioo-9919serr 4 O lo.ooo - r9p99 sQ Fr FT 6orqm-99199QFr ? O too.ooo -499.ooose rT (lht dlr.gF-"crtrro L NT'MAEROF 5D zr errnoxruerp BUIIDING A'GEO!Y6) ROOFCOVERII.IG I P€:ss A OrB (Non Combusriblc Mctal, Tile, fas6p65;6-1 2b Ctass C Compcition orftWare4 Mar't (Asphek Shingles) 3 O Ctass CGEatcd and Listod Wood Shitrttcs) 4O Unscatcd Wood ShinSles 5 O Nonratcd Roof Covcriog ( Canra+ Plastic, Hor Tar ) 8 O Stntcorc Mthout Roof 9 tr RoofNotClasscd Abovc COI{STRUCTION TYPE I O Stccl & Concruc,34 tlr 20Protccrcd MasotryExt & Wood InL 3 O Unprot ctcd Masonry ExL & Wood hL 4 B Protcctcd. Stccl Bldg. 5 O Unproccad Stccl Bldg. 6 O Heary'limbcr Tp0rotccad Wood Framc 8 D Unprotccrcd Wood Framc 9 O Typc Not Classcd Abovc 2!' STRUCTT'RETYPE tPEodoscd StructurE 3 O Opca Sructurc (No Walls) 4 tr Air Suppot'tcd Stnrcturc 5tr Tcnt 6 tr Opca Platform ( No Roo$ 7E UndcrgroundSruaurc 9 tr Tlpc of Strudure Not Class'd AboE TR VEL A..tor-5o PRIMARY25 PRTMARY FACTOR CDNTRIBUTING TO FLAME TRAVEL Cr^\a-ieL td orr\e- {-Dcr.r-\. EEFOKISCONFINEDTO%ETTENTOFDAMAGE C^|,SED BY FIRECONIROL I OObjcaoforigin 2 O hrt of RoodArca of Origr" 3!eomofOrigir /O n*-""ra Conp. of Origia 5 O Floor of Origia (Multi-0oor Bldg) 6 O Structuc of Origin 7 O Bqood Strucorc of origio 9t]Nq DalueSlf-Th4Ipq sivoKE I BObjcctof Origin 2 B P:rt of Room/Arcaof Origin 3 O Room of Origin 4 O Fuc-ratcd Comp. of Origo 5 O Floor of Origin (Multi-floor Btdg) 6!6ructurc of Origin 7 O Bcrond Structutcof Origin 9 O No Damaecof This Troc EXffINGUISEINGACENT I DObjcctof0rigin 2 O Part of RoordArca of Origin 3 Dlftoom of C.igin +b Frrc-rarcd Comp. of Origin 5 O Floc of Oricin (Multi-floor Bldg) 6 B Sructurc ofOrigin 7 O Bc),osd Suuctrrc of Origin 9 O No Damagc of This Trpc FT,AJ\{E I OObjcctofOrigin 20 hrt of Roorn/Arta ofolign 3pRoom.ofOtigio 4 O Frc-ratcd Comp. of Origin 5 O Floor of Origin (Multi-floc BldS.) 6 B Structurc ofOrigin 7 O Bcyood Strucn rc ofOrigin 8O Non-6reDamaec RcDod REASON FOR AIARM FAILURE I O llardsircd Foss Suppty Failcd 2 O lrgopct hstallatioo orPlaccrncnt 3 BDcfcaircAlarru 4 O hadcqualc Mtintcaaflcc 5 O Baf,cryMissiry orDisconncctcd 6O BancryDsclurged 8 ONo Alarm Eilure 0 O&iturc Uadacraiood AIARM PERFORTVTANCE I tr In Room of Origitt/Alcrtcd ocupac 2 O Not in Room /Alcttcd Occupans 3 tr In Room of Origin/Did Not OPcratc 4 O Not in Rooro/Did Nor Opcratc 5 tr Prcscatin Rooo/EreToo Srnal 6 O Opera&&Not Facro,rin Discovcry 7 O OpcratcdlOcctpaas Failcd to Aa I zt AIl.RllrrvPE I I DSrookc 2OHat 3 O Combin:tion Smolaey'Hcat 4 tr Sprinklcr/Watcr Ftow Alarm 5 tr Spccid llazild Sys Rdcasc Dcvicc 6 O Mqe Thao Ottc Tlpc fttscot TOCe$oa MoooxidcAlarm 8p''lo Alarm prtscot 9 O Otcr fpc of Alaua Prcscat OtlAIarD Unkno*a/not rcoortcd AI.ARMPOWERSUPPLY I O BancryOnly 2 O Hardwirc Only 3 O Ptug in 4 O Hardwirc dBaacry 5 OPluginVBancry 6 O Mcchanical 7 O Multiptc Alarm & Por*crSupplics SPRINKLER, PERFORIV,ANCE I B Opcracd &ControllcdExting'd Frrc 2 O Opcrarcd & Not €mtmUExthg. Erc 3 D Should havcOpcrarcd/Di<l Not ..4€ Systcm Prcsgt/Erc Too Sroall '8 O No EqcipiD Roorn of Origin 0O Ho,oaoccUuqortcd RE^SON FOR SPRINIqIR, EAILT'RE I OS)4stctaShutOfi 2 tr i lot Euoogt A&at !o CoaEol lirc 3 tr Ag@t Coold th( Rcact FirG 4B S),slcoPiPfugDaEgEd 5 tr l.b llcrds h Roo of O&in 8Ut{oSyscafifttc 0 O Rcaso fc tilurc l}nltpctoa 2J SRtr.tIg.ERSrSTEl\., TYPE I trWaPipcSy*cm 2OlyHpcSyscm 3 0 Dctugcsystcrr 4OPre-aaio Sytcrn 5 tl Comb- DryPipc & Ptaacrioo Systcto 6Orco0ff SpdnldctHcads 7 O Opco Hcad Systcra, Maouat Control 8 O No Spftildcrhocaioo OO Troc Sr:. Uorcoortod/Undctcrmincd MiMBER OF EEA.DS OPEiIED il * = n-l-.r* COMPLEIts twcnile dFirc Fotmt0t)REIVIARK,S ffYEs 2' IIOIII)W UP INYESTIGATION REQI'ESTEI' OONO IFYES, ll'EOWILL II\I\TESTICATE FD 3. OSP a. LqlPDrSbcrifi 9. OthcFclrolASclcy g6fr L 6;c l. OSFIT{ Nrc: OTHEROTIIERNAMBEROF IATATTNES FIRESERVICE{ M'MBEROF INfi)RIES FIRESERVICE TITIJ C*ot.*'(L- (7DAT d)3I MEMBER MAISNG REFORT Jt.r 6i5 [.^.J- NAME TTTLE32ADDMONAL INFOR}TATION BY NAME SSPBCXALOStrMSTtDY:Wrsrhi"rcspouscildaycdductoacccssdiE@lticsresdfiogftomEar:rotstrccts? YES' NO' If YES, pleasc dcscribc in rcrarks. Juv. #l luv.{2 Juv. #3 .luv- #4 Aee Gcnder 2O{3-rO(R200O) DATE