HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-06-19.. RESID-\TIAL.. APPLICATTuN /PERMTT 225 North |th Street SprLngfield, )regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPFIINGHEI-D-, INSULA?IAN/V/'.PCR P,ARRIER I\ISPICTION : Io be nade after aLL insulati-cn otd tequired oapor bawie?s @e in pla.ce but before ory Lath, Wpsutn baatC or tnLL cooeting is qpplied, ard. before ay irnulation is concealed. DRYWALL fNSPECTf)N: ?c be nade after aLL dtyuall is in place, but prior to ang taping. LIAFQWY: Steel Location, bond 666ijgrouting or oerticals i.n aceordozce Lrtth U,B,C. Section 2415. WOODSTO'IE: @np6iA. After installation is Recei t# Date: ntmbet, nunber,. DEI.IOLI? Llobile W .(q-qd E ectr a Su Elec tr: ic 1an e.ccauation, but prtor tc set up of forne. UNDERSLAB PLUI4BING. ELECTRICAL & WCHLIIICAL: ?o be nade before anywrk ie eotlet,ed. P)OTfNG & F)UNDATfCN: ?o be truCe AftA'tr'ffies a"e ercaated and forns ote ereeted, but priot, to pou?i?tg ccncl,et€. res tine, that ecch addrees is reaCabie , iob aCitess, tApe of inspec=tcn Requests recei,"*ed befcte 7:00 m f-l It ie the responsibility of the penrit hoder to aee that aLf, inspections ate nade at *.he prope" fnon the atteet, dnd thd.t the petmtt cati id T,ocated at the ftotrt of the Wopetty.*Building D,)uicion appro"*ed plcn shall remain on tlv Building Site at aLL t[nes. PROC\DUPE F1R INSPEC?I1\\ R98.UEST.'CALL726-3769 (recotdet,) state your City Cesigrnted iob requested and wken Eou uiLL be ready for inspection, Conttaetc?s o" A,mers rcne cnd pioneuill be nade the sane dcy, "equeets nade aftet ?:00 a,11 viLL be nlade the nect:,nrkirq dag. Iout, Cifu Desigr,ated Job Nutnbev, fs: SITE INSPECTION: To be nade aftet' Sanitoty setser capped et p?oper$ Liie Septic totk pr,ped attd fi.Lled trith gz'a;sel Final - l'hren abcoe itens ote ecrnpleted ard uhen danolttion ie conplete or atras- ture moued and ptenrLees cleaneC up.X I X Exx tr Io UNDERGP,OUTID PLTJMEING. SEINER, T,I,4TER, inatlaci: To be raCe prLot to fil- T@-trenches. of fLoor or decking. POS? AND BEA],|: ?o be nade pt'tot to ilstdtatlan o1 floor insulation ot decking inspections Tntse been nad,e ard. approtsed.. conorete. SLDWALK & DRf',EWAY: For aLL eon- Blocking o'd Set-up Pltnbittg connectiotts -- aaie? otC uatet Electri,cal Ccnnection - Blocking' set-up and plwnbing conneetions rn;st be apprct:eC before reque sting eleelrLcal i,nspeeliot: Aecessorg Buiding Final - After pcrehes, skirting, decks, etc. a?e cotnpleted. CURB & APPRCACH APPON: ee erecteC but pmo? After fonnsto pcttrittg cler;nd,ring ttithin street fight- of-teA, to be made afte' aLL erca- oating canplete & forn tntk & sub- base mc.ter"i,al in plaee.FIPEPLACE: ^at;iA; FIIIAL PLUAAING EINAL I,IECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL PrLor to placirq and. before franing faeing inspee- tion. trfl paa[ttc: l"tust be requested after |}t "pp".rr"L of rough pL;tlr:ng, eiectti- eal & neclwnical. ALL tooftng bracLt'tg & ehinmegs, etc. trust be , eonpleted, llo ucrk is to be eon- - cealed unti-L thi-s inspection lns 'been nade anC appro.*ed. 'athen conplete -- ProtsiCe oy, notsable seetions tht'ough ALL project conditions, such as the installatlon of street trees, conoletion-of the requ.ired. LanCseqing, etc., mtst be satisfied before the BUILDLNC FfItAL can be requested- FfNAL BUfLDING: The Einal Building Inepection mtst be requested cftet' the Final Plunbing Electrical, and Meclnrical Inspections hqoc been made ard approoed- IENCE: gates DIIF & D5+t4Job Locaticn:4?t;/J ota 1 z 3 ras rot # J3OOAssessore Map # svbdiuision: -s LtOtmet,:a- -3oPhone:Addyess: r) Desct+be h'otk: Date of App t--t Net)e aj( t2Value L Additian trac ors General Plurnbing c Page 1 of 2*ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJIJST:IEII! TO BS IIADE 1.T I]O C'ST TO CI?Y JOB NO. ?otal SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-co d BeCrors Soll,ces Ileat Lace I tlAW CAREFULLy |XAUINED t|e eotnpleted appli,cation for perwit, ard daherebg certify that aLL infonnatibn hereoi i-s tmte and ebwect, cnC f fut,ther' .certifA that any ard aLL dork peyfomed stnll be done in aecor- dance rrtth the Ozdinanebs of the Ctty of bprLngfield, and the Lans of theState of O{,egcn pertaining to the aork Ceseribbd herein, cnd tllat NO OCCA- P/.NCy LrLIL be rruCe of any structure uithout permission of the Building DL-pision. I further certily that otly contra.c'toz.a ad. ettplcyees uho a?'e in eanpliance uith CRS 701..055 uiLL be- uaed on thie projeet I-ot Sq. Ftg. % cf Lct Couerage # of Stortes ?otal Height lopography /24b{ ' <4ooz /)zl , - -l/-EvE L LCT TWE u,/ Intet ioz, _ Cotnet: _ Panhandle _ Cul-de-sac t DT Houae Lot Faces - -- Fees -- F?G x Value Building Volue & PermitMain This permi,t is granted on the erpress condition tltat ilE said_conetntctionslull, in al.L respeets, conform to the 1rditwnce adoptad liy the City of Sptingfield, including the Zoning Cpdinance, regulating the ccnstracticn otd, use of buildings, ord nay be suspended ot' reookeC dt cny tine upon oic- lation of any prcoisions of said 1rdir,ances. TOTAL ]"'ALUE f;.D.c. 1.5 x Building Permtt 2 oo State o/o n-+- D-;5. /o #?otal Charges Siqred: N0.FEE CHARCE Plumbing Permit No person shall constrwct, instal'!., altet' ot ehange @ry nev cr existing plwnbing oz, drainage sAetal in oltole or in part, uless such person is the Legal possessor of a oalid plwtber's Lieense, cept tlut a pe?son nag do plunbing uork to propertA ohich is oaned, Leased or op*ated by the appli- cant. Fi.ohtyes Residzntial (1 bath) Seuer Plunbing Pernrtt State Sureh,ange * rTEM N0.FEE Res. Sq. ftq Na,s/Estend Circutts ?.a V /TM Ianpcroy Setuice -\.f Pl ), State L llhere State Lan requires that the electz,ical uotk be tlane by an Eleotrical Contraetor, the eleetr-ical portion of this permit ernll rat be taliC unti.L the label has been signed by the Electrical Cont"acto". zz,€o Electricol Permit NC.FEF I.;14 frL;L 4 Mechonicol Permit Erhanst Hood lJcodstozse Vent Eat Permit fssuance oo 7, -- ENCROACHMEN? -- Sectrttu Deposit Stoz,age Mainterunce Permit Curbcut Sideualk lence Eleetrical Label Mobile Honte TOTAL AIdOUNI DUE: *sH +X )()- F\ilmec B?lltS I kTad itc.rc / s.zs Meclnnicel Permit lil/t) State Sutchaae Iotal CTtdraes J-