HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1990-08-16t!" RESlDFtlTlAL"" APPLICATT-il /PER\LIT 225 North ith Street Spr"tngfield, Oregon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26- 37 53 SPRINGFIEL.D Date: General Job Locaticn 3 ?cs futt llAssessora Map ll o Subdipision: Amer Phone:Address: Ci L tl J DescrLbe Ltot'k: tr:;IC tor n NeD ff.) Value 4 w i re- hlf +t,-.b lddition RenoCeL St r V\ c-e c h c,' vr t.Cregr; r I rxgct ccfr a )1) I Slr^. c].anElec ErS trpe P lurnb in l.lechanica It ie the responsibility o! the perirtt t- ? fron the st?eet, an4, that the pennit catd iatsuilding Nuiciot appt'o"^ed plan sfu:Ll pemain to aee that aLL inspections are nade at the p?oper tine, thdt ecch adlrees is readab';e Located at the frcnt of the propenty. on tle Building Sitc at aLL tines. PRoCSpUpE FoR rN pEgl!9!_-E!gW!!rCALL726-3769 (reco?der) state yout, City Cesigrn_ted iob nunber, iob aCdt'ess, type-of inspeclicn eadyforinspection,Contractol.soianers-nane-andplonenwttbcr.P,equestsreceixedbefcre?:00cltitl be nade the sane dcy, ?equests ncde aften ?:00 on vtLll be nnde the ncxt :,ntking day. Iour City Deaigr,ated Job Nunbet fa:loto4L ia u losac!?ouu D pLUMtI tlqLEttE1r_ I"t!!E&,t)-Lirq trenches. i1 uun*rLooR pLUtEI:tc & IiECflANTcAL:ltof floor insulction or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be nade Pr[ot' to iiilitTii--Vof floot' ttnsulation or decking. ROltCil P.,UIIBIIIC- E.,ECTRTCAL & ttECII- ANrcAL, No norL is to be cou-et'ed GiT-these ittspections haoe beer nad.e and approtsed.. FI:?EPLACE: PrLor to Plc.cirg faeing mcterials and before froning inspec- tior.. i1 maltnc: Llust be requested after J "pp"ou"L of rough plranbing, electpi- cal E neclanieaL. ALL roofing braeirq E chirmegs, ete. trust be completed. lto uctk is to be con- cecled until thi.s insPeetion lns 'been made anC approted. after trenches are eecaoa ted and forns ote erected, but pt'ior to pouring ecnctete. FIIIAL PLUI4BIIIC FINAL I4ECIIANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL SIDEWALK & DRIIIEI'|AI: For aLL con- ct ete pA&1gAtE; street right- of-rey, to be maCe aftez' aLL etca- oatina eowlete & font wrk & sub- base haterial in Place. SITE INSPEC?ION: ?o be rmde aftere-;aortl;;;T"t prior tc set up of forns. UNDERSLAB PLUI'{BINC. ELECTRICAL & nECilntlICAL: To be nade before any GE-li-i6uored. PcoTINc & F)UNDATI)N: lo be naCe TNSULATTON/VAPOR BARRIER II]SPECTION : ib be nade after aLL insulaticn ad required oapon bowiers are in place but before any Lath, gApswn bcarC or rnLL eooering is applied, and before ay insulation is concealed. DRYWALL INSPECIION: Ic be nade af6-atT-6@TTts in ptaee, but prior to cnA taPtng. MASONRY: Steel location, bond diffijgrouting ort uerticals in aceondance uLth U.B.c. Section 241 5. VOODSTO..E: After installati-on is anpleted. CURB & APPECAQ!--4!PON: Aftet forns 6.e etecteA6t pior to pourittg conc?ete. I ?ENCE: hrhen conPlete -' ProuiCe j&68 on mottable sectians througli P.U.E. ALL project conditions, such as the i.nstallation of st\ee! t-\?-1.,- conpletion-of the ,"q"i"L"a-iind"o"pirg, ctc., rmtst be satisficd befor.e the BUILDI\IC FINAL can be requested' FINAL BUILDINC: The Final Building fnopection mtst be requeeted after the Final Plwnbing ti""l"r:i"1,-'anC Uechariccl Inspections hquc been made atd approueC. DEI.IOLITIO!] OR :.:OVE' BUILDI.]CS Sanitary sersen capped tt pnopet'ty Lite /, r,tt|il,r.,ii]l|l]'ruffirrll,,,,1r1 j,!;[1.,', Septic tork ptrped and filled tith gra:sel Final - h4ten abcpe itens are canpleted ard uhen Cenolition is complete o? sttas- ture mooed and. prenrtses oleaneC up. Iulobile Hcnes Blocking otd Set-up Ptunbing connections -- aclte! atd uatet Electrical Connection - Bloeking' set-ut and plwnbing conneetions msst be apprct;ed before requeating eleclrtcal inspeelio:t Accescor-i BuilCi.ng pcrckes, akinting, decks, Leted. Ptnal - Aftef etc. are conP Palte 1 of 2ITAT,L MANIICT,ES AND CLEANOUTS IIUST BE ACCESSIBLIi, ADJUSTIIEIIT TO BE I,I.4DE !.T TlO CCST TO CI?Y Date of Aoolieaticn n T T r SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-CO CJOB NO [at Fdces - Setbacks Caraqe Access.P,L House North FireEast South Lot Sq. Ftg. % of Lot Ccoerage_ Total lteight l ValueF?G I of Stories Topography LOT TYPE _ Intericr Cotner Panlund.Le Cul-de-sac l,lain Ccrdoe Cd?Dort Accessoru ?OTAL VALUE Id.S.D.C. 1.5 c - CHARGENO.EDP Ftbtwes Residzntial (1 bath) Sotita4t Seuer Watct, Electricol Permit Were State Lau requires th.at the eleetrical uotk be done by an Eleetrieal contractor, the eleetrical portion of this permit stall not be oaltc untiL the Label lns been aigned by the Eleett'ical Contractot" . ct) FEE ,t5oL State Nau/Estend Circuits <- Semtice 15- 6D =,O.oO FEE CIIARGEITXM F'urnace PTUTS khanet HooC Vent Fot tlcodstoite State ,t Mechqnicol Permit Permit Issuance Meelwnicel Pelrdt -- ENCROACHMENT -- Seein itu Deposit Storaqe Maintenance Pcrmit Cutbca! Sideaalk lence Electnical Label Mobile Hotne Bedrooms: Building Volue & Permit This penrlt is granted on the e$pre\s condition tlat the said constntction slnll, in atl *espects,- io"'|oi Zo- the 7rdinance adopted. by the C.i.ty of ipilrgyf"l,a, inclitding'til \oning Crdinanc-e, regulatiltg the ccnsttaeticn irrA u'oL of Luildings," ontl ^ry be suspended or reookeC at cny tine upon uic- lation of any prcttisions of said 2t'dinances' ] Lace Fee:Building Permit State ?otal Clarges Plwnbing Petnit State Iotal * ,( Date Paid #: Si.gted: Plumbing Perrnit No Dereon shall constmtet, i-nstall' alter or cltange GnA nel cr esisting - ilrirlli or ibainage systan in uhole or in pat't, unles.s s.uch person is the iegal p"osses"on ol"o rLlid. plurn".r's Lic-ens-7, escept tlnt a person ^oa 4o-ptiitl,ig uork to propnity ,hi.h i" ooned, Leased oi operated by the appli- cant. * -PLan Excniner Date I HAW CAREFULLI EXA\'IINED tle completed application for permit, and da hereby certify that aLL infonnation het'eoi is true and eoruect, and I furthZr certily that aig ard aLL oork perforned alall be done in accor- dance tith the- 1rdinances of the City of Springfield, aruC the Laxe of the State of 1regcn pertaining to the oork Cescribed herein, cnd that NO OCCU- pAItCy witl bb naie of any structure uithout permisaion of the Building qi- uieion. I further ieftify that only contrac'tors and enplcyees uho are i;t canpliance uith ORS ?01.05s uiLL be used on thia projeet ,TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: I Signed Dzte Total Charaes