HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1990-01-09..RESIDENTIAL.. N/PERMIT SPFTINGFTELD- .' ,,,]i,; APPLICA\ 225 North.Sth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building nioision 7 26-37 53 Neu Additicn RemoCeL Ilone Date of AppL icaticn tractol: Genera 1 P I uurb 1ng Describe It'ot li.: 5Lrvw 1. t,Uf u)^rt. Wtnd-,c Itrtury rLu) lu,l<ircp(- fgr'* D Do.t; Value Iil fs ()ill:f,g ti l)r.'s 1)lron.' 0r,lob Locati-cn: Tc,t t<-.1: llAscessorc Map ll Subdiuision: 'l4o - 5oZI'honr:b i\) 0 Otmer Address Lis Electrir:ar 0-l Str tilec t r ( 1itl1fvl1 l.Iechan ica I tt ia the responsibility of the petmit holder. to see that aLLfron the street, and that the permit , Lan slu:LtBuilding Diuiciot': approte,l p L remain on Llrc Build PI?OCEDUPE FO!? INSPECTIOII RSQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (reconder) st:at:e gout' Ci. r equ e s t ed aiA-;i e n1l o"-;iTTE t:eady for inspcction, ColTtraetcrs or Aute;-iLL be nade the sante dcg,requests mcde afl;et, 7:00 c,tl uiLL be nade the !?eoti-ro,4 Iout, City Desigruted Job Nunbr;r Is ns dre nade at tfi6 1,v,-,7s1' timc, t!;t:t eceh,;drTress is t'eadab',e catd is Located at the fron t of tlie propcrtlJ L.: .tt a'1,7. fisncs -inq ,:) i. ty ,7esi-gntterl ;iob nunbpr, job aCates::, tr-F,e of inspec:icl i'{i tli:me cnJ piToti,: tlii\b.:P. Pcqu.::3a.j t'-:cci.i;e,i befCfe 7:CC,t: ncel: lnrking dail ?ocozE SITE INSPEC'IION: To be made after eecalation, but prior tc set up of fomne. ANDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECHrtllICAl,: To be nade before anywt,k is colered. fOprINZ_! F)UNDATICN: To be mtCeafter trenchcs are escauated and forms ote erected, but prior topouring ccncrete, INSULATION/VAPOR F.4RR.tER t !Bl'nC,tr0it : To be made after al.L insulati.cn a:d rcquired oapor bam,ie"s ote in place but before ang Lath, g!)psutn bcarC or rnll couerinlt is applied, an'C befora oty insulation is conce,zled. DRYHALL INSPECTION: Tc be rnade;fLer-;tTzt !;;lTis in pktca, but prior to cny taping. MASONRI: Steel Location, bortrT becns, gt,ou!;i.ttg or uerLicals ttt accordance uith U.B.C. Secfi..tri 24ts, WOODSTOVE: After installati.t.tn i.:: ampl.etecl. CURB 8 APPRCACIT API?O.N: Afte;, fot"rnsate erecteC but prior to poto.tng concrete. SIDUWALK & DRIr,lEtlAy: For aLL ccn- crete pattittg uithitr strect ri.ght-of-tx:y, to be made after aL! excrt- oating completrz & for.a uork & aub- base nnterial in plaoe. r: -.. r'-'r,' Sani.tc-t';1 s.:r-t€), ::al?ed :zt pt,opertrl Lire !'i.ttr;/. - iJhen ah,:t:*: i.l;c::ts at e ccnpleted etiLl Dll.n ..!e-nci.!.!:i.cn ts .rotnpLete ot, st,)';-,.)- 1.i11'a nioue.J. atiii pretises cleanei up. I PLUMDINC STWTI: To ttenchee POST AND BE4l4: To be nade prior toTisTiTTatTcn-of floor insulatioti ot, decking. R)t_tctr pLullBlrrc. ELECTRICAL ,q MECH-ANICAL: No-ffi unbil l:hes,z inspeel;ions hate be,zn nade and appnouei. FIPEPL,AC_E: Prior to placir,g fccingnaterials atu) before fronting inspeb-tior- FRA||ING:_ t"tust be nequestetl after app,rooal of rough plunbing, cleat_ri_cal & meclnnical. ALL roofing bz,aeing E chinmcys, etc. rrust becornpleted. lto ucnk is to be eon_cecled unLil tlis inspecLiort hos been made anC appnooed. UNDERFLOOR PI,I.II,IBINC & MEC!]AN.TCAL:robenad@ of floor insulation or decking FTilAL PLUI4BIIIG PINAL MECIIANICAT, FINAL ELECT'RICAL l;i.o,k i rt,j arkl L;.t-|tp I'/tt,:|,it::l t:il/lt1ci:ti.ans -- s.1)t?tt arx! utc!e r [t' 1.c.i t r t t:i7i Ccnree t iott - B Lockiri;t, se t -uttiti t.,lnnbbt,i cctraectictls rn;st Le appro;a.i belL)p. reqtrcst'lng el-et,lrical inspeetio,: ,1cce::sorl ButLi!rtc L'tstal - After :ctekes, skirting, decT:s, eLc. arc acnple!.:ri. !!l,l!Et hthen conpl;te -- proui.cle gates or mooable sectiatts tlnouql: P, U. E. ALL pro,jecL contlitions, i:uc!;, as Lhe ;nsi.,tLLal,i, p o.;-.j:-.),,.,,,r/, tl,..r.;:, ..:,-t.'ri i.trL u.!- Lierequi.red .lanc.sccping, ctc,, rmtst bc sqLi:;J'iaci it,:.i',t't,,,: l.t:e Bt.tILDriil i:r:.;ilL -',;n lte requ,:st;d. i?lNAL Btlll,t)INC: Thr: I.'iltal. Uuildirtq Ittsi,,..t r:(r,t r,:;(r;,, /,._, r,,,,/;i,,r;ic.i :.,.i,..r, ll:,: !,i_rt,.tt i,!u:-,birt;Dl,cct,ri,caL, anC NechanicaL fnspr:1:2i,,rt:: itrltt,: be,:r: t,:rj,: ,rri,:t',:;,i,r,r.1...:. ;>.,;r. ] nl' i: :l *AI'T' IIANIICT,ES AND CLIIANOU?S IIUST RIi ACCESSIBLI, ADJI.I,']"':,::.'],! rO B!,' ,,.:,ii11:' -J,: ,I:O $ P1OC Z SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-COG*JOB NO. !leat IIouse Access,Df tote l,/e st T,CT '!Y?T Ir.tet'icr L'oPnef' PailhdttLlL.) Cul-<la- sait Beclroorns:t:i;:\ titt)a'-'u Lot Faces -Lot Sq. Ftg. n cf Lct Ccuerale _ i of Stortes Total Height TopographY -- Fees -- VctLuexTTEI,I tlain TOIAT, VALUE s.D.c. 1.5 x Check Date Paid Building Volue & Permit This petmit is llranted on the erpl,ess con<l.ition thLt the said.constyaction slull, in al1 respects,- ioi,Ji*,'to th-e ,ndinance edopted liy the c.ity 2f ;;';;;!'l;L;' inclludins'til 2l"'i"g crtlinanc.e' resulcti,tts ,th" tt-\:-t-o::.t!-":.,^ oirri ,r'""n o!'Luildings' antl mty be- suspencletl or reuokeC at cnu tlne ul'on ulc- Lat'ton u7 o,,y ltrcuisions of said ordinances' Building Pettnit ?otal Cln:'ges State s].id' CHA}I(;INO['El:]1'EM Fittures ResidentiaL (1 lttttl'L) SeuerSani Plumbing Permit No Dereon slnll consttact, instalL' alter. ot clange-cny nei.cr ecisting ';7'j;i,';:;" ";';1i";".s2-'"i"tL"' ii it'oi' or in part' -unless such penson is the Legal possessot' of , ;21;; pl*'bin1" tt"n""L' etcept that a pe:'son nav do plrtnbing uo.k to p"rprlti*,inlzi--.,:" ir*na, Leased ot, operated by the appli-- cant. Tota?.Chcrqes Plunbing Pett:tit State Sut'cl".atge lt l:'li 'i-tAitili:IU Nau/Ectentl Circuits Set'tsice vtoe Electricol Permit h\tet'eStateLca,trequit'esthattheelectt'i9aLuorkbedonebyanElectnical Contpdctor', the eleettliZot-'po't'ion of this pelnit shall not be ttaliC unti'L ;h,;1;b;1'hnu been signed by the Electrical Contractot" L Permi.t Total Chr*ges Stcte ELec t)!!tlllC!'jI:il"l s E:hce$t tlooC Vent Ftrt llcodstope Su'a Mechonicol Permit Perwtt fcsu.znc:,-: Mechaniael Permtt .- L:NCROACII[![:N'I' .. itSeant'i eMain Pernit Cutbc'u SiCeualk LELec Mobtle Hcme Receipt ll SLgnea uateFTait Etcniner I HAVE CAREFULLy gXAi,tINED tle completed application for pennit' and dc het'cbtr certify that ai'L-irfo"mati'on he't'eon'is trae and correct' cnC I furthbr eet'tif1; th"b ;;a"';;' it'iiix- pnrformed stnll be done in aceor- 'dan.e ,,vith ttu o*dtn'il)'"""'if lnZAt; -;f.'spiiiofi"Ld' and the Lcus of thc StaLe of \regcn p"ntriTllo-'to'tie wik Ces'crib"ed herein, cnd ttat N0 )CCU- plN(y 1)LtL be na,le .1";;:;t "ii":.ii"",i" ",*12"1'p"*tir;o" of the Buitdtng Dt- uision. r fttrLhet certi-f;i thaL--otly tont'oili" ind e'p-Lcyets uh'o are in ;;;1.;;,,.; L,t'tn ons zot'bis utLL be- used on thie proiect TotaL ,r},I,Af, NlOulT DUIi: *0v,oo Signe-tl Date