HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1985-05-22.. RESIDL ]TIAL.. APPLICATTON /PERILIT 225 North Sth Street SprLngfield, )regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 ELectrieaL 14echanieaL # SPRINGFTELD Date 5->> Constmtetton Lender It i8 the responsibilitg of the petmtt ltolder to eee ihat alt inspecti.ons ate nade at tlte prope" tine, that eaeh addtess is reaCabie fron the street, and tlwt the pezvrtt catd ie Located at the ftont o7 the prope?tu.*Building D.iuiciot- appz,o"^ed pLan sVnLL remain on the Buniding Site 'at aLL' times.- PROCEDUPE FOR INSPECTI)N R1QWST:CALLT26-3769(yecordet) state your City Cesi-grnted job nunbet,, job aCiress, type of inspecticn tequested and uhen gou uiLL be ready for inspeetion, Contraetc?s o? A,tzers nctne and phane nutnber. Requests receixed befcte 7:00 mtiLZ be nade the sane dag, ?eEteets nade after 7:0A on tiLL be nnde the nect aotking day. ,.(q h z/'-t =Iour Ci,ty Desigrtated. Job Mmbet' Js ' \)'-'/ \/ | A-J Flo a t c' no,l Tn an a a *t' nv o -^5A il Ar//Job Loeaticn: Aesessors Map # flOBAtr43 ra, rpt - rt-l] rr) Sttbdioision: Tru0tmet: Phone: 7{b -52f2Addtess: 7,t/ Describe l,lotk: {- zz'fg / er"€^-/ ValueDate of App Lication Additian RemoCel Genet aL -4-- SITE INSPEC?I)N: To be nade after eocantation, but pt*tor tc set up of forne. aNpERSLAB PLuMBtNq. ULECIRTCAL & INSULATION/VAPOR BARRTER ilISPECTION : ?o be made after aLL insulaticn a.nd requiz,ed uapor baviers @e in place bttt before oty Lath, Wpsutn boatC or unLL couering is applied, and before any insulation is concealed. DRYWALL fNSPEC?f)N: Tc be made DEtnLrrrcll 0R SanitaxA seuer eaptped at properfil Lire Septic tutk putped and filled uith g,axel Fi-nal - h\ren abcue itens ate cctnpleted and uhen Cqnclition is cotnplete o? stTuc- ture notsed and. pz,ewiaes eLeaneC up. $ECI{!-11ICAL: To be nade before anyffi7i-ihseted. F))TING & FOANDATfCN: lo be naCe afier-Z;ena*s ate eacaoated and. fonns az,e erected, pow.Lng ecnerete. UNDERGROUTID DRAIIIAGE: PilIAL PLUMBIIIG PINAL MECHATIICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL but aftet, aLL C,rguaLL ie in pZace, but prior to any taping. I,!,7S2N!?I: Steel Loeation, bond diffijg?outing or oerticals in accordatce DLth U.B.C. Section 2415. WO)DST)VE: After instal1,ation is anrpleted. T@l-r.nches. ATIDEP,FLOOR PLUIlBING & MECEANTCAL: o7 floor insuktion or decking. ?98!-44P PEAI4: To be made Prtot to ffiliTTatlaVol floor irnulation or decking. ROUGH PLA,IBIIIG. ELEC?RTCAL & MECH: ANICAL: No uork is to be couet'ed w:tiL these inspeetiors haue been mal.e and. approued.. PLP.EPLACE: Pz.tot to plaei.rq facingmaterials and before franirq i.nepee- tion. PRAI.!ilIG: lfiust be z,equested after apptoual of rough pltanbing, electri- cal & meelanical. ALL toofing braclng & chinmeys, etc. rmtst be . atnpleted. llo ucrk is to be eon- . cealed until this inspection ltas'been made anC appror:ed. Hcmes T CURB & APPROACH APPON: e,e e;At;AEt pilo" After formsto pouring eoncrete. SIDEWALK & DRfIWAI: For all con- ct,et. p*rfu-ulm etreet right- of-tnA, to be made after aLL erca- oating carplete & fonn Ltotk & sub- base mateytal in place. IENCE: h4ten conpLete -- Prouide gates or nooable sections through P.U.E. ALL project condLtions, such as the i.nstallation of street trees, conoletion of the requined Landsecping, etc., ttust be satisfied before the BULLDINC F|NAL can be requested. FINAL BU1LDING: The tinal Build.ing Inspection mtst be z,equested after the Final Plumbing Electrical, and Meclnnical Inspections hque been nade atrd approrseC. B1,ocking otd Set-up Plunbing connections -- saner ud. uater Electrical Ccnnection - Blocking, set-up and plwnbing connections rntst be apprct:ed before requesting eLeetrical inspection Aecessory Building Final - After pcrekes, skirting, decks, etc. are cornpleted. Page 1 of 2*ALL I,|ANI\CLES AND CLEAN)UTS MUS? BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJASTltEtlt T0 BE LL4DE L? N0 CCS? T0 CrTy t--t Na,t u X SOLAR ':CESS REQ.-JOB NO.*ad L-CO Bedroons: Lot Faees -t,n271AU SoUreCS Tuoe Setbacks lleatpr.House Cayaqe Access.llate? lleaterNorth East Fireplace South rtloodstoue Lot Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Cotsetage_ # of Stories Total Height LCT TWE _ fntericr _ Cormer _ Panhandle _ C'ttl-de-sacTopography West Building Volue & Permit This pennt t is granted on the ecpress condition tlnt the said constractionshall, in aLL z,espeets, confcrm to the Cr&Lrnnce adopted 5;y the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Crdinanee, r,egulating the ccnstrueticn cnd. use of buildings, cnd may be suspended oy. reuokeC at cny time upon oic- Lation of anA prc'oisions of said Otdirances. Value TOTAL VALUE Date Paid: tlu x * * Signed: S.D.C. 7.5 c Building Perrrut Iotal Clwrges State Plumbing Perrnit Ng pet,eon shall consh-'uct, install, alter or ehan4e anA nea cr e*isting plwnbing or dtainage sAste"n in uhole or in part, unless such person is the Legal possessoz, of a oalid plwnberts License, escept that a pbrson mag do plunbing aork to p?ope?t! uhich i-s ottned, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. oo NO UrufrUL Fi.ctutes Resid.enti.al (1 bath) Saner Plwnbing Pertrtt State ;)<- a t.0 G. <) Electricol Permit Whet,e State Lan reqztiz,es t'llat the eleety,ical uopk be done by an Eleetrieal Contractot,, the electrical portion of this permit slwll not be uali,C untilthe LabeL ltas been signed by the Electrical Contracto?. FEE State Nau,/Ertend. Ci,cuits Seruiee FgE ill ^ Dan Mechonicol Permit Vent Fot Erhanst HooC ts Pevtntt fssurnee Meclnnical Petnrtt -- ENCROACHMENT -- Secunt! Deposit Stotage Mainterwrtce Permtt Clttbcut Penee Electz,ieal Ia.bel Mobile Honte Receipt #: I')Lan L't@m,ne?Date Total f ilAW CAREFULLy EXA\LINED the cotnpleted application for permit, and. dohereby certifg that aLL information hereoi is ttue and. ebrrect, cnC f futtkez,.certifg that any ard aLL uotk pet,forned slnll be done in aecor- dance ,,tith the 1rdinances of the cit| bf bpringfi_eld, and the Lcras of thestate of 1regon pertaintng to the uoz,k cescribed herein, and tvnt No occa- P4:Nc! uttll_ b_e nryde of ara structur,e uithout permission of the Buitding Di-oision. r fu,ther eertif"- that only contraciors and enpicyees uho atZ ineonpliance uith ORS 20L.05s uiLL be used on this projeet 5- TOTAL INOUN? DTIE: */b. ro Date 2- Hiodstooe State Surcltc?ae Total C'lwrqes SldAtd Lk