HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2019-12-17SPRINGFIELD 0REG0ri Web Address : www.springfield-or.9ov Building Permit Residential Structural Permit Number: 811-19-OO278O-STR IVR Number: 811013079820 City of Springfield Development and Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 541-726-3753 Email Address : permitcenter(dspringfield-or.gov Permit Issued: December 17, 2019 Project: 757 E St Category of Construction: Single Family Dwelling Type of Work: Repair Submitted Job Value: $7,500.00 Description of Work: Repairs from vehicle damage. Primarily to foundation. JOB SITE Worksite Address 757 E ST Springfield, OR 97477 Parcel 1703351305200 Owner: Address: SONIA VAN DREW REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST 757 E Sr SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 LICENSED PROFESSIONAT INFORUATION Business Name EHLERS CONSTRUCTION INC License ccB License Number 4231 Phone 541-689-5t77 PENDING INSPECTIONS Inspectaon 1999 Final Building 1260 Framing 1110 Footing 1 120 Foundation Inspection Group Struct Res Struct Res Struct Res Struct Res Inspection Status Pending Pending Pending Pending Various inspections are minimally required on each project and often dependent on the scope of work. Contact the issuing jurisdiction indicated on the permit to determine required inspections for this project, Schedule or track inspections at www.buildingpermits.oregon,gov Call or text the word "schedule" to 1-888-299-2821 use IVR number: 811013079820 Schedule using the Oregon ePermitting lnspection App, search "epermitting" in the app store Permits explre if work ls not startcd within l80 Days of issuance or if work is suspended for 180 Oays or longer depending on the issuing agency's policy. All provisions of laws and ordlnances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified hereln or not. Granting of a permit do€s not presume to giv€ authority to violate or cancel the provlslons of any oth€r stato or local law regulating conttruction or the performance of construction, ATTENTION; Oregon law requires you to follow rules adopted by th€ Oregon Utulty Notitication Center, Thore rul€r ar€ set forth in OAR 952-0Ot-OOl0 through OAR 952-001-OO9O. You may obtaln coples of the rules by calling the Center at (5O3) 232-1987, All persons or entities performing work under thls p€rmit are required to b€ llcensed unless exempted by ORS 701.OlO (Structural/Mechanical), ORS 479.54O (Elcctrical), and ORS 693.O10-O20 (Plumblng). Printed on: 12117119 page 1 of 2 C:\rnyReports/reports//productron/01 STANDARD J ,& TYPE OF WORK SCHEDULI}IG INSPECTIONS Permit Number! 81 1-19-OO278O-STR Page 2 of 2 Fee Description Technology Fee Structural building permit fee State of Oregon Surcharge - Bldg (12olo of applicable fees) Pnnted oni l2lLl/19 Page 2 of 2 Quantity Fee Amount $9'03 $ 1 80.60 *2t,67 $21 1,30Total Fees: C : \myRepoft s/repofts//productronl0 1 SIANDARD pE*r{IT rEgs Ctrv op SpRTNcFIELD, oREcoN l*ffi#n Structural Application DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Permit no. Date 225 Fift h Street . Sprin gfi eld, OR 97 47 7 . PH(5 4 I )7 26 -37 53 o FAX( 54 I )726-3 689 This permit is issued under OAR 918-460-0030. Permits expire if workis not started within 180 days of issuance or if workis suspended for 180 days. FEE SCHEDULE l. Valuation information (a) Job description: y/jo, ., - 6,o*rrp. f:.onru Occupancy ?6.. Construction type: Square feet: Cost per square foot: Other information: Type of Heat: Energy Path ! new lalteration ! addition (b) Foundation-only permit? E Ye. E No Total valuation:$4fi)o 2. Building fees (a) Permit fee (use valuation table):$ (b) Investigative fee (equal to [2a])$ (c) Reinspection ($ per hour): (number ofhours x lee per hour)$ (d) Enter 1 2olo surcharge (.12 x [2a+2b+2c]):$ (e) Subtotal offees above (2a through 2d):$ 3. Plan review fees (a) Plan review (65% x permit fee [2a]):$ (b) Fire and life safety (65% x pennit fee [2a]):$ (c) Subtotal offees above (3a and 3b):$ 4. Miscellaneous fees (a) Seismic fee, l%o (.01 x permit fee [2a]):$ (b) Tech fee,5%o (.05 x pennit fee[2a]+PR fee [3c])$ I'OTAL fees and surcharges (2e+3c+4a+b):$ 1 , LOCAL GOVERNMENT APPROVAL This project has final land-use approval. Signature:Date: This project has DEQ approval. Signature:Date: Zoning approval verified: ! Yes E No Property is within flood plain: ! Yes E No CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION ! Govemment ! CommercialE Residential JOB SITE INFORMATION AND LOCATION Job site address: "?5-) € Sf' ztP:cl7f ',City S?at,oC,,,.6l +r-,State: C>,Q- Subdivision:Lot no. Taxlot: Ei,1A33ft3c57Reference: PROPERTY OWNER Name: Sor,utA V.a,^, Dz,t'-, Ad&ess:-?f1 € 5{ ZrP f '/('City: $P,utN(].Ret-o state: o,/'1.- Fax:Phone: E-mai1: Building Owner or Owner's authorizing this application : Sign here: E This installation is being made on residential or farm property owned by me or a mcmber of my immcdiate family, and is exempt from licensing requirements under ORS 701.010. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION Business ru ", €NLi^-\ (rsnt.KTa^ttf),:e Address: / W /lA4ot.*m, { State: dz't-ZIP:Q J ?City'. /a66,u1 Phone:gtl/-6Ja 6/'?1 Fax: E-mail: o(ttc.F Q. €pt.t"Ei ?."te-lAi CCB license no.: .42 3 t Printname: a.,lt',trt, TL. Signature: SUB-CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Name CCB License #Phone Electrical Plumbing s/' Mechanical Last edited 5-5-2019 BJones SPRINGFIELD & 0RIG0r{ www,sprin gfield-or. gov Worksite address: 757 E ST, Springfield, OR97477 Parcel: I703351305200 Transaction Receipt 811-19402780-STR IVR Number: 811013079820 Receipt Number: 473312 Receipt Dale:12117119 City of Springfield Development and Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 541-726-3753 permitcenter@springfield-or. gov Fees Paid Account codeTransaction Units dats 12117119 1.00 Ea 12t17119 1.00 Ea Descriptlon Structural building permit fee State of Oregon Surcharge - Bldg l12o/o ol applicable fees) 224-00000-425602- 1 030 821 -00000-2 1 5004-0000 204-00000-425605-000012t17t191.00 Automatic Technology Fee Fee amount $180.60 $21.67 $9.03 Pald amount $180.60 $21.67 $e.03 Payment Method: Credit card authorization: 57530i Payer: Christopher Blunt Ehlers Payment Amount:$211.30 Cashier: Katrina Anderson Rsc€ipt Total:$211.30 Printed: '12117l19 3:37 pm Page 1 of 1 F I N_TransactionReceiplJsr KP ENSINEERING, PC 4222 Couuence Srnerr, SurrE 2J EusEruE, OnecoNI 97 4O2 (s4l) 393€.7A2 kev in@kpengineering.biz December 10,2019 Ehlers Construction 1085 Madera Street Eugene, OR 97402 Attention: Chris Blunt Re: Vehicle Damase tnspection at 757 E Street. Springfield. Oreeon - Job #kp19053 As you requested, an inspection was performed on October 30,2019, at the single family wood framed residence located at757 E Street in Springfield. The purpose of the inspection was to examine damage caused by a vehicle hittiog the north exterior wall of the residence, just to the west of the front enty porch. The north exterior wall construction consists of 2x4 studs at 16" on center with a layer of Yz" gypsum wallboard, a thick plastic/membrane moistue barier, and beveled lap siding installed on the exterior face of the wall. The wall cavity is filled with insulation. The existing concrete steps at the front entry were poured separate from the concrete stemwall (foundation) -a tU" concrete porch slab. At the intersection of E Street and N. 8e Steet the vehicle veered toward the southwest where it proceeded to travel over the south crub along E Street, across the grass landscape strip and sidewalk while just missing a hee, thnr ser"ial panels of the white picket fence, and across the front yard lawn before hitting the front entry steps and the north exterior wall of the residence at the dining room. See picares 1-10 on sheets 3 thru 7 of this report to view the general vicinity and extent of damage done by the collision between the vehicle and the front of the residence. At the time of the inspection performed on October 30,2019,the following observations were made. The damaged panels of the white picket fence along the north side of the front yard had been removed @icturis 1 and 2). The vehicle struck the front concrete steps and the north exterior wall of the residence just to the west of the steps (Pictures 3 and 4). The concrete steps were poured separately from the concrete foundation. Based on the red paint on the upper stair riser at the porch slab, the two lower concrete steps appear to have been pushed downward and slighfly to ihe west. The vertical displacement between the second step and the red paint is at leistrA"- A portion of the beveled lap siding, the moisture barrier, and the 7a" gJpsum wallboard had been removed from the north exterior wall of the dining room at the location of a puncture in the exterior envelope of the structure (Picture 4). A temporary piece of OSB sheathing was installed in place of the removed 'A" thickgypsum wallboard to cover exposed framing. The concrete stemwall beneath the north exterior wall of the dining room has two vertical cracks. One crack was located 2" to the west of the front porch steps and the second crack was approximately 50" to the west of the fust crack (Pictures 5 and 6). There was no simificant vertical displacement of the stemwall, but there did appear to be a slight horizontal displacement ,*{$r\' of the stemwall section between the two vertical cracks. There was no significant visible damage from the collision to the wood framing at the point of impact on the north exterior wall (Picture 7). One of the exposed 2x4 studs had a minor split at a toenail, but the split seemed to be old and it didn't appear to compromise the structural integrity of the stud. On the interior of the Jlrrir;g room there was a mix of diagonal, vertical, and horizontal cracks (Pictures 8-10). Most-of the horizontal oacks appeared to be pre-existing. The diagonaVvertical cracks above and belori the window opening seemed to be new or else the size of the crack had recently increased. The following repairs should be made to the stnrcture. The two front steps ate to 5s rcrnoved along with the soil in front of the damaged section of the concrete stemwall that is locateJ- beneath the north exterior wall of the dining room. Examine the footing beneath the stemwall to make swe it was not damaged by the impact of the vehicle and that it has nct susbined try vertical displacement. If only the stemwall was damaged, hire a foundation rcpair specialist-to cut and remove the compromised section of the stemwall- Two pieces of #4 rebar shoulC tc epoxied horizontalty a minimum of 6" into each cut end of the existing concrete stemwall in 5/8" diameter holes with Simpson SET-3G high-strength epoxy adhesive or equivalent. The pieces of horizontal rebar should be installed 3" up from the bottom of the stemwall and 3" down from the top of the stemwall. The epoxied horizontal dowels from opposite edges of the stemwall repair should lap a minimum of 24". At the stemwall repair, #4 rebar dowels should be installed at 48" on center. The rebar dowels should be epoxied vertically a minimum of 4" into the top of the existing concrete footing in 5/8" diameter holes with Simpson SET-3G high-stength epo)ry adhesive or equivalent. Due to the age of the original foundation Ouilt in 1947), special inspection of the epoxy installation is not necessary. Veri$ attachment between the existing sill plate and new section of stemwall, otherwise install a minimum of trvo new Yr" diameter x 10" anchor bolts to attach the two elements together. Replace the removed section of gypsum wallboard on the exterior of the north wall with a piece of 7/16" minimum structural sheathing. Attached the new sheathing to the existing wall and floor framing members with 8d cortmon nuls (2Y2" x 0.131") at 6" on center edge and 12" on center field. Install a new moisture barrier over the sheathing and new beveled lap siding to match existing. Replace the concrete steps at the front porch to comply with Section 3 I I .7 of the 201? Oregon Residential Specialty Code for stairway width, riser height, and tread depth. Handrails are not required since there are only three steps. Repair the cracks on the interior north wall of the dining room as needed. All repairs to the structure are to be in compliance with the 2017 Oregon Residential Specialty Code as adopted by the City of Springfield. I hope this report is adequate for your purposes at this time. Damage not noted above that is discovered during the cleaning, exposing, and repair of the structure should be brought to the attention of KP Engineering, PC. Thank you for this opportunity to be of service. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (541) 393-0782. Very truly yours, 2 Kevin M. Peterson, PE E(PIRES: 1?-31'2€2 KP ENSINEERING, PC 4222 Cour'aeRce Srnrrr, SurrE 2J EucErqE, Ongcon 97402 (541) 393{7A2 kev in @kpengineering.biz Job #kpl9053 Vehicle pamage Inspection at757 E Street, Springfield, Oregon Picture 1: This is a picture of the front (north) elevation of the residence that was struck by a vehicle. The vehicle veered offof E Street in a southwesterly direction where it drove thru the white picket fence and across the lawn before hitting the structure to the west of the front porch. Picture 2: This is a picture showing the path the vehicle traveled in order to hit the residence. The ve[icle drove over the curb, thru the white fence, and across the front yard in a southwesterly direction. The vehicle collided with the concrete front steps and the foundation to the west of the steps. This picture is taken looking toward the southwest. 3 - *eip't' i. I E # KP ENOINEERING, PC 4222 COMMERCE STREET, SUITE 2J EUGENE, ORECON 974c2 (541) 393€782 kevin@kpengineering.biz Job #kpl9053 Vehicle Damage Inspection a1757 E Street, Springfield, Oregon Picture 3: This is a pichre of the existing concrete steps leading up to the front entry porch on the north side of the residence. Based on the faded red paint on the top riser, the two lower steps appear as if they might have been push downward by the impact of the vehicle. Picture 4: This is a picture of the north exterior wall of the dining room, located to the west of the front entry porch. The vehicle made contact with the foundation and wood framing just to the west of the front entry porch. A piece of OSB sheathing has been installed over an area of the exterior wall that was opened up to expose the wood wall fiaming adjacent to a puncture in the efierior siding. 4 I C! V t KP ENCINEERING, PC 4222 CON,TUTRCE STREET, SUTTE 2J EucEttE, OnEcott 974Oz (5a t ) 393.0742 kevin@kpen gineering.biz Job #kpl9053 Vehicle Damage Inspection a|757 E Street, Springfiel{ Oregon Picture 5: This is a picture of the existing concrete foundation just to the west of the front porch steps. There was a vertical crack in the foundation approximately 2" away from the concrete steps. Pictwe 6: This is a picture of a vertical crack in the north concrste stemwall at the dining room. The crack is located approximately 4'-4" to the west of the ooncrete steps for the front porch. The displacement of the crack appears to be horizontal rather than vertical- 5 1 I , 1 ': l KP ETqSINEERING, PC 4222 COMMERGE STREET, SUTTE 2J EucEt.tE, ORrcou 974C2 (541) 3934u-7a2 kevin@kpen gineering.biz Job #kpl9053 Vehicle Damage lnspection at757 E Street, Springfield, Oregon Picture 7: This is a picture of the wood wall frarning at the northeast coroer of the dining room. The exlerior wall has 2x4 studs at 16" on center, insulation, a layer of /r" gypsum wallboard, a thick plastic/membrane moisture barrier, and beveled lap siding. There was no visible damage to the wood framing from the collision. Picture 8: This is a picture of the north wall of the dining room. There are a mix of diagonal, urrti.A, *a horizontal cracks around the window opening in the north wall. One of the diagonal cracks is visible at the top left (west) corner of the window opening. 6 l : It I r t -'T=R KP ET.ICINEERING, PC 4222 CoMMERCE SIREET, SUTTE 2J EucENE, Oneooru 97 4O2 (541) 3930742 kevin@kpen gineering.b iz Job #kpl9053 Vehicle Damage Inspection at757 E Street, Springfield, Oregon {nr-tx Picture 9: This is a picture of a diagonaVvertical crack at the bottom east corner the window opening in the north exterior wall of the dining room. Picture l0: This is a picture of a diagonal/vertical crack below the bottom west comer of the window opening in the north exterior wall of the dining room. 7 r, ' =-F I t I E c b Approximate location of the damage to the structure and the front concrete steps. i'corp. GEBr.it). lldQr -,16r, I ( hina rrtttql iE rnr.fillhn ci !:I! BrE* d6d M d.3.xl c1i.ilr6cn N Et cMry ft91s, ccraar. rdffir:en rB@ s s$ &n hd{ (E3ls c?tb, hrp, !u: b @eE.r'r,d @(cry rrinr ae?i.n, m;:B*i t* fr6 6E rnr.. a-t il'd d.!r.ry in rhe 4?&l dls 6 S? uid6li:4 rc.dr. (rffil tlin rei?6ricn.:614, dr. r.. *tr. lvEirtuu h(c:tficd xifi $!.rfr6:.ni6iy ns! !E 6,s.ur*B, clFJd sha'.d. n(ff inr-lr, tNt&s3: kfth.. i.rtar*.r rry ffi$ill b! rtrt(itd A 757 E Street, Springfield o510!!!EElr"nt ttr Lane Counly, Oregon I a a aaara! aal a t- aataao a ao a laaa to a a aataaaaa a o/: ta &-aa'..tt;Jffi a a a aaaa , a&-aa ry aa aa.a,. aa aa aaaotaaat a aa aaa.I aa -q I t, lr T l t .l -{ I qlosssg !-)r.hn tc* ittirryt ,ILF i . ) INSULATION FIREPLACE/CH!MNEY FRAMING CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING INSPECTION SETBACKS/FOOTINGS POST & BEAM MASONRY LATH/SHEETROCK- OTHER FINAL BUILDING TNSPECTION L|NE 1 -888.299-2821 -)oESr Te S=r \q ooZ:Tt{) -S-<ru FOUNDATTON_ SPRINGFIELD OREGON www.springfi eld-or. gov Building Application Residential Structural B1 1- 19-002780-STR CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Development and Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield,OR 97477 54t-726-3753 perm itcenter@spri n gf ield-or. gov tb TYPE OF WORK Tvoe of Work: Cateoorv of Constructionl Repair Single Family Dwelling Y*Repairsfromvehicledamage.Primarilytofoundation.JOB SITE INFORMATION Property Address: Parcel: 757 E St, Springfield, OR 97477 1703351305200 - Primary Fee Description Structural plan review fee Structural building permit fee Technology Fee State of Oregon Surcharge - Bldg (l2oh of applicable fees) Valuation: $7,500 Owner: Address: Ouantitv 180.60 1.00 297.99 1 80.60 SONIA VAN DREW REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST 757 EST SPRINGFIELD OR97477 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION Business Name License Address EHLERS CONSTRUCTION INC CCB 423L 1085 MADERA ST EUGENE OR 97402 REQUTRED TNSPECTTONS The list of inspections betow represents the inspections required for this project at the time of permit printing. Additional inspections may be required through the life of the project. You will receive notification of any additional inspection requirements for project completion. All required inspections must be completed and approved. Schedule Inspections online at www.buildingpermits.oregon.gov or by calling: 1-888-299-2821 When calling for an inspection, use IVR Number: OR search'ePermitting'at the Apple App Store to download the Oregon ePermitting Inspection App for iOS. OR search "ePermitting'at the Android App Store to download the Oregon ePermitting Inspection App for Android PERMIT FEES Phone 54L-689-6L77 Amount $ 117.39 $ 1 80.60 $14.90 $21.67 $334.56 Automatic Ea Ea Ea Total Feesl This application will expire if apptication acceptance cannot be achieved within 18O days. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. Granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any other state or local law regulating construction or the pedormance of construction. AII persons or entities performing work under this application are required to be Iicensed unless exempted by ORS 7O1.O1O. Printed on: L2l73l20l9 lr .r-, 1 ********** PERMIT HAS NOT BEEN ISSUED *******x*x