HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1989-06-07..RE5IDF-NTIAL..-*f r=. 225 North, rrr r,rrnnAPPLICA Springfield, 1regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26- 37 53 Lv /PDRM_] at' SPFTINGFIEI-DE PR)CSDU1E FoR tNSpEcTIgN 399!ES!.'CALL 726-3769 (rec:or<7er) state lpur Ci.ty ;lesi.guted iob eadyfot.inspectiott,ContractcP:io|ra,lners-n,zmecndphone'siLL be nade the same dcy, r.equests nade aftar 7:00 on uiLL be nnde the ncrtltorki.n3 dai1. Iour City Desigtnted Job Nwnber Is SITE INSPEC:?ION: To be nade after I 11{;PTC'TTON eecavation, but prior tc set up of forms. i.i :a 1 t:,7 It is the responeibility of the permit holder to see thal: aLL in:;[,c.:ti.ons qre nade at: the i;rc)per Line' Ll,at acch adtlress is readabi-e fron the atreet, and that the penit card is Locateri at the frant of the property. *suiT,ding Dirsicion appno"*ed plan shcll remain on tha Building Ji.t; at ,tll times. Date t"(rs 'nunber, job aCiress, type of inspeclictl nunbcr. Eequests recei"'etl befcre 7:00 an 8q D[oPs L.;Licn a:tC requ.ired oapor batriers arc in pLaee but before any La!:|t, gltpxm boarC or tnLL cooering is appli-ed, ond before any insulatiott is cotu:ealed.MECHTNICAL: To ,lnA uork cooered. FC)TING & F1UNDATICN: To he rmCe Z{tiF tidrrches aiiiecauated and forms are erecLed, but prior to pouring ccncrete. POf! 4!! F9AM: ?o be made Pni.ot' toTiiif,TilG{of fLoor insuLation ot' decking, ROLICil PLUIIBII'IG, ELECTRICAL & I|ECII: ANICAL: No ',tork is to bc couererl illlTth.se inspeetiotis hatte been nade and approtteC. FII?EPLACE: Prior to placirq facittgmaterials aru7 before franing inspec- tion. 1RA1 ING: l"tust be requested after approoal of rough plutnbing, elecl:ti- cal & mechanical. ALL roofing bractng 8 chinmeys, etc. rntst be conpleted. llo uork is to be con- cealed until thia inspection has been made anC approoed. FIIIAL PLUMBIIIG FINAL MECHANICAT, FINAL ELECTRICAL D\f4tll,t, INSPECTI)N: 'fc be nade after aLL Cr.gtoall i{i i.n pLace, but pnior to any tapin.g. MASONRI: SLeeL Locatton, ltond 6i6ilgroutin4l or oerbicals irt. accordonce aith U,B.C. Secl.ion 2415 . i-1 u :v omcpouu D pLUM?llq_EtlEL- t^t!!!:3)J Lirg trenchee, l-a unnatrtooR zLUI.:BnNG & t4ECttANTcAL:ltof floor insuLction or decking. vo)D{;'l'ovF:: ;cmpGteA. Af tct' i.n:t l,rzl.l-,tt. i.ort is CURB E APPRCAC1 Allolr: Aft:e;' fonns arc erecLeA bui p,t'iti to pcuring concrete,. SIDEVA|'K 8 DRI"'EWAY: For aLL con- Ar"tn par)fr',g ,tttlii street right- of-fi;A, to be maCe aftet' aLL etca- uating canpLete & fonn tnrk & aub- base material in place. saa ra4rcn compL;te. -- Prooide or notsabLe secl:i'ans througl; P,U,E ALL project aottditions, sualt o.s tte i.nstallatlon )1 sl;t'eet tree-s, ,:onitleiion-of the ,nqui.roid" LarAs.cpirg, Ztc,, ,rust be satisfied before the BUILDINC FfllAL can be requested' \INAL BUILDINC: ?he I'inal Building Inspcction nust be requesteC alter the Final Plwnbing Elecbrical, anC Mechari.cal lttspecl:ions ianta been nade and approteC. \\3& \n 8*n (Isr.qlltJob Local.;i.ot: A""nu"o,orl,p # UlD3Atpaa *-r, t33 \ Sttbd.ir-ti sion: "",;Nl(h\r.raQ- \\\t\tu4 ) City I'lioneAddress J \) Descrf,be tt'orli: OJ VdDate of App Licaticn ilobiLe .tdditicn RcnoCel t-s () ;1 1:Ilc P I urnb in Genera I l.lechanica Elet: tr ica 1 Supeir-:srn8-!1,.t: t t:.ic ia r.r DEI,IOLITIO!,1 OR :.:OVE) EUI Final - h'hen abcue i.tens are eanpleted and t,shen Cenolition is cornplete or struc- tuye noue,7 and prenises cleaneC up. Blocking antl Set-up Plwnbing connections -- sat)e? and uater ELectrical Ccnnection - Blockirg, set-up an4 plunbing connections m;st be apprcted beforc requesting eleclrtcal inspeclio:t Accessor',i BuilCing Fi.nal - After pcrckes, skirting, decks, etc. are conpleted: c. Hctn'::', Ptge 1 of 2*AT,L I,IANIDT,ES AND CI,EANOI]TS MI.J::T RIi ACL-EI:S\BI,I,:, !,D, IIi'T.'iiiIT TO.BE I.\'ADE AT I]O C',T TO CLTY J Sanilary set.ter capped at propertg Line Sepl;ic tank pu:ped and f:.Lled uith gra;sel LAR ACCESS REQ.-L-co * JOB NO. !leat Lace toue Cal,ageIIouse Novth Flast South West t: Lot Faces - BeCroons e Total Height TopograPhY Lot Sq. FtE. % cf Lct Cctserage 4 of Stories ValueXSQ. FlGITEI",1 TOTAL VALUE DCs.D.c. 1.5 x Date Paid: Receipt # Signed Building Vqlue & Permit I ?his pet'mit is granted on the etpress condition tlnt the saitl'constvaction s'lnll, in all respects'"';";;;;it- thn b'aaonce ad'opted nv the citv of !'Dfin(.tf teld, inclutling tl'|"' 'lonlng Cv'dinanc.e' regulctling thb ccn'st-ntcl:'t:' ' ^ Ztri"f"'.""1:1'":;i'it"6"'i ""u-l- ''7v t'.n" "-'"pentled or reuokec at cnu t't'me upon u.tc- l"ili" ,i any prcttlsions of said )rdinances' Building Pertnit Total Chatges Plumbing Permit No person s.lutll constlact, insLal!,. a|ter ol, cvnnge anlJ nea.cr. existing 'ii,l;,i'ti'.i?:4r:y: i,i);l:;",';*ZliZ-1i","i,,"2";'Z;!nf,',n"r;ro\"Z'oo":.i:"::;:, !,i" 'r:r?;Lrl:r'""2:"X';,"r"Zozi,i;""1;:;"2'";;;d"' l;L";-o'n opn'otni bv the appli- aant. Electricol Permit Wet'eStateLattrequirestl""ctttheelectt'i:aluot'kbedoneby'anElectt"ical Contracl;ot', the elet';r7lc"L;;"t';;"- "f t\is ^pe1ni't sLnLL not be ualiC until ;;;';1;L;1- t*u Lnn" sisnerl tv ttte Electt'icat contractor' CIIAIIGET LLNO EI'1'EM u * Satti Seuet' r'gropcrary Set"uice Fittutes Resi.dential (L bath) Plutnbing Pernit State Sttrcharge taL Na,t/Esterd Circttits State Total ClIARCET LI,'NC. Esha$t Hood. Vent Fan I'lcodstoite Mechqnicol Permit Pev'rtrLt fssuance Mec?wnicel ternrt t -- ENCROACIIMENT .- Sec,,tt'i Pernit Cutbcttt Sideualk Y1 .oc) L Mobile Hone 77ii r.xr:niier DaLe IIIAVECAREFULL.DXAMINUDtheconpleI;edappltcationfo-t'pertnit'anddo hereby'certify that aLL information het'eoi is tt'ue an'd' eorrect' and I fut,thev' cet'tify that any- ai'd iit 'o"t' pel'fotned slnll be done in dcco?- J.'";:;;;h- tiio' o*einrr"z""'lr |i" iti zr bpri.nsfield, 'nd the Lcas of thc staLe of aregcn p"rtri';'ng-'to the aol'k Cesb,ibZd herein' cnd tlnt N0 ,ccu- PANCY uitl be natlc "f ';;;' ";;'";i'*- ;itl'7t permission of the Building Di" vtsiort. f further certt!! that -only contv'ac'tot'-s and .enplcyees aho are in 'iiplti""i'rt'rt', ons 701."0\s aiLL be used on this project TotaL 5,TO'TAL AI,TOUIIT DUii: * te LCT TYPE _ Inter:icr Cot'ner - Ponhordl" _ Cul'de'sac 4