HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2019-12-20OREGON
Web Address: www.springfi eld-or.9ov
Building Permit
Commercial Structural
Permit Number: 811-19-OO2831-STR
IVR Number: 811011919171
City of Springfield
Development and Public Works
225 Fifth Street
Springfield, OR 97477
Email Add ress: permitcenter@springfield-or. gov
Permit Issued: December 20,2OL9
Category of Construction: Commercial
Submitted Job Value: $2,000.00
Description of Work: Install partition in exam room
Type of Work: Tenant Improvement
Worksite Address
5781 MAIN ST
Springfield, OR 97478
PO BOX 1328
EUREKA, CA 95502
Business Name
INC - Primary
License Number
503-5 16-8786
1999 Final Building
1260 Framing
1540 Gypsum Board/Lath/Drywall
Inspectaon Group
Struct Com
Struct Com
Struct Com
Inspection Status
Permits expire if work is not started within 180 Days of issuance or if work is suspended for 180 Days or longer depending on
the assuing agency's policy.
All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not.
Granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provlsions of any other state or local law
regulating construction or the performance of construction,
ATTENTION: Oregon law requires you to follow rules adopted by the Oregon Utility Notification Center. Those rules are set
forth in OAR 952-OO1-OO10 through OAR 952-OO1-OO9O. You may obtain copies of the rules by calling the Center at (503)
All persons or entities performing work under this permit are required to be licensed unless exempted by ORS 7O1.O1O
(Structural/Mechanical), ORs 479,540 (Electrical), and ORS 693.01o-o20 (Plumbing).
Printed on: 12120119 Page 1 of 2 C:\myReports/reports//productaon/01 STANDARD
Various inspections are minimally required on each project and often dependent on the scope of work. Contact
the issuing jurisdiction indicated on the permit to determine required inspections for this project.
Schedule or track inspections at www.buildingpermits.oregon.gov
Call or text the word "schedule" to 1-888-299-2821 use IVR number: 811011919171
Schedule using the Oregon ePermitting Inspection App, search "epermitting" in the app store
Permit Number: 81 1-19-002831-STR Page 2 of 2
Fee Description
Technology Fee
Structural building permit fee
State of Oregon Surcharge - Bldg (l2o/o of applicable fees)
Printed on: 12l20l19
Total Fees:
Fee Amount
$ 102.00
Page 2 of 2 C : \myReports/reports//production/01 STAN DARD
www.springfield-or. gov
Worksite address: 5781 MAIN ST, Springfield, OR 97478
Parcel:'l 7023341 03500
Transaction Receipt
IVR Number: 81 l0ll9t9171
Receipt Number: 473345
Receipt Date :'l2l20l 19
City of Springfield
Development and Public Works
225 Fifth Street
Springfield, OR 97477
permltcenter@spri ngfield-or.9ov
Fees Paid
Account codeTransaction Units
12120119 1.00 Ea
12t20t19 1.00 Ea
Structural building permit fee
State of Oregon Surcharge - Bldg
(12o/o ol applicable fees)
224 -00000- 425602- 1 030
821 -00000-21 5004-0000
204-00000-425605-000012t201'19 1,00 Automatic Technology Fee
Fee amount
$5 10
Paid amount
$5.1 0
Payment Method: Credit card
authorization: 004060
Payer: Daniel Klute Payment Amount:$1 19.34
Cashier: Chris Carpenter Receipt Total:$119.34
Printed: 12120/19 9:46 am Page 1 of 1 F I N_Tra nsactionReceipt_pr
Structu ral Permit Application ffi -5225 Fitlh Street o Springfield, OR 97477 . PH(54t)726-3153 . FAX(54 I )726-3689
This permit is issued under OAR 918-460-0030. Permits expire if work is not started within I80 days of
suspended for 180 days.
This proiect has final land-use approval
This pro.ject has DEQ approval
Zoning approval verified: ! Yes n No
Property is within flood plain: ! Yes ! No
E Residential ! Government fi Commercial
.lob site address: 5781 Main St.
City: SPringfield State: OR ZIP:97478
Subdivision:Lot no.:
Reference:Taxlot. I 7023341 -03500
11ams. Nova Health
Address: 91302 Coburg Industlial Way Suite 122
City: Coburg State: OR 2rc97408
Phone: 54 1.799. I I 50 Fax:
E-mai I : jdowns@rlovahealth.con-r
Building Owqer-.or Owner's agent authorizing this application'' \
Sign here: l, / .*. ; 'ilt: Owner's agen
E This instaltation is being made on residential or farm property owned
by me or a member of my immediate family, and is exempt from
licensing requirements under ORS 701.010.
Business n311s. Burt Walter Construction
Address: 12586 SE l62nd Ave
City: HaPPY ValleY State: oR ZlPt97086
Phone: 503-516 -8786 Fax
[-p3i| ; burlwalter@mac.corn
CCB license no.' 190704
Print name: Burt Walter
Signature:( ,.),,*:f U, Contractor's agent
or ls
Permitno: 511_ 263
Date: //.,//2 /l q
(a) .lob description Partition existing roolr to create t$,o exam room
Occupancy B, clinic
Construction type: 5B
Square f-eet: No ProPosed charrge
Cost per square foot: NA
Other inlorrnation: NA
Type of He at: NA
Energy Path: NA
! nerv ffialteration E addition
(b) Foundation-only permit? [ Yes E No
Total valuation $ 500.00
(a) Permit fee (use valuation table)$ /n2/
(b) Investigative fee (equal to [2a]):s
(c) Reinspection ($ per hour):
(number ofhours x fee per hour)$
(d) Enter I 27o surcharge (. I 2 x [2a+2b+2c]):$
(e) Subtotal offees abovc (2a thro $
(a) Plan review (65% x permit fee [2a])$
(b) Irire and litb saf'ety (65% x permit lee [2a]):$
(c) Subtotal offees above (3a and 3b):S
(a) Seismic flee. l% (.01 x permit f'ee [2a])$
(b) Tech fee,5o/o (.05 x perrnit fee[2a]+PR fee [3c])$
JOTAL fees and surcharges (2e+3c+4a+b)
S //q,J
PhoneNameCCB License #
Plum bing
Last edited 5-5-2019 BJones
1. Valuation information
2. Building fees
3. Plan review fees
4. Miscellaneous fees
City of Springfield
Development Services Department
225 Fifth Street
Springfield , OR 97477
Planning Division Information Sheet for Building Permits
Commercia l/Ind ustrial/ M ulti-Fa mily Residentia I
The Planning Division requires the following information for all building permit submittals on
properties zoned Medium Density Residential, High Density Residential, Commercial, or Industrial,
including new construction, expansions, and changes of use.
New construction, expansions, and changes of use to any building, parking, or development area in
these zoning districts requires either Minimum Development Standards-MDS review (SDC 5.15-100)
or Site Plan Review (SDC 5.17-100) by the Planning Division. Overlay District Development review
(SDC 3.3-100) may also be required, depending on the site.
NOTE: It is prudent to make sure your use is permitted in the applicable zoning district. Building
Permit, Police or other permit approvals or inspections are not Planning approval.
Applicant Name: Daniel P' Klute, AiA phone: 54L.344.9157
Companv; GMA Architects Fax:
Address: 860 W. Park St. Suite 300
ProPertY Address: 5781 Main St
Description of the proposed work to be completed under this building permit:
Partition existing room to create two exam rooms
Has this development proposal been reviewed by the Planning Division
through an application process (i.e. MDS or Site Plan Review)?
If yes, Case #:
If no, is this a change in use? E ves E no
Prior Approved Use: NA Proposed Use:NA
Eves Euo
Zonin TOTZ:Ove s
Does the use necessitate the use of any chemicals or substances that are hazardous or
and Data Sheets YesMSDSto be ke on site?re uire Material S No
The proposed project requires submittal and approva! of the following Planning application
prior to building permit approval:
E OWp Overlay District Development E Statement Letter Regarding DWP Exemption
E t{oS tr MDS Land Use Compatibility Statement
E site Plan Review E other:
Reviewed bv:Date:
Reguired froject Information (Appticant: complete this section)
nirF'a Staff:this siCtion)
City of Springfield
Building Safety/ Community Services Division
Development Services Deparlment
225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR97477
ph: (541) 726-3753 fax: (541) 726-3689
Permit #8ll-SPR20
Commercial Building Permit Submittal Requirements / Checklist
Check each box to verify requirements are met.
Submit 3 full sets of plans with the following applicable information
(Submit only 2 sets of specifications, engineering calculations, product listings, etc...)
I. Planning- Project Approval
X No
II. Public Works- Project Approval
flegible & drawn to scale (such as l ":20') and include North arrow
frfiInclude property line locations & existing public and private easements (utility, driveway, etc.) with dimensions
Nl Include the location of public and private utilities (water, electric, sewer, gas)
[[_lf on septic system, show tank and drain field locations
M Indicate any water ways & wet lands areas on property
N[ Show existing and proposed finished grade based on spot elevations and contours over entire site
liShow adjacent street names
|4 Perimeter outline of existing & proposed structures with distances to all property lines & between
structures, setbacks shall be identified with written dimensions as well as to scale
M Indicate height ofall structures
IttA Sho* building & garage entrances as well as driveway & access location fi'om street
[{ Parking lot layout with required spaces (including disabled)
NA Building surface coverage calculations (square footage oflot, offootprint & percentage oflot coverage)
[Show site drainage using arrow to indicate direction of flow, also indicate square footage of impervious
surfaces which will include asphalt, concrete, roofing, etc.
III lndicate all projections from exterior walls, including overhangs, awnings. etc.
[For additions / remodels, indicate area on footprint to be altered
IV. Plans
\Legible and drawn to scale (such as %": t'-0")
Wny building resulting in the /botprint o1 4,000 square Jbet or greater OR with a ceiling height 20' or more above
grade needs to have an Engineer's or Architect's seal and signature.
$14"t-tig,rature Stamped Engineering, Design Criteria, Calculations and Specifications, including energt path
N* Engineering specifications and construction details must be transferred to the plans
t* DeJbrred Submittals must be listed on the cover sheet of construction documents. A DeJbrred Submittal
Forrn must be completed prior to permit issuance- http://www.springfield-or.gov/dsd/Building/Forms.htm
\_Code Analysis Layout including Fire and Life Safety plan review
6[_Civil Drawings, all sheets to include parking, fire service lines, water lines, etc.
phFoundation Plan
4ndicate size & location of all footing types, posts, girders, hold-downs & straps and under floor
access openings & vents
TJnclude details (with scale indicated) of each footing type & retaining wallto be used showing
size, reinforcing, wall heights & framing connections
4rovide design calculations for retaining walls and/or special footings
\k tt"rotions (l /br eaci side of building)
y\Typical cross sections
[-The main sections shall show alI foundation & framing components including but not limited to:
floors, walls & ceiling, main structural members, sheathing, siding, roofing and bracing
[L For two story structures: inciude a complete stair section indicating stair rise & run, headroom
clearance, framing & support members and handrail/guardrail details
!_Include any additional framing section needed to demonstrate any unique framing condition not
shown by the main section
|,fu!,at era I b r ac ing detai I s
{OetaiUa Toor plans with square.footage & systems layout
&Show entire floor plan of new construction
[lndicate existing and/or new square footages
lldentify & label use of each room, space or area
{ Indicate dimensions of all building sides & interior wall locations
f, Indicate all window & door sizes & locations
fShow system layout of all plumbing, heating & air conditioning, mechanical equipment, etc (indicate
electric or gas) include non-residential energy forms (energy forms can be printed from www.energy.state.or.us)
fllStrow electrical layout including room lighting, outlets, fans, exhaust vents, etc.
@Floor.iraming./ Provide a plan for each framed floor
/lndicate location & sizes of all posts & beams; show joist sizes & spacing
./lndicate Dost & beam connections
Nk noul Ji*ing (iJ'using Roof Trusses provide engineeretl details oJ'all trusses to be usecl, including a
layoul indicating the placement of each tru,ss)/ lndicate location, spacing & sizes ofrafters & ceiling joists or rooftrusses
ftndr"ut" location, size & type of suspended ceiling system
,/Show camiertrusses & type of hurricane clips to be installed at each truss
rlndicate solid blocking between rafters at point of bearing and truss bracing
/Indicate headers sizes for door & window locations
Nlr gtectricol Plan Reviewfor Complex Structures
4f the scope of electrical work meets the definition of complex structure in OAR 918-3 I l-0040, an
electrical plan submittal meeting the requirements of OAR 918-3 I l-000 shall apply.
V. Medical Gas Plans
"Medical Gas" means any gas and vacuum system or equipment intended for medical and dental procedures in
heulth care and non-health carefacilities (i.e. Oxygen, Nitrous Oxide, Medical Air, Medical Vacuum, etc.)
N[ Vtedical Gas System (Engineer stamped plans, specifications, and calculations are required)
|.L{iLevel 3 Dental Air and Dental Vacuum Systems (Plans designed to equtpment manufacturer's installation
standard are required)
All Plctns to include'.
!f,Location of all piping, valves, vacuum pumps and compressors
flA Size and type of all piping and fittings
pA Location and type of all alarms and outlets
NA Location and volume of all supply gas
x{Specifications of vacuum pumps and compressors
NfVentilation requirements for equipment, supply, and storage areas
VI. Self-Preservation - Medical and Dental Facilities
Will there be use oJ'prctcedures that render a patient incapable of'unas.tisted se(-preservation? _Yes
VII. Address
[Vutia physical adclress is required on application. Proper building or suite number must be
provided to the building division prior to permit issuance. Provide 8 l12" by 11" floor plan for proper
suite number assignment andlor, if more than one building on lot, provid e 8 I12" by 1 1 " site plan for
proper building number assigmnent.
VIII. Special Circumstances - Demolitiorl (separate demolition application must be filled out)
Demo work to take place?f,Yes
-No lAny commercial prclect requiring demolition is requiretl to submit an inspection by a certified
inspeclion compan.t,slating lhul asbeslos hus been removed properl.v,)
IX. Special Inspections
Special inspections required? _Yes f,No ,lr.r commercial proiect requiring special inspection.r requires suhmittal of a complere
Special Inspection Forn be.fore permit i.s.suunce-'http://wunu.springfield-or.gov/dsd/Building/Forms.htm
X. Special Circumstances - Grading
An.y comnrerc:iul projecl increasing ./botprint square.fbotage, an1' neu'or modilied impervious surlace will reqnire Grading.sign ol/ lbr plan
qeviau'and sirc in.sltcction prior ro./inal huilding inspection. Applit'ant shall ,rubnit grading plan to Puhlic l|'orks.
NA Project requires Grading sign off
XI. Special Circumstances - Waste Water
The Following Bustnesses May Require ll/qste Water Review:
Auto Body Repair & Paint Shops, Auto Repair (Mechanical) Engine & Transmission, Auto Wash, Breweries,
Blue Printing/Photocopying, Chemical Manufacturing, Electroplating/metal finishing, Laundries, Leather Tanning,
Machine / Sheet Metal Shops, Medical/Dental Vacuum System Equipment Drainage, Millwork, Pharmaceutical
Manufacturing, Photo Processing, Plastic / Synthetic Manufacturing, Print Shops, Service Stations, etc...
|'{[_Project requires waste water review
The Following Businesses May Also Require an Oil/Water Separator:
Auto Body Repair & Paint Shops, Auto Repair (Mechanical) Engine & Transmission,
Auto Wash, Service Stations
NA eroi.ct requires oiliwater separator
All Restaurants & Food Sertice Establishments (lncluding Small Deli Types) Require Grease Interceptors
NL Proj..t requires grease interceptor
XII. Special Circumstances - Food-Related Activities
N& Will there be any food- or beverage-related activities?
pft_Food Service (i.c. rcstaurant, dcli, cat6, coft'cc shop, brew pub, catcring opcration, mobile food vendor, etc)
pI Food or Beverage Processing, Manufacturing, Sales, Warehousing/Distribution (i.e. grocery store,
convenience store, home-based food business, beverage production and/or sales; includes wine, nonalcoholic
beverages, bottled water, brewery, etc.), food products warehouse, bakery, meat market,
food processing (includes the manufacture and/or handling ofany food product).
XIII. Egress Lighting
If there is a requirement to complete an egress lighting inspection, we offer this service after hours for those
customers interested in not having to 'black-out' the facility for inspection. Additional fees are required for after-
hours inspections.
Additional fees may be charged for phased construction, deferred submittals and proiect revisions.
I tlo hereby cerlify that sll information hereon is true und accurste and that I am responsible for
submittittg the applicable items to the appropriate departntents.
D*tt6 L ?UTE hLcHtr7cI
Sigttuture (Design Professional, Builder or Properfit Owner)/ Pritrt Name/Association with Pntiect
ot_Nf.p *heru r