HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2019-12-19ONLYusEARTMENTDEP +49--@1I110"Penntt q1/Date: Electric alP ermit cation ?75 l.ifrh Strtet t SPringfield'oR 9747?. ?H(54r)7?6-3?53 r IAx(s41)?26-36t19 !FnlNOltlLD 6N This days oerrnit is issucd under OAR gltt-309-0000. Pcrmits il #;;;;;;ir*ott is suspcnded for 180 drvs' are nontransfcrablc' Pcrmits cxplre if r*ork is not started wlthin 180 I Yes No Zoning Re t'cre nce: Comrnercial D State: OF I n CovemrnenttrRcsidential Job site address: JOB Taxlot ZIP: ZIP:State Natne: Address: Fax:PhoneiJdf-{fl . 11LY E-rnail: Signaturct r propedy This rent. OAR rNs Business name: Address nP, q-qdlcitv: (nl0,ritr,-State:0p.- Fax:Phone:(( 111b\W- E-rnail: fqa+BE Salo^a^(Ux .Lw CCB license no., (OSal?'tscD li..nr" no.: fi-p5q15 Signing superuisor's license no.: lqq - SiG Print name of signingsupelisor: bro/. SO").,t . Plag Signature ofsigning supe.uisor: { LE Total costCostel' includcd:servlccunit,perResidcntirl, $$1 86.00 1,000 sq. ft. or less (4) $$35.00Eacb additionai 500 sq, ft- or Portion thereof s$44.00Limitcd cnergy (2) J$89.00armodulorhomemanufacturcdEach feederorservice (.2)dwelling relocationalteralion,inshllation,feeders:orServices $$112.00200 anrPs or less (2) $$131.0020 t to 400 amPs (2) $$221.00401 to 600 amPs 12) $$285.00601 to 1 ,000 amPs (2) $$654.000ver 1,000 nmps or volts (2) $89.00 $Reconnect onlY (2) ro.localionolteralinn,installalion,or l"eeders:servlceSTemporary $$89.00200 arnps or less (2) $$r 22.00201 1o 400 amps (2) $$177.00401 to 600 anrps (2) Over 600 arnps or 1,000 volts. see setvices or l'eeders sectitln above Branch circuits t new, ultcratktrr, exlensbn per ponet a. Fee for branch citcttits with purchasc ofa sctvicc or feeder fee $$8,00Each branch circuit b. Fee lor branch circnils without purchase ofa service or feeder fee: $89.00 $First branch circuit (2) $8.00 )Each additiolal branch circuit Miscellaneous t'ees: sen,ice or feecler nol incltded $8e.00 $Each pump or inigation circte (2) ItH,ach sign nr outline lighting (2)s89.00 $Signal circuit or a limited-energy panel, alleralion, or extcnsion (2)s89.00 $Each additional inspcction: ( I )$lo2.oo (A) Enler subtotal of atrove t'ees (Minimum Perrnit Fec $102.00) s (B) Enter 1 27o surcharge (.1 2 x [A])$ (Cl) Technoiogy Fee (5% oi[A])$ TOTAL fees and sure-hargcs (A through D):$ Last edited 7lll20l9 B,Iones ? verified? ilr Numher of insPeetions Per item ( ) -