HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Correspondence 1981-08-17DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CTItrTT O}- SP]FtI\TGFTTIJI) SPRINGFIELD, OREGON S7 477 August 17, 1981 346 MAIN STREET 726_3753 CERTI FI ED LETTER Mr. Greg Tigner 44 West Broadway, Suite 503 Eugene, Oregon 974OL RE: 810 North 7th Street, Springfield, Oregcn, gl4l7 Dear Mr. Tigner: I'm writing with regard to the use of the bui)ding at the above referenced addresslocated in a Neighborhood Commercial (C-1) Distriit. The uie of yorr uuitoing asan entertainment arcade is not an outright permitted use in the C-t Oistrict.Therefore, the building was posted no oicupaney. It is my understanding that you wish to open a restaurant in the building. Arestaurant (no drive-ins or walk-ups) is a permitted use in the C-1 djstiict. Please refer to the attached copy of Article 14 of the Springfield Comprehensive Zoning Code. If entertainment mach'ines and games are used incidentally to therestaurant use, they are permitted. However, the'ir use may-IoTETfre-majorportion of the business. In addit'ion, as required by the 0regon Structural Spec'ia1ty and Fire and Life Safety Code (S.S.C.), a change of oceupancA is required to be conducted by thisoffice whenever a change of use occurs within a building. If you wish to use the building as a restaurant, it is first necessary to apply for an occupancy inspec-tion at the Springfield Public Works Department,225 North 5th Street. Please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building D'ivision at 726-3753. ly, David Puent Bui I di ng I nspector File 3002 DP/sh cc: Joseph J. Leahy, Assistant City Attorney 1 enc - A, tjcle 14, Sprjngfield Comprehensive Zoning Code Planning Consultant TPPLICITIOil TON TEIIPONANT USD PDNilIT, COIIDITIOIIAT USE PEMIIT, ZOMilG ON VIf,ItrCT TO ZOilITIG OBDIf,TXGI T0: THE COMMON COUNCII IND CITT PTANNING C0MMISSI0N SPRINGTIELD, OREGOI{ Gentlemen: The undersiEred applicant hereby requests that the lollowing described real property that is either owned by or under contract ol sale to the applicant, in Springfield, Oregon: SprinEfield Investment and Power Companv ts Addition Lots 20, 19, and the east 8t of 18 Block 109. as recorded in Deed Book-, Page-, in the County Clerk's 0llice, said property situated at 810 North 7th Street on the North side ol the street between 6th Street and ?th Street , be granted special consideration in accordance with the laws ol the State ol Oregon and ordinances ol the City ol Springlield as checked below: x VIRIAI{CI TROM USE RESTNICNOIS VARIANCE FNOM ANEA, HEIGHT LIMIT, OR YARD NEOUIBEMENT CONDITIONAT USE PERMIT TEMPORARY PIRMIT FOR NONCONFONMNG USE REZONING OTHEN APPTICANT PROPQSES T0: (State lully and clearly what is intended to be done on or with the property il this application is approved) Allow existing grocery stbre as a permitted use instead of a nonconforming use as present CIIANGE Of ZONE OR VAnIANCE TO ACCOMPTISH IBOVE g5g' From R-1 Sinsle Familv Residential District to C-1 Neighborhoo d Business District. ,ur" 20 February , lg 67 Signed Telephone 7 4t -2248 Mailing Address 810 N. ?th St. Sprinftfield, rON OTFICE USE ONIY s-67-07 Date Fi Journal Number: Date Fixed for Fee Paid $ /f f C Planning Commission Eearing April 3, 1967 Action Taken Opp..'.ot lppeal By lpplicant Date Fixed For Common Council Hearing: Action Taken \) (2g,.,'^.,.*^.LA [o Ap.\\ \ct6-? lo Issued Ordinance [o.:22-=^3 (+-z+-G?) .o CITY OF SPRINGFIELD NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE SPRINGFIELD PI,ANNING COMMISSION WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING ON MONDAY, APRIL 3, 1967, AT 7:30 P.M., IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS SPRINGFIELD CITY HALL, ON THE FOLLOWING REQUEST FOR REZONING: Marion R. Cooper (Journal No. 5-67-07) Assessor's Map 17-03-35-1. 2 Tax Lot 5700 Located at the northwest corner of rrcil and North ?th Streets Requests change of zone from R-1 Single Family Residential District to C-1 Neighborhood Business District. Larry L. Johnson, Secretary Springfield Planning Commissibn P-\ R-\R.\ P-t fi Pl_ R-\ ST: NORTH Scale; 1rr - 400r TO BE CONSIDERED FOR CHANGE OF ZONE FROM R*1 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT TO C-1 NEIGHBORHOOD BUSINESS DISTRICT, g T \9 2 R.\ sli R-lQ2R-l R2 R{R-\ l6l ;I FI"] FI [; CITY OF SPRINGFIELD I{iNUTES R EGUI"A R ME E TING SPB ING FIE LD PI,A NNING COi/i}.{ iSSiOi.[ Council Chamt'ers City Hall April 3, 1967 7:30 p.m. Present:Dr. Jesse lviiller, Chairman; William Sneddon, John High, Brtrce Kitts, Joirn Corser, members; Tom Johnsonn City Engineer; Joe Reeves, Brrildirrg and Zoning Director; and Larry Johnson, Commission Secretary. The meeting was called to order by Chairman NIiIIer. The reinutes of March 6, 1967, meeting v/ere approved as circulated. PUBLIC HEARINGS - Cha nge tf Zone Darg,in D. CourtrigLt (Journal No. 5-67-06) Located at the southeast corner of Main and South 57th Streets. Requests change cf zone from BA Suburban District and C-1 Neighborhood Business District to C-3 Commercial District. Appl.icant desires to corieet existing zoni.ng map and rezo e to present and fufirre land use. Mr. Courtright had asked to be exeused from appearing before the Commission because of a Council work session sche&rled at the same time. The public hearing was helJ, no one appeared tbr or against this rezoring reguest, It -was moved by Mr. High, seconded by IVIr. Kitts, to recommend approval of this rezoning request. The motion passed unanimously. ", Marion R. Cooper (Journal No. 5-67-07) Located at the northwest corner of ttc'r and North ?th Streets. Requests change of zone from R-1 Single Family Residential District to C-1 Neighborhood Business District. Applicant desires to allow the present grocery store as a permitted use instead of a nonconform!-ng use. -16- The report of Council action on plannir:g matters roras given by 1,Ir. Sneddon in which h.e reported that both the Jack Mayer and the Standard OiI Company requests for rezoning were approved hy the Council. ?he Permon€irt Reports r,viii be made verbally hv i;iie Comr:rissicn member attending Council meetirrgs in the future. Minutes Regular Meeting Springfield Planning Commission Page 2 April 3, 1967 Mrs. Marion Cooper, the applicant, stated that she desired this rezoning so that any remodeling or needed repairing could be done without difficulty. The public hearing was closed, Mrs. Cooper speaking infavor of the request. It was moved by NIr. Kitts, seconded by Mr. High, to reccmmend approval of this rezoning request. The motion passed unanimously. James E. I\'IcClorv (Journa1 No. 5-67-08) Located at the southeast corner of "Hrt and Water Streets. Reqlests change of zone from R-1 Singte Famity Residential District to R-2 Multiple Family Residential District. Applicant desires to expand existing apartment complex. Mr. Jim McClory, the applicant, showed a plot plan of the proposed construction and stated that it would be an expansion of the present complex. The public hearing was closed, Mr. IVicClory speaking in favor of the reguest. It was moved by Mr. High, seconded by Mr. Sneddon, to recommend approval of this rezoning requesr.. The motion passed unanimously. Mr. Bernard D. Hiatt (Journal No. S-67-09) Located at the northwest corner of Centennial Boulevard and North 13th $treet. Requests change of zone from R-1 Single Family Residential District to R-2 Multiple Family Residential District. Applicant desires to construct an apartment develoPment. Mr. Bernard Hiatt, the applicant, showed a plot plan and rendering of the proposed development and stated that the present deteriorated homes on the three 45 foot lots would be torndown and access would be from 13th Street and not Centennial Boulevard. The public hearing was closed, Mr. Hiatt speaking in favor of the request' Several members of the Commission stated that they felt this request would be spot zoning since they did not wish to rezone additional property along Centen-nia! for multiple residences. It was moved by Mr. Kitts, seconded by Mr. sneddon, to deny this rezoning request. The motion passed unanimously. -L7- -J i i-J ORBl,lg,ill0g tr1$. U2$3 ;tr{ 6r"DIlfA.HCE }$flHDIHg 6BDI1UffiE to. 908r &S &!&EEEB, S IA,CigtDE f@ THX AOHIS{C R8- CLr$gI?IC{TIOfi of CERIAIU lf.OpgR?IES [fifgl$i tffi Cfnf Of EPBII{SFI5'.LDI l-q$s cOtjtttT' ii':,iJii, A:co DECIAS,ING A3l E!'flrR6811W. tlE cr?t 0p slR'rilsxlEl0 Doas ctBm$I A$ PSLl.Olr6; figg$sIJr That Ordlaoncr 6s. ?$tl, ao {rs*idsd, 1l htroby {ureher srnonded to p,,orrti-iil:ffia r*&tng r€ctasalftrc,s&loa ilf e€rtels proPcrtlco.slthtn thc Clly of ipt1agffotd, solJ prolortteo betng aots Fertlculerly deacrtbed sa foIlottct Parcct Ho. 1 To bE rsc!.a {ed from B',{ Subuubcn DistrlcE aed C-Ncl"ghborhood Buc!.$ese Slstrl"ct to C-3 Coss&erelsl Dlstrtct. Beglnntcg ot e 3ro{nt tu ttre centsr og Jsegsv S,oad (South 5?th gEreet) 8nd .}n tbO uiet tlnd of ths gtgphen D. oager B"t.C. fio. 65r fou,s,4tr1p 17 Soutb, Ringa 21{ti*tr 1,{t1lsu,$ttn }leitdt,so' seid poltrt balag 6}2.1 feet eouth 0" 01r UegI of tiro nprtht*st {;srrrer of ea{.d D,L.C. IIo.,lr5l ruanlng; thertce aouttt r}* oXi iiest 373.3 fcoti th*[c6 saat &S0.6 f,eet; thonco norEh '+73,3 feeU; thencc north S? 44'l,liat 1?0,! fegt; ttrancc routh 0" Slr l{eee 30'0 feetl tt*o., nortit Bg'44t Ueat 255.31 feet; thauee souEb 38* 18'tlest 88.87 feet Lo the Potat of Bogf,notBg. ErcEff tbc neet 30 feoe *ud the ao$th 30 f,est dedlcated for street FrtposcD and that psrt[on conveyod to thO Stote of OreSon bp dood recordcd Ln f,'eet ?03 oe &eceptton l8o. 84X47 dood tocordE s{ lenC cqrnty, oro8cn. Xo bo reulasel lcd ftacc R-l gtrrgla ?srotlY ?eslderttat DlEtrlct to tlotghborhood Bustnet8 Dlstrtct. : tbe Eact B 3g. of Lot 18, llt of L+tr t9 *nd 20, Elock l0:}' l{sshbulu'8 Subdlvt*l.on, Eprtngfleld laveltriont aad ?ouer Co6pp*uyt I flddttto6' Pcf,ce l. N.:. 3 T* L,e rE'rl*g+tf ted {rcn 8't $tnglo fanllY Eesi de nt [.,rI $lutr lct to &-tluttlpto faantty E6Eldeotl*t Dtstrlcg. Lat 3,rf 31u{:k tI, Lrt, ? of Etosl*' 12,'*test 6}t of Lrt L -rt Block 12' u*su 65, of Lrr t $i slocts 12, Euoretd Ht{.gbtt addttlou to $prdnsflold, Lraa Ceunty, OreEon. ?,rrEc1. tlo,, *. To be rcclnsst' f{ed fronr .{igrLcuLturo 1, Crorla6,, Pautly lwsl'Jcnttsl Dlstrtct. Tir*ber lt&tsl$8,Digtrlct to it-l Slng,lo I 0rdiinanee No. 2203 RA 8uburbau District. (Parcel No. 4 Contlnued) *.n irrea scutherly of Centennial SIvd. and trlest of llalnbctr Ditve located ln Sections 27 anrl 34, townshtp 1? SouLh, Raug,e 3 !{ese, lrJili.anette }leridtan' b-ei.ng qicslerl's,ed ss fo1l'orto ; Eegttrnl.ng; a( the l{ortlu,rest corger of Lot 12, seld $ectlon 27, Tctrnuhtp 17 f;oiuh, H.iilge 3 nlc:at, i,?i.Lluuetue Uerldierr; Uhence $outh $9 lIr Eaet 381..0 f,eef; Lhence li,iurh 0 O4t'dest 4C.0 fe*et Eo the Nr:rtheaat $orner of the Plat of Garilen Grove and the Eouf,herly rtrgirC-of-r'ray Ltne of Cen8ennlrrt Blv,i., saLd polnt betng the true Point of lleginnlngl thence South 0 C4t Weat 613.0 feet; therrce South 89 11'East 26.L5 feet; theuce alorrg a 150.0 foot radlus curue to the lef,t, the Long chord of whlclr bears Horth 81 46t 55" Eaer 4?.I1 feet; thence llorrh 72 44', 5C" Eagt 5$2,2 fcet; thenee $outtr 89 l1r East 231.0 feet; thence North 465.0 feet; Ehence North 89 ltt tlest 15.0 fee.t; the*ee l{orttr I 24r East 1'48't feet to a polat on the southerly rlght-of*tey lino of Cenge-nnlal Blvd. i thence Sout'h i6" 22, liest !.88.94 feeti thence al.ong the sre of an offeet spiral curve ia * 0.0), the long ctrord of r,rh1.ch te $outh 67 22' 25" Ueet 102.09 feeti ih*n"* along che alc of e 994.93 foof radlus curve rlght, the long.chord of r.,hlc,h bears $outh 71' 59f 05lt i,iest 9t1.9 feet; thence eonttnua along tbe arc of sal.d curve, Lha long chord of qrhtch bears South 81" 1.2t 35" l'Iest Z?g.g5 feet; thence a1ong ih" ut* of an offaet splral (a = 6.0) the long ehord of ,rhlch beara sou;,tr 89" 48' 50't l{est 102.09 feet; therrc€ North 89 11r llest L65.47 feot to the True Point of Beglanlng' EXCE?T the portton dedieated for EtreeE pttrpooeo' Pnrcel l!gr--1 prooertv Locatecl on thq*-l'l€*-S1!g. of Sor:t[!]gtr.lgreet' lust Nerth of I,lreyerhaeueer Xoa ' To ng, and Timber Ratslng Distrlct to R.{ Suburban Distrlct. h 24A foot x 873 foot ln sectLon 2 of Tounehlp 18 south, Range 2 Weet, UlllameEte Merldlan, daecrtbed ae follows: Beginnlag at e po{!,t on the center llae of, County Road #450, Ehe said polnt being 2354.9 feet south of the Northeast eorner of the R' G' iilxon D'L'C' #86 in toronshtp iZ-s""atr, Range 2 West, Htllamtte Merld{aa; the*ce South Bgo 52' Wesr SZS.b iuutr'atonf the Scuih Ltne of the Sprlngfleld Clty LJ'otto to the corner thereofi theneo contlnue along the ciEy L!'nitg line North 5' 05r Eaer 241t t;;i to'the South llne of Sectlon 33, Totnsh{p 17-lo}th Range 2 West, i,]lllamelte Merldlan; thence 'Eaarerly olong the sald Sectj.on llne 852.0 feetl-to-ah; "*ot*t of tbe satd Couuty Road; and thence South 24Q! feet to thc Polnt of Beglnnlng' Parcel IIr",. 6 a fron unaoned ProPerEY to -2- To be reclasei fled { (Parcel fio. $ Contlnued) i g,ererl uf t+nd ts $cat{.os 2, t.rmr$h*q }S South, B,lttSE-.? $€.st, }ttLlefsetts Ueitdls{r tn t}r+ 'I'trar.rird .1' Hrayuard DIS fdlf+ uf ?sstrah[p 17 S*uttt nrad Towtt- rhrg; trs $*utli crf rh6 aald Bang+ 3 l,I*st sf th6 [,ii"txa$*cc$ l{itrdtllss- tao r.tfd pareet b*tng deecrctfued *e bcBtuat$g *t-s-potut r"htch te ttcrril 8l' dr,gf UeEu llSI"S }eet aad Sr:utit 0 tfl' hl'$s8 L910.7 faot, frclrt tlt@ flclrtheast $orn{:r of, ltre ocld }tayu*rd cla{ml thenct ttorth 89 &4r :L'e*t 1163'4 feat to tt.{r true pol$,t, of tegtnnltg of the hes${n de*crtbed porcel'; thenco Eouth 0, 2Ir lte"*t el0ng Ehe onlntlng 6try Lle,{ra llre s4t}.'a feEU; thence ntcrth g9' &4'lleat td+9115 feeti ttreaco nbrtb c{o 31t Eaat S&S.0 feec; ond thun"u South 8!l 4lrr Eaot 146.95 fset' &'t'l be{'ug ln Litn* Couuty, Oregon' gFl''gp.qlThaC{tyEn$lneortaherobydlroetedtoeauEethena*pattacb€dto Or.{L$*nce tt*. a*Sl as-otr;odce, to ehos the foregotng atraagoe of claaelfleattost tg ereeia a$d totc tftireon the ruj.e rilth respe*t to tirtt'ldtrg 1n the approprt*te cl&ss' lficorlon. se*t!ra 3: The $prlngftekl 0N.ty c*tr,*etl dsclar{8 thst thls nrdineaee Lo sr.c{rssstr} for rh& t,r,rurirati preeerr*it*n of, t}e publlc pesee, ltealttr, and eefcty *f Uha Ctty *f Spui"SgiufO, aud thet en €Erergs*cy 1a hereby rSeclared eo extat' u*c ilrut tlrs urc{sai*, rt itr 6c lnto eff,ect a*d furce x'mredfately upoa Lte i:s{,{ir}Ss tad *ppxova} by tha l{'syor' *tdopred by the Couucll an approved by the ldayor of th€ Clty of $prtngfteld *tui"c 24th daY c,f &.Prtl, 1967' $r,iinaaea 316. 2203 C{ty Rec,rt<ler *5' !l*ycu