HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-08-17.. RESIDI'\TIAL.. APPLICAT.tUd/PERMIT 225 Nov,th |th Street Springfield, Onegon 97477 Building Diuision 726-37 53 t# SPFlINGFIEI-D 0r ,url \'^FNo-\ r-r< Date: e P lurnb ing nical E J,ec t, r S rrpenverz;iz-r Elec tr c]-an to aee that alt inspections ate nade at lhe ptoPef tine, that ecch cddress is neadabi'e 3 4L n/^p'i.h I bJob Locaticn: Aesessots ,y il i7 0v,,,3524 ?c..c tot t li$Oz> s\bdiDision: Rno /-#A/,llA,mer: t additian st'Je wcr.{ RcnoCeL Date of AppL d a) L) {r Value tf elai r DescrLbe h'ork: Phone zip: Address: ci.ty , /60 General It ia the fron therBuilding responsibility of tle permit holder st?eet. anC that the perrit catd' ie D.luiciot appro'u-ed plan shr:Ll remain Located at the fnont of the property- on tha Buil.ding gitc at aLL times. PNOCIDUPE FOR INSPECAION RqQUEST:CALL 7 ;;qt;;Tdffiyou uiLL be ready fot'tiLL be nnde the sane dcy, requests made SITE INSPECTI)N: ?o be rmde after FIIIAL PLUIIBIIIG FIIIAL I|ECIIANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL 26-3769 (recordet') state yout' City Cesignated iob ntmber, inspection,Contractors on A,mers tntne and ptone nunbcr after ?:00 on vLLL be nnde the nctt ',nrking daY -q Iout City Desigr'ated Job Nwnber Is: To after tequired odPor batv'iers ate in p'lace but before anY Lath, ggpsutn baarC or oty insulation is apptied, and before . is concealed. tnLL cooening iiot 00 ct u"au;non;6t prior tc set uP of fotns. UNDERSLAB PLUTEINC. ELECTRICAL & It""-a,tlttUf: ?o be nade before anY Gii-ii-1o,tet'ed. FCOTINC & FOUNDATICN: To be naCe ATt;;'t;;;;tr; "r" eacatsated and 7or^" on" erected, but Pt'iot' to pouning ccncteta. I uttosncpoutto pt'uuztuc, ssr!.un, wtr-q.8't, I orutuact: To be nade Prlor to ILL- Lirq trenches. i-l uno*ruoon prurnruc 4 trtc:!4-wqat' ^I I To be nade priot' to LnstaLLatLon oJ floor insulction oz' deeking' POST AND B9AM: To be rnade Prtot' to T"staTTElcTof ftoot' insulation ot decking. . RO t' A t pr,u|!p n rc,, E r:E q\r e4L -g -!!EQ!fANICAL: No vot'k ts t ffiiTth""n insPections haue beer nade and approted. FLPEPLACE: Wtot to Plceir4 facing mct;iaC and before froning insPec- tion. PRAt'.lilc: Wst be requested aftet' 6;;;;;L of roush Plttr,bing' electni- eil & meclwnical. - ALI- roofi-rq bracina E chirmeYs' ete' rrust be comoleled. lto ucrk is to be con- ."il"d until this insPecttan has 'been nade anC aPPt'o.*ed. DRYWALL INSPTCTION: TC bE NAdE atrer aTT-fiyuitTle -in Place' but prior to anY ta?Lng. MASONRY: Steel location' bond Sffiijgrouting or tet'ticals i'n oceotd&ce ttth U.B.C. Section WOODSTO'IE: Aftez' installation ie cctnpGtA. CURB & APPR9ACH AP?ON: After .forns ate erectA bu,Prion to Pcuring conet,ete. ?ENCE: h\-rer- conPlate -- ProoiCe VFn" on nooable- sections thtough P,U.E. ALL project conditions re quire d lanCs ccPt'ng' , such as the i.nstallat;-on of slt'eet treel, conplation-of the ctc., nust ae eatLs\icZ-lifZt r" tn"- BUTLDTN| FriAL ean be requested FrNAL BUrLDrI,tc: The tinal Buitding rnapeetion mtet be requested after the Pinal PlumbinS (_) ";:;;;":r;;i',"ii iin".t"il rnspectlons'hauc been nade and appnouec. OR :,:OVEDDEI.IOLIT. Sanitary aeaet capped at property Lit:.e ,,illir,r.\iri$iruiAidr,lr',)l l,illi,i,'! Septic tork pur,tped and' filled tith gta:tel Final - lfiten abcue itens are ecntpleted and uhen Cenolition is canplete or stlul- ture noueC and prewises cleaneC up' HcmesI'tobi Blocking crd 1et-uP Plunbing eonnections -- Ea1)e! ad uater Electrical Cannection - Bloeking, set-ut -oil- olwnUi"q eotneettons rrust be apprcued i,efon" requZating eleclr'i cal inspec !io:: Acceseorg BuilCittg pcrches, akirting, decks, Leted. Pinal - After etc. are comP PqeloflI]*At,t ilANIICt,ES AND)LEANIUTS||IISTBEAI)ESSIBLE'ADJUSTIIE\\|ToBENA.)El.?NoCgSrToclly u T soLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-CO G*JOB NO. P. L.Access.Ilouse th Lot Sq. Etg. Z of Lct Coverage LOT TYPE ITEM FTG Value Interict' Corner Panlandle Cul-de-sac ! of Stortes Total Height Topogrqhy l,lain Ccracp, Ca?pott Accessoru TOTAL VALUE DCS.D.C. L.5 x CHARGEITEMN0.FEE Fieturee Resid,entia,L (1 bath) Seuer N0.FEN Nao/Estend Circuits Seroice -- ENCROACHMEN? -- NC.CIIARCE * Mechonicql Permit kha$t ilooC Vent Fot Permtt fssuance Mechanical Perwtt Sec,o'ttA Daposit Storage l4aintenance Pctmit Curbcu! Sidasatk /?0 fu 25.oo Electrical t^abel Mobile Hone BeCroonts: [.ot Faees - !leat -- Fees -- Date Paid t#: Sigted Plumbing Perrnit No pereon shall conetruet, inatall,, alter ot clunge cnA neu cr eristing plunbing or dtainage agstan in uhole on in part, unless such person is the Legal poseessor of a oalid plwnber's License, eccept that a pe"son nag do plmbing uork to p?ope?ty uhich is ormed, Leased or operated by the appli- cdnt. Building Volue & Permit This per.mi.t is granted on the ecptess cot'tdition tlnt the said construction slrall', in all rLapects, eonform'to the lrdirance edopted 6iy the CitY o.f Springfield, includtng the 1oning Cndinance, regulathq the ccnsttwcticn otd. use of buildings, and may be suspended or reuokeC at cny tine upon oic- lation of ang prcoieione of said 1rdinances. * Building Permtt State ?otal Charges Plumbing Pernit State Total Electrico I Perm it I{hete State Ia,t tequites that the electrtcal uotk be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical pontion of this permit shall rot be valid untilthe Label has been aigned by the Electtical Contractor. Daf,e I r HAw 2AREFULLv 9xA]4!yED. the eonpleted application for permtt, and doh3relv certify_ that aLL info-nnation hereoi' ie true and. cbnrect-, a,,l rfurther _centify that any ard aLL uork penfotned ernll be dote in accor-dance tith the ondinencee of the ci.ty 'of bpningfieid, atri the tcae of the* state of 0regon pertaining to the wik cesZribLZ t r"|li, "i- tt-t No occu- PANCy tttll be rn,l.e of a1v structute uithout permisaion of the Buttd,ing Di-uision. I fu-t ther cqtifr- that. otly contraetore and. enplcyees ule are ineazpliance Di.th CRS 707.055 uiLL be-ueed on thia project 7- ITOTAL AMOUNT DUE:. 74-*- Dtte /7 - qd Cdraqe No?th tt FirepLacttt ll FSE llcodstooe Fence Signed