HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-10-18CITY OF SPRINGF lELD 225 North Sth Street BUSINESS 1264153 ,ECTIONS -126-3-169 lSION BUILDING MOVING PENIIT/BUILDING Bui ng OLD Lega esc ptlon escript ion shedS (FU$INE e spcA PhoneAddressBuilding Owner lnlo V1 rm r\Loa? Address 1coo CI DESI ru41q0 NTJIUB "6Ltn rq t Ph D escrl pt 0 no Route t *b{!-nlla re Descri tion of Buildin Sq uare Footage Number 0f Sections Being I'loved I'loving Lengt h UJT l4oving l,1Iidth Hei ght 0n DolI 0f Construction V J vuunrrou CATION 0F l,lOVE:e Building v1s 10n PLANS, FEES, AND CTIARGES:Prior to receiv- will route copies of thj-s application to all appropriate divisions, departments and Agen- cies. HOIIEVER, the applicant must contact property owners if trees are involved in the proposed move. IN ADDITI0N, the applicant musi secure the approval of ail appropriate municipal, county and state authorities should the move originate or terminate out- side the City of Springfield. SE City limits shall have the sewer capped at the property line and inspected one working day prior to the move. If the inspection indicates that the sewer has not been prop- erly capped, the moving permit will be revoked. I CERTIFY TLIAT thc VC ngs moved from within the SEPTIC TANK REQU ing a permit to move a building to property within- the City, the applicant or his/her authorized rePresentative must : L. Submit 2 copies of site or plot plan for new site. 2. Submit 2 copies of foundation plan for the relocated building. 3. Obtain a permit covering the new founda- tion, as well as all plumbing/mechanical and electrical work relating to the re- located building. 4. Pay Systems Development Charge if appli- cabIe. rior to moving, owner sha1l have all sludge from the septic tank, seepage pit or cesspool removed by a person holding a sewage dispoal service li- cense, and shal1 fill same with clean bar- run gravel or other material approved by the 0q a Director or his authorized r sentative.sinformation is true and correct, t ons obtained, that the move wilJ brvill be completed uy \2.:DOMo?i;lcl hat p] egin 'a u1 cont I clock ve been on and aIs ock on no anges in the route will be made without contacting the Buil n v1o certify that I have been informed that N0 PERI,IIT WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE S I{ORKING DAYS tl,AVE ELASPED. I further certi fy that my registration with the Builder's Boa rd is in full the basis is t t fo rce and effect as required by ORS 701.055 and 701 and that if exnoted hereon. Basis for Builder's Board Exempt NA}IE IGNA empt -b FOIT OFFICE USE ONLY Zone Flood Plain e of Construction 0ccupancy Stories_Living Units Square Footare VALUE Application fee $18.00 -- Date paid Permit fee $60.00 -- Date paid Number of Blocks over 6 0 .60+ Receipt Number Receip t Number Amount Seler Cop $10.00 + 4e; State Surcharge -- Date paid _Po 1i ce Department.tvi 1 lamalane Park and RecreationFire Department Northrvest Gas OTHER -- specify _e*e-i+ie--Uf+-+,e+f DS tn[q[ Lane Transit District / SUB Group lV Cable _LaneCountyAGt \_--.-- , / w BUILDING MOVING ,RMII App) icant to furnirf, (u.i.gpt as indicated)A. Old address for UuitOihg - q. Legat DescriptionC. New address ior building ^ {Building Div. wiil ruri.isfr)q. Legal Description E. Name, etc. of building ownerl. Name, etc. of moving iirmG. A description of intended use !. A descrfptfon of proposed route I. _A description of the building Applicant to contact property owners if treesinvolved, and secure authoriiations from PERMIT VALIDATION ) + PERMIT CLERK I II. +\b\q \r \\El other jurisdictions as necessary.III.' A site or plot p1an, and foundation besubmitted for the new site (2 sets lan mustp )t$nIV. Plans must also be subrnitted for any other work relating to the relocated building.V. Fees & Charges:A. Application fee due and payable at timeof appl icationB. Moving permit fees due and payable upon permi t i ssuanceC. FEES & CHARGES TO BE CALCULATED BY BUILDING DIVISION STAFFVI. FOR OFFICE USE ONLYA. Plan check data collectedB. Copies of application to appropriate divisions, departments and agencies LrJrs BUILDING DIVISION REPORT: Zto g..7*,1,./) kA /79 9. A- Bv 3w,Date ?->*-*z TRAFFIC DIVISION REPORT: Date / o-l7d ENGINEERING DIVISION REPORT:()F- u{Lt,^)PQg\rd-crzJ:E9ll^\G ,tb-lD ,l E:t,t)SUle -grsra fiaEb'^rl .21g-€oe{)-1-rg,3- 9 Ind g1POL-1 ADDITIONAL PROJECT INFORMATION : 30\)TH By Date %-Lfr-wf>"G^. Date 8 r;)nLr*.- )o a /7 // YZ@1OH r-l r-1.l I;,J ,o -J FI{ Fo II t- to I a NO lrlr6tr FIOT,fH .A. DTAEE.r t-lr\IH I5TREET I r 1 Tg iIa It at lt f ta i 4r-? f IE t{ovtN ({ ROUIE fl"tr l -J C I-t L o I-1 \ XovtNa UT I{fi -TA SCALE- " - I tt. : : <lJ -- -t.-CITY OF SPR INGFIELD 225 North 5th Street BUILDING MOVING PERI\IITIBUILDING ISION N tv RESS rn S c pt ion rESS INSPECTIONS 726-3769 LD ADD ga Descr:.p t 10n ing rn De ri Descript on of Route \n BUSINESS 726-3753 1 ng ].v. e ga e ! SS c C DESI oo E*Ptj pqlqO ,5 be\ql B SE sPO[!- r Des cri ption o f Buil d ine Square Footage 43OJro,ing Lengtn-\\Pb--Yoving width \ nut*ht on Doll 0f Construction V NJ VALUATION Number 0f Sections Being NIoved The ding Division PLANS,FEES,AND CHARGES Pr or to rece v- NOTIF CATI 0F l,10VE:I wi l1 route coPies of this aPP lication to all ing a Pernit to move a building to ProPerty appropr iate divisions, dePart ments and Agen-within the CitY,the aPPlicant or his/her c].es HOI{EVER, the aPPlicant must contact authorized rePres entative must: erty owners if trees are involved in the 1 Submit 2 coPi es of site or Plot P1'an prop propo sed move.IN ADDITION,the aPPlicant must secure the aPProval of ail approPriate nunicip o1, county and state authorities should the move originate or terminate out- side th e CitY of SPringfield' for new site. SuUmit 2 copies of foundation plan for the relocated building' dt.i" a permit covering the new founda- iion, as well as all plumbing/mechanical "tta ufu"trical work relating to the re- located bui Iding n"y Sytt"ms Development Charge if appli- 2 J 4 cab1e. int e C K ior to movi.ng, S CAP: BU 1 ings mov rom w]. City limits shalI have th e sewer caPPed at owner shall have all sludge from the sePtic the proPerty line and inspe cted one working tank, seePa ge pit or cessPo o1 removed bY a to the move.If the insPection per son holdi ng a sewage disPo al service li- that the sewer has not been ProP-cense,and shall fill same wi th clean bar- ed, the moving Permit will be run gra vel or other material approved bY the Director or his authori zed esentative. I CERTIFY TH,AT the VC information is true and correct, that ulr contac ve ons obtained, that the nove wil begin I clock been clock Affin on on rvill be comPleted bY on.t t o ha nges in the route will be mad e wI t con tacting the Buil also certify that I ha ve been informed that NO PER}4IT WILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 5 I'IORKING DAYS I furthe r certify that mY regi stration with the Builderrs Board is in full I day prior ind icates erly capp revoked. TIAVE ELASPED force and ef noted hereon NAI\IE N sv fect as required bY ORS 701.055 and 701 and that if exempt the basis ist Bas i s for Builder's Board Exempt I .b FOII. OFFI CE USE ONLY Zone Flood Plain Type of Construction Stories Living Units Square Footage cy Grou VALUE Application fce $18.00 -- Date Paid Permit fee $60.00 -- Date Paid Number of Blocks over 6 0 .604' Receipt Number Receipt Number Amount Sewer Cop $10.00 + 4e; State Surcharge -- Date Paid OTHER -- speci ronPolice Department _Fire Department Northwest Gas IV I ll.amalane Park and Recreat ffi+aeer / SUB -Group lri Cable _LaneCountyA&t na+i+ie-llll-+e+r DS tnrfl -Lane Transit District 61 / w BUILDING MOVING >RMIT PERMIT VALiDATION I Ap p I i c a n t to fu rn i s h exc e pt a s 't d i )A 0 I d ad d f n c a t edresSorbuiId't n g B Lega Desc r i p t 'l o n C N ew a d d r es s fo r b u i I d 1 ng (u 'l I d i ng D 1 V w'l 1 fur n 'l s h )D Lega Desc i (r p t o n +\b\qENametetcofbu'l I d 1 n Ifi 0wn e rFNameetcofmoV1ngrm G A d esc rl p t 'l on 0 t i n te n de d u s H A de i pt i e S cr on o f p ropo S ed rou teIAdescr't p t o n 0 t t h e b u i I d i \r \:slII.App 1 i c a nt t o ta ng c on c t p r0p e r ty own e r s i t t r ees't n vo ved a nd se C u r e a u tho r za t .I from )ot h er j 't d i i o n sursctonSasneceSsar'vIII. IV. V. A s 'l te 0 r p I o t p I a n a nd f 0u n d a t 'l Ibebm'l t ted t on p ) a n m u s tsuf,o r the n ew S i t e 2 SC tsPIansmuStaIsobesubrn.I t ted fo ther CInworkretitoranyoangthereIocatedbuiId'l ngFees&C ha rge s A Ap p 'l c a t i on tee d ue a nd paya b I tofaI.I t 'l e a t 'l me Cu:rxqnippcaon B Mov .I n g p ermi t f ee s du e a n d b Iperm't t 'l pay a e u pon ls teh Lossuance c FEE S &CHARGES T 0 BE C A L CULATED B YBUILDINGDIVISIONSTAFF \fr,tr +VI.F OR 0 F F I C E US E ON L Y A P I a n c h e c k d a t a co I I e c ted B Co p .I e s o f a p p I 'l c a t 'l on to a ppro r i ted't V i s i de p a0nspartmentsandagenc'l e S PERMIT CLERK BUILDING DIVISION REPORT: 3ro 9.7 4Lo /7 g s.A- ?-TRAFFIC DIVISION REPORT: Date / 0-/7 ENGINEERING DIVISION REPORT: PazraTl T& <-fz(]EStuG a7 uJwb, elJ1\G{r s ab-rD 5l Er,\)N'}( -9rNrL fieEh.trr uigatD FE nA' g fiZ€1 By C)- g^. Date 8-Z? -b ADDITIONAL PROJECT INFORMATION : OF SO(,TH By Date Bv PefiT SPtrlINGFI€LO STAtr'-'." H,EFOF,T Historical Commission Springfield Plcnning Depcrtrnenth, APPLICANT (City Journal Number H 88-10-164) Southern Pacifjc Transportation Company P.0. Box 1358 Eugene, 0R 97440 Assessor's Map 17-03-35-00 Tax Lot 204 APPLICANT REQUEST Southern Pacific Transportation Company is requesting approval to demo'lish the Southern Pacific Springfield Rai 1 road Station (Springfielo Depot). FINDINGS OF FACT BACKGROUND 1. The Springfielo Depot is locateo at 310 South 7th Street, Springfielo, 0regon ( south end of 7th Street). 2. The property is zoned MM - Meoium In<lustrial. The Metro Plan Designation isis Cormercial . The Downtown Plan designates the property as Downtown Mixect Use. 3. The Springfield Depot was listeo as a City Designated Lanomark in 1979 by the Springfield City Counci I . 4 5 P.C.,on oftyofSthe ci 6 The Sprin Pl aces i n on Registe gligtd _Depot.-was nominated to the National Register of Historic1981. The builoing is currently listeo as "eligi6le" for inclusionr. Amundson and Associates performeo two studies on t,he Depot for possible relocation. One report was prepared in 1979 ano titled "Springfielo Sout,hern Paci fic Rai I roao Depot: Rel ocation-Renovation-Reuse" . The second report vrasprepared in December 1985 under the same title. Both stuoies were funoed by the City of Springfielo. Horlano Unruh, warehouse oorti funoeo by the Ci was submi tted to performed a study on the feasibility of using thethe Depot as a performing arts area. This study waspringfielo an0 the 0regon Arts Commission. The reportty in September of 1988. 7 Southern Pacific Transportation Company, represented by Mr. Jim Reel, metwith city of Springfielo Planning Department staff on June 9, i988'in aPre-Application conference (city Journar Number H gg-05-97). southernPaciric outrineo tlfitr RIFJiT'lu!tr*rfi[F?3i3'rlSSro"orishins the buiroins' November 29, 1988 Page 1 November 29, 1988 I a >pringfielo Planning Depar't,rent- staff 'Jreselted Souther'n Pacific with the process for reviewing ,1 rturinolition rrlquest for a City tistor^ic Site or Structure. This incluoeo application deadlines, required application rlate''iaiS, and pu)l-'ir- I;lt)€ting ddtes. Concurrent with Southern Pacific's compiling a oemolition application, the r-i t), :f Spri ngf i,: io i n ccrj -rnct j,:n rvi t'n the Spri ncf i e lo .ii stcrica i li-rmmi ssi crrr and the citizen's ad hoc committee Save Our Depot Boosters, pressed forwaro r.,i th ef forts to re locatu. th: Depct. ihcse ef f crts are currently conti nui ng. A copy cf Southern Pacific Transpcrt,atron Conpar.y's application is attached as Attachment A. ri f)i,,-ru 0v Se APPROVAL CRiTERIA prova.! ;ri:eria :-.. ljtin:l -"-, *-:i3 feil::, liticl of 'ti;tjria iancrlar'ils r;i*'ltt'r 'uil* risai.tion cf the City ,:f Springfielc are frund in Article 3C H'listoric erlay District of the Springfielc Development Cooe. Specific criteria are in ction 30. i10 Dencl i tion Stancarcs. (1 ) NO DEMOLITION PERMIT SHALL BE GRAIITED FOR ANY HISTORIC LANDMARK SITE OR SIRUCTURE UNLESS THE Oi.INER HAS DEMO}ISTRATED TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE HISTORICAL COHMISSION THAT ONE OF THE FOLLOI.JING CRITERIA APPLIES, (a) THE CONDITI0N 0f THE HISTORiC LANDMARK SiTE 0R STRUCTURE CONSTITUTESA SERIOUS AND IMMEDIATE THREAT TO THE SAFETY OF THE PUBLIC OR OCCUPANTS THAT CANNOT BE ELIMINATED I.IITHOUT REPAIRS THAT I,IOULD EXCEED 50% OF THE VALUE OF THE STRUCTURE ITSELF, The Springfield Depot'is a structure which has not seen active use fora number of years. Presently the roof is covered with plastic to prevent rain from penetrating the interior. Electrjcal service has been oisconnecteo and heat to counter the effects of moisture is not present. A number of windows have been broken due to vandalism. This has necessitateo covering the windows. The Amunctson report from 1979 ano 1985 fndicate that the buil0fng is in fai r condi ti on to poor dependent upon the speci fic structural , mechanical, electrical or plurnbing problern. This is alI do to the neglect the Depot. has received over the past 10 years. There have Seen a number of transient entries into the builo'ing over the years. Little damage has occurred from these entries. A ccpy of the 1985 report iS attached as Attachment B. 1. AN MAI CERTIFIED APPRAISAL SHALL BE REQUIRED TO DETERMINE THE VALUE OF THE HISTORIC LANDMARK STRUCTURE. Southern Paci fi c Transportati on Cornoany contracted t/i th Mr. Wayne i,lcQueen, l"l.A.l., to perforn an appraisal cf the Springfield Depot.This appraisal was subrnitteo to l'1r. M.R. Christensen, Division Engi neer, for Southern Paci fic Transportati on Company. A sumrnary ofl{r. I"lcQrieen's eptraisal inclicates he fcunrl tne 5ui lcin3 has nc market v,r I ue anc shr'.; I d 5,-' re!:lcveC f rr)rn r'he prcpert)'. A Oetai le'J accounti ng cf STAFF EEPCRT. SPRiNGFIELD DiPOT lJovernber 29, 198E Page 2 the bui I oi ng apprai sa I and the methods used to det,errni ne the fi na Iappraisal value are attacheo as Attachrnent C. ?. AT LEAST T}IO BIDS FROM QUALIFIED CONTRACTORS SHALL BE REQUIRED TO DETERMINE THE COST OF REPAIRS TO THE HISTORIC LANDI,IARK STRUCTUdE. Southern Pacific Transportatfon Company has submitted two bios fromcontractors to perform repai rs on the Depot. l./i I of sh Bui I oj ng companysupplie0 one bid, while Southern Pacific's Builoing and Brioge Divisionsupplie0 the second bid. The bio frorn Southern Pacific was permittedby a i nterpretatiori of the planni ng and Bu'i loing Di rector The bi d f rom r,,li I oi sh Bui I di ng Conrpany us'i ng square footage costi ngformulas for estimating, determined repairs tc Jost $217,718.00 for thebui I oi ng on si te ( see Attachment D ) . Southern Paci fic Transportati onCompany subnitted a general cost estimate cf 5215,443.00 to repair thestructure on site (see Attachrnent E). l,lhen these values are vrer'ghecaga'inst the appraisal value of $0.00, the repairs woulo surpass t-he 50% va'l ue of the structure. ( b) THE PROPERTY Ot,'tNER HAS DEMONSTRATED THAT THERE t,,tOULD BE NO 3EN9IIPLE,__LoNG TERM ECoNoMIC BENEFTT FRoM PRESERVATT0N 0F THE HTST0RTCLANDMARK SITE 0R STRUCTURE. IN TIAKING THIS DEfEnNrxeriOx,-iHr oWNER MUSTDEMONSTRATE THAT ALL POTENTIAL USES OR ADAPTIvE usES Fon iHE HISTORIc LANDMARK SITE OR STRUCTURE HAVE BEEN THOROUGHLY EXAMINED. southern Pacific Transportation company has not submitted into meet this criteria. As a general note southern pacific hathe springfield Depor to the city of Springfielo for $1.00. Tis contingent upon the city removing the structure fromPacific property. 2I IF AN HISTORIC LANDI'IARK SITE OR STRUCTURE Is PERMITTED TO BE DE}IOLISHED, THE PROPERTY OWNER SHALL PROVIDE THE HISTORICAL cOt{'IISSION HITH: (A) FOUR SETS OF MEASURED DRAWINGS PREPARED BY A QUALIFIED DRAFTS PERSON SHOI.IING THE PRIMARY FLOOR PLANS AND PRI}4ARY EXTERiOi-eTTV TIONS. Do to the fact a nurnber of stuoies have been performect on theSpringfielo Depot which inoicate the existing floor pfln ano establishthe exterior elevations of the structure, the City determineo SouthernPacific woulo ngt be required to recreate another set of orawings.Insteao previously prepareo orawings rvoulo be utilized for t6isrequirernent. The prior orafters of-floor plan ano elevation clrawingsare the Amundson Associates and archi tecture students from t6e Uni versi ty of Oregon. (.ql A 9ET 0F PHoToGRApHS rHAT DocuMEilT THE ExTERIoR Al,tD II{TERIoR DETATLS,INCLUDING SIGNIFICANT ARCHITTCTUNNL_ETTUEITS. - - The-City and Southern Pacific negotiated an arrangement for the City toperform this task. Thfs was do in part to the M6morandum of Rgree"menibetween the City, State Historic Preservation Office anct l,Jationil parks Servjce Advisory Council for Section i06 review. City operating policyfor photographic oocurnentation cal I s for adherence to the H.i storicSTAFF REPCRT - SPRINGFIELD DEPOT November 29, 19BB Page 3 formation s offereo hi s offer Southern American Bui loing Survey (HABS). This is the same requirernent as outlined in the Memoranrlum of Agreement,. To meet this requirement the City contracteo with Mr. David Joyce. The City submitted a oraft narrative and contact prints of the Depot to the Department of Interior, National Park Service for preliminary review on November 9 , 1988. Cornments were requested. If al terati ons are require<t these will take place in December with final submission ouring December. (3) THE PROPERTY OWNER SHALL ALSO SUPPLY THE HISTORICAL CCII'IISSION l,lITH ANY ARTIFACT OR OTHER ARCHITECTURAL ELEiIEIIT AS IDEIITIFIED BY THE HISTORICAL COI'IMISSION. THE ARTIFACT OR ARCHITECTURAL ELfiENT SHALL BE CAREFULLY RE}'IOVED AND DELIVERED TO THE HISTORICAL COI'f'IISSION IN GOOD COI{DITIOil TO BE USED IN FUTURE CONSERVATION }.|ORK. There are several elements of the Depot which might be save<!. These incluOe windows, doors, Slioing doors, and 'lobby benches. These architectural elements coulo be stored at a City locat,ion and donated to groups or inoiviclual s performing Historic preservation projects within Springfielo. The Historical Commission wil I need to determine if this criteria is applicable. CONCLUSION Southern Pacific Transportation Company tlqs submitteo and application requestin? approval to demolish the Southern'patitic Springfield Railroao Station. Staf' h;i reviewect the subrnitteo information for compliance with the Springfield Development Code, Article 30 H Historic Overlay District, Section 30.110 Demolition Stan<tarcts. From this review, staff hai oetermineo Southern PaclfTia fficriteiia-(i)(i)whicnwou1oal1owforoemolitionofthe Depot. REC$tIENDATI0N a Staff recommends that the Sprinqfielo Historical Commission forwarcl a reconrmenoation to the SpringfieIo PIaniing Conmission approving Southern Pacific Transportation Company's demolition request for the Springfiel0 Depot. In a<toition, staff recofirnends the following conditions be adopted and forwarded to the Planning Commission: 1. Demo'lition to any aspect of the Depot shall not commence until the Historic American Builoing Survey has been officially accepted and catalogued by the Department of the Interior, National Park Service. Notifiiation -of acceptance by the Department of Interior t,o the City shall be forwarded to Southern Pacific Transportation Company. 2. The Historical Conmission inspect t,he builoing for potential salvageableartifacts. In the event t.hat salvageable artifacts are designated they willbe removed by Southern Pacific fn accordance with Section 30.110 Demolition Stanoards(3).Storageoftheartifactswiltbeina1ocat@thffi for use in future restoration projects. Iterns which rnay be incluoeo in this category are the wooden seat in t.he Trainmen's Lobby, all STAFF REPORT. SPRINGFIELD DEPOT November 29, 1988 Page 4 e^teri0r doors, slioing doors ('incluoing hardware) or any other items oesignaied by the Historical Cominjss'ion. The !listorical Conlnission nay wish to consu I t rai I roao groups or hi stori ans as to whj ch arti facts are si gni fi cant to save. 3. Because the technical aspects of the Depot relocation are such that the H'istorical Comrnission and City Counci I need to approve the project, demolition shall commence only after the City oetermines if the relocation project wi I I not proceed. 4. Dernolition of any aspect of the Depot, shall not commence until Southern Pacific Transportat'ion Company has been issued a demolition permit. 5. Al I conoi tions stated above must oemol i ti on. No one condi ti on I i steo condi ti on . be met prior +,o commencement of above shal I supersede any other STAFF REPORT - SPRINGFIELD DEPOT November 29, 1988 page 5