HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1986-05-08" RESIt-.{TlAL" APPLICATION/PERT,IIT zip: Desa,ibe l,lotk: SPHINGFlET-D # 225 North Sth Street Spr"Lngfield, 2regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 xs Address:,fu il-o/{ ci l=l NeD t-l ldditian RantoCel S igned:CL of App -[Date:5-r-tr6 Value GenetaL cb5 -ri+Job Location:, -Aro""roo,ttop# l10Z Jb /3 o/2lb?c,s l-ot # S\bditsision: I Osner:\ozr,,rt- UJtL-f )1-D ZZPhone: Plwnbing Constmebiotr Letdet tt ie the tespotzsibility of tle permtt holder to see that aLL inspections ee nade at lhe pyopet tine, that ecch adltess is readnbie fran tha at?eet, anC tlnt the petwit eaz'd is Located at the f?ont of the property.*Suilding D"iuiciot appro"*ed plan shcll remain on the Building Site at aLL times. ?P0CZD|PE-F1R INSPZCTI1\| RISUEST:CALL726-3765(reeoydet,) state Aou? City desigrnted job ntt;ber, job aiiyess, type of inspee=icn ?eQucsted, atd uhen gou uiLL be z.eadg for inspection, Contractc?s o? Ailets nctne cnd pinne nwnber. P.equescs receiued beicre 7:00 mttill be nade the sane day, ?equests nade after 7:00 on trLLL be nade the nest uorking d.a.6. You? C1:tA Designated Job Nunber fs:StooaTqReatira] Tn sn o efi. cn s SI?E I:ls?r:::3:l: To be made aftet'ercar;ion, but pt"ior tc set ip of forms. ANDE.1SLAB PLUI,IBING. ELECTRICAL & iECHi-ilICAL: To be made befot,e any wt,k is couet,ed. PCOf.fNc 8 E)aI|DATICN: To be naCe @e" t"enil;ae escaoated and fotms ate erected, but prior to pour'ing ccncyete. IIISLILATION/VAPOR BARRIER IIISPECTIOIiI : ?o be made aftet, aLL insulaticn avtd required uapor bavie?s are in place but before any Lath, Wpsum bcavC ot, tnLL couering is applied, ard. before oty insulation is concealed. DRYWALL INSPECIT)N: Tc be made dfler,-dT@uitTt s in ptace, but prior to any taping. MAS1NRY: Steel Location, bond beans, gz'outing or uerticals ln accordqtce LrLth U.B.C. Section DE.:OLITIA!] OR :.:OW) B'!.IILDi|:CS Sani1ary saser capped tt properfui Lite Septic totk p;tryed and fi.Lled tith gza::el Final - h1ten ohcue itens ote ccnpleted and uhen Cenclttion is eompleie o? st"uc- tute moued and. g,errises cleanei up. ' utloiltcnoulD pLutDtugr_slwEr2g!&J lirq trenches.I UTIDERPLOOR PLUI,EING & I|ECITANTCAL : of floor insul,ction or decking. POS! AND BEAM: To be nade priot, to ffiidTTil-Tof floor insulation or decking, ROUGH PLABIilG, ELECTRTCAL & I,IECH:- ANICAL: No uoyk is to be co.-et,ed GiiT-th"se inspeetions tnue been FTilAL PLUI,IBIIIG FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL After instalT,ation'ie CURB & APPRCACH APPON: Aftet fonnsee ereeteC but prior to pourirq cotlc?ete. SfDEWALK & DRT',EWAI: For aLL con-.retenaofr-Aiffi stteet right- of-txA, to be made after aLL ecca- oating cornplete & forn rnrk & sub- base naterLal in place. Ecmes Blocking otd Sat-up Pl.uttbing connections -- saue? otd. oatet Electrical Ccnnection - Blockittg, set-up and pltnnbing cotneetions m;st be apptcted before requesting eleclr'ical. inspection AccessoPi BuilCing nal,e and. approoed. f rrpwracti pnron b plceirq facingI I friel,l;G awJ before'fro,rLni inrpn".-tion. FRAI'IING: Wst be requested after apptorsal of rough plwnbing, electyi-u.l & nechanieaL. ALL roofirq btacittg E chinmeys, ete. rrust be contpleted. lto ucrk is to be cart- cealed until this inspectton hae been made anC approoed. Pinal - After etc. al,e conp pcrckes, skfuti-ng, deeks, Leted. IENCE: tt4ten conplete -- ProuiCe gates or motsable seetions thz,ough P.U.E. ALL project conditions, such as the installation of slreet ttees, co,:oleiion oi' the tequ,ired Landsecpitg, ete., mtst be satisfied before the BUILDING FfNAL can be requested. ?fNAL BUfLDING: The Final Building Inspection mtst be requested cftet the Final Plunbing Eleetnical, otd Meehanical fnspections hlue been nade and approued. fx l Pege 1 of 2*ALL \4ANHCLES AND CLEAN)UTS MUST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUSTIqEI|! ?0 3E 1'ADE A? lt) CSST T0 crly Tw tr T SOLAR A ESS REQ..L-co c Bedtoolts: Building Volue & Permit This petmtt is gtanted on the et??eas condition tlat the said constrwctions-lwll, in-a-ll _re9pe,ets, gonform to the Ordirnnce edopted biy the City ofsplingfield' ineluding the zoning crdinance, regulating thb ccnstrabtiZn otd .use o-f buildirq.s'. ord may be, suspended or rbuokec -at "rg tine upon uic-T,ation of dtA ptcuisions of said 1rdinances. Building Penilt State ?otal Chargee Resil.zntial (1 bath) Seuer Na,t,/Ecterd Circuits Stcte Total IT!i,I I,lcodsto;se -- ENCROACHMENT .. CDbcut Si.da,talk L llobile Hcne {, Signed: Electricol Permit where state Las re_quires th,at the electrical uork be done by an Eleetriealconttaetor, the electrical portion of this permit stnll not be talic unti.Lthe Label lns been signed by the ElectticaL Contlacta?. uate Pernit r HAW 1AREFULLY ExAr,rrNED the eonpleted applieation fon pe,nit, and. dohereby cettif-y that aLL infonnation het,eon' is ttae "ri .Zi"o.t, *rl. tfut'thet'_eertifg that any ard. aLL uork perforned shall be done in a.eor-danee rtith the ordinane-e.s of the city of -sptingfield, ana tlti Lo';s of the* state of lregon pertaining to the uolrk cesZr.ibLa nnnL-:i, "ri-ttot No occlJ-PANcy r,vill be nla,l.e of ary structure uithout penission of the Build.ing Di-tsisio_n-. r further certifil that only eontraciors ard. errplcye)s uho arL ineonpliance aith 1RS ZO1.0SS uiLL be used on this pnoject 5-{'g 2, JoB No.&L Zone: ,)"/q Lat Sq. Ftg. Z of Lot Cotsetage # of Stortes Total Height lopogrqhy LOT TWE _ fntetiot _ Cormer _ Panlat.d.Le CaL-de-sac F?G Value Lot Faces - Setbacks lleat Df House Caraqe Aceess.Watey,Notth East South West i.bin fuade Carocrt Accessotu TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 r Date Paid: rTEM N0.FEE CHARCE Ftbtutes Plumbing Perrnit No_ person slnll consttuet, instalT-, alter or clnnge anu nel cr esisting qlwnb-irW or dtainage sA2t-q in uhole o, in patt, LnLesL such person is theLegal .possesso, of a oalid glunbetrs LicensZ, eteept that a pLr"o, nay d.o)'plutnbing uork to p?operta uhich is oumed, Leased or operated ty tt e ipplt- Plutnbing Perr,Tit State 'Ianocroy Setoiee TLL hprnce ETU'S Echanst Hoo,1. Vetlt Fdt l5,uoba -bo ,OTAL AMOUNT DI,IE:*l5.bc Date Petmit fssuqnee Mechanical Pernrtt Mechqnicql Permit d t!9rog. * ".AIrnftE$S- ?065 I'l 7TH ST TIESiCft I CH I I4I'IEY I I.ISF'ECT I OI.I -CIt',NER- Jfii'lH$ tJ0LC0TT ?065 t"i. 7TH $f:'FLIrr 0R 974'77 ')a'?*naa:, - I l.{r:0* REF.A I R NESITIEI.ITIAL 1111 *o1*03?-.un0tr $TnuE fi0?-033-- r N$ERl' {}03-'039*F Il.lAL I4ECHAI'{I C'lL 001*03?--h,00tr STOUE T00 CLo$E t)0t-o3t-t^l0ntr STnUE F'RE Il.{sF , o03*03}-tn0otr sTovE FII'IAL O04-039-F I I'IAL l'lECHAl.lI ['1L E{UILIrIt,lG ITItJI$I0l.l J0S,l SJ{?7? -LIiGAL.LOT SLOilt 1703re,1301? L 6 86043t / S7031.8 -EI.{ERGT* .STATS- HEAT 1- T- TILTIG ZOI.{E H2O- $TOFT I ES FLOONFLf\ I I.I RAI.IGE- BET'RI{ OCC GRF' ur.tITsStl FEET CO}.IST TYF'E -coNTRACT0FS- GEI.IL- COI.ITRACTOR F,HCII.{E- FLi.lEr- ELECT- 14ECH* BES6H- $60434 IE 860435 CIri 860509 0li s7031S 0ti F r t.!Al_ --Ur.tLUE- 7SO 8604rri 8703 1 $ &u TIEF'T' CAT {. TiETI*RENUIHETI F.ERI,IITS------FEE-.-*$URCHARGE-IIATE-F:ECEIF,T.-*F.ERI,iI1.'i.-*---_Uf'ILUH-.-- o01*047*F RE-.r I.ISF HCT r 0t{ 15 , 00 0 , 00 S604?? 661178 oCIt-04&--fi{sER"t' 15.00 0,60 seosog 663s1 tt 780 $HQ-.t4INIt4Ut,r It,t$F'EIT10r,{S + ftEAUrRE14El.,tTS .****..E}:F' trr{TE--.*rrUT IrA'rE-' c0H$ "1'O uti