HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-06-16.. RESIDENTIAL.. zzs ttorth stt, itrnlPPLicAr r,N /PEP'tur Springfield, 1regorl 97477 Building Dtuiston 726-37 s3 ilrOTIflED SPFIINGFIEL.D Date: \ UNIUI- Job Locaticn. 2004 North 7th Street Assesso'.s .:4d? fr 17 - 03- 26- 13 ?c, Ipt * 1300 Subd*t:,sion: Larry & Mary Fipps},zen: 2004 North 7th Street Phone: 746-7455Addtess: Springfi.eld 97 477vert. Desetlbe l,lot k Family room, bedroom addition value $17,000.00Da'te of App L Licatian 6-16-82 Lisc. ilConctcctoysAdtess Fl.ana GeneraL Owner l.!eciar!ccL DEMOLI!rc!! OR ,'.:OW) BUILDI;JC5 Sdnitct"l se.ser ccVpad ct ptcpertg Lit:e Septie tank p:.qed arui filT.ed u'ith gratei linal - i,titen abcve ixens dre cc:alevei and uhen Ce:.clirion is conalete br "-.rlr-ture noued, ai pre'i"ees eleaned up. e !1cn2s tsLocking od, Sec-tg Plmbing coanec=iorts -- sare! otl ualer Electrical Cotnectiott - Blockirq, eet-u, and. pl.mbirg conneetions tnist Le apgra;el before nequesting e|eclrtcal inspeclio;,: Accessory Buikin4 Fittzl - After Tcrckes, skirtlng, Cecks,etc. @e csrtgle'.ed. I_t' ia lhe resgonribility oi tle permit itolder to see that aL! inspectioflr, dre naie at lhe proper tine, that acch cddress is ren;.ab'>e t'ron tl,e street, anl, titct the penrtt card is located at the ircttt of tite propertil.tZuiAir4 llu.Jcion apptoted. plbt s;rli remain on iile Buildtng :itc Zt aLL' tines.- ?I?OCSDUP9. P1R. lils?l*rcit.l!.ey!S?;CALL726-3769 (tecorCe ) state ,lotw City desigrated job ntrtber, job at'-:ness, type of insoee;icntequesced arti uhen gou uiLL be reaciy for inspection, ContTactars cy A,nets-nane ind pltone ranbct. P.equests receit;-ed bei'cte- ?:C0 ,=zlill be nade lhe sae cicg, "equests ncle aft* ?:00 otr aiLL be nade the ncst xrkitq dag. Conslrrclicn Le*ie!_ SI?9 IiIS?!C?I))!:*;fficn;5G .CTIIAL .3LAI,EI:;G E7rr.r tEatr.rfal?- L.tdu t1t!tal..t rdu BTA,f -f?Foi^.tL L.r^U -t-9-.1tt^t lo be ttud.e after prlar tc se! up of UIIDEPSLAA ?LU!.EIIC, ZL1C??IC,1.L 3 iECELiliCAL: 7o ba nacia beiorc- anywrk t s couered. FCC!::IC , i0ultD.l!:Cit: ?o be ts,ie af t er i:o-nciii-ar e-ez ccoated end forns cre ez,ectei, but oricr topourirq ccncteie. n ultcincfirt:tc eltwt:;c, s=,ttt, l.qrzn.t I DRAIJS.G|: lo ce r.a:e >r:ot to fil-Lirg zrenches. V uao*yr.icp ?LUisr:tG L1tlcgAltrcAL:ttffiof floor insuitiott or decking, | ,,,1 POST Ai'tD 3tA!1: ?o be naie prtor tu'--}1} GfrGliTof ftoor insui;rion or deeking. you! Ci,iry Desigzated Job llwrber fs 820677 IIISULAIION /I,ry.PAR BA.RRTER I IISP1C?ICiI : Io be nade after aLL insulaticn cd. requiz,ed tqor borie?s @e in pla,ce but befcre org Ldth, gyps-Lor bcarC or w.LL eoueving is qpLied, atd. befote ary insulatron is concealed. DRYYALL lilS?llr?lt: ?c be nade -,! a1';er aLL crltall is in p7a.ce, bu*. prJor to ang taVirg. I,|ASCNR!: Steel Location, boni beods, grouting or uetticdls in aecotd,ctce ,nLth A,B,C. Section 241 S. \i0ODST)'/E: After installa+,ion is cctnpLeced. CURB E APPRCACI{ APP.CN: Aftet fornsee erecteC but prJor to pottring @nE?ete. SIDgtiALK & DRIr,V,ii!: For aLL con- c"ete@-dtffi street r.ight- of-u:c!, to be nade after aL! ecca- odtifia canolete & forn usotk ,!, etb- base nctetzal in pl-a,ce. ?!llC!: ttthen cotnplate -- ProuiCe gdxe; o? nouable sectians th.rotgh D t, a YX xx xx I ixil il RO!.tCi! ?LO.!3::\C, ?LIC?TCA.L ' :,!gel- ux=il ihese .-r.soecticrs 'naue beer naCe ad. zp_otc,te!. ?RZPL,I.C-|: Prtor :.o plciry fcc.lngncterieis anC before fra*trq inspeb- tLon- fR-A.llIllG: ittst be reoues;aC afterqprouaL of ruugh pltttrbin4, alectri-a.L E necVantieal. ALt rooiitt4braitt4 1 ehtmrcys, etc. ntust- beeorpleteci. )lo ucrk is to be ccn-cecled until this insoecticn has been nad.e a.C cppro,-eri. ALL pro;ect conditiors, suci, as ahe i.nstallcxion of st"eet irees, ca-ti.e;ton o;'tierequired Laniscqitcg, etc. , ,mtst be satisJ'ied. bei'ore the dUiLDI:t ?Iiisl ccn be requesced.. ?IllAL tsUILDIllc: fhe i'J.na!.3uildir4. fnsoeetion rrust be redtested c:ter the !,!.tc,L ?!wniir-;llee=rieaL, oa !.lecicn-Jcci, irscect--cr.s 'i"attc :r""" i"aL'ui-;;;;;rZ. 'ALL i4AilHCLES AilD cLEAlt)urs:rus? tsE ACC1S?|3L|, .4D,tL,S::f:i! lo 32,\:4,:!.,'.:.::O::S? lC C!?y G :'::2:Oj:: Eztires ,.) PLtntc.Lrn I glectt'Jcal tr r tr bt sq. E+4. 7823 i cf lct Ccuetage 289o { of Stor|es loxai lleight !ogogrqhy l7r_qrr Level Stcte ?otal Citzyces Pexlot icsltooe !,lesi"cniecl Per*Ji Stcte -- JICP,CACL:;.:J:1i -- I sea.e,-9eeosit Pcnnit ?atdL .Vob't.7-z ilcne ;t r.: R- 1 L0! !!?! Interoicr _ Corr.er _ ?;:nioanile _ Cul-de-sac I .: V-N 3edtcans: 4 ?t !eo Siated Cindie Electricol Permit l,lhete State La requires tl'a.t the electtieaT. uork be done bg an llectrteal Cont"aetc?, the eleetrieal ;ortion of thia pe*nit sltall tat be uali.C until the Label has been aigned by the ElectrLcel Contrector. Mechonicol Permit w_ I HAW CA-R??ULL'I 9:LI!EJED t,fu complet.ed aopl;-cction fcr per.trit' c'|td dc hereby certify ;itdt cLL i:'.fc:'r:.a:ion h.etecn is itwe ot4 cctrect, c*7 r furthbr ceriif'g thay crzy anC ali uork geriorned shz.Ll be Co:"e in accor- Ccnce ',rith the atdinsncas of the Citl of 3pr')ngf')a'!-d, cnC ;he La:s of :ce State of Cregan pertain:-no to the utork Cesc?ibed herein, crl ihzt I0 CCCU- ?/.xc:l '"rLtL be raie oi ctzy st:ucxute uitho;tc ce*'nssiott of the 3uiiitrg )t' rision. I further c'ertir"'9 =h.at ctly cont?cciars ani atplcyees u'to ate in concliance ,ra;h OPS 7o1.osi aiLL be useri on ihis project Vrcn =rAiitlel 30r'i.-st .5t JOB NO 920677 SOLAR :ESS REQ.-L-COG* JOi.LlCeS .7eax :ot Flaes - -- laes --:!!:.t ;(Building Vqlue & Permit This pemt is granted on the eq"ess eondition that the eail-cons;ruciionslnll, in cll resceets, confcnn to the ,"dindnce acioated. b:U the CitT oi Spr|r.gi:e1.7, lncltiing the 3onit4 Ctdinrmce, regztlcting )".e ccnstnteiicnsl use ci burldln4s, anri n=y be susgenLed or reuckei et cr! tirne upan tic-'cattcn of eng prcoi;lons oJ' ;aiC Criirances. )!arn 500 34. 00 L7 000.00 ?C:AL "'I.LU| I 7,000 . 00 ann r <- dua Lc'-nJ -r2,!|1iLt 80. 00 Plan Cheek S',ate 3 20 Date PaiC lotal CV.atces 3 0 caP.ce Plumbing Permit No person sha.f,L coctruet, instal!, alte: or chan4e dn! ,ea c* ezisting plwrioing cr dtainage syst€1l ,Jn uhole or in pa.tt, unLess such person is the Legal possessor of a,talid plwnberts License, esee?t tirdt d ?e?son na7 do pltnbing aork to ptoperq uhich is ouned, Leased or opez,ated by the appli- cant. ResiCzr,tial (1 ba'"h) Seuer e! Pluniizg Per,it Stdte C:il-?CZ ?es. So. ftc ll a,t / Zzt end C i r ctti t s 2 1s.00 Tarocrcu Set1lice 1s.00 60 $1s.60 rIi.Y a.'nr-^a aTtl, < *hanst llooC Vent ?a. ',lco<ista:le I s .00 Extend Heat. Sys.4.5U 10.00 19 .50 .78 20.28 Storcae SLCeNd.!k 20 $119.28 {. :io. ilain-.erar,ce -^taf ttt^tt.ta itt=, I ..RESIDENTIAL.. 22s ttorth srt, itonffPLicA?r,N /PsF'I'trr Spn'ingfteld, )regon 97477 BuiLdLng Diuision 7 26-3? 53 ii0firlrD - SPFlINGFIEl-D 2004 North 7th StreetJob Locaticn: Assessore !4ap # 17-03-26-13 rc, Iat r 1500 Subditi,sion: FiCtiner:S& 2004 North 7th StreetAddtess:Phone: 746-7455 Springfie 1d 1eceicc r U\q,U[- Date of Appl:-caticn 6-16-82 Deset4be h'orlt Family room, bedroom addition va\.ue $rz.ooo.oo RenoCeL General i4eehat:ictL UA .:U Sanilar1 seser cqpeC :t ptopez'fi Line Septie tatk p'aped a*i iilled'a'-th 7'aizl Final - I,liten abcue itens ate cc:'alexei atd uhen Cenclitior. is cornplete ot st?i3- tuye notei ai Prettoaes eleenei u?. tsLocking ord, Sec-,tg Plunbing connec=ians -- sane! oC actet Electrical Ccmr.ection - Blockir4' set'uo e.nl. plunbing connections nr;st _te q-ota;ed be;'oie requestirt4 eZecirical insp ecliot: Aceessory Suiliit'4 Einal - After 1ct'ches, skirt")ng, decks, etc. @e ccaole:ed. --!c - v: - Cons jrusjicn-L?nde!- SIT! I:'lS?!CiiC)r: To be nad.e aftet yolg City Desigz.ated Job lhtnbet Ie :820677 ua LL couerlna rt ie lhe resconsibility o! tla peortt i--A-o to see that aL?, inspection| are narie at ihe ptopet tine' that acch 'zddtess is reaiab'>e tio^-ri.-"7ilLti,, i"l tiot t;r. porrrit cgtd ie. Loca*-ed at the irctzt of tie-properfg' Tbiii.irq- iiir;oi agpiiied pth si"c.Ll retnain on the Buii-itng iiie at aLL tines' ?nocspupl FoR INSPE*ICil RIQUTS?:CALL726-3769 (vecorCet) state gour CitV,!{'q11t1l^!o'nzotber' iob aiiress' tape of inspee=icn tequested. arti uken .go;.#if#-;";;;;;;;*pection, contractors cr a,mers ncne cnd phone number. P.eq-uests reczi';ed befcre 7:cc c, .tiLL be nade the "rr" iy, tiouests'icl.e afier ?:g0 on r,rill be naCe the nest wt'king dag' T tr il ,. E*cauatlcn-, but Pr-ct tc se! uP of TO after forms. A:IDEPSLAts PLU:.BIIG, ZLEC?PICI.L 3 ;.gCuL;tiCl,t: lo be naae before cnY uork ls eoreled,. FCCTIJG , ?0U:tDAtiClt: To be rmie Afui-7;en;i"-s at"- e.caated crd forns are etecteci, but Pricr to pourir,g ccncreia. a required oa?or beriers Y Lace but befcre ota ii1,Wpsutn baatC or Lied, and beforeqP @ty insuLation Led. xx lA post A.itD tsEAll: ?o be naie prioz' to 'Jj Z;;A;t;;1"" of floor insulaiicn or I]!!DIRCPCU::' ?'IM3IJC, ,i'I!P,'1,1T!3, LIIA'IE, lo .e na.:e Pr-az' =o fi-L- TQTinchee. UTIDEPF:CCP ?T-U:9T|G 1 illCPAilIC;L:@of f-Loor insui,ciian or deeking. DRY'iALL II\SP1C|IC!1: Tc be nade Vf-,er effArutat-{s in p?ace, irut prior to anY tatirt4. IASCNRY: Steel Loeation, boni ffilgfiutln4 or oerticals in aecord,azce oith |J.B.C. Secticn 241 5. IIO1DSTO'IE: After instaliation is arnpLeted. CURB d |PPPCACI| A.PP.Ctl: Afte: .fomtsee ereiteC but prior to Poan"ing coite?ete. SfDgilALK & DRI',EI/A!: Eor aLL con-G; pAdffim street r"ight- of-*y| lo be naCe efter eL'|- etcc- uatl,nq 2qolete & forn wk .l aub- base natetial in Plzce. xx !!itCS: l4ter: conplete '- Protti.Ce gates an nortable seccians ii"tcugh Dlt? ALL pro;ect cotiitions, suci. as che insoai.lccian of a!/,2et irees, :c:pie;t"cn-ol t'ne ,"qrZr"iri Landsccpir.g, etc., mtst be satisJ-ied bei'cre the AUiLDI:;C FIiIAL :an be tequzsxed- PIyAL tsUILDII1G: ?he iinc! 3uilirng Insaection rast be reanesteti ciler lhe !'!,nal ?Lunbira Electrical, atd llechcr.iccl Inspecticns i"aue been ncCe trti ctttcxac deckirq. qollcE ?!t:t3:::c. ltEC!?ICAL I :,!tcq- A.ilIC)-L: :lo ,or< is =o be cote!2d GlTthese .-nspect'Jcrs h;ue been naCe ard :gptcrteT. FI2EPLI.CE: - nctellats Pz"tor r.o plcc'Jra --) ,^^..^n^ fn*'n-'/'4 ucJv.o Jt*,''!,J fac'-ng inspee- I ffi ffi tion. !W!!!!,q: ltust be reouesced after @;ouat of rcugh pt;trA+nq, e-Lectri- cal E neci"anieal. AL! roofing brac"Jtq I chi,;megs, ete. rrust be . eorpleted. ito ucrk is to be ccn- . cecled unt1.L :hts insoecticn has 'been narie cni ctpto'*ed, IIIIAL PLUIET:JG FI:IAL :,IECII:IICAL FI1IAL SLECiFICA, IALL \4AIIHCLES AIID CLEATIOIJTS.'IUS? 'E ACCSSSISL|, .4D,;US::S:I! lO 38.',14.:Z !1.:::O::5::2 '::Y 97 477 G JOB NO.920677 SOLAR /)ESS REQ.- 'jrct:: R- 1 V-N Siotted: L-CO G* 3edrcirs: 4 Cindie tot sq. Ftg. 7823 7 cf lct Ccuerage 289o ! o7'Stcriee !ota!. leiEht Stcte ?otal Pernrtt issttctee Va ^\--i ^^7 D^*' t ?ctel Chanaes vv lncericr 1 'l 7r_qil Leve 1 Corner ?zninnile CUL-de-sec {. Electricol Permit t'lhete stAte Lan reauires tha.t the electz-Lcal uoz,k be d,one by an Eleetricalcontrae tc r, the e Le c sri,: aL ; o rvion " f ,ii;- ; ";r ; ;LTL" ;";" lZ" rZiu urt t rtlu l.abel lu.s been sigted ,cy tde Eleotr.Jer.l- Cont?a,cxor. Mechonicol Permit n#/8-stPLc,z f HAW CAA*ULLI ilLllll:lEl the cott,oleted aoplicatton for pe*.zrit, cnd doherebg certi;! ;itat aLL *rfo:,ratibn heteon'"Js trwe oid. "b*r"";, nL tforthet .ce*ii'i that azy arc aLL uork aeniotned srwlt be dote i, o"oon-Cance ',ith the ardinczcbs of th,e CitA of Spz--ngf-:atd, and ;he Lcxs of thestate of cregon pertainina to tke uork cescr-ibcd herein, sl. lh,at ro accu-?Lilc.l 'ili bJ ra.ie oi azy- sit'ucture uithou't peznission of the iuiiirna D-.-.tision. I fr,i.t:then cerlir"; :ha.t c:tly conwcc-io"s a:d z.:tolcuees aho atZ inconpLlanceuithCRS701.05suiLLbeusetionthisprojece |,!ob:-1,.a ilcne ,r !^..^^Access.llo"rn -5t .5r illasc.50 r 201 Souch 2t,331 x 'iesc 30r :!::.!x Vai,ue i.latn 500 54.00 l7 000. 00 .it=cz .acaasSc?:r 17,000.00Faart.r.rr,--v-t, i.1LLJ S.D.c. 7.5 r ''""'" 80. 00 3.20 $83. 20 Building Vqlue & permit !!ns.pernlt -is Srcnted on the erp"ess eord.ition trat the said. consfptelions/vtLL, ,-n clL resDects, conj:nn:o the jrdirwxee zdocted. bt ,he Ci;y ofspy"Jtzgfieic, rncituirng- th.e Soning crd.!"ii, regntlcting ;h,"e ec).stnc:icn *.,i:n ,j 'cuilJtnEs,.- and n=t1 'on-' ,"ii"iii Lr reuckei at ,:ng tine utan uic_Lat'.an c: atE ptcuistons oi sat-C 3riirances. 2.'i7 ).'-- t^_'* !o'-cl CVztges Residznttal (1 bath) Seuer Plumbing permit No- pereon shall consimtct' instalT-, artev or ciunge cn! r.cu cr ecistinaplwnbina cr &ainaae systan rn rhoie ar in- part, "un\.esi t"za- p"rrr""ii' ,tn 1i?:r^,r_1":.1:l.o:-ol " tLltd. ol.*,bei,i ii"^tL, esceet ti,:ar a pZ:son nay dopLunDang aork to p"ace?tu uhich is ouzed, Leased on opereted'by the "ppLt-cant. PLtnCng penit ;io.--!.1 a-a ilau/Zttend. Cit cuits 2 15,00 Sez,uice 15.00 60 $1s.60 ia'ne-^^ aott, c bhalst llooC Vent ?s. ilcocisto:se 1 5 .00 Extend Heat. Sys.4. 50 10 00 19. 50 .78 $20.28 -- i:tcRCACe:.:i:1T -- Sec-c-)tu )a:osit Stor.oe 20 :CTAL A:,IAUIT D\JZ:1 $11s.28 ?en2e