HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-10-21" RESI'- cNTlAL" zz5 No"th sth streeAPPLicATr,N /PERI4rr SprLngfield, 2regon 97477 Building Ditsiston 7 26-37 53 SPFITNGFIELD tu /t'ofr, 'Go / 5'b0 Date tqsomJob Loeaticn: [-1 n32tnt 3 c3-1CIAgsessorc .tla? I Tcz tat # Subdniu-Jsicn: q373)4bl 9r..+=t *-'ner Phone f ( a LqOS I.,,lt Zi",n ndi n S.^;fh. Ad,&ess: tr Desczn)be h'ork: /o-Al -g,L Vai,ueDate of App V- 15 RenoCel GeneraL ELectr!,cal t:r!0Li?. SanileX setet ecpoed zt pt cper;:,i Lite Septic totk p."ned al. filled'"tith gtaiet ?inal - it4ten abcue itens ue ccnoT-ecei anC xhen iencl-.tiozt is cor.alele br s*+:-tute naueC of =rcrises cleanei uc. ;'.!cbiLz iicnei Blocking otd Sey-up ?Lmbini ccnneciicns -- salrev d. ualet Electr.lcal Ccnnection - Bloekittg, set-utand plwrbi.ng connections r;st bZ- apprctZibeJ'ore request)ng elee:rical inscel:ior; Accesso,! Builiirq Final - Aftcr :cnekes, skirting, d,eei,.s,etc. @e canple;ed. r-t i8 ihe tesponcibi-Litg oi.tla pentit itoZd'*_to see_ tttat aL! inapecCone @e nade at -.he croter tlne, thet each zd.,lress is req;at^ieilo^.-t!y stree-t'. an4, titat the-petnttt_casl. ie Located at the ftvnt of the goperty.'Suiuiq )iuiciot eirw^ed pbt shclL retnain on ti i":iai"g- !'ile at aLL tines.- W..cALL726-3769(lecorcer)stategourCityd,esigra.ted,jobnw;bel,jabaliless,typeofinspee;icn:.-1fr"::t!-:y-",1":ir1 .uiLL be reaiv fo! inspeciicn, contractars oi arn"r"'ro,," ""ra pi"l" nwber.' lrq"ii"t reLei:;Zd befcro-'z:Oc c:i 'aLL De nade the sone Ccy, "eouests naie aft* 7:00 an viLL be raCe the "".t-irii.i,r.,ia"..g. Constrtcticn Lewier e;'74 f:tCr-,-7air. escaction, bux fozwts To be trude aitetprtar tc set up of ce INSULATIAN/vAp1p ts4RRIgR rrlsplclrctt :iai:@ reou:,red oqor borie?s @e in olacebut before @ry Lath, Wpsun bcarC cntnLZ couering is appli,ed, and. be;oreor! ,:Bul4tion is cor,.cealed. Iour City Desigta,ted Job Nunber fs:7 017 2i cna PC?T:IG 1 !Qt-,;tD,1?:c:t: ?o be na.cedi=e? atenc4es cxe ezcq,lated atai for:rs cre ez,ectei, lux pricr tcpouing ccnclete.but pr-ior to ctty is in place, taping, Location, bortdo" ,Je?ticcls in U.ts.C, Secticn ,-llt il rI :l atD?pltcc.3 ?LiJiS Etc I :ayHA:tICAL :Jo ce nac.e prlcr ao tnsxcli-ac:.on offloor insulccian or Ceeking. ?.!q 4-i!D 1EA!,!: lo be ncCe pd.or loLnsxcLLailcn of floor insulation otdeck!t19. ?'O0DSTC,/E: After installation,Jeataleted, CUfi n APPR.gACH .d.p.c.,t: Aftet fornsee ereexed. but pt:ior to pcur)ng concrete. SIDEWI.LX d 1Rf:TnA!: Foz, all ecn-crexe pauinq aiyhtn sc?eet riaht_oi-;,;cA, ic be naCe aller aL! Zzea-,dtlnc eano\eze & fotn ,,;ork ,tr cub_ base rcierial in p|^zce. rq irenciee. FTilAL PLU:/.,.r:IC FT;IAL !.1ECILA:IICAL ?IilAL ELZC!?ICAL ?t Lar ao ioP/, ".r,sc e ctiars hau c- b e en !4ASC!|R!: Steel beans, gtoutino aceo Corce ,,tith ?ENCE: tarhen conplete -- prouiCe gates o" nooable sectians thnough P. U. E. -.--ALL project cozdilions, suck as the insxall.cx_:-on 2f st"eet:tees, :c:elex-Jon cf iierequired Land.sccpir.g, ctc., rlust be saxisfieC t"i:riln"-iL;L;l;i illtAL :cn be reqaestec. PiltAL ilfLDMC: Tne Final Butldtng lnsteetion tust be reouested.2.f:er the ?inal plwnbing! L e c t r i c a L, ori : t e c inn J c c i ; ns c e e tT- c; ; i;;- b, ; " ; i aZ-' *i ^" ".iZir r A. 'ALL !4AililCLeS AND cLEAttcuTs:,tus? 3E ACCZSlitsIE, .4DJ.us7:!i::t ?o 3i:!,,r8 .tfr lrn.-^ea a^ F?-v naie crd. ;pgrcued. F:PI?L;CZ: h4or .-o cZccirz €ccina meteriais ad, before iro.tir4 inspel_tion- PRA)|MC: iitst be recaesteC cflerapprov,;L cf rcugh plurb;ng, electrJ_cdL t nectanicai. ALt rco|,lrqbrainq 3. chitmcys, etc. mtsx beccmDLe-ied,. )!o .;crk is to be con_ '-cealed until lhis inapec;icn is'beett nad,e cnC aporo"-ed ?tie 1 of 2 {-^"- - CvubuL T G) ?zze 2 JOB NO. lnt Sq. Ftg. z cf Lct Ccuetaga ! of Stor)es lotal ileiEht ?opogreprry ?uilding Perd,t State To+.aL Chargea SEte Swcitotoe Perm[t issttorce Mecl""anictl ?etnit soLAR ?ESS REQ.- LC? T:!?S _ Inteticr _ Corter _ Paniund.Le Ctl-de-sac L-CO G+ 3eircons: Building Volue & Permit This pentrtt is granted on the eq?ess conditicn tlnt the satd-constrac;ion s?nll, in eil y,esoects, eonfcrn to the )rdirartce edo.oted'eiy the Citl ci Springfield, incld.ing the ioning Crdinanee, regalctitlg the ccnstntcticrt qn<i use oi bur.L,1.ings, and ney be susoerlrieC oz, rettckei at a.y tine ticn ulc- Lation cf .zr,.y ptcuisicns cf saiC Cvd.irances. 51rO.4.eA: Electricol Permit lllete state Ian tequires tha.t the eleetrieal uork be done bg -an lleet*ical Contrecto?, the elietz.tcal portion of this permit eItaLL rat be ualiC unti,L the Label has beett sig,ned by the Electrical Contrdcto?' Mechqnicql Permit Lot Faces -Soutees :;eat )f !ouse Aceess -- Fzes -- !!z:t :(Va ;.lain aAfiaf .rlf tto (s.D.c. 1.5 .: Lan Check ?ee: 0c t- tAilrE ?i.ztttes Resi.dential (1 bcth) Setter Plumbing Permit llo ?ereon slu.ll consttuct, instal'!., altet ot change cny neu cr eztsting plunbina cr drainage suste'n in aiole or in pott, unless such person ts tl".e Legal poseessor of t rsal.id plwrber's License' eccept that a peison n"V 42pllrnbiitg aotk to prope"bl uhich is oat.ed, Leaed ot operated bg the dppli- cant. Plunbing Pernit Na,t/Eztetd Circuits Semsice ;lc. *halet llaoC lent ?ot ',lcotisiote -- .:ICPCAC*E:IT -- r HAW CARgluLLy lx,Lr,tINEO i\'e cornpLeted cgplication fo-r pennit' crui d'a i"ilOi iirt;fy tfu.t aLl-infotrna*Zn hereoi-is tmte anC ebrract, ar"C r f""rl"* ""rtZ'y'r- :hat any "rd oLL ';onk VetJbrned shall be <ione in eceon- 'dince tLth the'1r4inse"es of the Ctty cf 'Spmngfield, ard. ;h-e ic;s of the ti-tn of o*ngcn pertaining'to the wix Ces-cribcd herein' s'd :hzt no lcc!- pl.Ncy vtLL be rruCe oi i,y" ttruoxwe uithout pern"Jssio, of the 1uiZding 9.;"- oision, I frtther "nril,l'g t'|nt ottly zcntracto"s c'd .etplcgees ui"'o ee in ciplnar"e ,ltt, cas ?01..05s uiLL be- used on thia proieet PLan izant r'.et L'Aid t Sectr|tu Detosit Stotaqe !4aan1:enE/!^te Side,talk ilecxr;"cal Label ,^r,f .ll^l'|,d .1|t., -U1iu tu':UUttJ uue.ltaoo Mobile llcne JLEn2d i.)fr-aaa -'t'tJ a State Surehace +a1n7- Atoocs ?afe-