HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-12-04..RES|D *lTlAL.. 225 North Sth Street COMBIT,IA?nON APrurCA?rON/PEP,]!n Spnngft eH, 2regon g?4?7 Building Diuision 7 26-3?63 lt SPRNGHELD -kt f1 73 Date: ,*t4iobLocaticn: Asoesaora tbp t Ios lat il Asnet: Addreos:Phote: Deecribe Nor.k: bdr6?rw * ba*'[, @Drtt" Date of ,""5r8 Addition 80 I I-t i8 the respotoibi-LilV of -tte permit' loLd..* to aee tlat aLL inapections fra nad,e at the proper tilne, that ecch addreso is readnbie froot the atneet, and, ttat the pcrmit catd ie Located at the frcni of tle orooentu- '9uiUiry Diuicion appror;ed plbn slnll retain on ttv htild;:tg Stte'at alt' tihee.' PROCSDUPE FOR iltSPEfIfON ,EI!(!EST: CaUT?6-t769-becotder) stata youp Cttg deaignated. iob nunber, job aCdteas, type of inspecticn foninapactii,coi*L.liii-o7a*",",,'-,;.;ei|o-nLnt,,,,bcr..-PequeetaleZeixedbeJ.ct,e7:00c:ttiLL be nade thc eone dcy, requests nade afi* ?:00 at uiLL be tsde the nert wtking day. 4o tLt Ll 3Iour Citg Deeiguted ilob lhnb* Io:, DEMOLTTIOII OR yOtT1 3 Sanilaa aaset ccpoei :t propetfi; l,,ine Septic totk p';nped c,! filled ..rith gra;tel linal -,I,then cinue itals are ca;rpleted and uhen Canciition ia coralete ov stntc- ture noued o'.C pre:rrlsas clieanei up. Btooking od, Set-'tp Plunbitg connecticna -- saL)er ad, uatet Electriccl Ccnnection - Blcekir.g, set-ug and plunbing connecticns nist le befote requeating elec:rical ixspectiol Accessory BuiUi.ttg tcrehee, skirting, decks, iated. Final - After etc. ate ade, F;;e 1 of 2 Sffg I,YSPEmIOIV: ?o be tode after ezcantation, but pricfi tc aet up of forne. UNDERSLAE PLANEING. ELE*RICAL d NECilAilfCAL: To be nade before aty Ltork ie corteted. FCOTNC 1 FOTINDATICN: To be tadeafter ttenchaa are eacaoated and forne ate erectad, but priot topuring ccncr.eta. u N 0 rR G pA U lt D p LU Mg t N e - S EqEBT_L1!E!, Lirq trenchee. UIIDEPFWOR PLUI.ISIITG T TIECIIANICAL : @o7 floor inaulction or d.ecking, NST AND BEAN: lo be de priot to itnsnstanstai,.affi of f looniwui)tionol. deckitq. ROACH PLUIlg|ilC. ELEORIEAL E MECH- GiTthase itrpectione haue beea md,e otd, apprcueC. FI.oEPUCE: Pr.ltor b pkcirq fccing ncterta.Le ard befote frotrtng inspec- tion. FRAtlIllc: ttnst ba tequected afiet approual of. rough ptwrbing, elect;ri- cal I nechanieal. ALt wofittg brucing t chilmege, etc. mtat, be conpletod,. t:lo rac.rk ig to be cot- oecled untit thio inepecticn lro,a been nade atd, apptwued. INSULATTON / VAPOR BARRITR ITISPECTION : lo be nade after aLL insulaticn cd required oqot burie?e @e in place but before ary lath, Wpsun boarC or tnLL cooering ie applied, and before ory ircul,atbn ie concealed. DRWALL IIISPETION: ?c be tnad.e ;fffitT@ie in pta.ce, but pt'ion to cny taping. \'\ASONW: Steal Location, bottd. beonc, gtotttitq ot uerticals in accordooe ttith U.B.C. Section 2415. HOODSTOTIE: anpLeted, After installation ie CURB & APPRCACII APP,ON: oe erecteC but prion After foasto pouring trtI FIIIAL PLAAAINA' FINAL AECXANICAL FINAL ELTCTRICAL eoncrete. SID|I,IALK 8 DRIVEAAI: Eon aLL con- c"e@ffi etreat right- of-tny, to. be naCe after aLL exca- vating carpltite E fom wk ll sub- base nwterial in plaoe. IENCE: '.{hen conplate -- ProuiCe gates ot nouable aectians through P.U. E. ALI proiect conditione, such ae the inetalLation of slteet treea' ca,ryltiion of ;he requircd land,sccping, eto., tast be aatisfiad befone tl,,a EUIIDI;;C flilAL:an be requeatad. .FINAL BUILDIT'IC: Th.e final Buiding Inepection mtet ba re<preataC after lhe liru,L ?lunbing Electtical, atrd llechanical Inapectiona luua been rada and approoed. . .ALT, I/,AIIilOLES AND CTEANOUTT NUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUS"TT/f,IT?'TO.8E WDE.AI NO COST TO CIIY 7 ,ourr" r^u I tr tr tr tr trr I AccesaGataqeHouseP.L NoPth -rLEast South Bedrooms:t Lot Faces ' Weet L-COC II Referenee llunbers Jcb Nwnbcr; Gt't I,OT TYPE - - Interior Corner - ponhandle CuL'de-eac Iot sq. Etg. % cf Lot Cooerage # of Stotiea Total Hei.ght IopogtuPhg ValueYSQ.FTG BffiZga2q4orz TOTAL VALUE 71 Sp S.D.C. 7.5 c -.- Fees -" Buitding Petrtit lotal Clnrgea * State * Plumbing Permit No t)erlaon ahalL const?ucb, inetal|, alter or change -any neul-cr etisting ;i,,ili;i;"";'Z;;'L;;;;"""'";;;^,-ii-ii1" on in part, lnleae euch person ie the iliit- po"rn""on of o ,TtiZ p|,-ini'i Li".nn'|, etcept tlut a !?reo! nav do plmbing uotk to propnitJ'iniih- i" o'*td, Leaaed ot operated bg the appli- cant. aro * Sani Seuen Date Paid: Receipt #: Sigted: CEARGE -A FEE Fbtures Residential (1 bath) Plunbing Pernit Stdte Electricol Permit tthere state Lan requires that the eleetrical wrk be done by -an Electrical Citractot, the el)ctuieal portion of this .permit ehall not be oalid until the Label -lne been eigned by the Electri.cal Contractor' NO. * Nas,/Ertend Circuite Sentice State fotal ILL CIIARCEI?9M NC, Funtace P?U|S Eaha.rct llood, Vent Fan / llcodstoue C-2, Mechonicql Permit I OD, CE Perntt fsaudnce tlechanical Pemrit r HAVE CARETULL( EXAI4INED tlte completed application for permit, and do ieintg ceiti tlut aLL tnfornntibn hereoi ie trwe and cornect, otd f furtter eertlig that any ard aLL uork perforned elal_L be done in aceor- 'iino" wi.th tlz'e" Oyd.inaneZe of the Cita bf SpyingfieLd, and, th_e Ia,te of the , state of ,regon pentaining to the uoik ceacribed herein, cnd tlat N0 occu- pANCy uitl be nade of any" etructure uitlaut permiseton of the Building Di- uisi,on. f fw,then cZrfiig that o:iy coflt?actors and enplcyeee who a'e in conpliance u'i,th cRS 701.0-55 uiLL be used on thie proieet .- ENCROACHMENT -- TataL lz- tz -fo I1IAL AM1UltT DUE:^/7{7* A7 Petnit Mte * L Mobile ltaae Cwbcut Sr)dewlk ltll |hin frtrocc Caroort AceesEoru -- 225 Ptnfl smEEr iiSs*Tfl;SHSil, lll\, u,OPPfCE: 126_3159 I JOB Address Cl ty Phone Supervisor License Number Expiratlon Date Constr Contr. Number Explration Date Signature of Supervislng Electrlclan Ovners Name Address ci Phone OVNER COHPLETE PEB SCIIEDT'IJ BELOY Nev. Resldential-Slngle or Ixlii;lTlll"ffi , ;"!iir"i un, t. sPFtl .itELo ELECTRTCAL TER}TTT APPLTCATION Clty Job Nuuber f tems Cos t s 8s.00 s 15.00 s 3s.00 ee nBtr aE6IE 3 A B. c D. Sum Permits are non_transferable and explreif vork ts not started ,fif,in-idO daysof^lssuance or if vort is.-su"p"li"a ro"180 days. 2. COIITnACTOR INSAALIATION ONLY Electrical Contractor 1500 sq.ft. or lessEach additional 500sq. ft or portion thereof Eaeh Hanufrd Home or - Hodular Dvellinn Servlce o. pe"JE. Servlces or Feeders (10 Branch Circultslnc-luded) . rnstallatirr, -eiii""lio"" or .Relocatlon: 100 amps or less 101 amps to 400 amps -T- 401 amps to 600 anps _601 arnps to 1000 arnpsOver 1000 amps/volt Reconnect OnIy Temporary Servlces or FeedersInstallatlon, Alteratlon or Relocatlon 200 anps or less 201 amps to 400 anps -0ver 401 to.600 amps -over 600 amps or,rbOoEfis Branch Clrcults $ 3s.00 $ 60.00 s 90.00 s130.00 $300.00 $ 3s.00 s $ s s @ Nevl Alteratlon or Extenslon per panel 35.00 40.00 80.00 35.00 50.00 One Circult Tvo to ten Circuits Each Addtrl ten orportlon thereof s $ The installation is belng nade onproperty.I ovn vhlch ls not lntendedfor sale, lease or rent. Hiscellaneous (Servlce/feed6r not lncluded)-Each lnstallatlon Pump or irrlgatton S 36.00Stgn/outline Lighttns- i re.ooSignal Circuit or B s 1s.00 s 36.00 Signat DATE: RECEIVED Ilmlted energy panel 5. ST'BTOTAL OP ADOVE 5Z Stdte Surcharge TOTAL cl54a rt