HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1983-12-30.. RESIDENTIAL.. 22 s tyorch stit streeaPPLrcAT r0ll /PERI'lrr Spr-ryfield, )regon 97477 Building ?iuision 7 26-37 53 ?ece')C! SPFIINGFIELD t"-o "&3t**' rS'o< '1 '/u 'G c t{. c, Date 1Z- .<6- <.< i Lec , ConBrFrctrn_til2!_ It' is the reegonaibi-Li4 of -tE peno; holder a aee ttui aLL itupections @e nad,e at ihe ptopet line , t}at acch :,t,l-esa is tea;oz':ei.Yr!-ti" stfee.t, ctd tiat the oqnri; cal. ia Lacated at tl,e frc.-ni of tl,e fope?ty.'3uiui-4 ?)uiciot cez?ov'€d ptbt sic,Ll re,-Jn on ttu a"iZi;"||- iitc Zt aLZ' ttn".' ?:OC!DUP,-?0q itrsP5cllCtl .liiLtZgT:CALL726-3769 (recorCet) std.te your Citg ,Tesigz.zted job mmben, job n)i-ess, type of inspec2icn :3"".1.!cti-u:zen gou viLL b-ieady fo.r ir.spcctiott, cont?c.ctcrE ci atte:s ncne -cz,n ptnie runbi.' iq";; reZeiilan bZTcre'?:00 ,=t''LLL bc ttta,cie thc aar,e /,cg, requests nctie cfta ?:00 an viLL be naCe the nca,t tnrkittg'dag. Iottr Cifu'Desigrated Jab Nwtbet Is:$sz3Vo SI79 MS?3C:ir:t: To be ntCe cf.-eracduct)on, Jut p,,|icf tc jea u? of 1'ans. mD|PSLAS ?:L':AilC, ZLaC.aJCiL l;ccn:iicAWy tprx is coucyed. fi .qcor:.';c , iou:tDATra:t: lo be rmce LJ aj:et crenches cre erca)ated crui fcrns cre etected., but prior .,o purirg cancteta.,I il toben@of floor insuktiot or decking. la nst No eg;.:t: 76 6s rmie pf.ar to;*) ffiffiof Jloor iwu'ta.;ion cr d.ecking. 11t.tc; ?aiIBt:tc. ia|:9!cA! L'.tzc1-A;lic;.i,: :lo )o"i- ia to bc couerec un=zl ihcse ir-scectiot:s 'n:ue beernaie td, e?"lr'ea. f.-.?!?!.1u1?.' Hor -a >lcc-Jr.t tccirc ,,tccer1,;,-; ard. be fore'i"or;i inro"Z- tLOt. ?P-a-yIllC: ir,usa be reclelted af:erqprclrr: oi ratgh plt,rcir4, electr.-a,L 2 necisniza!. ALt :ooi-Jng brar)rg 1 chi:rrcya, etc. rrst beatale:cd. :!o ..lcr< is to be car . cu,!ed. uncil :}is iweectictt is,e'been nsie ard, cppmveZ. ? IIISULA?IC]I /VAPA9 BARRIZR IIISPICTIOII : To be naie after aLL ins'ukticn cti tequ'lz'ed uoor beyie?s @e in pkce but bei'ore ory |ath, Wpsuri baad, ot tnLL ouering is qplied, od. befcteoty ir,s.ala.tion is concealed. .,,iCVi) SUILDI;|CS Sanilor1 aa,ter eqteC ct gogerti Lite Septic totk V;,t:peC cn fi.LleC vtth gr.i;ei Pinal - it4ted cbate itens are cc:toletedcri uhen C*tcl)tioz is corplete br st-uc-ture nouol, oi pre:rtses cleoed up. t tlcres ao trerci"ce aUDEPFaCCR !>ti):3nc 2 :lzc2Ailfc;t: AIILLL !!tSP|tr!O!t: Tc be nad,eafter aLL Crg,,tall is in place, but prior to cny taVing. W.SON:?Y: Steel Location, botti beans, groutinq or oetviccls in accorbtce ti;h U.8.C. Section 2415. l\1[ T)oDS!)'/t: After instalT,ation is /A etPleteci. t ,_] o FI;:A! PIU:,BI::C PI:IAL :IE:P,4:IICAL ?!:IAL IiifSICAL CLIFS A APPRCACI! A-?PCN: After formsa,e erecxecffi@'"o pcur:ng corLtete. SIDIIALK d 9RT,T/A!: ?or all eatt-q'eteVAG-, stz,eet r,1,g-nt-of-uc!, to be naCe aftet aL7. erea- vating 26nplele 4 fon wrk & oub- base nater)al in pLase. -" ,VCg,: r,{hen conplate -- *otsiCe gates o? ;nouable sectia-ns tlrrough P. U. E. ALL pro;ect cadi:icns, such as che ").nscallct--cn 9f sireet ttees, ecnleeion o1';he requireci Lctiscair4, .tc. ' :rust be satisiied beJ'ore ;-he SU|L2I::G !!i!AL :an be regested. YIAL ?'JILJIIC: *.e Fiaal Buiditq fzspection 1lst be yeouest*i =i:ee the Fi>zal ?tubinSileccriccl, oti ilecitatlccl insceczrcns itqte been naie anri'coorouai. 1Job !-oca:icn: Aaoesoor3 :taD l(Tebt# Subdiisicn: Atter: Ad*ess:?/- Z7 ssPtoneI-7q77 K^^/4 )t."-,*q.tzb value #ffi?. Deecribe h'ork: \"- 30,Data of AppL Ad'iticn 1-,.)oo&af"--- L'.se. t Cenetz.L o4/4.' tsLocking od Sat-tp PlwnbinX coanectictts -- aan,e! otC uatey Eteclz-tcc! Coneccion - Blocking, set-u.od. plubing cotnect'ions nust be eprcu-eCbefore requeetirg e'!.eetrtcal ir.s2ec;ioz Accessory Builiitq :ctehes, slittit.g, dec!-s,?hu,L - Aft." etc. @e calio _l 'AiL:tAJEea:S AND CLSA\TCUTS:!US! 3E.4CC1SS!31!, .lDits?::::t::O 3t:.!LDt t! !:O::ST ?C Crt ?qelofZ rr r T a--. , JOB NO. i yobile ;!ae SO LA CCESS REQ.-L-Co c+ Se.Jacns: !ea, Building Vqlue & Permit This penrr-t ia granted oa the es?rp-ss andition tlu,t the saii-consttwclion shall, in all rescects, confcrm to the Cr&)narlce td.oate,i'eiy the Ci;g oi Spingf'JelC, )nc!ud'-ng lhe Soning Crdlwzzce, regalc:*u ;he ccnstytccicn sd. use of butld.inqs, ad n=y be sucoend.ed or rertckei at cr.A tine ulon uic- Lctz.on oJ' ,zty prcuisions oi saiC CtCirances. EuiUir4 Penit Totcl Chz:ges Pltnbi.ng Petrit State --,;icF.0AC7:.:r::T -- Plumbing Permit !lo, pereon slwll construct, inslall, alter or change cnA /.eu ct e:istir.g plwnbing cr citainage systel in uiole ot in patt, unLess such person is- thelegal poesessor oJ'a ualid. olwabetts Licensb, eccept tltct a pZtson tr,a.g dopltmbing uork to pto?e"t! ahich is oozed, Leased or operuted by the *pli-cdtt. D7 A ucie f EAW CLlE?aLLy gxALIilED the conoletp-d apolication for pennit, c>ui dclereby certircy that aLL ilfonatiZn heteon' is tz,ue oil ":c"*ect', "*C f ft?ther ,ee"+.Lfy that ang crL aLL uork cerfot-aed alrall be dote in acccn- dance tith the Otdinsrces of the CitA bf SpringfietC, orC che La;;s o1'the ' State of )regcn pertaintna to the wrk Ces*ibiC heretn, a.d. :iu; :{O CCCU- F.4nC:/ 'nali be ts,Ce of cny stTucet,e uitho;,tt perrissio:z cJ' the 3u;.iding Dt-uision. I !'tzlher certif;i thzt only cont?cctops 6:,C *Lcyees ,;t"o aZ itcatoliance alth CRS 701.055 aiLL be used on this project /s. tro Lot F.cas - Accass llo!an lan ges; lCT :E! _ lnxeict _ Cormet _ ?mi.cttite CuL-<ie-sac F?C id l,/est ,tk.in bcce -lceessc:.t :CTAL t/AL'tiE S.D,c. 7.s = t'"0'" f La a: t ).= Pes:l,zntt.a,L (1 bcth) Seser Electrico I Perrnit llh*e State ian reqtires that the electrieal uork be Ccne bg an llecfu.tcal ContTa.ctor, the eleetrical pottiott of lhis pernit ella.Ll rot be oalil, untt)Lthe Label lss been ai.gnel. by the ET.ectrical lont"acto?, :io Stcta , fla.t/E:tend Ciraits Sentice s.oo 5"O O 1 Mechq nicql Permit bient ltooC "lcoCsto:se Vent F?t Pe*,rit fsstttca lec|aniccl Pelri-t co GO Storse Hintersr:e Cutbet: JLC@-d, L< L -a4rf ..rart\fr ^rr--.W Lot Sq. F'-i. Z cf lcc Ccuetc.tt_ ! of Stor.es iotal larEh: looocrcirt lotal Aaces Ftrnsas 27ryt3 Seety);t 9z:osit 92u3e u. * SPRINGFIELD PUBLIC I^IORKS DEPARII'IENT Standard laint Form Location of Complain Taken By Date /-/ q Tirne _ ?q? - 2//fType of Comp laint 4Or,mer of Proper laintantr s NameComp Complaintantr s Address Phone Referred to Person Contacted. Action Taken Da te Time S PRI.N(TF'],ELD Public Works CI"TY OF , oI{EGoN I BUILDING DEPARTI"IENT Inspectorrs }"lemo DATEJOB ADDRESS l // tl $t Ph one 747 -4221 INSPECTOR Cbaq .'f k)/ d 4 1 e Q,A'oua /,4 I // ,A,A 4x Y b.**^ *ae, d*,.-0 -r .l I ,rl ( /I ^0 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. OR Public Works EG0l.' Inspectorrs Memo BUILDING DEPART}'IENT DATE F JOB ADDRESS \ ./z->{ oNOTE: *1 e , /"Yr A ///l b /--J Phone 141-4221 INSPECItOR ,4 du f. J ,a tu/4 >)