HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1986-07-25Peeetct a SPRINGFIELD : " RESIDI .TIAL" APPLICATTW/PERTIIT 225 North ith Street Sprtngfield" 1regon 9?477 Building Diuision 726-37 53 Job [,oeaticn:)< Aesessots Mao f 2o= 2 3 rasrott Q Svbdioieion: Q.mer: Addtess:/2=s city:zip:/c- t-l htonk: Val-ue Nqs Additian RenoCel Date of Apo Licaticn -ZS oene?aL 7r/ Phone:-Qtr Plunbins A-U.*Zl-zt) lLectrical I.!eciur;ie,zL Conslrue?ion_lgddgt _ t: is the respotzsibility of tte permit holder to eee that aLL inspections ate r,ade at the ?!ope? tisne' that ecch cddress is tech.c'.e jrom the at?eet, anC thct the pentrLt eatd is Located at the ftont of th'e orooertylzuilciiry D;-uicior: c)ppou-eti pl'an sicll renain on de Bu=Lritttg Sitc at aLL' tines. rnr^rn:',E Fnn rileD=rrt1!!E_QEq!:CALL726-3769(reeoyder) state your City desigrared job nu;ber, iob aii.:'.ess' t'y7e-of trspe_e=icn eadyforir.socction,contrd.etaf,sc|ranzer,s-ltanelni;j.anenunbcy,.Peques;sreceixedbejcre7:9ccl ;til be natie the sane dcg, ?equests naie cfter, ?:00 a,11 vLLL be nade the ncst rorkin-i ia'i.lbcs. IXcu" CitA Desigr,ated Job Nutnbet fs: <oar1 no,1 luQnaa-1 ar<l l l x f Sf?3 fl-c:3i:-IJ:1.' Io be nade after escauation,but prior tc set up of fozms. UilDE,qSLAB PLUTETNG, ELECTPICAL & i.9Ci!.tiliCAl: ?o be matie before cny ffiZ,set'ed. F1)T.\NG 1 FOUTTDATICN: Io be tm.Ce afte:: xrencites are and fortn:t are erected., but prioz, to pou?trtg ccnerete. altlxqc.?9ultD PLU.|9INC. SEWEP, ht,ATER, Wortofil- @6erehee. AIIDERFLOAR PLU.ENG & I,IEC!]ANICAL:of FIIIAL PLUU,AIUG FITIAL I4ECHA}IICAL FIIiAL ELENRICAL ; : : S L' L AT I O N / V /;PO-R P.4.?.?f 5.? M S P ! C ? I C ! I : ?o be naie aiter aLL insulaxicn ei required oqor boriets @e in Pla.eebut befote oty lath, Wpsun bcarC or rnLL cooering is aoplied, and before oty insulation is concealed. a DRYWALL filSPETfON: Ic be tnade......,_.aftez' aLL dryuall is in p1ace' but prior to cny taping. MAS1NRI: Steel Locati,on, bond 6idilgrouting or l)e"ticals in accord.otee Llith U,B.C. Section 2415. VOODSTO'IE: ;cnpTeted. After installation is B':;IiD:::i3 Stdtaty seuet capped.t p"oPe?iJ Lite Septie totk p:.qed cn fi.lled vtth Staiel linal - hhen cbcoe itens are ccnoleted ard. uhen Cq.tciition is con.plete or stTuc- tuye noued anL prarises cleanei up. floor insulation o? decking. 1 Posr AilD BEAI4: To be nade prior to ) ffiL|ffin oi floor insui.atior, or deckittg. _I RO lCil PLI]I!BI:]C. ELEtr!?TCAL A T,{ECH- I - w:til these inspeetiors laue been nwd.e arui approue!. 1 tt:sPLaeE: Prtor to plceir4 facLng) ,*ffi anr) befote'irorin-g inspeb- tion. 1 rrul:tac: lltust be tequested after I ffil of rough pltnbing, electri,- - aL & necianical. ALI roofittg btactttg t, ehimegs, etc. nrast be . completed. Ilo tp"k is to be con- . cecled until this inspectton lae- 'been nod.e anC apptotted. CURB & APPRCACII APPAN: After fortnsoe eteeteC but prior to Pouting conc?ete. ,IDEWALK 8 DRr\EWAY: Fo," aLL con- cte@r stteet right- of-uny, to be nale after aLL esca- oating canplete & forn Dork & sub' base naterLal in Place. ?ENCE: lthen conPlete -- fuouil,ej86i or mottable sections through P.U.E. ALL pro,jeet cotditiotts, such ae the i.nstallation of atreet ttees, conoletion-of tie ,"qr;rja t*ra","ipt..g, Lte., nust be satisfied befoie the BUTLDING FI!\AL can be tequested' 1INAL BUTLDIN7: The Einal Buitdilg Inapeetion mnt be requested cfter the Final Plunbiry L-i Electt'tcal, otd Neciur-ical fnspectiona iuoe been nad'e afti app?ov?c' llll l.lcbile ticnes Blocking od Set-up Plunbing connections -- aaie? ol' ucter ElectticcL Connection - Blockittg' aet-u, and. plutnbing connect'ions m:st be ap2rctei before requesting elec2rlcal inspeelio- AceessoPr' Bui.LCing pcrehes, skirting, decl<s, Le-,ed. Pinal - After etc. @e coflrp ?aylofZ.ALL I.IANHCLES AND CI,EANOWS TIW? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUS?IE:II TO BE I'L4DE /I? IIO C1ST TO CI]Y /fu//-o tr 4., "ofitA5A/ ".LAR AccEss REe.-Ir -co c* 1nc G?o11, P.L ilouse Caraae Access No?th Sa;th l,lest Becroons Lot Faces - Intetior Cormer Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac heat kanca -- Faes -- i-ot Sq. F*. 7 cf lct Caterage t of Stories lotal Height ?opogrcphy :!x:.t Building Volue & permir ?lis .penntt _is granted on the e*ppess eordition trnt the sairi consttwetionstwll' in all resoeets, confcrm to the ordinance ,ioptna Li-lnn- city or ?\i:1f:"1!: ineludins' the Zonins- cv:;;";;;;, resulctitts the ecnsttaeticnatvt use or- buildin,s' and n^ay b.e- suspended ot, reuokec bt "*y time upon vic-lation of any prctsisions of Laid. ordinances. TOTAL VALUE 3.D.c. 7.s.'""u" x Va7.uc Buildrng Permit State ?otcl Clntoes :esiientiaL (i bcth) Seuer PL*tbtt:c petnit S'"uci:arae S a;/Zzterti Circu.:.ts *lor@u Seroniee Date Paid: Reeeipt # Signed: Plumbing perrnit No cereon srnrl constntct' insta|!, alter or cizange any ned cv e:istit:cpluntbi,c cr atainaae systen in uhole o* i, pon", unless "u"a ,nn"o"r"ii'rnn :i?:r,,i1":."^:_:.o:-of o uiti. pi,,^ii";i L;.;;":":';.;;;";L;"2'',;i'";^ na.y cc Z:T:r"n Do?k to p?oDe?ty uhieh is oumei, Leased o:r operaxed ci, the cppii_ Q.o, oo Eiectricol Permit hlilete state La.,t t'eouiz,es tiat the eleetnicar uork be done by cn lzectriccicontracxcr, tite elec=ricaL-portion o;'-"i1."'""r it sv,e.Ll nox be "-ali. ut::iithe LabeL iws been aigmei b:y ti.te ttllr",ii"t Conr?ccrc!. q^+.1 ai---^^ Fee ?E'I ciil,PCE I '8o I I I a fViechonicol permit,q 'itarct HooC ent Fot cocsto;te :etitu Deeocit -1n ?otal Cnanocs ie"saLk bile Hane Perrzt issuanee Meeiunicel penrtt -- ;-'t,^a lA aut PLan tganlnev f IIAW CAREFaLLy tXA,iI-ryED t-he eompleted aopl.ieation fon permit, cnd d.chereby certify that aLL;.rior-ill..Zi-r;;";;'Ls ttue anc eorree;, and. rfurthe, ccrtify that any "ia "lt ,"i-pZi.,iono"a shatl be do:te ;n oa.ol _cianee wittt the oydinane-?: .l ,:i city .Zi'bipt.nsyi.cid, ;,rn-;;., L,c;s of thcstate of oregcn pcrtaininc to the uork cescribcd hcrein, cnd. :i.t iJo ccc!-Pr''ilcy DilL be nude of any struetu"e uithout permission of the 3uitd.ina Di_uision. r further eZrti'|;, th;t- ;;iy-;or"rio"ron" a;;d,.ezplcyees ut.o arZ inconpliance Dith oRS ?01.bss D|LL b;"u;;;-Zl ,nr" p?oJeet ec ?AL A,:TOI]1I? DUE:' 2o.so Signe<i Date -2_r^Fe -.:.-. --. - - Setbacks ao. gc