HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Sewer Connection Record 1972-04-14i1 P C 0il t\ 7,810 Square Feet G $0,03 Per square Servcr hookuP charge : ($'I+ '!o Per f r Per ty o"^/ner . CI Ur Pil lllG r elI LL ND G0ll Ey Date: STATE OF OREGO)I SS CountY of Lane BE IT REI4EI43T.R r'1e, the unders sonal lY aPPear ED, that on tlris day of C ITY OF SPR\iIGF I ELD RE[.NT S 00 P foot ont foot)s 234.OO ROPER o\-/i'lE R Pubiic in and a^,-lul tne said Cotri:tY r/q Appiication is hercby nrade by thc undersigned ProPerfY owner for permission to connect thc roiio*ing descriue.l property toua"l,i',r-"oniiary' se\^rer ]in:' o'lned and nraintainecr uf the ciry or. spli,.rsi'rtr,1, i11 I asrcc t-? p?y such a hookup charg* of $Ir.lo'iei it?ii'iT,: !r t-n* ProPertv ioi''r'e f irst 150 fcet in depth to bc served by such c.,i.ty setve, ii"" in \ ieu of an ass'ssment against the des- cribed proper.V.--nn additionai $0.03 q?r-sqYuI" i""t-*ift be charged for any add i t i onal p,opttty"UuyonA the fi rst I 50 feet ' Property.Description,Address.l2l2&l2l.4North7thStreet The East 50 feet of Lot 15, Block 3, Huntrs^Addition to springfleld, as platted and reeorded in volume 3, page 6, Lane county, oregon Ptat Records' in Lane county' Oregon. "' ThisagreementhasbeencomPutedasbeingone-ha]f(})oftheequivalentcost of an eiglrr (8) inc5 latcral sanitary sevret ut itt" rut" o? 14'50 per abutting fro;rt foot anci c.locs not inciude tft" iott of a house connection to said city sevJei'' sewer user charges, plumbing p"rrii, o. other;;;; costs to be assumeci by the pro- ) ) , i9- bef oi-e and Sta;e, PCI'- i Ened, a NotarY eci tlre witirin nai"n cd ica I inciiviclual-in and wito execut executed tlre same knottn he tviLni n ly anci vol to me to be i ns t i'u;len t untari lY.dcscr ibeci edt f reet l're i clcnt anc.l acknorv I ecigcd to me ther t !,lTltEssnrylranciandsea'lthisdayanclyearlastabovewrittcn. Notary P lic '4'2-rz- -2 Conr;:ii ssi Exp i i'es