HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1988-02-03Reeet tt o .. RESIDENTIAL.'SPHINGFIEL.D- APPLICAT-' ,I/PERIET 225 North ith Stneet SprLngfield' Oregon 97477 Building DLtsi-si-on 7 26-37 53 Job Loeaticn: Aeaeeaors rlcp # lry 0 337 Svbdirsision: AnEr: Adiness ci J"/ oL 70 D 4.uLurc9r & {u4a- r a4/.h 2-,*/ ^/W /+ ),ta 'd- cC/ DescrLbe ltork: fhilt/r- a 0a rng<t_ fct Lat f tl /; { t--l Additicn Renoiel Date of AppL J -sg sicxed 2 -3 -*gDdte VaLue Phone: I GeneraL ELectrLecL ConatnctLon Lendet It is the reeponcibility of tle penrtt hold* to aee ttnt aLL inspeetiotls oe nade at the pro?er tine ' tLat ecch addreas is reaiabi' fwn the at?eet, anC that the penrit car<i ia lacaxed at the frcnt of tie propertg..Building Dittision afrrw-ed pl^ot sltcll remain on tie Bu:-Lding Sitc at aLL tines. PI?OCSDUPE ?OP INSPTTIOI\ PT|ASI:CALL726-3769(recorder) state your City desigrated job eaay for ir,,spcction, Contracto?s or A^mets ncme cnd pltone ;tiLL be nade the eone ticy, requesxs mcie afxer 7:00 en vLLL be ns.de t'ne nczt:.nrking d-o.y. you! City Deeigr,ated Job uunbev Is RequireC fnsceetions : nt6ber., job aiiress, tyoe of inspee'-ictt n:nbcr. Pequests receixed befcre 7:00 6. %0ekg crf,F TlriaPndrnil e=;auaion, but ?o be rmcie after prior tc set up of forns. FC)TI|IC 4 FOUNDATICII: lo be na*e afxer xrenches are -ezcauated and forms ate erected, but priortoptt-trq ccnc?ete, II|SULATIOII/VAPOR BARRIIR I]ISP|C?TOil : Io be made after aLL insulati-cn e.d requtred oapor borie?a @e in place bat before ory lath, Wpswt boaz,i or rnLL couering is applied, o'd before oty ir,suLa.tion is concealed. DRYIIALL IllSPEIf)Il: Ic be made aftet, aLL c.tguali is in place, but ptior to cny tapir,g. IlAS1llPf: Steel Location, bond beans, erouting ot, oeytiecls in aecorci.otce Lrith U.B.C. Section Vj0DST)VE: After installation is ccmp Leted. CUPB 8 APPRCAC|I APPON: Aftet formsoe ereetei bux prior to pouring concrete. SIDEHA\.X I DRT|THAY: For all con- crete pauing uithin st?eet right- of-w:y, to be naie after aLL esea- uatinq complete & forn r:ork & sub- base naterLal in place. ncr,af 74fnll aD Sani:.on1 saser capped at proper4i line Septic totk p:r-,ped cd filled ttth gea;te. PinaL - ltiten abcue ite:ts ate ccnpleted and uhen Cencll tion is carwlete ot st?uc- ture moued ani prer,rtses cieaneC up. tlobi Blocking ad, Set-'tp Plunbir,g connections -- aa)et otd uatet Electriccl Ccnnection - Blocking, aele-uz and. plunbing connections nr:st be ap?rcr;ei before tequesxlng eleclrieal inspeetio:z Accescory BuilCtng Final - After pcrches, ekirting, declc;, etc. ate conole'-ed. - UIIDIRSLA9 PLUI,SI]IG, EL":PIC,1L A' I l.5Ck;.;;;C;:: To be maae beiote cny ,t)OrK LA co[e?ed. :l 7 utttsncect,::o plu:.etr:, ssi.=:, t,.t:::,)Lir4 vrenchec. -1 uln*rLcap pLUtBrlG 4 t.!ic!tA::rcAL:toi floor insulction or deekina. 1 posr a:;t BEA\:: ?o be neac prior to ) i"sx"i'"r.rcn of floor insui-a.;ior or deckiry. --- R)ucll ?:Ll:31:;3, !LE:?l?IC,"L n tFa!;- I - .urLil t'nese irspeetiot:s haue becn na.de ar,a aoorouei. 1 rnrpttcri wi.or to ozccir:t fceinc ) nct;;La"s and. befora'irariry inapee- tior. 1 fnalt::c: ttust be reouested. afier ) "ppr"r"L oi rough plunbiry, e-Lectri-cal d necitanieal. AL! rociira bracing E chirrncys, etc. ,T,.st be : conrpletcd, lto wcrk ie to be con- .''cecled until thia inspeetLon laa'been made anC approued. ] FrilAL pLur.lBrrtc ) unm HE:nAtttrcAL J/ FINAL EL'CTRICAL f '44 IENCE: hhen conplete -- ProtiCe gates o? mooable aecttons through P.U.E. AIL pnoject conditions, such aa the i.nstallation of street trees, eonolcticn of tie nequired Landsccpir:g, ctc., iast be aatisficd before the BUILDIT:C FIIIAL canbe requested. IINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Tneoeetion na6t be neouesteC cftet, the Final Plunbing Electrical, otC Mechaniccl Inspecttons havc been made arui approueC, 'ALL ttA!:tlcLES AND clEAttcurs MU97 BE AccEssrBLE, ADJUg:li:r To Bt t!4D, /.? Eo cisT T0 erry Page 7 of 2 Ou-t< L l-l MeciwietL JOB NO.c soLAR ACc,ESS REQ.-L-CO c+ Gr<Be*o*s ieaf, Date Paid: Receiot #: Siq?zed: LACP Building Volue & permir \l",,Ouyt.ic granted on the e@?ess condition ttat the sai.d eonsttuetionanaLL. Ln aLL ?eaDcets, eonfotm to the Orciinar;ce edootei by the City ofs pt'-ing fi e L d' inc |udrng' th-e zoning c",a;rr."Zi, regulcting tJrc c cns t r,tc ti c n ?!r::^! Uuildinq.s,.'@7d. n-ay Ae."sis;;;;l-r, reuokeC at c,ny t?,me upon vic_tctclon ol- @ty pncvisions of aaid Orriir,ances. a .F&hr:r.es Buil<iing Pernit State ?otal CTorgea Pltnbing Perrtt State Plumbing permit No percon shall cortstraet, instal!, al,ter or ciantoe cny reu cr e:isting ql@D-ittg or drainage s-u6ten in uiole or in part, irztes-s auch person is- tl,Le-gal .posseasor of a valid plwtberrs Licens'e, esceDt tl",c.t a D'e:son nal doOH,:n"n uork to p"ope"t! uhich is otarcC, Leased ot operaxed by the qpli- [-ot Faeea - Setbaeks Df Houae Caraac Access. East Sot;th TTT TWE _ Interior _ Coraer _ Panhandle CUL-de-eac f151t Valucx Lot Sq. F,-r". z of Lot cateraga I of Stortee Totdl tetght Topogryhy t lbin Cadae Cmcrt Aecessorv ?OTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 .r Residetttial (1 bcth) Soi,iter.t Serten llctet Res. Sc. f'-e 3 7..so . BE J erl^i r: Nzr.t/bterd. Ciradts Sentice Stcte Total C7latces Electricol Permit i illhe"e state Las reauites tiu.t the electri.cal uork be done bv an Electm)cal , Concra.cto?, the electiccl cortion of tizi.s pernic sizall rox be ualii wztilthe label has been signed by the Elecxrical Conx?actol,. L \ { r::L:/tu-, -:Mechcrnicol Permitaot7. 'bhaot Hooi Vent P@t 'rlcoCstore Sectritu Storaoe Per*it Pet ;rt t Issuotcc Mecizanicel Penit -- E:ICRCACHT:T:,'? -. I l'Lart L,zontner uate fotcl (naracs f HAW CARSFULLY 9XLUINED the conoleted aoplication for oernit, atd do hereby certiflt that aLL ir.fo:r.ation hereon is xrue and co*ect, anC f furthet' eertify that any ard aLL aork perforned siall be cione in aecor- <i.ance with the Ordinanees of xhe City of Sortncficld, anl. th: La;s of the State of 2regcn pc"tainino to the oork Cescribcd hcrein, crA ahdt NO OCCU- Pi.tlcy wiLL be nade of anu axructur:e uithottt pcrmission of the BuiZding Di-uision. I funthcr c-erti'f'y that otly eont"aetons and, eryicyees uho arb in cr:tpli-ance uith CRS 701.055 uiLL be used on this project hrbctt) Sina;alk 9on:e l4obile llae j a ,ZO ?atAL Atfiui:7 D!r!:.3q,52 Signed w IJO?YN kar I Finen I