HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1984-10-26" RESIE .,lTlAL" APPLICATION/PERTLIT 225 North Sth Street Springfield, )regon 97477 Building Ditsision 7 26-3? 53 SPRINGFIELD ! to4o tl). o7 *u 51,*-tJob Locaticn: \]D323\L ?csr,,t-03nAssessoz,s Map # Subdiuision: R;Jn "&Aumer: (o+o fU. "t* **--! Phone' H9: bq73Address: \o l-el zip: Qzqzzcitg: DescrLbe Hork: lddition !,;-- RenoCeL Value loo Page 1 of 2 Date: /-ab -q CeneraL ELectrieal l4echanical Construetion Lende" It ia the responsibility of the penrLt lwld* to eee that all inspectiow are nade at the ptope! tine, that eaeh addtess is t'eaCabie fran the etreet, anl that the permtt eatd ie Located at the front of the g,operty.*Suilding Dioicion approu*ed plan slnLl remain on the Building Site at aLL times. PRocgDUPE FoR INSPE1TI)I| RE8,aEST.'CALL 726-3769 (yecordet) atate Aour City Ces'Lgrnted job ntot;ber, job aCiress, type of inspec=icn tequested and wken gou uiLL be ready for i.nspection, Contractars o! Anne?s nctne and plane nunber. Requests receixed befcre 7:00 an ,,viLL be nade the sante dcy, requests mcde after ?:00 @n uyLLL be tmde the nect wrking day. Reouirerl Tnsneetians You? CitA Desigr,ated Job Nwnbet, Is:EVo t s qfod TntcDi^mfnit. ezca*atlobE, To be made after pt tor tc set up of fonne. aNDERSLAB PLUMBTNG. ELFCTRIC4 &wcirtWny rrlotk ie eo'et,ed. F)OTING & f)aNDAruCN: To be naCe @A'tr,ffis a"e acaoated and forns are etected, but prior to ecncreta. PLUMBIryG, sE1E4, Wlllts - @-6inchee. IN SALATT 0N /VAPOR 8488!E! rll$PlclloN : ?o be made after aLL i.nsulaticn alrd required oqor batrie?a @e in plaee but before ary Lath, gApsun boatC or tmLL cooering is dpplied, and before oty insulation is concealed. DRIWALL INSPECTION: Tc be nade after aLL fuyuall is in place, but prior to dnA taping. \IASONRI: Steel Location, bond 66&ijgrouting or oerticals in accordotce tLth U,B.C. Sect'Lon 2415, WOODSTOT.IE: enpT;TA. Aftet, installation is CURB & APPRCACH APP.ON:After fornsee erecteC but prioi to pouring coTtz?ete. SIDEIALK & DRLTU!]Y: Fot aLL eon- OR Sanitatg seuer capped ct pt,operbrl Line Septic tank pnrped cnd filled rrith gra;sel Hcmes Blocking otd Set-up Plttnbi.ng connections -- aa,)e? od. uater Electrical Ccmnection - Bloeking, set-uD and plunbing eonnections rn;st be dpprctsed before requesting eleclrical inspeetion Accessot; Building Final - After pctekes, skLrting' decks, etc. ane conpleted. 71 unomruooR zLUvETNG & MECIANTGAL:ttof flooz, insuT,ation or decking. PlS? AND BEAM: To be nade pr.iot, to ffiTffilffo! floot, insulation or ROUGH PLLII,IBIIIG, ELECTRTCAL & I,IECH: ANICAL: No uot'k is to be couet'ed GilTthese inspections halse been mad.e ord. approueC. FTPEPLACE: Prior to plc.cirq faeingmatetials and befot,e froning inspec- tion. F84],!!-Ag: litust be requested after approo"t of rough plwrbin4, electri- cal & neehanieal. ALL roofing btacLrq & ehirmeys, etc. rrust be , cornpleted. llo uc?k is to be con- . cecled until this inspectLon las'been made anC apptooed. ?TilAL PLUMBIIIG FINAL MECHANICAL FTNAL ELEC?RICAL c"ete pat@Giiil street right- ef-txA, to be made aften aLL exea- oating canplete & forn wrk & sttb- base naterial in place. ALL project conditions, such as t?te installation of street trees, conpletion of tie requ.ired T.andscaping, atc., mlst be aatisfied befote the BULLDING FilIAL ean be requested. ?INAL BUfLDING: The Fi,nal Building fnspection mtat be requested aftet' the Fi.nal Plumbi.ng Electrieal, anC Meeltarical fnspections llqt;e been made and approueC *ALL ttANilCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJASntEil! T0 BE I,L4DE AT N0 CCST T0 cl?v 7 oouorn ro n Date of nWtdootion /b'V6'84 Final - L4rsn abcoe itens ote ecnpleted and uhen Cenclition is contplete or st?uc- ture motseC otd. prenrLses cleaneC up.u ?ENCE: When comPlete -- PtottiCejiiZi ot, nottable- seetians through nP.u.E. I I u le- JOB NO 7K SOLAR A^CESS REQ.-L-co d Bedt ooms Sourebs !!eat D-+^ D-:s. t# Siatzed: Wat Electricql Permit were state Las r1qtires tlnt the electrical uork be done by afl Eleet?iealcontractot', the eleetrical portion of this pernit sllall rat'be oalil. untilthe Lobel las been sigmed by the ELecttical- Contracto?. eaL State Iotal TotaL r HAW cAREFaLLy EYAVTNED t?e eonpleted application for permit, and dohereby certify that aLL infonnztibn heteoi is t?ue aitd cZruect, ad tfurthet -certify that any ard aLL aork pez,fot-ned sLaLL be done in ecco?-dance rrtth the ordinancbs of the cita bf bpringfield, and. the Lass of thestate of )regon pertaining to the aork cesbribbd herein, end. ttat No occa- PLNCy DilL b-e na.de of qa structu?e tvithout permiseion of the Bui\ding DL-uisio_n. f furthen eez,tify that only contraciore ad. etptcgees uho ar"e inconpliance aith ORS ?01.055 uiLL be used on thie project 72 ^3.L- bt Sq. Ptg. % of Lct Couerage_ LCT ?WE _ Intetiot _ Corqler _ Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac Lot Faees - Df House Aceess.# of Stori,es Total Eeight Topogrqhy th t ITEM x Value Building Volue & Permit This pennJt is granted on the ecpress eondition tlwt the said constmtctionslnll, in all respects, eonforn to the Crdirnnce adopted t)y the City ofSptingfield, including the Zoning Crdincnee, regulating thb ccnstrubticn cnd -use of buildLngs, utd nay be suspended or reuokeC at cry time upon oic-Lation of anA prcuisions of said h,dinances. TO?AL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 c Building Pennit State ?otal Clanges IIEM N0.FEE CHARCE Frbhpes Plumbing Perrnit Resid.entia.L (1 bath)N2 pez,eon sltall construct, install, alter or elunge anA neD cr etisting qlwrb-irq or dtainage su*q in uhole on in patt, inlesb sueh person is- theLegal.poseessor of a ualid plutnbet,s Lieens-e, eceept tltat a p,'erson nag dopltnbi.ng aork to property ufutch is ortned, Leased or opetated bg the "ppli-cant. Seuer Plnbing Penr:it S, to State i,0 0 1 * NO.FEE CHARGE Na,t/Ertend Circuits Iqrpo?@A Setuice -. ENCROACUMEN? -- NC FEE CIlARCE Mechqnicq! Permit lJcodstotse Yent Eot bhanet HooC B?A, S Permit fssuanee Mechanicel Permit Sec.r,itY Deposit Stotage Maintenance Perwit Cvtbeu! Sidewalk lence Eleetz,ieal Label Mobile Hone -- Fees -- ?O?AL AMOTIN? DUE: *9/,.o o Date Sethoeks Can aoe ',loPth lns 1:Fineolt Waodstoxe ?otal, Chanoes State