HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1990-02-27# E ectr .'RESIDF\ITIAL.. APPLICAT\tu /PER\,LII 225 North |th Street SprLngfield, 0regon 97477 Buildtng Diuision 7 26- 37 53 !L SPRINGFTELD re to aee tlat aL:/. inspectiotts ee nade at ttg proi)er tine' tLat 244h -iir2ss is nea'cdbie Srr e El-ectric ian It ie tlte frut tlu*sutlding reeponeibility of tle petmit ho-|d* etteet. @1d, that the pe"riit catd. ia ' bloicion appro"^ed plnn slcll remain L*ated at the front of the WqPe?tl . on tlp Building Site at aLL ti-mes. PRO11DUPE FoR INSPECTION .4_9=qye Sr :C A Vequest{dMtou uiLL be readY '*iLL be nade the sone dcy, "equests LL 726-376 9 (recordet) state your City for inspeetion,Contractot's or A,mers nw;ber, iob aCiress, tyPe of insPecti.cn number. Reque sts receixed befcre 7:00 andesignated job nane and plnne ncde after ?:00 on urtll be tmd.e the nest :,nrking daY you" CitA Desi-gr,ated Job Nwrber Ie: Job Locaticn: ?c,s Iot #1Aesessoro Map # Subditision: Otmer: . Phane Deseribe l'lot'k: Adiitian RenoCel n Na.. t-l Date of General ; Plurnbin Hcmes Btoeking otd set-uP PLunbing connectiona '- aaie? ad' uater ElectrLcal Ccmnection' Bloekittg' set-uD - altd. oLwnbinq eonneetions m;st be apprct;ed iefore requlesting eleclrLcal inspeetion Accessory Bui-Hing pcrekes, akirtittg, decl<s' 1 ^L^) Final - After etc. ee eomP Page 1 of 2 l?emti,nad SITE INSPECTI)N: Io be rmde aftet escffiToa-ilt yr"ior tc se+- uP of forns. UIIDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & WCULlACet: ?o be mal.e befoz'e anYffii6uercd. P00IIN9& FOUNDATICN: to be rmCe Afterffi;s are acatsated and. fonns ee erected' but Pn)or to pouring ccncrete. I N S ULAT I O N / V APO R B ARRIE R T.IISP.! CT I O N.: To be made after aLL insulaticn ea neauired toor buriera @e in Place bui before ory lath, gtYPswn boatC ot tnLL eooering is applied, attd before ay insulation is concealed- DRWALL INSPECATON: TC bE MAdE ;F"" "n@Ztfis in place, but prioz' to cnY taryng- IIAS2NRI: Steel Locati,on' bond 66i, groutin4 or oerti,edls i-n accord.orce tttth U.B.C. Section 2415. VO1DST1',/E: After instal1-a.tion i,s arnpleted. DEI.TOLITIOII OR BUILDI|ICS Sanitary ser,ter capped at ptopetbl Lire Septic totk g"nped atd fi'Lled trith gta;tel Final - l{hen abcoe itens are ecttpleted and uhen Canolition i's eontplete o? atvuc- ture moued and ptenrLses cleaneC up' V amtnrr,oon pr'utnmc 4 utctljtttclt'I I ro be md'e P"io" to instaLLaxlon floor ineulation ot decking' P1ST AND BEAM: Io be made Pt"Lot to ffifrTdi6{of ftoor insulation ot deckittg. ROUGH PLU\BTI\G. ELFCART?AL e MECH? ANICAL: No uork i6 to be coDe"ea ffiiTthese inspecticns hatse beer mad.e and aPPnotsed'. FIP.EPLACE: PrLor to placi.rq factng ^atffiffi attd before froning insPee- tion. FRAllIltG: tutust be reqtested aftet' 66al of rough Plwrbing, electni- ilL & mecltani.cal. ALI roofing btactrtg t, ehtnmeYa' ete' rmtst be . conaleled. lto wrk is to be con- ..eiled until this lnsPectLon ?ns 'been nad.e anC aPPto.*ed. CURB & APPRCACH APP.ON: After forms d,e ";ATAE;jAI" tu Pouring co?1,c?ete. sfDgWALK & DRTT,WAI: For aLL eon- ;Petenct frAffi; li;"eet tight- of-unu-. to be na.Ce aftet aLL etca- oLting- canPlete & forn r,tork & sub- base nctet-i.al in Place. FIIIAL PLUVNIilG FIIIAL I,IECHANICAL EINAI! ELECTRICAL IENCE: Vhen conPlete -- ProuiCe g"tG oo motsable seetians through P,U.E. eLL proiect conditions, such as the i.nstall.ation of street t19e-2-,- eonPleti'on of the reqti,ed. LanCsccping,'Ltol., irt be sati,sfif,Z-L,if":riltl aUILDIN| EItiAL ean be tequested' FrNAL BUTLDTN*: The tinal Building rnspection trust be requeated after the Final Plunbing ';L:;;; ;;;1,-' ia u ", "t-,i' iii lii p i " t i o no'hau o b e en mad e attd. app t ou e d'I *ALL I|ANHCLES ANDCLEANOUTSMUSTBEACCESSIBLE'ADJUSTIIE\IITOBEI'L4DEATNOCCST?OCITY Date: {\o( I /) .\ Address: - qqR 1 Rl rlrs tr tr tr JOB NO. Lot Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Cooetage # of Stories Total Eeight ?opography Building Permit State ?otal Clnrges SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- OceupancV C: -- Fees -- L-co d Bedroons 7 LOT TWE _ Intericr _ Cotner _ Panlnnd.Le CuL-de-sac Building Volue & Permir This perrLt is granted on the erpress condition that the said consttaetions^hall, in-all.res-pe-c_ts, conformlo the Crdinance adopted 6:y the City ofSp,ingfiel-d, inc!-ud.ing the Zoning Crdittanee, r,egulating thZ ccnstru-ch)bn *.ro" of buildings,. otd may be_ suspend.ed or reuokeC at cng tlme upon uic-Latlon of any pnctsisione of said }tdir,anees. ri Receipt #: f HAW CAREFULLY EXLAI-\ED^ t-.he cotnpleted appl.ication for permit, and d.oPr??a certify that aLL i"fo"r.;;i;-i;;";o" is ttue and. eorrect, cnd. rfu,then .certlfa that org ord- oit ,oolk- pznfotned evnll be d.one tn aceor-dance vtth the ,rdinencb.s of the city bf bprlsyi.Ji, "ia tiZ La;s of the- I?j^n- ot-??s"" pertaining- t"- iiiiir-\eseribcd hetein, cnd ttat No occa-Pl'Ncy t'till be rmde of an!- stt'uetute uithout permieai,on -of tie suttding DL-uision. r fw,ther "Z11Liy ,h"l ;"1a-;;i-tta.tots and enrplcsees uho are inco;npliance uith oRS zol.-o-ss uiLL be used on this in)jno.t -"-"" Lot Faces - Setbacks DT House Cal,aqe Access North East South Ilest ITET4 f;U Y Va ?OTAL VALUE ucS.D.C. 1.5 c Siglzed: NEM FEE CEARGE Frbhnes Resid.ential (1 bath) Seuen Plurnbing Pernrit State taL Plumbing Perrnit No- per€on slnll cqnshact, inetall., alter or elnnge aruJ ned cr extsting 4l^*l"s or drainage tay!? in uloie or in patt, Lnles"s su.h per:ion is the :1?:!,11":.1rlo: of a ualid plwtben,s Licensb, eoeept ttnt a pbt,son may dopLlonblng uork to property which ie oaned, Leased or operated by tne "ppti._cant. Neu/Eatend. Cireuits Seroice Electricol permit tlhe?e state tan requiree tlat the eleetv,ieal uork be d.one bg an Eleetniealcont"actor' the eleetrical portion of this permit stutt iot'oe uiru. untilthe label ltas been aigned Uy ttte tleZtrtcal'Contracto?. L Stcte Iotal CIIARCE B?U' khanet Hood. Vent ?an llcodstooe d Mechqnicol Permit Pentrtt fssuotee Mechanical Pemrtt -- ENCROACHMEN? -- Petmtt Cvt beut SideuaLk Mobile ttonre ,IO?AL AMOIITIT DUE:A (3/.sd C*- Date e 7o L Mai,n ?araao Caroort Accessortt Uate Paad: Storage Maintenatee Pence ELectricaT- - Permit No: Address: lssued STATEMENT: INFORMATION NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS ABOUT CONSTRUCTION RESPONSIBILITIES Fill in the applicable blanks, and initial box 1 and either box 2A or 28: ^) Note: Oregon Law, ORS 701.055(4), requires residential building permit applicants who are iot regi6tered with tfie'Coirstruction Contractors Board to sign. the following statemenibefore the building permit can be issued. Licensed Architect "nO engTn""t "ppiit"ntt, "iq.pt frori iegistration under ORS 701'010(7), need not subhit this btatement. Thii statement will be filed with the permit' Date: I own, reside in, or will reside in the completed structure' Contractor registration number 1.r71 2. A. I will instruct my general contractor that alt subcontractors who work on the struct u r" . u.t' EliL? rc[iJi;',t'h ih; Co*t""ti o n Co nt ractors Board' B I will be my own general contractor' es{trH--ih$Tg#$j6ffE'*',"..*p3Eilp$'iili':#fi ffi{ lff1?H,Hl1y".liju.::?3??x:111tl;:*'ffitTul:,1t,1..1"ff"lix13.8.-.ltl}:"l.Jiil: ier"rse side ol this form' A t/at /7 o ,L ,L S gnature pplican t PERMIT FILE I CONSTRUCTION @NTRACTORS BOARD o2M) 1A24189 Date @s 4 OR tLl\ I& I U