HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-05-06.. RESID=NTIAL.. APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 Noz,th Sth Street Sprtngfield, 1negon /Z4ZZ Building Diuision 7 26- 37 53 ! SPFTTNGFIEL.D ltllQot r A Date \,11 o a CC fron*Bui GeneraL Conalryle$4-Ieder- It ia the the!dia ?o be made aftet pr.Lar tc set uP of fonns. CAL: TO ana : Io be nsCe a.Te and are erected' but Prior to pout"Lng ccncrete. No to these ittspectiotts hats e b eqr' respottaibility of tlze pernrtt '--U? "to"'"t, artd tltht the -petmtt caz'd i'a- tiilll"i "ppro':ed plan svcll remain Located at the ftont on the Building Site at _p"aPe"tAL tlmes. to aee ilrat all inaPectiotrs of the aL 26-3769 (reconder') state yout' City inspection'Contndctct's or Otmet's aftet 7:00 an r,tLLL be nnde the nest wrkirg dag Your CitY Desigra.ted Job NumbeY ee ndde at the ptoPer tine' that aach address is reaCoble desigrated job rntne end PTane ntonber, iob aCiress' tYPe of insPec'-i,cn nutltbet,. P'eque sxs receiied befcte 7:00 cnPI?ocsDUPE FoR INSPECTI1il .?qqtlBsr'Cf Lf-l- tequested and ahen ,ou DLLL De ?eaaa JUr' iit t" nade the sane dc7, requests made SITE INSPEC?ION: ercaoation, but DEI,IOLITIOII OR Mobi Hcmes Sanitanl setter capped at Pt'oPerQi Line Septic tank p'ttrTped aad fi'LXed trith gra;tel Final - I,lhen abctse i'tens are eorrpleted "riit n" d'qnoli.tion i's eontplete- ot etrtie' f,i"-^Zr"i ad, Pretrlses cleanec uP' nPYrtAt.t. TNSPECTI1N: Tc be made Wrs.inp|.ace,but prior to anY taqlng' I|ASINRI: Steel Location, bond ffiqnouting or oeYticals in i"orld.&"" LrLth a,B.c' section 2415. wolDSTo'lE: Aftet' installntion is e,rpT;TA. tr I T @-i-renches. "ffloor insulntion ot' decking' POST AND BEAM: To be made Pr2ot to ffiffio" of floor iwulation or d.eeking. cuRB & APPR-O- 4CH APP'ON: @e erecteC but P!1'o7' Blocking otd Set-ttP Pltnbi.ng eonnectians -- aa))e? d uatet Electrtcal Ccnnection - Bloektng' set-ua, ind olutntinq eonneetions mist be xPprctea ;; ;r;;- ;q"" s ting eL eelrLc aL insP ecliot: Accessorg Bui,lding Firnl - After pcrches' skLtting' decks' etc. ore eonPleled' After ,fornsto pourtng conzrete. crnflhtAr.k ,4 DRLIWAY: For aLL con- ffi. pffiAffi stteet risht- iiia" b be maCe after aLL ecca- iLtl,* can7lete & for-n wrk & sub- fuse natet'Lal in Place'node artd aPProtsed. FIP,EPLACE: PrLot' to placirq facLng ^"t;fr;T; and before franing insPec- tion. FRA].IING: ltust be reqtested after ffiio"t of rough plttrhing, .electt'i-EL & nec?tanical. - ALI rooftlng bractttg & ehimeYs' ete' rrust be ionoleied. lto ucnk is to be con- . "Lhna until this insPeetion has 'been nade anC aPPt'oxed' WNCE: When conPlate -- Pro'oiCe ffii o" iit:atli sectione through P,U.E. _._- ALLpt'oiectconditions,suchastheinstal-Lationofstt'eett-1ete'1'co:Pleti'onofbie requined. Landsccpi.raiLri*i',irZr'iL L"tt"ftZi-l"io'n"" inl BUTLDTN1 FriAL ean be requested' F^NAL BUTLDTNG: The Final Building_ rnspection mtst be reeuested after the Final Plmbing Electt'ical, *rd M.';'i:;;i ;;;;;i';-'rw'i in"" nade atd-approuec' FIIIAL PLUMBIIIG PINAL MECHANICAL PINAL ELECTRICAL \q Job Locaticn: Assessors Map # /7 ?aa Iot # Subdittision: )tmer: Tl/Addt,ess: City: AddLti.an €<s DesflLbe tlotk: J Ln/l-/ou/ RemoCeL Value7Date of ApP Lieatian -gB *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS IIUST BE ACCESSIBLE' ADJUSTIIENI TO BE I'L4DE I'T IIO CCST TO CEY Page 1 of 2 I SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-:#\,JOB NO L-CO BeCtoonsLot Sq. Etg LOT TWE _ fntetior _ Cormer Lot Faees - % of Lct Caez,age - # of Stortes lt, P. L.House Iotal Eeight ?opography _ Panhand.Le _ CUl-de-sac lace toxe rTEM FTG x Building Volue & permit This permit is aranted on th: e,p"ess cond1tion tlnt the sciid eonstractionsltall, in all rLsoeots, confotn io the Crinance adopte,i 6:y the City ofspr*ingfield' inelldina- tne Zoii"g- c":ii"ZZ, r,egulating the ccnst"ucticn?!,11" of build.ins.s," *rd. ,;;'L;;" "7r1.#ia'"t, reuokec at c:ny tine upon uic_LatLon of dtA pncuisions of Laid o"iit"*r"n"'. ?O?AL VALLIE S.D.C. 1.5 c Building penmlt )State 7 Date Paid: ?otal Clnrges Z N0.FEE Signed CHARCE Fi.ttures Residential (1 bath) Seuet, Plumbing penrit State Su.t eVan ge * EI ectricql PermitNeu/Ettend Circuits where state Lan reouit'es trnt the eleetz'ical uotk be done by an Eleetz*icalcontraetor' the el)eh*ic1l.;;4;;;;vtiiz"p""^tt stwll not be ualid. untilthe LabeZ lns been signed ty the mLLt ,i.lt, cont?acto". Setltiee 1 TotaL * NC FEE CILARCE Mechqnicol permit Erhanet HooC Yent Fot Ilcodstoise Permtt fssucttee Mec?wnicel pennt -- ENCROA CHMENT -- Clttbcut Mobile Horze SideaaLk L Reeeipt # Total f HAW CAREFULLY EXLUIN-Eq ile eompT.eted. applteation fot, pelnit, cnd doherebv eertifu that .aLL irlJrmzi,;z;"i"2;";""^ is ttae and eoz,neet, and. rfut'tker eertifv that any "ira "ii iiii")Z*qory"a shall be done in aeco?-danee ti.th the ordi,nenc/ ;1 ;;yi ;;t;.ZV -sp*t"gtiiii ;;da;Z Laxs of the* state of 0reqcn oertaining to the uoik ceseribcd henein, c.nd. that No occu_PANC, uli,L be nade of ya- "t o.{r*Z-iit|out p"r-r."ir.ii Lr 'iie- Buizdins Di-uision' r fu,then ebrti"fE th;l-;"La';;ntno"ton" ozd, etployees uho ore ineotpliane e urth oRS z o t.b"s { "t it-';;" ";;;' o, thi s pnoj ee t 4 3TO?AL AMOUNT DI]E:*2,7-66 Signed Date 4 - gY-