HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1981-05-14INSPECTION IINE 7763769 CITY OT SPRINGTIETD COMEINAIICN APPIICATION / PERMII INFOTAAATION tINE 72*7753 ENERGY SOURCES: Heot - Sq. f ,9, Other -New._-Add -Alter-ReP'- -[ence-Demo-Chonge/ Use -Other Rq Woter Heoter (\snel Volue of Work: ng Permit lnfo: ArochedRe Describe Work (i.e., Bui ld Single Fomil Bui\-n PhoneAddrerr U Addre rr Phone (phone(expirer)(lics. no.)(o dd res r)DESIGN IEAM (nome) Electricol Machonicol (nome no Plumbinq ( Electrico I +t ETECTRICAT FEE CHARGE MECHANICAL No.CHARGENO.I IEE Mcchcnicol PTUMBING CHARGEr?l furnoce/burner lo ---BTU'S Re:iCene oi -_:q: fr.Eoch ringlc fixturc NU. Applionce vent :eporq leNew <ircuils, olteroiionr or exlen!ionsRelocoted building (ncw {ir. odditionol)Stolionory evop. coolerSERV ICESS.F. Reridenge (l both)Vent fqn with sinqle ductTemporory ConstructionI both) eochDuolex Vent system oPort from heoting or A.C.Ampr.Acidilionol borh Mechonicol exhoust hood ond duct Woler tervi(e Wood stove/ heoter Scwer Heot PumpFEEDERS Air hondler to r0,000 cFMAmpr. Scwcr Air hqndler over 10,000 cFM TOTAT CHARGESTOTAT CHARGES DATE plon Ck. Comm/lnd I Zone TYPe/Conrt' unrilYalid dthirnot:hsll beofContrsclcctricslthrpcrmilE!erlriccl clo?,porlior.bework dcnccol byElcctrinwUEOE5IRrhclhotsrWHERE,IEA tA'the pcnel.electricolloondctorottothedEl!Grrics Conlrononhorlsbalbcobyrig ned correcl, ond of the Stote , of ony req uireci furtherndIhereoninformotionItuel3ollthorndohdolorcertiflerebyir,the ,leied pplicotion PermYETUt[EXATAINED c0mPHAECAR of OregonlheondLow sofiheofeOrdino nces Ciry Spri n9f ie ldrhwithtndoneocordqncebeshoIIIofklhqtqndpcrforrcd ^Y IDivision.furlhercertifyolihethenwithoutBuilding5tructurepermi:siodeIIDENOthotOCCUPANCYondc,work r(riixd herin,the,o I notedngtheexem:ls forbopertoini70rifrhqt ptionoRs.055,exemptbyeffectond5qfor cefulll5Boordlntherh8ui lder':thoi my rcAiinotioncertify bewill oured rhisn proiect.irh oRsronceowhoreomplondrubontroclor:emP ioyeesndthothero n,only Syltems DeYeloPmenl lssu{NcE oFTPERA\IT IOTAL CHARGES Bo:is for Builde/r Eoord excmPtion; Fee Fee Plon Ck. Res 30"h1 sl FOR OFFICE USE ONTY SIGNATURE BUI!DING PERMIT Chorger ond Surchorge: * Volue a Vo luc a Volue TOTAL VATUATION Fira Zonc - Bedroomr --------3"YFlood Ploin -Slotict O(GY ls Sq' Flg' Moin Lood Sq. Ftg. Access Group-Sq- Ftg. Other Fence Totol Comb. P"l.!!-Demo PI,UMBING PERMIT Ghorges ond Surchorger ETECTRICAT PERMIT Chorge: ond 5urchorger c Sidewolk d) TOTAI MECHANICAI. PERMIT Chorger ond S urcho rg e s Curb Cut rhe NA,!{E (ploorc print) 6) coMBINATION AppLtcATtoN,lpERMtT tsAp) l. Appliconf to furnish A. Job Address B. Legol DescriptionI. exomple-tox lot 100, Lone County Mop Reference l7 03 432. e-fEmEiE-Lot I. Block 3, 2nd Additlon to Springfield Esrqres C. Nome, etc. of owner ond construction lender D. Energy Sources l. exomple-heot/elecrricol ceiling/ or forced oir gost. exomote-woter heoter,. eleclricolz'or solor E. Squore footoge or voluotion, etc.I. exomole-1250 sq. foot house,500 so. foot oorooe2. eEmFiE-i?;;w proiect, check new-ii odditi"on, cieck odd, etc. F. Building permit informorion: l. exomple-construct single fomily house with on ottochedgoroge 2. exomple-remodel existing goroge inlo fomily room3. exfiFl-e-convert single fomily rlsidence into restouront (chonge of use) G. Volue of work os defined in Seciion 303 (o) of the Structurol Speciolty Code H. DESIGN TEAM,AND CONTRACTORS To ovoid design or construction cieloys, Building Division Stoff must be oble ,o contoct oppropriote p.rror,. regordingdesign informotion or iob site correclions, etc. It. AbLievioted Plumbing, Mechonicol & Elecrricol Schedules A. Except where blcnk spoces occur in the description portion of the Mechonicol ond Electricol Schedules, the oppiicont need fill-in only rhe No. Boxes odiocent to the oppropriote. item(s) ro be insrolled B. Full Plumbing, Mechonicol, ond Electricol Schedules ore ovoiloble ot rhe Building DivisionI. To conserve spoce on the permil form the schedules .: hove been obbrevioted 2. lf the item(s) to be instolled qre not covered on the obbrevi-. oted schedules you should consull the full schedules C. BUITDING DIVISION STAFF WILL FILL OUT ALL FEES AND CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULES lll. Applicont to sign ond dore Whenever possible, the iniriol opplicotion will be used os oworksheet only. Where possible, Building Division Sroff willprepore o typewritten copy ond return it to the opplicont ot the time the oouol permit is issued for his signotuie. lV. Fees ond Chorges Plon check fees ore due ond poyoble ot rhe time of rhe opplicotion,ond no plons will be processed until these fees ore poid. altother fees ond chorges ore due ond poyoble when ihe permit is issued. V. FOR OFFICE USE ONIY FeRmIr VALIDATIoN Permit Clerk PROJECT CCNDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED EEFORE OCCUPANCY: ( Additional Pro[ect lnformorion: nome signolure dote PLANS REVIEWED BY: INSPECIION IINE 726316? DESIGN I€AM CITY Of SPRINGTIETD COMsINATICN APPTICATION /PERMII (oddresr) INfONMAIION tINE 72(h3753 a) (lics. no.)(ex (phonc(nomc) tion Addre:: tegol De -New -Add -Alrcr -ReP. -.. -Fence -Demo-Chong.f Ura ENERGY SOURCESI -Other Woter Heoler Sq. Ftg. Moin t{eo t - Sq. Ftg. Accett. Sq. Frs. Orher Volue of Worl: Attoched Dercribe Work (i.e.,8uild SingBuildinq Permil lnfo' Fc mi\!'\PhoneAddres Addra rr Phone uan!tot Plumbinq Electricol +t EI.ECTRICAL Alcchcnicol PI,UA{8ING rsE CHARGEc!'t^RGEi FEs furnoGe/burner to -BTU'S Re:iCance of Eo<h :inqlc {ixturc Appiionce venl 5eporq te New circuiir, ollerotioni or exieniiontRelocqted building (new fir. odditionol)Stolionory evop. coolerSERV ICES S.F. Reridence (l both)Vent fon with single ductTemporory ConrlruciionDuolcx (l both) coch Vent 5yrrem oport from heoring or A.C.Ampr.Aciditionol borh I Mechonicol exhouil hood qnd ductWoler service Wood rtove/ heoter Scwcr Heol PumpFEED ER5Sbr.m Sa-ar Air hondler to r0,000 cFAiAmpr. Air hondler over 10,000 cFM rssuANcE otrPERAtlT TOIAL CHARGESTOTAL CHARGES SIGNATURE DATE ( correct, ond I of the Stote of of ony requireci ond Itu r therttuehereont3informotionollthstonddocerlifyforEolionh arebylheletedprrmit,Y EXAA{INED comP oP PliIVEHACARETUTT'ond LowsofncellheoflherhnoCitySpringf ie ldlheOrdicordceontnbcdonaolIkrhollcerlilhoqndpcr{orrcdonyly IDivision. Oregon furtherthethoutrm I ttto n iheolPe Building3truGturedemooewill'ANCYNOOCCUPondihollorhckhcrin,dcrcriixdpcrtoining notedittheforbosisIterem70roRsthoption.055,PtexemoeffeclbylorendtsBoordful IlnthcwithBui lCer':thot i:iotionmyre9c!tlit,l rhi 3RS701Iwilured pror ie ct.be,h oorewhotncomplionccondcmpioyec:sub6nt?ostottond,hot onlyhcron, orhirofrhalivalidnotborleclricolthrIElcriricoonlroctoT.portiorr permilcbsdcnclheworkElectricolbyu,EO ESIR lhcrholst,WHETE IEA LA'nel.thc alcaricollo PooltochcdondEhctri(s Conlro clorbcrnncdonhor!is b,1lqbcl NAME (ploorc print) Bosir for Builda/r Boord cxcmplion: TOTAT CHARGES 1 Voluc r Voluc 1-Voluc TOTAL VAIUATION FOR OFTICE USE ONI.Y Fira Zone-&droomr Zone -Typc/Conrl. Unilr 5q' Frg' /rloin ccy Grovp-Sq. Ftg. Other_- Lood Sq. Ftg- Accels flood Plqin --------Jtorier O Syrtemt DevcloPment Chorqc (l'5?i)Pton Ck. Comm/lnd 65211 Bldo ?et Fe. Plon Ck. Rer 3oo,/o/ Bldq Per fee BUITOING PERMIT Chorger ond Surchorgc r Fence Totol Comb. PermitDemo Chorge: ond S u rcho rgc r PTUMBING PERMIT Sidewolk l/C Pov;nq Chorger ond 5urchorger ELECTRICAT PERMIT Curb Cut cx) TOTAL ATECHANICAI PERMIT ChorEcr ond S urcho rE e r Mechonicol no S (nomc)le MECHANICAL NO.FEC ( n.] NO. I unlil @\C\, /6) I : . , Additional project lnformorion: signolurenome ),ole PTANS REVIEWED BY: { Td .it4I coM8tNATION AppUcATtoN,'pER,i]--T (CAp) l. Appliconr lo furnish A. Job Address B. Legol Descriptionl. exomole-roxlor.lOp,^Lole.Counry Mop Reference IZ 03 43 _ 2: eE;F6-Lor t. Block 3, 2.d AJJiri"n to Sprinsfietd EsroresC. Nome, etc. of owner ond construction lenderD. Energy Sourcesl' exomole-h""/_...,9$-ling /or forc.ed oir gos2. ;E;;i-E-wo rer heorer/ elecrri co l,,,or solo rE. Squore footoge or rolrorioillI]_l. exomole-l 250 sg. foot house, 500 sq. foot goroge2. eioF;E-iG;w proieo, .1.,".[ ""*-if oddirion, checkodd, erc. F. Building permit informorion:I. exomole-construc, single fomily house with on ottcgoroge 2. exomole-remodel existing goroge into fomily roon3. Exo,"nFj-e-converr ,ingle fJr;ily residence into- reslouront (chonge of use) G. Volue of work os defined in Section 303 (o) of theStructurol Speciolty Code H. DESIGN TEAM AND CONTRACTORS To ovoid design or construction cleloys, Building DivisiStoff musr be oble to contoc, opp.opriot. p.rro-r,. .ug,designinformo'ionoriobsiteco.rrec,ions.etc. ll. Abbieviored plumbing, Mechonicol & Electricol SchedulesA. Excepr where brcnk spoces occur in the descriprion ooof rhe Mechonicol onci Electricol S.hedules,;:;;;il need fill-in only rhe No. Boxes od[ocent t" th" ";;;;;. item(s) ro be insrolled B. Full Plumbing, Mechonicol, ond Electricol Schedulesore ovoiloble ot rhe Building Divisionl. To conserve spoce on thJpermii form the schedulehove been obbrevioted2. lf the irem(s) to be insrolled ore not covered on the. oted schedules 7ou should consult the full *t;;i;C. BUILDING DIVISION STAFF WILL FILI. OUT AtL FEES A}CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULES lll. Appliconr to sign ond dote Whenever possible. the iniriol opplicotion will be used osworksheer only. Where possible, building Division Stoff ,,rprepore o typewriilen copy ond return it to the opplicontthe lime rhe oouol permii is issued f"i f,i" ,ig."il;.'--"' tV. Fees ond Chorges Plon check fees ore due ond poyoble ot the time of the orond no plons will be processed inril rhese i;;;';;td-orher fees ond chorges ore due "na p"ytbtu;;;; fi;;.is irsued. V. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY -PER/\flIT VALIDATION r- CITY OF SPRINGFIELD City Holl Springfield, Oregon Deportment of public WorksOFFICtAt RECEIPT llo. B 5EjlSg Address tc n I c.tr\ For: Amount Recei' ( ( (- ( f' C) ( ( e (rPROJECT CONDITIONS TO 8E SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPA AUTHORIZEO .TUiX.ULL 'iIXIEiS . EUGEN€ Oi 9,.OI (.f- ( ( t' ( (