HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1988-08-23'. RESIDENTIA[.. 'I/PERIITT 7-H Phone Descri.be htot l<: ?at Lot #/a-5oo (z(7t Reeeipt !/L l\s .No,th sth sty,eeaPPLrcAltltlt ngfield, Oregon IZ4ZZBut Ldtng Diuision 726-s753 -r Assessors Map #03 92 Asner: Addtese:33 A), ',li*p& $tt-L a? 7 1, Additicn -4-fe-*'U: L Date of Applicaticn d6 L C-7j Value Date General 14echanicaL Constmtction Lendp,n I^t ie the responsibilitA of the petmit!o\ -t!e stneet, anC that the pirnrttt Building Diui cion appro "^ ed itLi'i"t*t .t hoUer to see that atl_ inspections ate nad.e at the properl 1a1^!,_ta1 toeat?d *t.!ty. frgrlt of th.-p;op";;a.L lemaan on the Buildrng srtc'at aZt iLkn"., tine, that each ci4tess is reaialale ', job aCi.r,ess, tloe of irspec:ict; P.equests t,eceiued befcre Z:00 cIL be nade the sane dcy, .97;CA LL 726-376 g (recoyd.ez,) state your Ci ty designated job nunberioube readg for inspection,Contyacta?s cr Oumers ncne end. plnne numberrequests made aftet,7:00 an utill be made the ncct uotking daE ' To be nade after pz-ior tc set up of Iour Cifu Desigr,ated Job Nunber fs Io be after aL DRYWALL fNSPECTT)N: Ic be madeafter aLL CtguaLL is in pLa,ce, but prior to any taping. l,lAS)NRl: Steel Location, bond beans, gtouting or uetticals in accotdstee uith U.B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTOllE: AcnpT;m. After installation is CURB & APPR)ACH APPAN: After formsue ereeteC but priot, to pouw)ng co?tcyete. STDEWALK & DRII'EWAY: For aLL con- crete paoing uithin stz.eet z,ight- of-tscy, to be made after aLL etca- oating canplete & forn uork & sub- base mater'[aL in plnce. er oqolSI?E INSPECIION: etcaOation, but forms, @RrcAt&t4ECIli:lrcAL: ro be nadZ-6i7fi6-inauork is couet,ed. t equtz,ed ocpot, batz,ie?s tre in place but -before any Lath, gApsun bcatC or LuLL .couering is applied, and. beforeotg insulation is conceaLed. I pc-ornc t rguno,lrrca: To be rnaceI alxer xyenches are escauated and. forms ate erected, but priot, topouting ccncrete.'l to -l u-aoyppt"oo! tm.nruc a urcpnwtctz,I To be maae prior to installation of floor insulation ot, decking, 1 posr lwn wm: To be rnade priot, toI TistaTliT6i-of floot, insut)iion ot, decking. -- Rjllc]] ?LU:IBTIIG. ELECIRICAL & MECH-lANrcAL:ffi --' untiL wzese inspectiors haue been nade arui apDnot:ed.. 1 rtp.tprncti pnion to plccirq faeingI materiaLs and. before froning inspee- ti,on. ---l FnU:fNc: ltust be requested aften ) app"o,r"L of rough pLw;bing, eiectri-cal & nechanical. ALL roofing braeing & ehinmeys, etc. rrust be cornpleted. llo ucrk is to be con- eealed until this inspection has'been made anC approued. Il \] PLUMEINC ?o trenches. FilAL PLUI|BING FIIJAT MECHA]VICAI FINAL ELECTRICAL tr nTN.D. saa h*ten complate -- ProuiCe or motsable sections through D II F 't ALL projeet conditi-ons, such q.s the i.nstalLation of s!:reet trees, conplexion of the required Landsccping, etc., tmtst be satisfied before the BUILDfNC FilIAL can be requested- IfNAL BUfLDfNGI The Fi.nal Bui-Ld;-ng Inspeetion mtst be requested clter the Final Plmbiry Eleetrical, anC Meclnrical Inspeeti,ons -hate been made and' appt'oueC' 7- v3JobLocaticn: .>o I DEMCLTTIOT] OR ilAW- Sanitary setser eapped at properel lir:e Septic totk pu::ped and filled uith gratei Final - Ilhen abcue -Ltens ate emaleted and uhen Canclition is complete Zp s*u:-ture moued ani prenises cleaned up. Nobile Hcnes Blocking and Sei;-up Plunbing eonnections -- aarey otC uater ElectricaL Ccnnection - Blocking, set-u. and plwnbing connections nn:st be apprcted befot,e requesttng eleclrLcal inspeelio:: Aecessory BuilCtng pct ekes, skirting, decks,Firnl - Afte? etc. ate comp Page 7 of 2 *ALL I,IANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE'ADJUST!]Ei]I TO BE I.'"\DE r'.T IIO C35f TO CITY JA crL' JOB NO. c D CroL SO LAR ACCESS REQ.- L-CO Bedtooms LCT TWE _ Interi.cr Lot Faces -Ileat % cf Lct Cctserage D T,House Cornet' Panhandle CuL-de-sae ITEI,1 !tu x Value Building Vqlue & Permit This petmi.t i" g,'ontud- on the express condition t'lnt the sai'd-consttaction slnLl, in azl respects,"';t;;Z;';'"tLn onati"ce adopted bv the citv of sprinsfieLd, ine|udins't1Z"tz"""i"s" c";;'";";.":;;;uiit7"s thZ ccnsttucticn ' and use of building.s,.;";^;;'b:'.": "iupn"dnc ov'rbtsokec at cny time upon otc- Lation of ana prcuisions of sai'd ordir'ances' TOTAL VALUE s.D.c, L.5 t Building PermLt Fee Date Pai-d: u. Total Clnrges Signed: N0.PPP CHARGE Plumbing Permit No pe?son slwll consttaet, install,- alter or elwnge -anA ned-cr ecisting i1**d or drainage "i"t"" t" it'i.e or in patt' inless such person is the LegaL possessor of o u"oll,i pl*nler's L'LcensZ, escept tLnt a pelson rag do plunbing uork to p"opnf,ti-,iti-ii-i" o*na, Leased o? operated by the appli- cant. Fi.sttt'es Residential (1 bath) Seuer Plutnbing PerwLt 9tate * Electricol Permit were state Lan requires th,at the eleetyical uotk be done by an ELeetrical Contracto?, the elietrical portion of this perTni-t slta.Ll not be ualiC until the Label hns been signed by the Electrical Contt'actot. *?otal Nau/Eotend Citcuits Sez"uiee rT!M NC,DAU .T] A D'I llcodstotse Mecho nicql Permit Yent Edt bhanst Hood. ,S MechanicaL Petmit -. ENCROACHMEN? -. Sec"u,t PLan Eranlne? Pemit Cuzbcut , JLAEDA LK Mobtle Hone f HAW CAREFULLy EXAMINED t?e eornpleted cppLication for permit, and do hereby certifg that aLL information het,eon is true and ebrnect, and Ifut'ther.cez't?fy that any ard aLL aork perforned srwlt be done in aeeo?-dance ,,yLth the ozdinane-es of the ci.ty bf bp"t"g|j.Jil ;;d-;i; -ia;,ts of thestate of 2z'egon pertainino to the aoit<bes"riilla-i"rli,*"na"tli"t No *cca_pANCv ai,'r be nw'd'e of any- stt'uctwe aithout pemissi_on ir tii sniutng N-tsision. r further "L"t*t iiit- ;"1;;;;;;;"tot.s ai.:d enptcsees uko are inconpziance uith cRS zot.bss "iit-i"""liill' "nr" pnoject $ 6111* 5-!q TO?AL AMOUN? DUE: *S co Signed &r"04-23 State PetmLt fssucnce Maintetunce-