HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Application 1979-05-02J0URNAL N0. f-rE-os-s4 APPLTCATT0N FOR zgI.q_g!4NGE, C0NDTTToNAL usE pERr{rT, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPI'IEI{i PiNUIr, ON-VNNiNr,r[L' IlF qqryM0N couNcrL AND crry PLANNTNG C0MMrssr0NSPRINGFIELD, OREGON TO 1. App'licant's Name 2. General Location Si of the Property /1/,/+i4 s tr&_t2.,' Z-.:' (' rgss, s e reet.407s ocat on twee n cross streets )J roperty as recorcjed in Deed Booklerk's Office.38?5/ - t?- Pase i; recorded in County Assessor's Map Number t -t -0 IZfu Tax Lot Number(s) 4 Legal Description (Attach separate sheet if necessary)5,e€ f414r+Sh P 5 6 Size of parcel . ': .'acres and/or erL{€l 0 Present use of property:ffi,Et;-t ch/t,c square feet. 7, Present zoning of property: ^'- I o C)Proposed use of property (Explajn in detail): rn J-if i&r e[jr) 9 Covenants and restrictions on property (jf any): 10. App'licant's request: (Check one ) X Zone Chanqe:.-.--+-From By Resoluti To on of Intent to rez0ne: -) By 0utright rezoning: ___-j_ Condi t j onal Use permi t Planned Unit Development permit Variance from Land Use Restrictions OVER 2te 11. ExPlain whY the req uest sfilould be qranted.Show horv the chang e is consistent with and promotes the ob jectives of the General Plan and the Zoning 0rdi nance. Al so provide information showing hol this reque st s upports a Pub'l 'ic need, convenience' or the eneral comm un'ity wel fare. i hereby certjfy that: 1) the forego_inq statements and other inf are true and accuiiie to the best of mv knolvledqe.and )e1ief; Z) iegal .interest in the property: . ol,Jner, of recorc; r contract holder of an "*iirtive' option-To- purchasel --dul.y authorjzed onnation attached hereto I have the following purchaser; _l essee; to act for a Person and Address:8q Otr 6a,dqe, *r**. Te1 ephone:*qb -31 bo r-ffi- has the following lega'l interest: :) tt',. owner of recoid 'is know'ledgeab'le of this app CA on am no e owner. 0wner's Name:4, ftlooqe A.ddress:raOO So I; Bt{D 'le1 ephone:1zb --?86q . Appl i cant' s Si gnature: By: a Date Filed: Received by: Receipt Issued To FOR OFFICi USE ONLY Journal Number 5-Tq-o\ -_=4 )ate Fixed For Planning Consnission , 5-L-13 /e zra /2 t/u ao 7 7I J 1q;\ction Taken Resolution of Intent Number: .Appeal By Applicant: Date Fixed For ilommon Council llearingr : Action ?aken: FTNDTNG Or. PACT rOR ACTTOII TAr.EN: Ordinance Nurnber: g a t./,- /.'/ - ,/ L1/ BLshHgc trEet ECC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE SPRINGFIELD PLANNING COMMISSION WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING 0N WEDNESDAY, MAY 2,7979 AT 7:30 P.M. IN THE MLINICIPAL MEETING ROOM 0F THE SPR]NGFIELD UTIL]TY BOARD BUILDING AT 250 NORTH IA' STREET, SPRINGFIELD, ON THE TOLLOWING REQUEST FOR A ZONE CHANGE: Jeffrey A. Petix (Jounnal No. S-79-05-34) Assessorrs Map 77 03 35 24 Tax lot 12300. Located at 337 Nonth 6th Stneet. Applicant requests a change of zone from R-1 Single Family Residential Distnict to R-2 Limited Multiple Family Residential Distr"ict fon the purpose of constnucting a duplex. fn the event of approval by the Planning Commission, ou appeal by the applicant on othe:r interested panties, the City Council will canduct a public hearing on Monday, l"iay 74r 7979 at 7;30 p.m. at the afonementioned place for the purpose of hearins views for and acai.nst the a.horre land use request.. Richard Johnson, Secretary Springfield Planning Commission 126 North 4th Street, Springfield 726-37 59 I I I I I I I I I I I \ R} &?, 7? ,4.u, q-j c-a.l R.a \12 L, L9 L5 ,4. ,4u/ 11 B-3 RI D 2r'ae.Ff 7b Pl R\ RI E-t RI Lt Lh Pv L7 RI Rt Rt RI s c5 a? ?^ C/tq**o .rf<r uh(b.s 'ua'll be due- dA4^-Cor*dion rt'fai 'lbrtn 2U/ su b. rJ L7 'c, R\RI R\ cb c? oL)|q A a+ L Lt) i- !- ,1\ , N uav)L_;i_l E-*lHt-t---l ? h O UJT e.e-lEr A 4-tReeT IL /4 NORTH F.- SCALE: 1rr = 4001 AREA TO BE CONSIDER.ED FOR A CHANGE OF ZONE FROM R-1 TO R-2 C3 /^ t* L,4k.E to tb cb Lt /a c1 La Ri L2 LT c+ c+ c, ca C+ -.- jpR R f:f c+ ^,L A' F, I ??Cb